Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

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Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#1 Post by AleBelly »

Here begins the second 0-level funnel.

It is late summer. The hamlet of Reuna, the only home you’ve ever known, is living in dangerous, uncertain times. The last few years have seen The Blight consume the only neighboring villages you know, their few surviving inhabitants now refugees in Reuna. For it isn’t just The Blight weighing on the minds of Reunians. The refugees brought with them tales of cruel raids by monsters on their people.

When the refugees from the last neighboring village arrived, a council was held in Reuna. The citizens knew they would be next. The decision was made to travel south on the Old Road, now an overgrown thoroughfare that the elderly in the village claim once led to other civilized peoples. But the road is known to be dangerous and has not been traveled in decades…for none have returned from that path, and none have arrived from the road in the same period of time. Yet, it was the only hope. The decision was made to harvest the crops in the neighboring fields and head south before the first snows came.

It pains many of you to leave this beautiful place, but remaining is suicide.
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Feel free to introduce your characters if you wish. Action will start late Friday/early Saturday.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#2 Post by max_vale »

Amongst the group of villagers trudging down the Old Road, a strange quartet talked a bit amongst themselves....

-'Smelly' Seth did the strange 'hopping' motion on one foot and two crutches as his 3 companions gave him space, mostly due to the smelly clothes he wore.....which was understandable considering he was a Beggar....

"Well....I hopes the Southron folk are generous to the poor....", he said wistfully....

-Bestsy Cartmaker, pushing a small cart of tomatoes gave the crafty beggar a smile and with a kind look in her lovely, big brown eyes, she tossed him a tomato saying, "Here...munch on that hun"....while deftly keeping her distance from the odiferous fellow who likewise, deftly caught the tomato whilst staying balanced and keeping up with the crowd....

-Frank Fruitcastle, the Castermonger seemed a strange combination of with strapping shoulders, but a wan complexion and who already seemed to be wheezing from the trip, his sack of fruit hanging sadly from his long arms. "I sure hope we stop soon....I'm not sure I can keep up with this pace....."

-Talya Snaresetter, the Trapper just shook her head and wiped sweat from her black haired forehead with her badger pelt as she said; "I wouldn't count on it Frank.....if there were anybody close to us on this road, I reckon we'd know about it long before now....."
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#3 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Torben Degn dressed as he usually is in his work clothes he looks like a miller, his clothing has sighs of his flour making trade. He merely stands about wondering how much longer they are going to stand about gawking and so forth.

Lars Kindler the woodcutter by the looks of him that or a strangely woodcutter dressed man that has a fondness for carrying an axe. Stands arms crossed tired look on his face. "This thing going to get started or what are we doing?"

Drubo the dwarf hard to say what he does for a trade stands eyeing the others gathered wondering who is truly trustworthy in this lot. "Hmm we got a butcher, a baker and a candlestick maker?" he says in jest looking around.

Wil Teeuwen shady looking bloke dressed in ill fitting clothing has a shifty look about him watching everyone and saying nothing. The fellow stands off by himself never saying much and just answering any questions directed at him with single word quick replies.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#4 Post by Keehnelf »

Two brothers, alike and different as only brothers can be, walk near the front of the caravan. Ferd, the elder, has the look of a bold and confident hunter, hale of frame and bearing. The younger, Gerd, though carrying a woodman's axe and as humble of bearing as his brother is brash, nonetheless bears the same strength if not the obvious fortitude. "I'm imagining the legends that will be written of me--I mean us, once this journey is over, brother. Leading our people out of danger and into safety!" Ferd says, leaning toward his sibling as they walk.

Gerd simply sighs. "Brother, just because our father was the mayor does not make us the leaders of this expedition. And besides, he's been dead for more than a year. I think they'd have given one of us the title by now if that was how it was going to work." He shifts the bundle of wood on his back to avoid pinching or damaging the full waterskin he carries.

