Climate Crisis: Defilement & Sacred Groves

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Re: Climate Crisis: Defilement & Sacred Groves

#621 Post by Quonundrum »


As the drider leaves, a lingering doubt regarding his judgement upon it remains. He was intent on slaying the abomination, yet ... it was civilized, and although they could have fled farther north, away from the Thornswild, they chose to stay and ward the One Tree against their former kinsmen. Whether their actions were based on good or evil intentions were not necessarily relevant when balanced against the preservation of the region.

These thoughts were postponed at the discovery of the dryad and thereafter promptly evaporated when they found that it still lives! He quickly grabs the verdant green elixir and offers it to the caretakers. "Try a sip of this? Seems to have herbal qualities. Maybe it's a curative for disease?"
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Re: Climate Crisis: Defilement & Sacred Groves

#622 Post by Quonundrum »

Updated loot list.
Satyr panpipes (Dougal)

Ram's horn - summon's spiders?

A pouch of coloured sandy type grains (Moriartus)

A tusk carved into the image of a squat Bactrian figurine (Moriartus)

A dagger made from a jagged piece of jet black stone, the edge sharp enough to shave with.

A a reserve of especially potent royal jelly which could be crafted into four vials of Extra-Healing / potions of Cure Disease if taken back to the druids in Crooked Yew.

Qullan Macuahuitl (Jorly)

A few vials of body paint, woad dyes of differing colours.

Scroll of Prayer, Sanctuary, Hold Person

Scroll of Glyph of Warding (blinding light), Cure Serious Wounds, Purify Food & Water

Single Jar of Keoghtom's Ointment.

Small sack worth of trinkets such as candlesticks, carved votives, goblets.

Ring of Fire Resistance (Cadeweed)

Ten small Moonstones.

Vial of syrupy green liquid with a briny scent.

A ruby-crimson effervescent liquid that contains many bubbles.

A verdant green elixir that has a herbal quality.

Two long thin javelins with oak shafts and silver barbed tips.

A set of hand-sized tiles, each one bears an intricate mosaic made from little glassy stones. Various pictures on the tiles depict scenes such as moonlight skies, a blazing comet, an elven throne, a leering jester in a flamboyant striped outfit and a hat with a bell.

An egg, dappled brown, wrapped in a silken cocoon, it is warm to the touch, about the size of a small melon.

Various parchment snippets and verses of rites from notes that put together and studied might shine a greater light upon the actual magic enchantment and thereby improve any 'Dispel Magic' cast upon the One Tree.

Pound of gold flakes

64 BB marbles

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Re: Climate Crisis: Defilement & Sacred Groves

#623 Post by Karaunios »

Dougal pockets the dust produced by the disassembled mosaic. He returns the other mosaic, depicting a moonlit night, to the pile. "I would like tae hae this yin. But, if they hae magic, is it possible tae ken whit these things dae?"

The ranger is as surprised as the others to see the forest creature. His breath catches from the impression it makes, and he remains silent to see how the situation unfolds.
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Re: Climate Crisis: Defilement & Sacred Groves

#624 Post by Spearmint »

Drider's Nest, One Tree Grove.

The potion sipped does not provoke any healing virtue unlike the healing prayer which revitalises the dying Dryad. Her health restored a little but her diagnosis is poor for the virtue addresses her physical wounds but not the underlying disease issue that she suffers with. The Dryad is still gravely ill.

The Dryad may have more ability to instinctively recognise the elixir given, which helps command vegetation and plants. She is s bit overwhelmed, awakened abruptly by sim many staring faces who attend to her. Two-Birds can at least provide a few cleaner clothes while she gradually adjusts and begins her testimony as questions are certain to come.

She lived in this tree, attending the Treant who once ministered here. The grove guardian fell ill and died, she burned the body and scattered the ashes. She contracted some affliction however and sought help but the Thornswild elves rejected her, so she came back here rather than 'dimension door' to other realms or location so as not to spread the disease further. The secret door in the tree cellar was warded to be made further imperceptible even to elven eyes (Lenora the Sith-cat hit on a 1 in 10 chance), so that the Driders did not know she was here.

