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Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 3:55 pm
Lets keep this thread open and use it again once you are ready to have more dealings with the tree people.

Preparations and discussion on what to do about their demands can continue in the "Everyday Life" thread.


Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 12:41 pm
SirOwen wrote:Devrin

Not having given up on his original plan, Devrin passes on the sea monster hunt and instead takes most of his lunch and bags it up and heads back to the spot where the children play, wondering if the Monkoons they interacted with earlier will come back. Once again, he leaves his staff at the edge of the clearing and makes sure all his weapons are carefully sheathed. He makes sure a small stick is handy to draw in the dirt with, and waits.

Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 12:46 pm
Devrin's young friends have all been called off to do their daily chores now, so the organized elf has a nice little picnic alone in the clearing, eating slowly but thinking long, as most elves are wont to do.

After another hour or two of waiting, he still sees no sign of the furry creatures return.

Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 3:40 pm
by SirOwen

"Well" Devrin thinks, "Nothing ventured..... "

He gets up, grabs his staff and heads back in to town at a trot, hoping that not everyone has headed out. Monkoons or not, his second priority had been to find compatriots, and it was time to get back to that.

Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 10:07 pm
Several days later.....

Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 11:30 pm
Sunday, The 28th of Reaping
Eastside of Beachtown
Afternoon, Sunny, Hot, Humid, Buggy

The battered but successful troll hunting party proudly makes their way to the eastern edge of Beachtown, where Luther first met with the tree people. They can see Raythan's log home is now near completion. They find no evidence that the half-elf is home at the moment, however.

Those responsible take pride in the fact that all of the hard work they did days earlier clearing the surrounding underbrush has really paid off. The common folks around town have done a lot of work tilling the area and planting new crops. The total area being farmed still seems dreadfully inadequate to support this entire population, though.

Luther and Monocar go straight to the tree the mountain climbed earlier while chasing his friend up into the canopy. They are sure it is the same tree, but they don't see a rope or any sign of the captive, Owen, anywhere on the ground.


Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 2:48 am
by Bluehorse

Sets down the troll head and the fish looking up. He mumbles something and shrugs. Then he calls out, "HEY, DOWN HERE! WE KILLED BIG UGLY! WE DID WHAT YOU ASKED. CAN WE TALK?" He coughs, suddenly feeling the lingering ailment from his near drowning. Then hacks a few times waving the others to continue as he picks the trolls head back up, holding it high for hidden eyes to see.

Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 4:23 am
by Storm11
Saracen stands beside his stoic friend, orange robes and all. He looks skyward into the tree line and waits for any kind of response to the faint man’s call. He will encourage the mountain to wave the troll head at the tree canopy above

Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 2:57 pm
by ravenn4544
Alordan examines the ground and immediate area for any unusual tracks that may have come through, if any.

Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 5:32 pm
by ChubbyPixie
Chauncey stands around lost in thought waiting for the others to get the attention of the Monkoons. He glances up through the canopy from time to time. ”Perhaps, assuming we become besties with the monkoons, as it were, they will be able to tell us, with the benefit of their vantage in the treetops, from whence originates the flying bird lizard beast. Perhaps allowing us, at some later juncture, to seek out its nest and destroy...” He pauses mid-sentence, eyes going suddenly wide. ”...and perhaps find an egg?”

Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 5:55 pm
by SirOwen

Avaala looks around, into the treetops, for the Monkoons. But truth be told, he is still intent on making amends to Rollo for whacking him with his staff during the fight. He continues to pet and praise the big dog.

Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 5:28 pm
by Urson

'Fraid I'm not up to climbing, this time. Monocar, do you want to scramble up there and present the Tree People with their trophy?

Luther takes a deep breath and shouts Hello the village! We have done as you asked, and killed the sea Troll! One of us will bring the head to you!!

Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 6:58 pm
Still Trying To Get AHead
Sunday, 28th of Reaping
At The Monkoon's Tree
Early Afternoon, Sunny, Humid, Buggy

The group assembles in the newly cleared area, right below the huge tree that Luther was pulled up into just a few days before. They shout up at the tree tops and look around for quite some time, not seeing any signs of the treefolk from below, as usual. Alordan finds no tracks on the ground other than the ones the folks from the town have made. It doesn't appear the tree people need to use the ground to get around.

Just as they are about to give up, a rope is seen descending from above through the high canopy. The rope is securely tied to a small wooden plank that would likely hold up to 2 human sized people. One person could stand on each side of the board and the rope could be held onto as it is pulled back up. It slowly descends until it lands firmly on the ground in front of the group.

After a few moments pass, another rope elevator is lowered from a second huge tree. This tree is about 20 yards away from the first, but the rope and plank look quite similar. As the group decides what they should do, a third plank is lowered form another tree, this one even bigger than the first two that stands about 30 yards from the second.

Luther remembers back to the last time he was here. He assumes that the treefolk are offering his whole group a way up into their aerial world above, just not together.


Luther R2 2/20
Chauncey MU2 10/10 CL, DM, RM, 0/2 first
Saracen 12/12 0/3 first
Avaala 3/5 CL, DM, RM, 0/1 first
Rollo 14/17
Monocar F2 21/21
Alordan R2 13/13
Lightfinger T2 10/10

Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 7:24 pm
by Storm11
Saracen claps the mountain on the back and moves over to the plank, climbing on. Sall we Monocar, disciple of the blinding light?”

Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 11:38 pm
by ChubbyPixie
Noting the board to people ratio, Chauncey says, ”I’ll happily remain behind... to look after Rollo, I suppose? I assume he won’t be inclined to climb a tree.”

Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 11:49 pm
by ravenn4544
Alordan looks at each of the party and then up and then back at the party. "I'll go. Owen still needs us to help him out of there..."

Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 5:32 pm
by Urson

Luther looks at the elevators and steps onto one of them. Since I don't have to climb up *cough* I'll definitely go.

Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 5:58 pm
Luther and Alordan decide to step on to the closest elevator and the board starts rising up off of the ground. They grab onto the rope to balance themselves and are soon slowly rising up into the tree tops.

The other two distant boards remain on the ground, awaiting their passengers. Saracen tries to recruit the Mountain to join him on the next board. Chauncey states that he will stay behind if necessary, to watch his friends dog. But deep down inside, he thinks that he, Lightfinger, and Avaala could easily be brought up on the same platform if they so desired.

Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 6:31 pm
by Bluehorse

Hangs on for dear life as he rides up. "This will never catch on!"

Re: Quest #7 "Making Friends With The Monkoons"

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 1:27 am
by ChubbyPixie
”On second thought... ( ;) )” says Chauncey, ”I’d wager the three lightest of us could ride on one board together, providing Rollo could look after himself down here. He looks more than capable.” With that, he proceeds to the nearest board and steps on.