Ferd gives him a knowing look back. "Just wait--you'll see," he says in reply, fingering the holy symbol of Morlock, Patron of Chandlers and the Undeservedly Lucky, that hangs about his neck.

Near the rear of the line a filthy, scarred little woman walks, grumbling to herself. Nobody seems to notice her, unless she gets too close, at which they pick up the pace to move farther away. "Don't know what's so good about South," mutters Sonja. "Just the same as North, if you ask me. Same old jerks." She fidgets with her beggar's bowl as she walks, eager to be still again so that maybe she can get some alms instead of sore feet.

Almost unnoticed among the press, Zelda Ironmongersdotter shadows Drubo. At first, one might think she's the dwarf's daughter...but her lack of moustaches and her slight frame give it away. She's a gnome, but dressed like a dwarven blacksmith, oilstains and all. She seems unconcerned with the pace, or with the danger: she's just happy to be walking contentedly with all of her very best friends, and wondering vaguely when the picnic she's sure is going to happen, will happen.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#5 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Ingrid Bloom
Ingrid reflects on her time in Reuna and how she had not made many good relations with her occupation. She fidgets with a coin between her knuckles and it drops in the dirt. She pauses for a moment and then moves on, something she never would have done before, thinking, "times are changing and one must change with them". She overhears a woman grumbling to herself, "Don't know what's so good about South. Just the same as North, if you ask me. Same old jerks." Ingrid smiles at the woman. Have we met before?, she asks.

Samuel Root
Samuel Root is in the thick of the group gathering together to begin the journey south. He walks quickly and confidently past a man making a strange 'hopping' motion and a cart of tomatoes. He turns around and walks backwards, ahead of the cart, calling out, how much for a of the good ones there? pointing generally in the direction of the woman pushing the cart along.

Monty Baker
Monty Baker likes to be alone with his thoughts, off in the woods checking his snares and listening to the sounds of the natural world. He finds that the more removed he is from other people the more calm his mind can be. It is for this reason that he is dreading joining the caravan and is taking his time before joining the crowd. He collects a few small pieces of charcoal from the fire he made at his camp a few days ago and then heads off to make one last round checking his snares to see if there are any rabbits, squirrels, or fish caught in his traps before he joins the larger group.

Elsie Hornblatt
Elsie stands, hands on hips, staring at a row of logs leaning against a split rail fence. She picks her shovel from the ground and rolls one of the logs a half turn with it. She looks carefully on the surface at the pinnings on their way to becoming mushrooms. It was so close to the harvest too, Elsie's favorite time of year. Ah, my beauties, I will miss you!, she says rolling the log back into place. She heads off to the fields to see what crops are available for the taking before joining the group preparing to travel on the south road.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#6 Post by max_vale »

-Betsy Cartmaker and 'Smelly' Seth both looked at the man who just past them and then turned around and while walking backwards asked how much for a tomato from Betsy's cart. Betsy smiled warmly at Samuel and called out; "One piece of copper Mister Root....and it'll be money well spent, I assure you!" From his quick stops on his crutches when he bit into his juicy tomato and the mess around his face and on his smelly robes when he wiped his face, 'Smelly' Seth the Beggar nodded and with his mouth full garbled out "Itsh shore ish!"

-Frank Fruitcastle, stopped for a moment and took a deep breath and stretched his aching back as he set down his sack of fruit before raising it up again and rejoining the crew as the 'erd' brothers walked by, chatting to each other and he rolled his neck from side to side and continued the journey with a self-pitying sigh....

