Henchmen and Hirelings

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Henchmen and Hirelings

#1 Post by scarik »

NPCs for Hire

Each NPC has a hiring cost that you need to pay up front to bring them on and then a wage based wages each month. Failure to pay the full monthly rate causes a Loyalty Test with modifiers based on how much you fail to pay.
When you are on an adventure or campaign you have to also pay the upkeep of your mercs and hirelings (and yourself of course) as well as their wages. You are also on the hook for half the campaigning cost of Henchmen (they pay the other half). Failure to pay causes the same effects as for monthly wages.

All NPCs require a Reaction Roll to hire that can modify the terms.

Potential Henchmen: (max 6)
These miscreants have obvious potential and will sign on for a shilling (12p). They are able to level up like PCs though they do so at half rate.
  • 1) Unfilled
    2) Unfilled
    3) Polag (Neutral): A thin warrior (Fighter 1) seeking fortune and glory.
    4) Kroenen (Chaotic): A ropemaker (Fighter 0) with a filthy habit of spitting into a cup.
    5) Volstagg (Lawful): A fearsome northman (Fighter 2) awlays cracking his neck.
    6) Szoke (Lawful): A fur-trapper (Ranger 1) looking to bag something impressive.
Mercenaries: Nothing special, but willing brave danger. They only level up through training or extraordinary circumstances.
For each type of mercenary you wish to hire you must pay 1d6p. You may then roll the die given to see how many are available. The cost listed is their minimum wage.
Each has a Skill though they are often not good at it or they would be making a living that way.
  • Thugs, laborers and riffraff (1d10, 3 pence): Better suited to labor than battle, these curs are armed with naught but cudgels and knives but they are eager to earn. Skill: Laborer -1
    Light infantry (1d6, 6 pence): Guards between jobs and militiamen looking for more exciting work. Spears and Light Armor. Skill: Laborer or Soldier-1
    Archers (1d3, 9 pence): Armed with short bows or light crossbows and Poor Armor. Mostly these are huntsmen rather than soldiers. Skill: Hunter-1 or Soldier-1
    Heavy Infantry (1d3, 12 pence): Professional soldiers with spears and shields and Decent Armor. Skill: Soldier
    Crossbowmen (1d2, 18 pence): Professional soldiers with heavy crossbows and Decent Armor. Skill: Soldier
Hirelings: Non-combatants. a penny a piece to hire on and a penny a month. These NPCs generally don't gain XP. They are just trying to make a living.
  • Mule-handler (1d3): Someone has to watch over the pack animals. Mule sold separately.
    Torch-bearer (1d4): They will get close to danger and shine a light, but won't go first.
    Laborers (2d6): There are always a few strong backs looking for coin. Treasure is heavy and won't haul itself.
Posts: 629
Joined: Wed Dec 22, 2021 11:08 pm

Re: Henchmen and Hirelings

#2 Post by scarik »

Updated henchmen.
Posts: 629
Joined: Wed Dec 22, 2021 11:08 pm

Re: Henchmen and Hirelings

#3 Post by scarik »

Updating Henchmen
Henchman refill/change rolls [_6d6]=(2+3+6+4+6+2)=23.
Slots 1 and 2 stay unfilled. Slots 3 and 5 change. They are no longer available.
3) Arforth (Neutral): A young mage who came to Borderton following an omen.
5) Olgle (Neutral): A halfling slinger on walkabout.
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