She simply became iller, curling up to slowly die and she is still 'at death's door' so to speak. Prolonged contact might expose others to contract the disease, it is not immediately caught, so players need not be afraid to interact with her.

She knows the Conclave Grove location on the other side of the river. She knows the Thornswild elves have recently driven tribal groups (humanoids, neanderthal kin) out of the forest and into the Barrow Moor or up into the Moon Peak mountains especially so on the other side of the river. The Conclave Grove is defiled and 'a defiled one' rules over it. The Oak trees (and similar trees like this one that she could 'step' in to are 'forbidden to her'.

Actions any questions or comments, insights?

Dougal, the eight (now seven as one turned to gold dust) mosaic tiles each contain a minor runic effect. With that knowledge, they need be investigated a little more carefully than the rough handling of a casual inspection. Like 'a deck of many things', an infamous relic, these tiles trigger a magic 'when drawn and observed' (though hopefully not to the same damned and fatal degree).
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Re: Climate Crisis: Defilement & Sacred Groves

#625 Post by Karaunios »

Dougal carefully stores the small mosaics in his backpack.

"I'll be keepin' these for now. I'm no sayin' they're for me, but someone has tae carry them. Maybe Mazzah can tell us a wee bit more aboot them."
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Re: Climate Crisis: Defilement & Sacred Groves

#626 Post by Quonundrum »


Kneeling next to the dryad, he carefully clasps one of her hands to his own. "My dear, have you seen this defiled one? Can you describe it to us?" Looking up to the rest, he says, "We need to get her to the Crooked Yew, quickly. Brother Clive can cure this contagion." He sighs heavily. "We are also two men down and ill prepared to handle a confrontation with the elves on their home ground."
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Re: Climate Crisis: Defilement & Sacred Groves

#627 Post by Spearmint »

My dear, have you seen this defiled one? Can you describe it to us?"
A Treant figure. Either an actual Treant turned to unnatural ways or a fiend of some type.

As far as other discussions, there has been mentions of searching the Root Cave of the One Tree, the Dryad confirms the actual chamber is just used for Silvanus worship, it amplifies acoustics and worship, serving as a sanctum within the wider grove but it does not have any hidden niches, secret rooms, nor does it function as any kind of teleport or doorway as one or two asked in personal forums.

So there are two issues to highlight here. The first being the Drider magic which acts on the grove to repulse elves and Silvanus devotees, placed there as a ward by the generically hybrid creature after their escape or exile from the Thornswild elves.

Secondly a wider environmental threat by Impurax agents which affected sacred groves in order to effect denizens like Treants or Silvanus priests who keep the groves, spreading an affliction via disease transmitted as bees pollinate the flora and fauna.

You have cleansed one site of Wightish figures and driven off the Driders from the One Tree. Both sites have a 'vacuum' of present resident priests though Two-Birds has a vocation to return to the former once her Mercenerary contract comes to an end.

You have also achieved cleansing the Troglodyte Bee Hive, which was a big source of spreading the pestilence via the Queen conceiving afflicted drones.

A couple of players discussed ooc the pros & cons of pressing in vs returning with what you know and I can see some good benefits in the 'world view' (not just gaining xp) to choose that option if players prefer.
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Re: Climate Crisis: Defilement & Sacred Groves

#628 Post by Jernau35 »


Hake nods agreement when Moriartus speaks. "The soundest plan. We can't leave her here to die," he concurs. "And we can't drag her around with us, as sick as she is. We must go back".
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Re: Climate Crisis: Defilement & Sacred Groves

#629 Post by gurusql »


"I agree we should take her back to save her. It is the right thing to do."
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Re: Climate Crisis: Defilement & Sacred Groves

#630 Post by Karaunios »

Dougal nods in agreement.
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Re: Climate Crisis: Defilement & Sacred Groves

#631 Post by Spearmint »

Great, with a consensus to depart with the wounded Dryad and return to Crooked Yew rather than push luck to press on, I will resolve the trek back in stages vs any random encounters.

Here's hoping no more Grimlocks, Ogres or Forest Wraiths turn up to harass you.

Blackened Forest: One Tree to Giant Statue Grove: vs 1 [1d6]=6 [1d6]=1

Option generated = 'herd creature'.

