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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 11:58 pm
by Spearmint
give me a Wisdom check.

Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 12:02 am
by Marullus

Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 12:11 am
by Spearmint
Raust, the mimicked sounds are very real, bird like, close to natural calls that often come with courting birds or those announcing territorial claim, one over another. But you know these are not from birds themselves but hidden figures, which in your judgement must number half a dozen.

You might interpret the calls, one off to your right calling the initial sound or signal, the others either side tweeting in response.

You have some 'bird'-song ability to whistle too, so you could echo back if you wanted to try and parlay or at least infer by doing so that you are wise to their strategy.

Or call out, attack, withdraw?

Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 12:54 am
by Marullus
Ever direct in her approach, Raust caws and twitters a response, suggesting they just reveal themselves.

Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 10:03 pm
by Spearmint
Raust: whistling reactions: [1d100]=15

Even with her charismatic gift, with no clear communication bar the response to bird calls, a flurry of arrows are traded as archers flanking the group sending an incoming wave of shafts and the Orphidians respond in kind.

Shielded in the foxhole or behind tree trunks, most areas thud into earth or wood but one Orphidian and Beaky bear the brunt of wounds.-5hp & -6hp
The aggressors are elves, dressed in forest greens and leather banded armours. One, creeping too close to his quarry is pounced upon by the two wolves, -2hp and further pecked, clawed and bit by the enraged Axe-beak.

Namma the wolf : bite attack [1d20]=19[1d4+1]=1+1=2 Carca bite: [1d20]=1[1d4+1]=2+1=3Beaky: claw, claw, bite: [1d20]=20[1d3]=1[1d20]=1[1d3]=1[1d20]=11[2d4]=6

Shouts and cries break out. Archers on both sides nock new shafts to defend themselves.

Actions please


Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 10:58 pm
by Marullus
An unprovoked assault has clear meaning to Raust's canine logic. Anger flashes in her eyes and she reaches down towards the river and then throws her hands upward. Clouds of steam and fog roil out of the river, covering the entire pinned-down company and more, extending into the woodline to spoil the archers.

"You have affronted my lands," she calls out to them in elvish, "you have chosen to speak with violence, and will have your answer."

She turns to the Orphidians hunkered around her with a whispered, sibilant hiss. "Fall on them. Bite them. Let none escape." When others bring war, they will swell our numbers.

Cast Obscurement. Then eliminate melee threats who are within her obscurement first (rolls below). Let the Orphidians work their way outward.

Namma (Thac0 16) [1d20]=17[1d4+1]=2+1=3 Carca (Thac0 16) [1d20]=5[1d4+1]=2+1=3
Namma (Thac0 16) [1d20]=10[1d4+1]=1+1=2 Carca (Thac0 16) [1d20]=9[1d4+1]=3+1=4
Beaky [1d20+3]=17+3=20[1d20+3]=14+3=17[1d20+3]=11+3=14[1d3]=1[1d3]=1[2d4]=3
Beaky [1d20+3]=6+3=9[1d20+3]=20+3=23[1d20+3]=14+3=17[1d3]=2[1d3]=1[2d4]=6

Ivory Scimitar [1d20+1]=1+1=2 Damage [1d8+1]=8+1=9 (if fire) [1d4]=3
Mystery Roll [1d20]=2[1d20]=7

Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 12:47 am
by Spearmint
"Fall on them. Bite them. Let none escape." When others bring war, they will swell our numbers.
very interesting comment.

A wave of Barrow Mist, summoned from the upstream waters and roiling like a cloud rolls i suddenly, enveloping Raust, Venwynn and her band in a thick veil which adds to their cover. Despite a multitude of arrows being loosed, only one finds a mark and with the cumulative wounds, downs one of the Orphidians. -4hp

They retaliate with some thrown javelins, hurling them at the archers in the woods, then slither to set amongst them with blades. -1hp
Beaky (her attack routine is not enhanced by +3), savages the prone elf, stabbing her axe like beak his back. He is mauled further by the wolves. The luckless elf proves 'meat is back on the menu' and tenderised portions are stripped from him.

