(8) Astrologers Tower

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Re: (8) Astrologers Tower

#81 Post by Belkregos »

Belloc gazes earnestly at Master Rubik, his words carrying a mix of determination and subtle plea. "Master Rubik, I must admit that the price of this knowledge has already taken its toll, and it is I who bear the burden. As for you, I believe it has already proven worthwhile. If your concern lies with the material aspect, I am certain we can come to a mutually beneficial arrangement.

Once, I considered you not only a friend but also a mentor. I had hoped you possessed the wisdom and foresight to comprehend that I have tasted the forbidden fruit and must now tread the treacherous path without hesitation or distraction. It is true, when we peer into the abyss, it often gazes back at us.

I thought the seclusion of the tower would rid me of unnecessary diversions and enable me to concentrate on the arduous journey I have embarked upon. But if your courage falters, I need to know. I cannot afford to be preoccupied with doubts at this critical juncture. Please, speak openly to me.

Beyond unraveling the artifact's nature and properties, my hopes extend to discovering traces of its origins. It is evident that it possesses a profound history, and I implore you to recognize the vast potential in the knowledge we can acquire. This artifact merely serves as a glimpse into the connections between realms, offering us a glimpse into more profound truths. By comprehending the nature of such conduits, we may unlock fundamental knowledge that transcends our current understanding.

If engaging in this research holds no value for you, I am open to accommodating material compensation or exploring alternative arrangements that align with your preferences. The focus should be on forging ahead and seizing the vast opportunities that lie before us."
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Re: (8) Astrologers Tower

#82 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Rubik just shakes his head back and forth, one hand still on the doors handle, ready to make a quick exit, if necessary. He continues to look around the room nervously.

"I will have nothing to do with such an item. And frankly, I am aghast that you, a young man I once believed to be filled with future potential, cant now see the forest through the proverbial trees."

He looks at Taibhse and then back to Belloc. "That device is tainted, and not at all the item I was hoping it would be. If you two want to crack open its horrible secrets, in a room I have paid for and placed under my name, I simply demand proper payment. That is all. I don't want to see this thing again after today. I don't want to know what you've learned, because I know it will be dangerous."

He thinks about it for a moment before opening the door a crack. "Give me 7 gold coins and you can use this room for 24 hours. I will not tell a soul what is going on in here, and once the task is complete, I never want to see that horrid thing again. Do you understand me clearly enough?"
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Re: (8) Astrologers Tower

#83 Post by Belkregos »

Belloc nods, acknowledging his gratitude towards Master Rubik. "I understand and am truly grateful for all that you have done for me, Master Rubik. Rest assured, your advice and teachings have not fallen on deaf ears. Perhaps, if I possessed your wisdom or had a clearer understanding of my objectives, my choices would have been different. I might have even manipulated an unsuspecting apprentice to obtain the artifact for me." His gaze lingers on Rubik's eyes for a moment before he continues.

"But, as you once said, 'the strings of fate have their own reasons,' and they have entangled me in this path. From this point forward, I understand that our paths diverge." Retrieving the requested payment from his coin pouch, Belloc hands it to Rubik, signifying a farewell. He closes the door behind him as he departs.

Turning back to the prepared table and the staff, Belloc resumes his work. adreses Taibhse as he continues working "he was not completely wrong, you know. I can feel it. This undertaking has an unnatural hold on me. It is worse than the black lotus. All I can do now is try to control my descent and hope that my sacrifice holds some meaning."

Pausing, Belloc turns towards Taibhse. "However, you still have a choice. This path is treacherous, and if you decide to continue, you must keep your eyes wide open. There are alternative paths to knowledge you can pursue. Should you choose to accompany me, I assure you I will be honest and share what I learn. But, In keeping this covenant with you I must say. I'm unsure of where this path leads. After hearing Rubik's words, I question if some information was manipulated to lure me here. There is also some self-interest in your presence. My own decisions are now plagued with doubt, and I need someone I can trust, someone who understands the struggle and can offer appropriate warnings."

With that, Belloc continues to work giving Taibshe space to decide as he continues with the identify spell, occasionally meditating and resting as needed. He also resolves to fashion a silk sash to conceal the staff from the public eye.
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Re: (8) Astrologers Tower

#84 Post by Ahlmzhad »


Watches the encounter with Rubik play out, he's now concerned that some might be subject to the staffs whims as Rubik is acting as crazily as their party mates acted in the tombs. He feels Belloc's concerns as he speaks to him after Rubik's departure. "I will be honest I have an interest in magic, and I believe this device holds keys to things I wish to learn, so I am an interested party. Had you not been there to accept it I would have. Let me know how I can assist and I willingly join you in this journey."
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Re: (8) Astrologers Tower

#85 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The two men stand firm, despite shared concern for their own safety inside this tower, especially after the unusual reaction from Rubik, Belloc's one time friend and mentor.