So arriving back at the first grove, in the abscence of grotesque Wights, roebucks and wild boar root among the river side bull rushes. +1 hog roast or venison stew.

I won't get you to roll any hunt. Staying overnight in the Silvanus grotto. The place is clean and tidy, as you left it. The upper quarters undisturbed, the lower caves empty. The Weirwood tree in the cavern slowly growing new blossoms and free of bleeding diseased sap into the waters that flow by.

Blackened Forest: Grove to Trogs vs 1 [1d6]=2 [1d6]=4

The next day, trekking to the Troglodyte Caves. The morning passes without issue. During the night any prayers and studies can be undertaken to appropriate lost spells which may be ministered if need be to add additional healing though not any Cure Disease unfortunately.

The last leg is quite long. The eight hours begins with several bees, harassing the group and herding you away from the trail towards the Moor. It seems some of the soldier bees remain afflicted by the virus. Under cover of 'bee-smoke', sleep spells and volleys of arrows, you can drive the aggressive bees away.

Blackened Forest: Trogs to Crooked Yew vs 1 [1d6]=1 [1d6]=2 [1d6]=5 [1d6]=4
Blackened Forest: Trogs to Crooked Yew vs 1 [1d6]=5 [1d6]=5 [1d6]=5 [1d6]=6

Another few hours later and you approach the fringes of the settlement. A patrol of Duchy militia, outriding to familiarise themselves with the territory cross your path and under their escort you can complete the last few miles in safety.

And so with that, the group are arriving back in Crooked Yew.

Actions so post here any last expedition related post.

Actions Post in the actual Settlement: CY thread to interact with the community.

Actions Mine. I will summarise the expedition and award some xp.

Then you can use here to discuss character options, division of trove, research, take a few days as recuperation.

Actions for the above.
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Re: Climate Crisis: Defilement & Sacred Groves

#632 Post by Spearmint »

wow, taking ten months plus when I thought it might be all done and dusted by Easter.

Thank you for the patience over a drawn out trek that still has some unresolved issues.

So, awards of experience:

Summary of Experience Awards

Checking out Logging Camp, locating dead Hobgoblin. +50xp

Zombie Satyr: +240xp
Zombie Hound: +50xp
Zombie Goat flock: +332xp

Total: 672xp divided between group minus Hake = +122xp per full share.

Haunt in the Forest: +50xp

Ogres: +570xp
Ogre Boss: +210xp
Python: +45xp

Spriggan: +50xp

Soldier Bees, enter hive, escape sticky pool, avoid drones & workers. +1120xp
Heal Queen Bee, administer potion: +250xp

Grimlocks: +720xp
Quillans: +1205xp This encounter was quite epic and critical to twice surviving a TPK, so I will double this challenge: +3850xp

Barrow Wights: +2160
Healing Weirwood Tree: +154xp for this act already allocated.

One Tree research, repatriate Dryad, gain insight and knowledge: +250xp

Driders: +1600xp
Spider horde: +480xp

Total: 10,635xp / six full shares and one half share to TB = +1637 per share.

The two share totals may also acquire +10% prime requisite bonus.

Each player also receives the Expedition Participation award +100xp.

Final Tally:

Moriartus: + +2035xp
Dougal: - +1859xp
Cadeweed: + +2035xp
Jorly: - +1859xp
Hake: + +1900xp
Raven: + +2035xp
Two-Birds: +879xp

I think the above is accurate and is in addition to the bonus xp awarded earlier. I believe everyone bar Cadeweed will advance a level, the halfling advancing earlier and Moriartus who is a few hundred short of 4th level: a tribute or some charity giving will sort the 100xp needed for the mage.

I have added the above to the public record as displayed here: ... 14#p640814

Let me know if any discrepancies.

I will let you go over Trove and discuss any division of plunder.
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Re: Climate Crisis: Defilement & Sacred Groves

#633 Post by Quonundrum »

A suggested distribution of the loot. Moriartus will taste the ruby-crimson potion and cast Detect Magic to check the figurine and dagger.