-Talya Snaresetter hears a Dwarf ask a question about 'a butcher, a baker and a candlestick maker' but doesn't realize it's a jest and replies honestly, "Not sure Mister Dwarf...but we gots a Trapper, a Fruit Seller-" "That's a Costermonger Talya!" "-SHUT UP FRANK, YOU SELL FRUIT! Ahem...sorry about that, and a Wane....err...Wein.....err....we gots a Wagon and Cart maker over here....oh, and a Beggar too." "Thanks Talya, the Guild appreciates it!" "I don't think a group of homeless people who beg for food is really a Guild Seth", "We take BACK the appreciation!".....
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#7 Post by AleBelly »

Looks like the last ybn1197 hasn’t been on for awhile. I’ll aim to post during my layover. I love the start! You all got a bit ahead of me though so I’ll post the update starting in the town.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#8 Post by max_vale »

(OOC: DOH! Sorry, I think that's on me....I somehow thought we were starting off already on the road...apologies!)
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#9 Post by ybn1197 »

AleBelly wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 9:28 pm Looks like the last ybn1197 hasn’t been on for awhile. I’ll aim to post during my layover. I love the start! You all got a bit ahead of me though so I’ll post the update starting in the town.
Sorry, I have been dealing with a medical situation re: my mother-in-law. I am reading up on the posts now.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#10 Post by ybn1197 »

Perheal Elaethan, his book of laws held firmly in his two hands, pokes his head in between the brothers Ferd and Gerd to interject in a matter none of his concern. "The laws of Reuna clearly state the mantle of mayor to be based along as a matter of citizen choice. Not as a hereditary title. Therefore, a public vote who have and was called for to ELECT a new mayor," he says in a perfunctory manner; oblivious to the fact no one asked nor particularly cared about his interpretation of the law.

Minding his own business to the side of the group, his arm resting on his planted shovel, Booth Beswick watched the hub-bub commence as everyone milled about the circle without direction. He was a ditch digger and was used to being on his own; he simply disliked the waiting. Booth was a direct person; tell what had to be done and he went and did it. What he didn't like was a lack of direction.

Abney Aspinwall fidgeted as the group stood waiting for everyone to move out. He grasped his pole in both hands and ringed the wood idlily. He was nervous. The staging area to leave was not the dock. The smells were of the country and not the water. Things were very different even if they weren't far from one another; but different was not something Abney liked. He looked around, concern covering his face. He tried in vain to grab anyone attention to get answers but it seemed as everyone else was just as concerned and bereft of answers as he was.

Sitting on the ground off to the side, Dilton Enfield plucked at the string of his shortbow. He was impatient to begin the journey south. While everyone knew he was not the most accomplished hunter in the town, he was not of the same opinion. He felt the wildlife was sneaky here. They always seemed to move just before he let go of the bow string. They always seemed to be a step or two ahead of them. He wasn't incompetent; the deer pelt on his shoulders attested to his ability to do his job. He just wasn't the best at it.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#11 Post by Keehnelf »

Ferd pats the pedant on the back heartily and chuckles, like he's made an entertaining jest. "Electing is all fine and good until there's real trouble--then we'll see what heredity has to do with things." He sighs, self-satisfied, and keeps walking, surveying his people.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#12 Post by AleBelly »

Hope all is well with the mother in law!

It is twilight. It has been a pleasant late summer day, but your labors and worries have tired you. Digging those last few ditches to lay your dead to rest. Forging the last few weapons. Distributing fruit amongst your neighbors via barter. Et cetera.

As has been your custom the last few weeks, you meet in the town hall to check on each others' health and exchange any news. And then, the smell of burning. Your throat catches as the sweet, acrid smell hits your nostrils. And the unmistakable sense of burning thatch. Homes must also be on fire. Panic ensues as other townsfolk rush in from surrounding roads.

"They've come for us!"

All roads appear to be choked off, the attackers (whom you cannot yet see) are advancing...some type of humanoid creatures. There are even reports of attack animals with them. The Old Road seems the only escape road left...just as Barry the gongfarmer limps up from the Old Road towards you. Bleeding profusely from a laceration in his leg, he manages to tell the group "A half dozen of 'em. Short men-like folk with heads of dogs. Red eyes" before he expires.

You had the foresight to stock a wagon of supplies along the Old Road and hide it just for this very eventuality. Hopefully it has remained hidden. There are three paths to get to this wagon.

