1. Decisions At Wyndam

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Johnny Champion
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1. Decisions At Wyndam

#1 Post by Johnny Champion »

Here is a thread discussing current events and items of interest while you are staying in Wyndam. There is nothing new in this first post.

Please add comments on your ideas.


Significant Affairs (no specific order)
• The Eye of Semuanya: The most perplexing issue before the party is what to do with the Eye. It affects the course of the party you are sure, both in direction, but also in reputation. Each has their own view of what to do. Some options that the party has openly discussed:
• Return the Eye to Zaracon-Ra and earn the eternal friendship of the Qadrin and Lizardmen.
• Keep the Eye and determine its power. Keep it for yourselves.
• Bring the Eye to Verdox and bargain for the return of Haliford and the head of Christox.
• Bring the Eye to Mordrin, Goric, Augustin, the Grand Duke, Grairn the High Priest, Dacul…
Zaracon-Ra: He is very upset with the party. He vows eternal animosity upon the party. He will provide 10,000 GP for its return to the temple.
Mixtar Bilkin: Puzzled over the power of the Eye. It is an ancient artifact and should not be toyed with. He recommends bringing it to Esterik, but cautions that its power may make itself evident sooner than later. He surmises that at its heart is a Miserat, a Torrean crafted Black Obsidian gem. Souls, tens, hundreds or countless may be emblazoned upon its interior. It has a sentient intelligence and a goal drawn from these souls. At least that is what I was taught long ago.
Doas: You determine that there are dark elves, above ground dwelling, up river. Their motives are unknown and tend to stay to themselves. They have been called Doas. They all have gray hair and tend to be much taller than normal elves. They do not mingle in these parts.

Temple of IO: Also known in the ancient tongue as Ex Pelio Chromacus, is an abandoned structure from ages past. Immense in its dimensions and clouded in mystery as the region is void of human civilization other than the town of Calachuk. You were directed there from information obtained from the Den of Locurum, aka, your new gold mine. This is where you found Doricin and Glador, the Mirror, the Chimera. There was a passage that the Chimera was guarding. The sorcerer Aranxta and fighter Dex Uhlmann were killed defending it. Somehow the name, Dacul Grinwich, keeps coming up as the leader behind this evil. It is clear he is involved but his motives have not been determined. Mordrin knows of him and possibly his magic is of a different essence. The phase mirror is also of interest to Mordrin and you were able to interact, if only briefly, with Dacul using the mirror.
Uncanium Plator: Great arcane citadel was the fortress of Piter Belcastro. It was referenced in many materials gathered from Withladuum. Little else is known and none of you have heard of the legendary figure Piter until now.
The Ardönne and the Spire of Trafulgar: Mentioned as potential source for the Ever-Dark by the Illithids of the Orc Lair on Premlock. Could it be Uncanium Plator? Research must determine if there is a relationship. There is a map that provides the location of the Spire.
Tumagor: The Lord Demon of Shadows has plans for the region but you have hurt him badly with the death of Vurkhül, Barboron and Sakantha. There may be more information on appearance in the region as the Queen of Silent Shadows and his relationship with the Doas (Dow-us), a race of dark elves that live above ground. Your party knows nothing of this race of elves but is familiar with individual drow that have been encountered.

Haliford: Furthest in distance from the party located now at Wyndam, is a draw. If there is a ‘geas’ or ‘quest’ placed upon the party, the party is unaware. Doricin would logically want to free his home and return it to his people. The Gray Slaad Lord Verdox was indeed powerful. He allowed the party to depart hoping you would find some Black Obsidian that he has failed to locate in the mines of Haliford. You suppose he is still waiting, but it has been 6 months since you departed his presence. Then there is the question of the Duergar Christox Banik, the infidel, whom Doricin hopes to take vengeance. Bring his head to Harshuun Beeblebrock in Blackburn.
The Reopened Mine: You hope that some gold has been produced and you may yet see a return. Word doesn’t travel across hundreds of miles to the east. There is the troubling collapsed passage that you located in the mine which offers you pause. Heath Fulcrum, a friend of the party, is active in bringing the mine to profitability. There are also Clarradonnes working the mine. Some remember this mine as the Den of Locurum.
Village of Calachuk: The only information you have is that the population was increasing due to the perceived strength of the town. A new town wall is in progress. Peter Matay maintains your active stable and lodging. There is doubt that it will turn a profit. The lawless city of Perth, which you have only heard rumors, nags at you. Further pushing into the central Caldaera may lead you to pass its walls.
Elven Amulets: Found in the Temple of IO, these items should be returned to the families in the Wehrün March. Faelwen longs to see the ancient wood elves, though she is herself an orphaned High Elf.
Lord Augustin: No news after he asked for you to clear the Orc Lair. Your interest in dragon-kind has peaked as you have slayed a relatively young black dragon at Withladuum, but the tale of Eldhas and the red dragon Tuxamet and his purpose interests the party.

News and Current Events
• The people of Wyndam seem to be favorably inclined to the party. Many hope that you stay and the mayor hopes to provide you with an offer to make that possible. Some of the leading families of the town, in addition to Goric and Grairn, hope to meet with you to discuss this and other matters.
• Lumiere has met with the High Priest Grairn Oaklord. After the rite that freed Shavnore, he is impressed with the party and Lumiere’s potential. He assumes that Barboron must have been responsible for the destruction of Nortermill.
• Mooket has been visited by a large lizard who decided to speak:
• “You have the Eye, Zaracon-Ra wishes to barter for its safe return to Crakendel. He wants to know your price. He is prepared to pay!”
• The party is currently staying at the White Wolf Inn compliments of Sir Cartwright.
Byruun Hills: There is discussion that giants from the Byruun Hills, forested area across the river between the Yellow and Rüs Rivers, have been a serious threat to eastward travel. Ransom and payoffs are likely necessary. The town elders have information Goric tells you. The town of Wyndam sits at the joining of these two rivers. Eastward journeys are discouraged and even travel up the Rüs is not attempted by humans. Normally, half-orc traders and merchants arrive across the river for trade.
Information easily obtained: Rolling grassland, called the Byruun Plain, extends for 20+ miles between the rivers until the Hills, which stretch north another 20 miles and east and west another 30. The hills border the swamp on their northern extent. A deep forest that surrounds the Rüs River, on the eastern extent of the Byruun region, is not ventured by those you have spoken. Several clans of humanoids have long established camps throughout that region. The forest area and the river basin are generally known as the Rüs Region or the Unterbas from the olden tongue. It stretches wide and into the Outer Haverford. There are no known human settlements in that huge region.
Troglodytes have ventured ever closer to Wyndam from tributaries of the Rüs River to the south. One family on the outskirts of town has lost their son and several animals.
The Great Cloud: There are rumors from travelers from the far eastern shore of the existence of a cloud of enormous size that lies to the east, over the ocean. The cloud never disperses, though its shape changes with the wind. Many believe that this is just a large storm far to sea, others think they are crazy.

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