Venwynn takes one flank, loosing arrows herself from the foxhole. -3hp Then it goes temporarily blank as a sudden mental and physical tiredness overcomes you, exhausted and yawning you wilt to collapse back into the foxhole. Around you, the Orphidians drop as well which could turn into a catastrophic moment save for the beasts and leaping into the fray, the Wugs, Blill & Blenn who having leapt away when the initial surprise happened, create their own flank to attack the rear of the elven ambushers. -6hp & -3hp

Sleep spell Resistances vs 30% Saves vs 15+ Raust [1d100]=48 [1d20+3]=10+3=13 Venwynn [1d100]=39 [1d20]=8Wugs Blill & Blenn: javelins [1d20]=1[1d6]=6 [1d20]=19[1d6]=6Wugs Blill & Blenn short swords [1d20]=4[1d6]=4 [1d20]=20[1d6]=3

While Beaky, enraged from her wound tears at the body, the wolves cover the foxhole to growl at any intruders. The Wugs slay one elf. The obscurement remains in place but with the melee in confusion and wounds being taken, comrades slain and spells cast; the elves take a check and withdraw.

Morale reactions vs 60% [1d100+10]=85+10=95 Morale failure action [1d100]=1

Raust wakes to a wolf's slobbering. One of your company deceased. The aggressors gone. Venwynn can follow a bloody trail if you want to go deeper into the woods. Otherwise you can consolidate and return to the Cave HQ.

in the post mortem discussion, you might think the elves noted the Orphidians, perhaps thinking they were hunting the Axe-Beak and attacked, not realising you and the wolves were hidden in the ranger's foxhole.

Actions please

Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 2:15 pm
by Marullus
Did any of the elves get downed and bitten by Orphidians?

Raust will gather her crew, setting for home. She reverently collects the downed Orphidian and has Beaky carry him so they can set a pyre. She directs the wugs and Orphidians to swim the first stretch while follows behind the pair of wolves and bird, letting her magic obscure their trail. "Give them no sign of our passing to follow," she says.

Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 2:49 pm
by Spearmint
Did any of the elves get downed and bitten by Orphidians?
no I reconciled the melee attacks as all missing and then the Sleep effect kicked in to prevent further contact. Two elves were slain and there were indications of injuries to two or three more, but none bitten by Orphidians.

You can withdraw as they did, returning to your Cave without further encounter.

Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 6:41 pm
by Marullus
Marullus wrote: Wed Oct 11, 2023 2:15 pm Raust will gather her crew, setting for home. She reverently collects the downed Orphidian and has Beaky carry him so they can set a pyre. She directs the wugs and Orphidians to swim the first stretch while follows behind the pair of wolves and bird, letting her magic obscure their trail. "Give them no sign of our passing to follow," she says.
Spearmint wrote: Wed Oct 11, 2023 2:49 pm You can withdraw as they did, returning to your Cave without further encounter.
She withdraws back to the cave, taking care to mask their trail.
Marullus wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 9:06 pm Afterwards, she plans to return to the caverns, send word for chitin-smiths among the Bullywugs, spend time studying and reflecting on the power of Herne, and prepare for the next fortnight's tribute.

Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2023 6:22 pm
by Spearmint
Raust returns to the Cavern. You can create a travois to carry the Orphidian body back and as the community mourns the loss of one of their Snakemen kin, conduct a Herne ritual of death and burial, using the occasion to bring in more aspects and teaching relevant to the faith.

You may consider how tribal deaths affect morale and confidence in your leadership, but the one death can be easily attributed to the surprise attack and conflict and not any negligence or weakness on your behalf. So far, there is no sign of mutiny or usurping your control.

Those wounded can be treated via CLW's, the administration of healing virtue done under a more ritual or prayerful act such as via communion or maybe even getting baptized in that side pool of water in the cave. I am thinking the context then of the healing comes as a gift of Herne to those being discipled rather than just a whim or act of the druid helps in the overall civilizing and cultural changes you are trying to build.

Raust, you get to 'level up' as taken from the experience points awarded on the Solstice day. You can then spend the next few days in study and personal research to appropriate the new chosen spells.

Actions any specific? Then I will update with the next Bullywug tribute and any other randomised occurrences.

Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 2:49 am
by Marullus
I like ALL that flavor! :)

Raust spends time ensuring she cares for the needs of her people, her new pack, and teaches them of Herne each day. She performs her ablutions with the mammoth tusk font (restoring back to 2 flasks holy water) and goes to check what she can gather from the Hurtloam Cave.

She sends Bill and Blenn to arrange for the chitin to be crafted to armor in her size among the Wugs... its quality will be the gift for the next fortnight.