After collecting his 7gp, Rubik takes his leave without another word, departing with a hint of anger in his eyes that is intensified after Belloc makes his comment about tricking an unsuspecting apprentice.

Once the initial paranoia wears off, the remaining pair decide to team up, be honest with each other, and get down to the business of learning what this instrument of power can really do.

Belloc knows the spell will drain him. It will take him at least an hour of time, and will consume a minimum of 100 gold coins in materials. Initially, they don’t appear to possess the proper components between them. However, the walls of this room are filled with shelves containing a multitude of component jars and vials. Some of those would surely be valuable enough to infuse into the magic, if they were so inclined.

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Re: (8) Astrologers Tower

#86 Post by Belkregos »

Belloc began the spell procedures, utilizing the available components, with the intention to settle the payment for the materials used once the spell was successfully completed. As he initiated the process, he diligently explained each step to Taibhse, providing valuable context regarding the expected results. Additionally, he took this opportunity to establish the groundwork for Taibhse's upcoming journey into the realm of arcane studies.
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Re: (8) Astrologers Tower

#87 Post by Ahlmzhad »


Realizing the need he begins searching in the jars to find what is needed. "You concentrate on your prep I can find the components."
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Re: (8) Astrologers Tower

#88 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Borrowing from the shelves what they do not possess themselves, a diamond powder is eventually located, allowing Belloc’s magical Identification to begin.

Sprinkling the valuable dust upon the glistening black stone of the twisted, cold staff while mentally delving into mystical realms beyond his mind’s comprehension, the traits of this dangerous staff slowly begin to reveal themselves. The first being the ability to call upon a magical Darkness.

Taibhse watches as Belloc’s eyes drift around in the back of his head, not yet realizing what is happening to his new friend. The Mage shakes his head violently before looking to the jar of powder in his hand again. Without consultation, or even a look up, Belloc begins sprinkling even more of the precious diamond dust upon the unpleasant shaft, seemingly unconcerned about the cost.

Almost as if the staff itself were commanding him to continue his investigations, more powers are eventually revealed. It can also Detect Undead, shoot forth a ray of magical energy that will sap the strength of a target, and even allow the user to Levitate themselves.

After a lengthy session of hearing Belloc articulating his magical phrases, while pouring more and more of the dust out, nearly emptying the jar by this point, and seemingly no longer in control of himself, Taibhse starts to wonder if he should attempt to intervene. Belloc has a crazed look in his eyes, but somehow knows the staff won’t reveal its most powerful ability unless he uses ALL of the dust. All 500gp worth.


Taibhse can act normally, but Belloc will need to make a Death save to act upon his own volition. :twisted:
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Re: (8) Astrologers Tower

#89 Post by Belkregos »

In the midst of what appeared to be a spiritual rapture, Belloc poured the remaining precious diamond dust, a crucial component, to complete the spell. Exhausted and drained of stamina, his body drenched in sweat and even blood from the arduous effort and required sacrifices, he struggled to maintain his composure. With determination, he reached for his pouch of gold, containing 300 gold pieces, and placed it on the table alongside the empty bottle of diamond dust.

Turning to Taibhse, Belloc spoke in between heavy breaths, "It won't be enough. The tower's guards will demand the missing 200 gold pieces from our hides if we fail to make up the deficit. If you have any gold, I promise to reimburse you as soon as I am able to."

Death save: [1d20]=15
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Re: (8) Astrologers Tower

#90 Post by Ahlmzhad »


"Gold by all means, I can cover that. Do you need anything else, water? Brandy?" Taibhse realizes this is dangerous, but he too would be pushing ahead to learn the secrets so close at hand so he's not alarmed by Belloc's actions.
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Re: (8) Astrologers Tower

#91 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The gold suddenly appearing on sheets is almost like magic. :lol:

The sweat covered and bloodied mage continues chanting until the jar is completely empty, mentally absorbing the last of the traits that this strange and powerful item has to offer. He now knows that if he touches the staff to something living, it will cause a good deal of pain and damage. (3d6) And better yet, the wounds it causes will be temporarily added to the health of the staffs wielder in a Vampiric Touch effect.

With Belloc now nearly spent physically, just barely able to walk out of the tower of his own accord, Taibhse agrees to help out with the cost of the diamond powder that was consumed by the spells potent magicks. Belloc holds the staff close to him, absolutely unwilling to let it go again under any circumstances. This item is now his and his alone, to do with as he pleases and to never let out of his sight.

