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Re: Submissions

#21 Post by wolfpack »

Money lender

Krim Misredin
Level: 6
Align: LE

S: 10 I: 14 W: 13 D: 17 C: 12 CH: 16

HP: 29 AC: 0

Equipment: dagger +1, ring of protection +2, bracers of defense AC 5

Background: The handsome middle aged Krim is also leader of the local thief’s guild. He uses his legitimate banking and money changing business to launder illicit money brought in by his guild. His involvement is not known by the public and he is in fact considered an influential wealthy business man.

He lives in a large well guarded estate where his secret vault is guarded by all kinds of magics. he keeps much of his wealth in a portable hole that he has with him at all time that is guarded with an alarm spell.

Hymia Roberts
Level: 4
Align: LE

S: 13 I: 13 W: 12 D: 16 C: 15 CH: 17

HP: 21 AC: 5

Equipment: dagger of venom, Ring of protection +1, cloak of protection +2, slippers of spider climbing

Background: Hymia is the beautiful consort of Krim, at least that is what the general public believes. She is in fact a highly trained assassin who serves as Krim’s body guard as well as his lover. Her demur demeanor and appearance often put her at a great advantage as she is not expected to be anything more than a shy quiet lady.

Changing Coins: This is exchanging the coin of one realm for the coin of another or exchnaging one type of coin for another. The exchange fee is 3%. So if the party finds a pile of gold from some long forgotten kingdom, then for it to be generally usable in the kingdom they reside in they must exchange it for coin of the realm.

Loans: Those merchants just starting out or new adventurers who need a little coin to get started need somewhere to go to get that initial money. Loans from Krim are a risky proposition, they have high interest rates and not paying on time can be dangerous as he has a large number of seasoned guards who also serve as collectors. The interest rate ranges from 20-30% per month based on how much collateral a borrower puts down (less than 25% collateral means 30% interest, less than 50% collateral means 25% interest, 50% or more collateral means 20% interest). The minimum amount of collateral needed for a loan is 10%, so if a character wants a 10,000 gp loan they must have 1,000 gp worth of collateral in the form of items (gems, jewelry, gold, magic item, etc.) This collateral must be left with the money lender until the load is repaid in full. Those who default on loans will be hunted down, often beaten and have their life threatened, and eventually if they do not pay end up in debtors prison with all of their things seized. Krim pays special “fees” and “taxes” to the local ruler to get special consideration and help from the guard, so unscrupulous collection tactics are simply overlooked.
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Re: Submissions

#22 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Establishment: Scarlet’s Secret
Proprietor: Lady Felicia Scarlet
NPC stats
STR: 9
INT: 16
WIS: 13
DEX: 16
CON: 12
CHA: 16
HP: 32
Alignment: Neutral/Good
Class: Bard
Level: 6
Age: 42
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 135lbs
Sex: Female
Race: Half-Elf
Background: Felecia trained in the ways of the bard learned many things in life and part of it is that everyone deserves a good time. She likes to bring happiness to others, sometimes not always going by the law but usually obeying most of the laws if it keeps the riff raf out of her establishment. Felecia put her travelling days for the most part behind her. She used to be an adventurer and a travelling musician/entertainer. She had a near death call seeking out a most evil being and was one of the few that survived the adventure to tell the tale. She has a scar that is about 6 inches long running diagonally across her left thigh and has a few other scars on her left arm and her chest just around where her heart is. This is from the life of adventuring and she does not often speak of how she got these scars or the near death incident that nearly killed her and all of her adventuring party. She does however have her “brothel” as most call it others say it is a “gentlemans’ club”. Felecia still plays music and sings to her customers in the lounge area of her business. She hires younger women and middle aged women to comfort her “guests” for a profit of course.
Notes: Created and gathered the information for 1st edition Bard from: (

Gorthoc: One of the guards “bouncers” of the establishment a tall half-orc burly fellow. Sometimes short tempered but he loves his work, and will do anything to protect the ladies and most importantly Felecia.
Jahef: The half-elven guard that works primarily inside the building to make sure the “guests” treat the ladies with the utmost respect and kindness. He is a fast nimble man that has quite the charismatic tongue and likes to tell jokes.
Bidfor: The halfling “accountant” as he likes to call himself. Bidfor is a quick handed halfling that collects money from the “guests” and ensures that nobody is cheated. He also helps maintain the safety of the money that keeps the place running when Felecia is on stage he also greets the “guests” and makes sure everything is running properly.
Mirton: Mirton is a big burly human male that works as another guard on the outside of the building usually with his friend Gorthoc. The “boys” like to play cards on their off time and have a big of fun drinking as well. Mirton is a taller human with burly arms almost in match with Gorthoc they sometimes like to arm wrestle to see who is the stronger.
Talim: Is the only non “working” woman that works for Felecia. She is the bartender in the lounge area of the establishment. She is a half-elf that lost both her parents in a fire she was out playing and her parents thought she was still in the house. After that event in her life Felecia offered her a place to work and live and gave her a job serving the guests in a manner that Talim was happy to do. She did not feel right working as a “lady” and Felicia was not going to force her into anything she was not happy doing.
Ladies of the evening: There are several ladies that work as “ladies of the evening” of many different races and ranging from ages young to mid aged (college girl age - middle aged). Most of them honest folk that came upon hard times or were abandoned and needed a place and a way to make money. All of the ladies wear gowns and masks to hide their real identity from the “guests” they never reveal their faces to the guests ever only the staff and Felicia knows what any of the girls look like. Some have dance routines they perform, and everyone gets time off during the day to do whatever they need to in town.
Wait Staff: There are some regular townsfolk that work as waitstaff for Felicia waiting tables in the lounge. Typically not males as they cause trouble and get distracted looking at the performances on stage.
Chef Hallis: At least that is what he asks to be called, Hallis is a male human and looks as if he knows his way around a kitchen and perhaps enjoys his own cooking a bit more than others might. He is a slightly heavy set man, that is kind to the staff and some think has a crush on Felecia. He can cook like nobody’s business and yet he works here in a brothel serving it’s guests food and the staff as well. He likes to tell jokes with Jahef, and make fun of Gorthoc and Mirton when they have their little arm wrestling duals. He is a light hearted fellow that likes to cook and eat.
Vallin: The fourth and final guard working for Felecia he works both inside with Jahef and outside with Mirton and Gorthoc. He is elven, nimble and quite possibly faster than Jahef. He is fairly quiet keeps to himself but does sometimes fense with Jahef helping him and training him in his swordsmanship skills. Vallin is an old sword fighter that is the only person from Felicia's past as an adventurer. Vallin does socialize with the others that work and live in the brothel but does not “goof off” when on the clock or make spectacle of himself like some of the others do in their off time.
Cleaning Staff: Just like the wait staff these are folks from town typically women hired to clean the establishment in the after hours they also take care of washing the bed linens from the ladies rooms.