Ram's horn - summon's spiders? (Dougal)

A pouch of coloured sandy type grains (Moriartus)

Qullan Macuahuitl (Jorly)

Scroll of Prayer, Sanctuary, Hold Person (Two-Birds)

Scroll of Glyph of Warding (blinding light), Cure Serious Wounds, Purify Food & Water (Hake)

Ring of Fire Resistance (Cadeweed)

Vial of syrupy green liquid with a briny scent (Water Breathing? Raven

A ruby-crimson effervescent liquid that contains many bubbles Raven

A verdant green elixir that has a herbal quality (Plant Control) (Hake)

An egg, dappled brown, wrapped in a silken cocoon, it is warm to the touch, about the size of a small melon (Moriartus)

Satyr panpipes (Dougal)

A tusk carved into the image of a squat Bactrian figurine

A dagger made from a jagged piece of jet black stone, the edge sharp enough to shave with

A few vials of body paint, woad dyes of differing colours. (All)

A a reserve of especially potent royal jelly which could be crafted into four vials of Extra-Healing / potions of Cure Disease if taken back to the druids in Crooked Yew
(Hake, Raven)

A set of hand-sized tiles, each one bears an intricate mosaic made from little glassy stones. Various pictures on the tiles depict scenes such as moonlight skies, a blazing comet, an elven throne, a leering jester in a flamboyant striped outfit and a hat with a bell (All)

Various parchment snippets and verses of rites from notes that put together and studied might shine a greater light upon the actual magic enchantment and thereby improve any 'Dispel Magic' cast upon the One Tree. (Moriartus)

Monetary loot (All)
Ten small Moonstones.

Small sack worth of trinkets such as candlesticks, carved votives, goblets.

Pound of gold flakes

64 BB marbles

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Re: Climate Crisis: Defilement & Sacred Groves

#634 Post by Spearmint »

I will wait on all characters to post here to affirm their Experience award and discuss any treasure division.

You can also use this thread for player discussion and questions concerning the Expedition and any next steps.

Monetary Trove

A) Ten small Moonstones
Moonstones: base value x 10 stones [1d4+3]=2+3=5
Base appraised value is 50gp each times ten pieces. +500gp for a quick sale to village artisan.

B) Small sack worth of trinkets such as candlesticks, carved votives, goblets.
Bazaar Trinkets: small sack of assorted trinkets: x 10 items each group. [1d4+1]=4+1=5[1d4+1]=2+1=3[1d4+1]=1+1=2[1d4+1]=4+1=5

You can make a quick sale in the settlement to a local trader for +150gp sold as seen.

C) Pound of gold flakes: gold flakes weigh in, in this unprocessed form, worth +80gp

64 BB marbles uncut worth circa 8-10gp each. Clive will purchase these to distribute to the Bugbear lepers as currency in their community, offering the base value, +512gp if you would like a quick sale.

891sp. (+44gp, 11sp).

Total possible for quick division is: +2590gp/six and a half shares = +398gp each character and silvers handwaved as spent on an ale or two.

Actions Character posts.
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Re: Climate Crisis: Defilement & Sacred Groves

#635 Post by Karaunios »

I'm fine with the trasure distribution proposed by Quonundrum.
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Re: Climate Crisis: Defilement & Sacred Groves

#636 Post by ravenn4544 »

Works for Jorly - he isn't interested in much. He advanced to level 2 and that's completed also.
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Re: Climate Crisis: Defilement & Sacred Groves

#637 Post by gurusql »

Cadeweed will agree to the division, but will request one small modification.

Instead of 398 he will ask for 98 gp and 6 of the 50 gp moonstones.

I will post the experience and this on my sheet
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Re: Climate Crisis: Defilement & Sacred Groves

#638 Post by Spearmint »


June 22nd: leave Helix. Encounter at Logging Camp, encounter with 'Undead Goat Herd', arrive in Crooked Yew on Solstice Eve.

June 23rd: recruit Hake, set off for Trog Caves, encounter Forest Haunt, encounter cult Ogres, camp and encounter Spriggan.

June 24th: am: enter Trog Caves beehives, heal Queen Bee. pm: trek to groves, encounter Grimlocks & Quillans, retreat back to Trog Caves.