Still a bit paranoid from both the effect of the staff and from the earlier words of Rubik, the pair pool their gold together so that they can replace the cost of the components they used up during the spell. (please remove 500gp total from your sheets) After catching his breath for a moment, Belloc moves to the door to find it unlocked. Cracking it open a sliver, he sees a single gold and black uniformed guard standing a short distance outside the door. Neither he or Taibhse remembers seeing any guards outside the door when they entered this room.

There is still no sign of Rubik to be seen in the rooms beyond this door.

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Re: (8) Astrologers Tower

#92 Post by Belkregos »

seeing the guard Belloc moved back to the work table and meticulously listed the components used for the spell, noting their costs, and arranged the containers neatly for a thorough review once done, he took care as he wrapped the staff with cloth, concealing its intricate details and safely held to it, then went back to the door and called the guard
Guard, call the bookkeeper, we'll need to settle the component usage ...
then continued to converse with Taibshe
"This is merely the beginning, Taibshe," Belloc affirmed, nodding toward the intricate arcane scribings they had painstakingly inscribed for the completed ritual. "To truly embark on your path, you must begin crafting your own spell book. Rest assured, I will help you with the first steps. Once we find an opportune moment, I will guide you through the process of transcribing the formulae of some of the rituals I have compiled"

OOC: i'll edit Belloc's inventory to substract 300gp, only 12 will remain in his inventory,
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Re: (8) Astrologers Tower

#93 Post by Ahlmzhad »


I've deducted the 200 gp from my own inventory.

Thank you Belloc, I have limited spell capability at this time so that would be very helpful. If this leaves you short for lodgings and food I have enough to see us through. Maybe we should find a small place, rather than stay at an inn, that might allow us more freedom to experiment.
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Re: (8) Astrologers Tower

#94 Post by OGRE MAGE »

While Taibhse and the nearly feeble Belloc discuss what they will do once they leave the tower, the guard aggressively enters the room, looking around at all the notes and empty jars.

With a huff, he does as he is told and retrieves a tower scribe who then confirms and logs the transactions. Both the guard and the scribe seem a little nervous, looking around the room more than necessary. Finally the scribe speaks. “Master Rubik has left the tower momentarily, I believe. Will either of you have any further need of his room?”

He looks Belloc over closely. “Your eyes, sir? You look like you could use some rest.”

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Re: (8) Astrologers Tower

#95 Post by sastaz »

Tuurma approaches the Tower door and asks the guard for Master Belloc, alternatively pounds on the door shouting for Belloc to come down.
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Re: (8) Astrologers Tower

#96 Post by Ahlmzhad »


Knowing Belloc's enfeebled status Taibhse will move to help him, and let the guards know they'll be fine. He'll ask Belloc if he has lodgings or i we will need to find them quietly so to avoid the guards knowing too much. He is ready to go as soon as Belloc is ready.
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Re: (8) Astrologers Tower

#97 Post by OGRE MAGE »

While Taibhse is helping the exhausted Belloc out of the tower, he spies Tuurma and Cormag conveniently approaching the edifice.

They can both tell the mage isn’t looking very healthy at the moment, but he seems to harbor a hint of satisfaction in his half closed eyes.

Amos looks nervous as he stares up towards the very top of the tall tower.

You folks can discuss what way you want to go from here.
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Re: (8) Astrologers Tower

#98 Post by Ahlmzhad »


Seeing the approaching pair he will stop and let them come to he and Belloc. "Thurma; Cormag. Good to see you, I hope all is well. Did you come looking for us here or is this only a happy coincidence?"
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Re: (8) Astrologers Tower

#99 Post by Belkregos »

Belloc made an effort to straighten himself and compose his demeanor. He offered a nod of gratitude to Taibshe, yet, in a bid to conserve his waning strength, he decided to limit himself to attentive listening for the time being.
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Re: (8) Astrologers Tower

#100 Post by sastaz »

The guys might be unused to seing Tuurma in her cleaned up state, but as of now at least she seems relatively composed and almost happy.

"Belloc, Taibhse, nice to see you again! Belloc, don't take this the wrong way but you look like shit. And believe me when I say that I know what that looks like. She says that last thing with a tint of compassion in her voice. "We did tell you that staff was dangerous. When you've gathered your strength, I'm very curious as to what you may have found out regarding it though."

She clears her throat. "Anyway, me and Cormag is here with Amos, who is a...disciple? Holy man?" She looks at Amos for advise. "He has a proposition for us and I thought you two might be interested in hearing him out."
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