1. Follow the Old Road in the direction that Barry just came from.
2. A walking path through a patchwork of cranberry bogs.
3. A walking track between two farm field. Smoke rises from them.

The other roads and streets simply wind through town or lead to already razed villages.

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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#13 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Wil Teeuwen not one to really care to stick his neck out for others takes little hesitation in taking the old road and attempting to escape any and all danger.

Torben Degn not having much in the way of good weaponry starts to help old Barry until he realizes it is too late. He then decides his path is down the old road.

Lars Kindler braver sort would stand and fight but seeing as the town is already fleeing he also takes the old road, ready to fend off any foes and protect others that are not armed enough to defend themselves.

Drubo seeing 3 others already going the way of the old road, considers his options and ultimately decides to also go down the old road though like Lars he is ready to defend others that cannot fight.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#14 Post by max_vale »

Seeing four others move towards the Old Road, the 'Guild' Beggar Smelly Seth suddenly took his crutch in his hands and put it in Betsy's cart as he took out a sling and a stone, readied them in his hands then and raced forward on two perfectly good feet (Birth Augur: Wild Child), yelling out as he did "LET'S MOVE EVERYONE!"

Betsy's nose crinkled up as Seth moved closer, but her eyes were wide and her attention on all the insanity going on all around her. "Oh Dear!", then she shook it off and from the bottom side of her cart, she quickly untied a club she kept there in case of Thieves trying to steal her goods and keeping it at the ready, she moved forward, pushing her cart and calling out; "Talya! Frank! EVERYBODY! LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!" and she followed in Seth's smelly wake.....

Frank Fruitcastle gulped down his fear and he moved his sack of fruit to his off hand and drew his knife with his good hand as he clumsily moved after Betsy and Seth, slipping a few times, but luckily never falling down or hurting himself.....

Talya Snaresetter moved up next to Frank, taking out her Sling and loading it with a stone as she did so. "Move faster Fruit seller!" she called out, while her eyes kept sweeping around for any threats moving towards them.....
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#15 Post by Keehnelf »

Ferd the First, upon hearing the tale of the gongfarmer, immediately rushes toward the cranberry bog path, urging his fellow townsfolk to follow him. As he sees everyone but his brother apparently taking another path, his spirit falls, just a little. He holds out hope until he is in danger of being left behind, as which point he drops his signaling hands, then rushes to catch up to the caravan.

Gerd the Second seems torn about the path to take, thinking perhaps his brother is right, despite his inability to convince others. He shrugs and waits for his brother's change of heart, and then follows along with him to rejoin the others.

Sonja slinks about and tries to be as inconspicuous as possible as the joins the bustle, while Zelda sticks close to the other craftspeople, trusting in their wisdom to take them along the right path.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#16 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Ingrid Bloom
Ingrid considers all of her options and weighs the mutterings and commotion of the group as they start to flee the town hall. She thinks that the most direct route might be the best route for her as she groups together with others heading for the Old Road.

Samuel Root
Sam inspects the tomatoes and drops some copper pieces into the cart before heading for the town hall. Once there he stands on the edges of the meeting room near the door when Barry comes in injured with his warning about the short dog headed men. Sam looks around quickly for anything convenient to take from the hall and then exits to head towards the farm fields.

Monty Baker
Monty feels his stress level rise as he gathers together with the rest of the townsfolk in the meeting hall. "For goodness sake", he thinks after Barry makes a scene in the hall and dies there at the door. As other villagers come in their panic to the meeting hall he decides to head towards the cranberry bogs, hoping that fewer of the town will be making their way with him in that direction.

Elsie Hornblatt
Elsie's farm is off in the direction of the farms that have the smoke rising from them. She wants to see if any of her neighbors are in need of assistance and decides to head in the direction of the farms.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#17 Post by ybn1197 »

Perheal watches the bulk of the group head down the old road and weighs his options. Always one to follow the crowd, he quickly makes up his mind, hefts his backpack on and follows the group down the old road. There is always safety in numbers after all. Abney nods his head in agreement to some unspoken question, readjusts his grip on his pole and follows the elven barrister along with the group down the old road.

