Part One: The End of the Road

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Re: Part One: The End of the Road

#101 Post by coil23 »

Well, if we live then we'll likely need it, is Boo's response. Boo prepares a flask of oil and tucks it in his shirt for easy retrieval (all done around the corner so no koblods can see this). He carries a lit torch and walks a step out so he can turn and examine the wall and sides to try and spy where the original ambush came from. If no threat visible he will slowly walk out to their side of the bridge without stepping on it yet.

How long is the bridge? - wondering if the far side is within throwing distance, accuracy wouldn't matter much as long as it lands and splashes on the far side of the bridge before those open doors
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Re: Part One: The End of the Road

#102 Post by Griffith »

Torch in hand, Boo walks out from the passageway into the cavern. He sees that it is roughly oval shaped. It's high ceiling is hidden in shadow. There are two alcoves with doors; one to the west and one to the east (the door Huxley opened). The ambush came from the archers across the expanse. As Boo gets closer to the bridge, he can see the archers standing next to the drop off, bows readied. Boo can hear the rushing water coming from somewhere below the bridge, but he can not see it even when he gets to the foot of the bridge. The bridge is approximately 8' wide and 40' feet long. It is another 30' from the bridge to the double doors. When Boo reaches the foot of the bridge, the kobolds move forward 10' onto the bridge; two with spears side by side, followed by the one called Blackblood, followed by the remaining four with spears.

Who else is with Boo? Marching order? What are the others doing?
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Re: Part One: The End of the Road

#103 Post by Pulpatoon »

Coat of Nine-Hides walks behind and slightly to the side of Boo, doing her best impression of being his personal enforcer. Before nearing the bridge, she asks Tun to stand somewhere visible. "Let them wonder at how confident we must be if we're leaving you in reserve."

Brother Dumphey frets and looks to the others. "W-what's going on?"
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Re: Part One: The End of the Road

#104 Post by ybn1197 »

Brother Huxley will follow behind Boo standing on the opposite side of Coat of Nine Hides. He will scowl for the benefit of the Kobolds.

Gebhart will remain behind while the others have a more direct interaction with the kobolds.
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Re: Part One: The End of the Road

#105 Post by coil23 »

Boo calls over his shoulder at Tun who is standing back in the doorway from the tunnel to the cavern: Any perfidy on their part and lay waste to everything. (in common)

Tun nods slowly as a scowl of confusion crosses his face, a scowl that to outsiders looks like grim determination, and he thinks: perfidy? Why would we punish them for having candy?

The gnome now speaks to the kobold hiding behind spearmen. You parley behind spearmen while I talk to you in the open. Perhaps that tells me where your sense of honor is. Your people attacked ours first back there in the tunnel, I'll have you know. We want no trouble from you and we don't have to like one another to work together. Tell me, do you know this Nigh?
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Re: Part One: The End of the Road

#106 Post by Griffith »

"Nigh?" Blackblood scoffs, "We have heard of this human outlaw; a chameleon of sorts, a thief and murderous trickster. His legends have reached even us here in the mines. But no! If you must know, our paths have not crossed."
Blackblood pauses, the gears turning in his mind. "So that is what has brought you to the mines... this man Nigh has committed a crime and now you are after him." Blackblood nods. "Then you will want to hear this next part."

Blackblood finishes speaking in Kobold and calls out in the common tongue. “I am authorized by King Yrzik to bestow upon you a Writ of Non-Aggression!” Blackblood holds out an empty palm. A spearman hands him a scroll-like bundle. Blackblood unfolds the bundle and holds it out for the heroes to see. It is a grimey swath of cloth marked with a bloody Kobold hand print and strange Kobold hieroglyphs. “This Writ will guarantee you safe passage through Kobold held territories of the Khunmar Mines. In return you will agree to do no further harm to the Kobold people. Should you harm a Kobold in any way, the writ will become null and void, and you will again become an enemy of the Kobold people. With this writ in your hands, you may also request and --for a nominal fee-- receive sanctuary among our people. Additionally, should you aid us in our struggle against our enemies in the mines, you will be rewarded. For each head you bring us --whether it be goblin, hobgoblin, orc, saurian, red dwarf, or troll-- King Yrzik will pay you cold hard cash! I speak to you in the common tongue so that all may know our offer!” He points a bony, blackened finger at the Boo and the other heroes across the bridge. “What say you?”
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Re: Part One: The End of the Road