Map/Building Description:
The building consists of 2 above ground levels the second floor is all rooms for the “ladies” to bring “guests” into. These are also the same rooms the ladies all stay in after hours. There is a total of twelve bedrooms in the second floor for this. There is also are two sets of stairs one on the east end of the hall and one on the west end of the hall. At the top of each set of stairs are two smaller rooms for the guards. There also is two wash rooms with tubs and basins to refresh in. On the first floor there is the main entrance hall that has a door to the left that does into the office. To the right of that is the lounge large enough to hold at least 20 guests plus all of the staff. In the lounge is also a stage and bar at the end of the stage is the stairs that go up to the east end of the 2nd floor. After the lounge and office there is another door on the left after the office this is another guard room. After that is the kitchen on the left and a store room on the right then lastly is the stairs that go up on the left hand side to the west end of the second floor. In the store room there is another set of stairs that go to the cellar, in the cellar there is another storage room and as well as the living quarters and a staff lounge style room the treasury room is also in the cellar it is a room with a secret door built into the wall that there is a statue in the staff lounge that has a secret trigger to open the treasury room door.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
Roan Gravelbeard Dwarf Fighter - Hedge's Greyhawk Adventures
Torvik Shadowhood Dwarf Fighter/Thief - Nocturne
DM - GreyWolf's Mystara Adventures - AD&D 2e
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Re: Submissions

#23 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Establishment: Stonebeard Brothers Mining Co.
Proprietor: Brax Stonebeard, Gax Stonebeard & Dax Stonebeard
NPC stats
STR:17, 16, 15
INT: 11, 13, 11
WIS: 14, 15, 13
DEX: 10, 12, 12
CON: 17, 16, 14
CHA: 9, 10, 9
Alignment: NG
Age: 62, 60, 58
Height: 4’10”, 4’7”, 4’5”
Weight: 162, 155, 144
Sex: Male
Race: Dwarf
Background: Born and raised these three dwarf brothers were (born of the stone). They were born and raised to know all about ore, how to find it, where to get it, how to get it, how to value it. They lived and breathed ore and mining since they were but dwarflings. The dwarf brothers are all 2 years apart in age but got along great growing up. Knowing a lot about mining and the underground they decided to open up a mining company for surfacers. Many of the surface towns have mines and miners but they don’t know good ore from junk ore. So the dwarves opened up and had pretty good success and now have a pretty decent business in the trade of mining ore for profit. Folks want ore, the Stonebeard brothers get it to them and they make sure to get the good stuff not the junk ore that the ignorant folks on the surface mine. Brax the eldest and strongest of them is the lead miner and the muscle of the company, his gruff personality makes him less of the face or people person of the company. Gax the second eldest and second strongest also is the more charismatic and smarter of the three he runs all of the face to face meetings with clients, as well as the brainwork, and money management. Dax is the youngest not quite as strong as his elder brothers and just as gruff as his brother Brax Dax mostly just tends to the work does not deal with the charismatic face to face stuff or the money he is the heart of the company he likes to keep his brothers laughing and working so long as they are having fun and getting paid to do what they know best Dax is a happy fellow.
The only employees for the mining company are the three brothers. They might sometimes if work is in high demand put up postings for jobs in the local taverns. Usually they pay ten gold per day to anyone who can last the day in the mines.

Map/Building Description: A small cabin with just 4 rooms total one big room where business is conducted. This is a larger room that has the main desks a small sitting area and the kitchen as the three dwarves live here as well as conduct business. The other three rooms are the dwarves bedrooms. The only other thing in the building is a fireplace and a storage area names some big chests in a corner of the main room with all sorts of mining picks, spikes, rope hammers, and interesting helms that have what looks to be melted candle wax on them. Outside of the building there are a couple large wooden carts and a smaller cart that looks to be made more of metal.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
Roan Gravelbeard Dwarf Fighter - Hedge's Greyhawk Adventures
Torvik Shadowhood Dwarf Fighter/Thief - Nocturne
DM - GreyWolf's Mystara Adventures - AD&D 2e
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