Booth looks at the leaving group and then looks to Barry's corpse. He shakes his head and thinks the old road is not necessarily the best route, specially if Barry just came from that direction. Equally, the farming route did not seem safe to him as their aggressors were obviously in that area. Making up his mind, he starts to jog after those who are taking the cranberry bog route.

Dilton finishes playing with the string of his bow, throws his sack over his shoulder, and heads out after the group taking the walking path between the farms. He thinks to himself, if the fields are already alight, then the monsters have already moved through that area and should therefore be the safest route to take. He pulls an arrow from his quiver and holds it in the same hand in which he holds his sack. Should they meet anyone along the way it would be an easy thing to drop the sack and knock the arrow.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#18 Post by AleBelly »

For Wil, Torben, Lars, Drubo, Seth, Betsy, Frank, Talya, Ferd, Gerd, Sonja, Zelda, Ingrid, Perheal, and Abney. I will open separate threads for those not taking the main road.

Steeling their nerves, the majority of our adventurers head down the main road. Darkness falls quickly this night as the rising smoke blots out the waning twilight. The distant screams of your fellow villages brush away any hesitation that may be felt. Armed with their few possessions they head down the path towards certain danger.

It's not long before they find it. After 150 yards they come across the raiders Barry described with his dying breaths. Your first sight is one of the diminutive dog-headed men pulling a spear from the lifeless body of a fellow villager. Several other villagers lay dead along the row. There are indeed a half dozen of these humanoids, about 3-4' feet tall. All but one are clad in leather armor, trimmed in purple. What Barry didn't mention is the two wolves, clearly under the command of the group. One laps blood from the wounds of a slain villager.

From their appearance you deduce they are kobolds. One spots the party and alerts the others in a whiny, sharp language you don't understand I don't have any of the PCs as knowing Kobold, but please correct this if it's incorrect.

The kobold not clad in leather armor wears a shabby purple and black robe. The other five form a line in front of it as it speaks, addressing you in its language. "Grrrrreetings, denizens of Rrrrrrreuna. Yourrrr village is no morrrrrrre. Do what yourrrrr fellows did not" he says, gesturing to your slain friends and neighbors. "Surrrrender, and live for anotherrrrrr day."

The ears of the two wolves go back as they bare their teeth, but they hold their ground. They are about 50 feet away.

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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#19 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Wil cowardly as he may be decides not to surrender "I didn't get out of the pokey just ta end up a slave."

Drubo stubborn dwarf as he may well be stands defiantly ready to fend off foes as best he can.

Lars stands there holding his axe ready to fight as well.

Torben is the only one that hesitates of the four he looks ready to surrender but surprises even himself when he stands by the other 3 ready to fight the enemy.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: Chapter 2: The Woes of Reuna

#20 Post by Keehnelf »

Sonja tries to make herself as inconspicuous as possible in the depths of the crowd, clutching her beggar's stick tightly.

Zelda looks around, confused, seeing the others panicked, and finally the sense of danger makes its way into her head. "Oh, trouble maybe..." she mutters to herself, loosening her smith's hammer from its belt hanger and sidling closer to some of the nearer craftspeople.

Ferd and Gerd are near the front. Gerd speaks low to his brother: "If we have to fight, it would be best to drive the wolves off first--they'll wreak havoc among the people once folks start getting hurt. After them, obviously the leader. We have numbers if we can manage that." He holds his woodsman's axe in a white-knuckle grip.

Ferd raises his bow and nocks an arrow. "You're welcome to our homes, strangers--we've no use for them anymore. But the people will pass unharmed!" He shouts loudly enough for everyone in the massed crowd and all the kobolds to hear, hoping to embolden the villagers with his fierce posture but not realizing it's probably not the best idea to remind them all first that they've abandoned their homes out of the fear of massacre before doing so. He'll loose an arrow at one of the wolves at the first opportunity.
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