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Re: SHANTIPOLE: Episode III: To Retake Shantipole

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 12:26 am
by GreyWolfVT
"Man I hope we don't run into Pizza the Hut." Gavin says testing frequencies. "Mork calling Orson, come in Orson." Gavin clearing just using humor to shrug off the close call they just had a few times.

Re: SHANTIPOLE: Episode III: To Retake Shantipole

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 3:06 am
by crazy ski 1701
"there are HUTS out here?" Jackson asks, disbelieving, then looking back down from his console. "forward lasers spooling up, activating scopes, .. don't want those TIEs to sneak into our visual blind spots. They like to do that. Fighter school 101, play to your strengths." he then calls over his shoulder, "how those flank weapons Mr. smoke, and do you see out wing-mates yet?" looking over to the pilot, in a lower voice. "how those controls feeling to you? call any problems."

(I'm assuming id make a sensor role for that?)

Re: SHANTIPOLE: Episode III: To Retake Shantipole

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 5:14 am
by max_vale
The three Rebel-manned ships leave the hangar bay with the captured Shuttle leaving fairly smoothly; followed by the B-Wing prototype; which snaps down its S-Foils into attack position as it passes through the magnetic field; and then finally, the wobbly, erraticly maneuvering Out Runner exits the asteroid base. All three begin to move towards the corridor out of the Roche asteroid field and a rendezvous with Ackbar and the Verpine fleet when a massive orange-yellow fire-ball fills the sensor readouts behind them. Research Station Shantipole has detonated into a million pieces of rock and rubble; adding yet more debris to the field….

The Rebels have little time to think about that however as they quickly move to the edge of the system and find a frightening situation waiting for them; the quartet of TIE fighters which had escaped from Shantipole right before they did were barreling down on the half-dozen, unarmed Verpine Transports while an Imperial Nebulon-B Escort Frigate awaited the fleet at the edge of the asteroid field; blocking the way to the open-space required for a hyperspace jump to a Rebel base...

Re: SHANTIPOLE: Episode III: To Retake Shantipole

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 6:08 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Gavin "Well looks like we've made it out of the frying pan and into the fire boys." remarking on the new situation at hand.