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Re: Chapter 2: Attack on the Goblin City

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 10:42 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Horik "are they too blessed by their gods?" the viking lord asks.

Re: Chapter 2: Attack on the Goblin City

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 4:17 am
by Scott308
Bilit, Atlantean Witch

Bilit stares in shock and wonder at the dancing hut. I...I don't know what to do here. I have no magic to help. I could try summoning a spirit, but I don't know if that would even help. I am hesitant to try with such magic present.

Re: Chapter 2: Attack on the Goblin City

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 1:15 pm
by Inferno
Morag, noble savage:

Seeing no help from the witch and the king, Morag acts.

"Follow," he whisper-grunts. Moving low to the ground like a crouching wolf, the wide-eyed primitive tries to blaze a safe trail around the giant monster's back to move past it, unseen and unheard.

Re: Chapter 2: Attack on the Goblin City

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 2:46 pm
by Synthalus

As Morag attempts to lead the party around Baba Yaga's Hut safely. A loud clear voice yells to the party from the open door of the hut;

Not so soon my pretties! You have a Fledgling witch among you? She would do well to visit the great and powerful Baba Yaga. I have a proposal for this witch. If she would but come inside my hut I would explain it to her? Only the witch the rest of you wait were you are.

So what say you young witch? Shall you enter the hut of the great and powerful Baba Yaga?

Torvald gets this terrible feeling like he is about to have to save someone. Fenris is concerned as his fate is now linked to the witch Bilit's, What should happen if she decides to go in and see Baba Yaga?. Horik is unimpressed and frankly he expected the Hut of Baba Yaga to look as powerful as the old stories told it to be. The Jester is pale at the sight of the Hut and the voice of the old hag goes right through him.

Re: Chapter 2: Attack on the Goblin City

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:39 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Horik "If you wish to go in I'd warn you to avoid the temptation and stay the course with us, but do as you will i cannot stop you."

Re: Chapter 2: Attack on the Goblin City

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 10:26 pm
by Scott308
Bilit, Atlantean Witch

The witch's eyes widen at the thought of entering the hut of Baba Yaga. I must speak with her. Who knows what I may learn from someone so powerful! I could gain information or a spell that can help us against the goblins! She looks around at the rest of the group before making her way inside the fence, to enter what she used to believe was only a legend, the mighty Baba Yaga's Hut!

Re: Chapter 2: Attack on the Goblin City

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 11:24 pm
by Synthalus
Essence of Baba Yaga to Bilit

" Welcome to My Hut Fledgling Witch Bilit. I have been dead a long time, make yourself at home.

I created this Hut as my ultimate magical item. Inside there is a Palace far larger than the outside. There are over 30 rooms some of which are indoor gardens, kitchens, a library, laboratory, armory, bedrooms, and even an observatory.
The Master of the Hut gains a 20% magic resistance well inside the hut. The Master of the Hut also functions at two levels higher witch class well inside the Hut.

I tell you this dear child because you are now the new Master of the Hut. I bound it to your soul as soon as you entered the Huts front door. You are now going to get my pretty out of this goblin sewer that it has been stuck in for five years. In exchange I Baba Yaga's shadow will be in your debt.

Re: Chapter 2: Attack on the Goblin City

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 11:32 pm
by Synthalus

It seems that Bilit the Witch is the new Master of the Hut. The disembodied voice of Baba Yaga's Essence still cling to life on the inside of the Artifact known after her. There is no telling how far her undead essence reaches but for now it seems that Bilit must help the spirit of Baba Yaga get her house out of the Goblin Kings sewers.

Baba Yaga's Hut is now Scott308's Artifact. Until Baba Yaga releases the portion of her soul when she entered the Hut.

Re: Chapter 2: Attack on the Goblin City

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 4:50 am
by Scott308
Bilit, Atlantean Witch, Master of Baba Yaga's Hut

Thank you- I think. I do not feel I am worthy of this charge. I am still fairly new to my powers. I cannot conceive of becoming even half as powerful as the great Baba Yaga. However, since you have given me this task, I will do everything I can to complete it. Am I correct in believing the hut will not shrink in order to traverse the corridors?

She will go to the doorway and call to her companions, You may enter the hut. No harm will come to you.