June 25th: trek to Stone Giant Grove. Slay Wights, cleanse Weirwood and tidy shrine up.

June 26th: trek to One Tree Grove. Encounter Driders. Slay one, drive off another.

June 27th: raid on Drider Nest, locate Dryad.

June 28th: begin trek back to Crooked Yew. Overnight in Trog Caves.

June 29th: complete return trek, arriving back in Crooked Yew.

June 30th - July 6th / 10th: character 'downtime' in Crooked Yew / Helix.

Characters recuperate, gaining full hp back from wounds and some level up, gaining new hp and improve class skills.

Characters can use the time to learn new spells or divine blessings, research any class, race or attribute improvements, produce Expedition Tributes, buy & sell equipment and liquidate any assets.

Actions: the 'royal jelly' gained from the Trog Bee Hive:
A a reserve of especially potent royal jelly which could be crafted into four vials of Extra-Healing / potions of Cure Disease if taken back to the druids in Crooked Yew
can be used by Clive. He will offer to do the following:

Create: two potions of Cure Disease and create six individual enhanced Potions of Healing (rather than one extra-healing potion with three doses, that way each character can take one personally).

actions each character add: Potion of Healing: (Royal Jelly: 2d4+4hp).

Decide on who receives the care of the Cure Disease potions.

Clive will use his prayer ability to 'Cure Disease' upon the Dryad. She will give thanks and leave the settlement to return to One Tree grove and base herself in the former Drider Nest. You may list her as a contact and should folk return to the site, she will help where she can.
A set of hand-sized tiles, each one bears an intricate mosaic made from little glassy stones. Various pictures on the tiles depict scenes such as moonlight skies, a blazing comet, an elven throne, a leering jester in a flamboyant striped outfit and a hat with a bell
these tablets each have a minor magic effect in the order of a runic tablet. An 'Identify' spell cast as a 'whole group' investigation may offer clues to their usage and how they are attuned and any specific trait they have.
Various parchment snippets and verses of rites from notes that put together and studied might shine a greater light upon the actual magic enchantment and thereby improve any 'Dispel Magic' cast upon the One Tree.
These need specific 'sage' study, possibly Mazzah in Helix or at the Collegiate Arcanum in Ironguard.

Treasure investigations:

The Ram's Horn does indeed: summon Spiders/Arachnids once per day, (as potion of animal control for numbers and duration).

Coloured Sandy Grains these when thrown and an incantation uttered will create a 'Cloud of Audience' with a certain cult leader.

Macuahuitl has priven to be a +1 war-club/flail usable by cleric or monk types. It also gives the wielder the ability to Inspire Courage and fortitude in himself and his comrades pre-battle via a ritual Haka dance. (effecting a Bless spell).

Scrolls & Potions: as noted. The unidentified one needs 'Identify' or taste 'trial & error'.

Miscellaneous: the egg is being incubated. If Moriartus takes this I will let you know in private thread.

Satyr pipes: the Satyr itself has innate traits to pipe commands and charm via the pipes. They are not magical themselves but using them, one might learn to play the same notes and chords to create the wanted effects.

The Bactrian figurine is a 'neanderthal token'. Not magical.

The Obsidian Dagger: a blade used by Quillans that is extra sharp, giving the 'Keen Edge' trait to critically hit on a natural 19 & 20 but will fracture on a natural 1.

Quillans Body Woad: the dye is lurid and colourful. One application, painting body or face can disadvantage opponents for one battle, (-1 to hit), applied on battle scars and ritual tattoos, it augments the 'Confusion' effect to distract or disadvantage opponents in melee. There is enough Woad for four single applications or to enhance one battle-scared unarmoured figure with some a permanent effect.

hope this helps with likely investigations and study of items.
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Re: Climate Crisis: Defilement & Sacred Groves

#639 Post by Jernau35 »

I'm fine with the treasure division by Quonundrum (Thanks!). Ive added to xp to my sheet.
I'll try to post something in town soon. Just a bit busy at work.
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Re: Climate Crisis: Defilement & Sacred Groves

#640 Post by gurusql »


Cadeweed will take the Healing Potion he was offered and suggest that Moriartus and Raven take the Cure Disease Potions.
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