#107 Post by Pulpatoon »

Coat of Nine-Hides sidles up to Boo and whispers in his ear: "Well, the writ is pretty much exactly what we hoped for out of this—but that's quite a gruesome menagerie making their home in these mines. And if they haven't seen Nigh... What if Nigh has given us the slip after starting us on a very dangerous wild goose chase?"
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Re: Part One: The End of the Road

#108 Post by coil23 »

Boo shrugs to Coat's question. Quietly to her, if this works then at least we'll have more eyes to discover if that is the case.

Speaking louder to the kobold herald,
As long as there is no aggression toward us by kobolds then we have no reason to hurt your kind. If your word is good and will be kept by all your kind in these mines then we have a deal. And I like the idea of bringing you some bounties of your enemies as a show of goodwill. Actions speak louder than words. I say yea to this treaty and I thank King Yrzik for his wisdom. Boo steps forward to cover half the distance to the group of kobolds and waits for them to approach.

Back in the entrance tunnel Tun squints his eyes as he tries to see what is held out in the kobold's hand. Oh, sweet, delicious perfidy. Enough to share?
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Re: Part One: The End of the Road

#109 Post by Griffith »

Blackblood alone moves forward and meets Boo at the center of the bridge. He hands over the bundled-up writ (unfurled, it is roughly 1½’ x 2’ in size). He speaks to Boo in Kobold, “The Mines are a dangerous place with many enemies on the move, even in Kobold territory. Our people are always on alert for any danger that may come unannounced. Display this writ prominently so it is easy to see. If you encounter Kobolds state loudly and in the Kobold language that you are loyal to King Yrzik and a friend of the Kobold people. Should you capture the heads of our enemies, bring them to the throne-room, just beyond those double doors, for payment.”

“This one,” Blackblood indicates the spearman carrying the torch. “will escort you to the stairs down to the lower levels.” Blackblood and the other spearmen will back off the bridge and exit through the double doors.. The bowmen lower their bows, but remain in their position.

The kobold escort, a torch in one hand, a spear in the other, looks at Boo uncertainly...
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Re: Part One: The End of the Road

#110 Post by Pulpatoon »

Coat of Nine-Hides grins widely, upon receiving a traslation. "A good result, Boo, Speaker-to-Kobolds! Well handled! You... ehm, not to broach ill consequence, but it would be well if you would teach the rest of us the kobold phrase of friendship with King Yrzik. Just in case."
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Re: Part One: The End of the Road

#111 Post by coil23 »

Boo looks at the uncertain guard and speaks in kobold. I know- trust comes slowly. We'll take it a step at a time. Maybe our journey through the mines may help make it a little safer for your tribe. Let the bloodshed come from enemies and not allies. Anything in particular we should be wary of? Any suggestions for where to search or what to avoid? He gestures for the guard to show the way to the stairs, folding the herald only once and tucking it in his shirt for fast retrieval. The gnome also reaches in his pack to offer a bite of his rations to the guard.

To the feral girl's suggestion he nods. Yes, that is a good idea that may well save us down here. When they rejoin the group Boo explains the treaty and will teach everyone how to say the safe word in kobold so that anyone can trigger a ceasefire with kobolds in the future.

Tun stands crestfallen at the dearth of candy from this exchange. He nods dutifully at his companion's instructions though.
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Re: Part One: The End of the Road

#112 Post by Griffith »


The Kobold nods dumbly at Boo and answers his questions. "I don't leave Kobold territory - too danerous. North of the Throne Room is a large cave where we harvest giant mushrooms. There is a way through the mushroom cave to our rooms downstairs. The cave is risky 'cause of the Carrion Creepers that live there, so there's a short cut that most of us take. If we want to see the Rat Master, best way is from outside. But talk is a blizzard's out there..." He nibbles on the rations Boo gave him and grimaces.

The guard holds the torch aloft and leads the heroes across the bridge. As they cross the bridge, the party can hear a rushing river approximately 60' below. As they approach the double doors, the bowmen relax; they sit on their haunches and begin talking amongst themselves.