She sets up the hag's stocks in her own quarters, experimenting with the esoteric laboratory. She first studies the scroll to learn Cure Disease. An imperative, given the company she keeps. Then Detect Charm, which is at least easier to master. The final spell on the scroll, Fire Trap, is already known to her so she carries the scroll with her in its waterproof case for a moment of need. She crushes some of the "bugbear marbles" and trades some others for dried rare plants from the marsh, fuel for her experimentation. (They're worth 420-840gp, so should cover the learning... let me know what's left. If it's the higher value, there's enough for the next spell, too.) It may take until after the fortnight feast, then, but she will also learn Insect Swarm from the Hag's Cookbook before setting out. (She learned Stone Shape from her level up)

With her new new Stone attunement, she can shape 168 cubic feet of stone per fortnight (12 per day, 14 days), which will allow her to make a significant difference in crafting the defensive needs and reception hall of the Caves. (Open to creative descriptions here... this is what I got from generative AI. Not quite what I asked for, but interesting nonetheless!)
8-E2lN6Pn3eIZTYql.png (436.66 KiB) Viewed 7126 times
So, before she sets out again, she should have some degree of better armor, spells, hurtloam, and holy water. If there's enough Chitin, she'd like to equip some key soldiers, too.

Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2023 12:48 am
by Spearmint
nice. I will update here but it might be another day or so as I want to check on an archived post, re: when Lord Krothos promised to send a patrol across the Moor in 'support' and any resolution of that.

Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 12:26 am
by Spearmint
The Orphidian Cavern.

During the next week, taking you up to the end of the month, Raust and Venwynn continue their assimilation into the Orphidian tribe and bring in more aspects of adopting a new Herne culture and faith.

Venwynn scours the nearby riverbank, taking two Orphidians under her wing to teach various tracking and snare crafting skills. In return she learns a few more lispy serpentine words. Specifically she looks for freshwater clams and 'river resources' so that pearls, squid inks, electric eels, evidence of gold nuggets, etc, might be located.

Beaky, Carca & Namma recover from their injuries.

You can set up a 'laboratory' for spell research or potion making. Do you use the lower cave if the Naga or the upper chamber that the Orphidian Herne snakeman used? Will help to know should 'anything' happen.
She sends Bill and Blenn to arrange for the chitin to be crafted to armor in her size among the Wugs... its quality will be the gift for the next fortnight.
the two Wugs can return to their ruin and Bullywug tribe. They are instructed to organise the next tribute from Ananxyrus Greenback, the charmed chief. Two Orphidians accompany them taking the scarab chitin carapaces and various beetle or tusk components that might be used as rivets or studs to fashion a customised suit of armour. The Orphidians also go to keep an eye, however slit or bug-eyed, upon signs of betrayal to your treaty or even internal strife rebellion.

You take time to study. Grinding bugbear gems into a fine powder and kneading them into a Hurtloam mud salve that when baked in the crafted ovens becomes the blessed bowl utensil, painted with dye made from various exotic saps and crimson stigmas from blossoming Iridaceae.

The investment of time, prayer and resources gains the favour to appropriate the knowledge to cast the druidic version of Cure Disease from the scroll you study. -150gp in gems and a similar amount in Hurtloam resource.

Next studies turn to the Detect Charm which though not traditionally druidic in nature, you can apprehend its core tenements and principals, particularly after the experiences with the gaze effects of the Naga Mistress and Moor Hag. In similar vein, the 'cost' for learning the spell comes via practise and intense study, understanding how charms and coercions are exercised and how such effects are betrayed. Lots of looking into eyes deeply, burning incense to go into trances, hours watching a pendulum swing and understand how certain 'trigger' words or gestures might highlight Charms being in effect. -100gp bugbear marbles, -100gp other resources.

You can conclude the mastery of Detecting Charm to compliment your ability to Charm Person or Mammals.

As far as the Stone Shape, that is a direct influence upon the Orphidians commune rather than a personal gain. On a practical level, you can seal in the cavern roof so that leaks are not occuring from the waters above, which makes a better, drier and more welcoming entrance cave.

You could form a 'keystone' with a Herne image above the arched entrance and frame the sides with Caryatid type pillars or carvings. You can also dedicate the side pool, building up and smoothing the sides to make a uniform pool rather than having jagged rocks, include a set of steps into it.

As a beginning, how does that sound?

Not sure how much chitin you have, I expect enough for yourself at least. I need to check on the Hurtloam as a harvestable resource, what was said in that regard.

actions & comments so far.

sorry for delay, I was trawling archives in regard to report of the Ecdysis trek. Apart from noting where your caves are, Lord Krothos did not actually promise any specific support to your endeavour.

It is now three weeks plus since that expedition ended and you have not heard from anyone involved since.

I will update next with the Bullywug tribute event and for any other actions Raust initiates and random events.

Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 4:51 pm
by Marullus
All descriptions are wonderful. :) I added the spells to the sheet and will subtract 150gp in gems, 100gp in bugbear marbles, and 100gp in 'other resources'

I love those initial Stone Shape modifications. A sealed, cleaner/drier living complex, a smoothed and accessable sacred pool, and a clean, arched entrance with a stags head keystone and caryatid pillars of androgynous, proud deer-antlered Orphidians on either side. I do keep natural side caverns, allowing the lesser Orphidians to continue their task of collecting bugs for the fortnightly gift to the Bullywug Chieftian. Yes, my intent is to improve the living-space for the whole community, not personal gain.

For Hurtloam, you determined that it heals [1d4+8] per application and that "it may be hours, perhaps days, before sufficient mud is produced" for harvesting. I don't see that we've clarified further, but the Mammoth Tusk font provides one holy water/week so it seems to me that a XdX Hurtloam/week would be easiest for bookkeeping (i.e. we only need to track weeks of build up).

Better resources mapped by Venwyn is greatly appreciated. (I assume we add results to another weekly tracker?)

I think that's enough... nothing else specific prior to the next Fortnight Tribute.

Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:37 pm
by Spearmint
Great. I will attend here by the weekend, I am just catching up other threads that have waited a while to update.

Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 12:04 am
by Spearmint
I noted in your private thread an update on Harvesting the Hurtloam resource.

Ananxyrus Greenback comes again, carried upon his palanquin by hopping Froglings who leap in unison, the contraption having a form of shock absorbers to cushion the ride. The Bullywug chief makes his deference to 'our Exalted Mistress' and brings out the requested tribute, a crafted suit of armour made from boiled beetle carapace and sewn with a lining of Eider feathers to insulate and cushion the friction from wearing it.


It is tailored to suit, fashioned with a partial skirting of supple plates to protect your thighs and forearms, inclusive of simple but practical, open visored helm. The Bullywugs can take their fill of minor cave critters.

Your physical alterations to the cavern entrance are impressive, dauntingly so since such sculpturing has not been seen before. It helps to bring a continual 'awe and wonder' to your current reign.

You provide water, clean and purified through use of your spell craft and when all are seated can, Summon Insects, a murmuration of moths and ladybirds that at first swirl together into synchronised formations, mirroring yourself or Ananxyrus in a dramatic 3-D cloudburst and then a Herne icon before exploding like a firework into a myriad of separate bug colours that fall among the enthralled onlookers, quickly hoovered up and eaten by those present.

Ananxyrus Greenback: Charm saves: 16+ [1d20]=10[1d20]=10

So far your hold over the Chieftain thrall remains.

"You are the Beast-mistress. We have beasts, the time of our Hunt is at hand and you should come to the ruins and lead the event. Year by year we have to purge the waters lest we be overrun."

He explains that Tadhemoth hatchlings plague the headwaters and though most are cannibalised by earlier hatching siblings, those that do live to start maturing present a continual problem, especially if ever one grew into adulthood.

"It is beholden upon us to cleanse the swamp lest we are laid to waste."

The invitation to hunt is seen as an opportunity for the vassals to test how much their Liege will provide security for them. Certainly the thought of hatchlings swimming downstream towards your cavern and beyond would cause some insecurity.

You can take this as your 'next expedition', attending the Hunt within the next fortnight at the Bullywug Ruins.

Or you can explore the lower Merisc waters, returning to the rock carved Silvanus Grove that had Wightish figures clambering over it.

Follow up any contact with the Elven patrol.

Take to the northside riverbank to explore (you had traversed the south side last time)

Any other preference.

Actions questions and comments please.

Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 9:08 pm
by Marullus
Sorry, lost track of this!

Question: What AC does the new carapace armor count as? Also, Niiiice photo!

Thank you for the wonderful descriptions. :) I am in love with this.


Raust is pleased to see the awe inspired by the stoneworks, and the pleasure they gained from her moth display. She is feeling more comfortable and confident in her role amongst the peoples... a lioness of her pride, not a lone wolf.

Her efforts to teach the ways of Herne seem to be taking root as well; she watches with solemn pride as her followers bring in the spoils of their hunt and perform the rites of dedication to Herne as it turns on the spit.
She takes her duties as Liege seriously, as any Alpha would, and operates without guile. There is no question that she will honor their call and go to hunt the Tadhemoth hatchlings. She readily commits to this in front of Ananxyrus and his entourage and when the time comes she arrives at the Bullywug Ruins with an assembled host.

What does she know about Tadhemoths, given her Druidic Lore class ability?
She'll muster a war party from her hunt-loving Orphidian Herne devotees, and then also call for a war party of Boglings to join them at the Ruin.
...then we'll set out!