Re: Chapter 2: Attack on the Goblin City

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:06 am
by Synthalus

everyone enters the Hut and a plan comes to fruition. After many hours of conversing with the wicked witch Baba Yaga the party reveals that the quickest way to the goblin king and escape was through this Hut. Also the ceiling of the giant room that houses the Hut. There is a huge hole in the ceiling that leads up to the throne room of goblin king. The goblin king throws his enemies down the shoot to die impaled on Baba Yaga's fence. The party could fly the Hut up the shoot and enter his throne room directly and then kill him after exiting the Hut. Getting out of the castle in the Hut is a bit harder. The party will have to march the Hut down five corridors to the main gate. Each corridor could have goblin warriors waiting in them. Then the party has to fight their way through the Gate guard. Once through the gate it will be easy for the party to pilot the Hut anywhere they want to go next.

Re: Chapter 2: Attack on the Goblin City

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:05 am
by Scott308
Bilit, Atlantean Witch, Master of Baba Yaga's Hut

Hut, jump through the hole in the ceiling!

Re: Chapter 2: Attack on the Goblin City

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:29 am
by Inferno
Morag, noble savage:

Grim and suspicious from all this surreal witchcraft, Morag was all eyes and ears.
Scott308 wrote:Bilit, Atlantean Witch, Master of Baba Yaga's Hut
Hut, jump through the hole in the ceiling!
The stone-age primitive hefted his blessed spear and readied himself for battle.

Re: Chapter 2: Attack on the Goblin City

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:21 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Horik "Good plan let us climb through the ceiling."

Re: Chapter 2: Attack on the Goblin City

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 2:06 am
by Synthalus

With the command from the living witch Bilit from inside the Hut, It began to form bird wings out of the windows an then took flight. It hefted itself up through the hole in the sewer ceiling and up to the Goblin Kings Throne room. The throne room stretched out 200' x 200' square with an elevated dias for a throne at one end. The Goblin King laying idly on his throne well two dozen goblin warriors come rushing in from every door. They seem to be drawn to the Hut. They form a shield of troops in front of the Goblin King.

The Hut and the Party that it contains are now 150' away from the dias. The party must ask the Hut to sit and then vacate in order to kill the king. The Hut can be used as a weapon but if slain in combat it takes a full day to recuperate.

Re: Chapter 2: Attack on the Goblin City

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:35 am
by Dogma
Thorvald bursts into a grin as the goblins pour into the room. Now this was a fight he could understand. Slowly, the berserker begins to strike his shield with his broad sword. Growls and strange animalistic noises begin to eminate from deep witin his chest. His eyes start to go wide with an animal wildness. As the growls and grunts grow louder, the banging on his shiled also grows louder and the tempo increases.

Thorvald will begin to enter his berserker state

Re: Chapter 2: Attack on the Goblin City

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 11:04 am
by Inferno
Morag, pict savage:

Morag the barbarian leapt down from the madhouse with a grunt, relieved to be free of its confounding black sorcery. As soon as his bare feet hit the throne room floor of the Goblin King, he saw the distance to battle and returned his blessed spear to his broad back.

The wordless warrior of woad and wolfskins raced forward 20 feet to enter optimum killing range with his bow, pulled it from his shoulder, knocked a flint-headed arrow and loosed it, and another after it, in a high arc over the troops, at the Goblin King himself!

Bow and Arrow: [1d20+3] = 3+3 = 6, Damage: [1d6] = 1
Bow and Arrow: [1d20+3] = 20+3 = 23, Damage: [1d6] = 4

A miss and natural 20. :)

Re: Chapter 2: Attack on the Goblin City

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 11:14 am
by GreyWolfVT
Horik viking lord jumps from the strange hut to try and kill the goblin king or whatever foe steps between him and his intended target.
Fate's Promise Broad Sword +3 [1d20+5] = 3+5 = 8 To Hit [2d4+5] = 3+5 = 8 S/M DMG [1d6+6] = 6+6 = 12 L DMG

Re: Chapter 2: Attack on the Goblin City

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:13 pm
by Scott308
Bilit, Atlantean Witch

Sit, hut! the witch commands, allowing the Warriors to exit and attack the goblins. She will then use one of her bonus spells to cast Grimalkin, loosing the magic creature upon the goblins.

Re: Chapter 2: Attack on the Goblin City

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 1:15 pm
by Dogma
Can Torvald do any thing else while he is entering his berserk stage (i.e. can he attack still while building up to berserking?

Re: Chapter 2: Attack on the Goblin City

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 10:45 pm
by zero4306
Fenris casts prot evil, and then readies whelm for battle.