The guard takes the heroes through the double doors into the Throne Room. This room is lit by torches stuck into sockets on the pillars. There is an empty stone throne on a circular dais at the north end of the room. There is no one in this room. He takes them through a door near the northeast corner of the room and then down a hallway. He indicates the way to the mushroom cave. Then takes them to the stairs they use as a shortcut to the Kobold territory below.

Near the shortcut is a small 3' diameter opening in the wall with a crawlspace heading south (D). "Rats in there..." says the escort shaking his head.

Just north of the stairs is a shadowy alcove (C). From the light of the torch the party can just barely see robed figures in the alcove standing in the shadows, their faces hidden in darkness. "Nevermind them..." says the escort.

A = north to the Mushroom Cave
B = shortcut, stairs down to Kobold area
C = alcove
D = crawlspace
E = empty area

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 = doors
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Re: Part One: The End of the Road

#113 Post by coil23 »

Boo knows their opportunity to learn more from the kobold is about at an end. Tell me about this Rat Master.

He also looks into the alcove as they pass to see if the robed figures are kobold-size/shape or seem to be something else.

(At a gesture from Boo, Tun had quickly unlashed the dead kobolds from his shield before joining the group and passing into kobold territory. Keeping them on would likely be a bit too provocative for this fresh, brittle treaty.)
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Re: Part One: The End of the Road

#114 Post by Pulpatoon »

Brother Dumphey says a few words over the bodies of the dead kobolds. Then he gathers himself and trots after the others.

Coat of Nine-Hides drinks in all she can observe of the kobold habitations, trying memorize the layout, but also observing the kobolds themselves. Do they seem prosperous, for kobolds, or harried? Do their clothes and materials seem scavenged or kobold-made? How large a populations does this area support?
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Re: Part One: The End of the Road

#115 Post by Griffith »

The Kobold answers Boo, "The Rat Master is keeper of the rats. He has lots and lots. He lets them out at nights to hunt in the woods. We use them as hunting companions in the mines. And we eat them too." He grins, exposing a mouthful of sharp teeth. "Some of the large ones can be riden. I like riding the large ones! Hee, hee, hee!"
coil23 wrote:He also looks into the alcove as they pass to see if the robed figures are kobold-size/shape or seem to be something else.
They are Kobold sized. The appear to be facing the entrance of the alcove, but their faces are hidden in the darkness of the hooded robes.
Pulpatoon wrote:Do they seem prosperous, for kobolds, or harried? Do their clothes and materials seem scavenged or kobold-made? How large a populations does this area support?
Coat of Nine-Hides has observed thus far that the kobolds do not seem sickly or undernourished. The two kobold bodies they searched had no personal wealth, just scraps of this and that. Their armor and weaponry are crude, but functional. It is too soon to accurately guess their number or how prosperous they are.
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Re: Part One: The End of the Road

#116 Post by ybn1197 »

Brother Huxley keeps up with the others, listening to the guide and the questions other ask.

Gebhart takes notes of the kobold lairs and jots up a quick map in case they get the opportunity to come back to this area later.
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Re: Part One: The End of the Road

#117 Post by coil23 »

Boo nods to encourage the kobold to keep talking. Any way we could get messages to your people while we are down here looking for our quarry?
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Re: Part One: The End of the Road

#118 Post by Griffith »

coil23 wrote:Any way we could get messages to your people while we are down here looking for our quarry?
The kobold shrugs.
He is just about to lead the heroes down the stairs (B) when there is a sound of a door opening coming from behind. Looking towards the sound, the adventurers see a number of figures exit the throne-room and begin heading their way. Once the throne-room door is closed, it is too dark to make out who or what is approaching. The sound of clanking metal can be heard getting closer. The Kobold guide holds up the torch and peers into the darkness. A look of recognition crosses his face. He grins. His lizard-like tongue flicks out and he licks his chops.
In moments, whatever is coming will be able to be seen in the torchlight.
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Re: Part One: The End of the Road

#119 Post by Griffith »

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Re: Part One: The End of the Road

#120 Post by ybn1197 »

Brother Huxley hefts his mace in a defensive manner. He will not be the first to break the fragile truce the group has with the kobolds but he will not be the unwitting victim of treachery either.

Gebhart quickly moves to the opposite side of the group to put as many people as possible between them.

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