She will consider the lower Merisc afterwards, but this duty is priority. She will need a sizeable force if she believes she is to face the wights and explore the grove.

She simmers with anger at the unprovoked attack of the elves. She is content to let them alone for now - when she goes, she presents as a powerful neighbor who they wronged. She is curious, at least, why they sought the Hag.

Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 11:31 pm
by Spearmint
What AC does the new carapace armor count as
would be classed as non-metal armour equivalent to a common giant beetle's AC, which is AC4 (as Banded Mail).

The most chitin pieces came from the Kruthik young which were AC6 so I figure an improvement upon base level with the crafting.
What does she know about Tadhemoths, given her Druidic Lore class ability?
Raust: Tadhemoth knowledge vs 12: [4d6]=11

Raust recalls the wilderness legends and lore:

Huge and weird, Froghemoths are found only where there are large swamps or relatively shallow (100 feet or less) bodies of fresh water
containing large life forms that serve as prey.

Froghemoths are solitary except during spring mating season. In late spring, females lay only
10-1 00 eggs of about 1 foot in diameter. These eggs are left in shallow water, and when the Tadhemoths hatch, about 90% are eaten by their
earlier-hatching fellows or by other predators. The few survivors search for deeper waters to grow in for a period of 3 years to adulthood. Survival
rate is about poor.

Tadhemoth Stage: The immature froghemoth grows about 1 foot per month for 6 months, then slows by 60% until maturity. The early form
has 4 fins in the pectoral area and 2 in the rear. The creature is fish-like and has a vicious bite. After 6 months, the pectoral growths begin lengthening into tentacles, while no discernable change occurs in the rear members until the last month or two of its Tadhemoth stage, when these appendages lengthen into thick, bowed legs with
webbed toes. After initial growth, the creature's mouth enlarges considerably. A Tadhemoth is wholly aquatic and has gills. It swims very efficiently.
She'll muster a war party from her hunt-loving Orphidian Herne devotees, and then also call for a war party of Boglings to join them at the Ruin.
...then we'll set out!
Ok. I will determine the group size, a mix of Orphidians castes like before plus Venwynn and animal companions.

Ananxyrus Greenback will meet you there with a complimentary force.

I will advance the clock a week, add in any extra 'random events' which might derail the plan and update from there.

Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 12:53 am
by Spearmint
Hunting Tadhemoths with Ananxyrus.

July 7th 1066.

First preparations are made and selection is done to recruit a suitable posse without weakening the home cavern resources.

In the end five of the smaller serpentine Orphidians volunteer, bringing their hunting javelins and crafted entangling nets, modelled on those taken from the Aquatic ogres. They will form up behind Venwynn and shadow her until principal encounters occur.

Seven of the larger Orphidians slither forward to join the Beast-mistress, each brings a bow and favoured sidearm and shell buckler. They can be split into two groups, one trio under Kai, your lead Orphidian, the other trio shadow alongside yourself.

Raust rides astride Beaky, the Axe-beak more comfortable under your guidance, still ever voracious and half feral but learning more basic commands.

Carca & Namma the two wolves, each recovered from injury can lope alongside. Combining into quite a formiddable group, at least capable of taking in most of the none-spell casting denizens of the Barrow Moor.

You can have 'team supplies' shared out which is enough to cover expedition basics such as tarry firebrands, rations, vine knotted ropes, basic toolsets. You will need to equip yourself or Venwynn (or Kai) with any specialist equipment such as Hurtloam jars.

plus adjust your AC with the new armour & level to 3.

Health Status:

Raust: AC4/3 (shield in melee) 18/18hp

Venwynn: ranger L1: AC8/7(shield melee) 12/12hp

Beaky: HD3, AC6 14/14hp
Carca: HD 2+2, AC7 12/12hp
Namma: HD2+2, AC6 (leather collar+1) 12/12hp

Kai: (HD4) AC5/4 (shield in melee) hp 18/18
Archers (HD3) AC 6 (AC5 shield in melee) hp 10
A: 10
B: 10
C: 10
D: 10
E: 10
F: 10

Javelin: (HD2) AC 7 (AC6, shield in melee) hp 8
G: 8
H: 8
I: 8
J: 8
K: 8

Actions describe the group setting off. Any last preparations, choose your spells and distribute any extra equipment. Decide on orders for those staying in cavern, give them two specific tasks, one based in the cavern, one exterior.

Roll a [4d6] vs Cha which I will mark for a loyalty/reaction bonus.