The Search For Xambaala

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The Search For Xambaala

#1 Post by OGRE MAGE »

I will continue the events of the shipwrecked crew here so we can sprinkle in a few of the new players who are ready to begin.
OGRE MAGE wrote: Wed Jul 13, 2022 11:02 pm
The wrecked ship is stripped of anything remotely useful, those tattered remains adding to the burden of the upcoming slog.

The men tell you exactly where to find the hidden spring before giving Xenos a few hard biscuits and a chunk of camel jerky. “Eat in the morning so you have energy to make Xambaala before darkness sets in. They have enacted a curfew lately, so if you haven’t been there in a while, things might seem a bit different to you now. Be careful in the area around the old city. They say it is crawling with undead abominations that come out to hunt after dark, forcing this new overnight lockdown.”

Drest eventually starts to stir again, rubbing the huge fresh welt and cut on the back of his aching and pounding head.

The patrol captain nods to Xenos before clapping forearms. “Good luck, brother. And watch your ass if you do make it there. The place isn’t exactly as welcoming as it once was.”

“Before you leave, will you each give us your names so we may record this meeting in our reports?”
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Re: The Search For Xambaala

#2 Post by OGRE MAGE »

shaidar wrote: Thu Jul 14, 2022 7:36 am Xenos nods back

"Thank you captain. My name is Xenos. Last time I was there there were rumours of some kind of slave uprising." he looks disgusted at the idea "Is that part of the problem? Does anyone know the source of these undead?"
Rex wrote: Thu Jul 14, 2022 11:02 am Drest

Drest tries to clear his foggy brain. "Drest."
Karaunios wrote: Thu Jul 14, 2022 2:38 pm Akhilleus tells the Ixians his name while he helps Drest up.
Bluetongue wrote: Thu Jul 14, 2022 2:59 pm Valkrina

Not wanting to get caught up in any bureaucratic accounting, she introduces herself using a stage name.

"I am Kaz. A simple anthropologist, a
teller of story and song.

May your brave deeds echo in the taverns of Xambaala."
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Re: The Search For Xambaala

#3 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The Ixian patrol captain looks back grimly at Xenos.

"The undead are said to come from the Old City, where they haunt the half buried ruins surrounding Xambaala."

"The slave uprising seems to be a bigger problem than the Satrap cares to admit. The wealthy sit in their high towers guarded by paid mercenaries, while the general population suffers............. So, I suppose it is not much different than anywhere else."

The patrol documents your names, both real and alias, writing them down in a heavily worn leather covered journal. They mount their animals and are soon well down the shoreline, leaving you with directions and little else but the winds constantly blowing sand in your faces.

The journey to the first point of your destination goes by uneventfully, allowing you to arrive at the spring you were told about without any issues. A few trees and other plants grow around in a tiny oasis in the middle of nowhere. A few ripe dates and some pomegranates can be harvested for food, with plenty of tracks in the sand that could lead to larger, tastier game.

The dull orange glow of the ever dying Helios eventually slips below the horizon, bathing the desert sands in a strange reddish glow before darkness sets in completely. As the explorers ready the camp for sleeping through the night, they spot something strange off in the distance. It looks like a large sailing vessel out on the sea, slowly pulling up closer to the shore. Through the failing light and mists from the waves, it appears that a few of those on board leap over the side to swim to shore while the others remain on board.

You cant tell how many jumped in, but there were at least 5 splashes. You watch as they swim the short distance to the beach, slowly pulling themselves out of the surf where they organize again, pointing off in the opposite direction that you came from, towards Xambaala.

(from these four players only)
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Re: The Search For Xambaala

#4 Post by shaidar »


The Ixian enjoys the fruit and fresh water, rinsing and refilling his waterskin. He warns to others to eat and drink slowly, in small amounts, so they don't overwhelm their stomachs with the food.

When they spot those coming on shore he says:

"It seems they have the same destination as we do. There is safety in numbers when you travel the desert, although they could be the danger themselves. Also, if they leave now they will arrive at Xambaala in the dark, should we warn them of the curfew and undead, or leave them well alone?"
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Re: The Search For Xambaala

#5 Post by Rex »


"I am good with talking to them at least. They may have more information then we do."
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Re: The Search For Xambaala

#6 Post by Bluetongue »


"Pirates. Made to walk the plank! Can we trust such men? Better to leave them to their fate, we have little water as it is."
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Re: The Search For Xambaala

#7 Post by Rex »


I think we are standing at a stream with fresh drinking water.
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Re: The Search For Xambaala

#8 Post by OGRE MAGE »

It's not a stream, but a spring.

A small roughly circular area where plants and trees grow abundantly due to the ground being saturated with pooling potable water.
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Re: The Search For Xambaala

#9 Post by sastaz »

As soon as Tuurma reaches shore she diverges from the other jumpers.

"Okay thanks for nothing morons." she starts walking.

As she spots another few figures just a bit further up the shore she stops to have a look. In the faded light they're hardly discernable. They seem to be armed, or at least one of them. "Not ghouls then." Or who knows?

"Oh, fuck it."

She stays put, to see their reaction, stretching her back like a cat and leaning against her tower shield for support.
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Re: The Search For Xambaala

#10 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The four onlookers think they spot a true hyperborean woman in the distance.

If so, this would be the first time they have ever seen one wearing armor.
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Re: The Search For Xambaala

#11 Post by shaidar »


"Well, at least one of them has spotted us, so I guess there is no need to be coy."

He raises his hand above his head and waves it to get the woman's attention, beckoning her over.

"We should still be wary."
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Re: The Search For Xambaala

#12 Post by Rex »


"Agreed, caution first."
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Re: The Search For Xambaala

#13 Post by Karaunios »

Akhilleus agrees with his companions.

"Yes, let's keep our distance at first and see their intentions.

It's also possible they have more food and drink, Valkrina, among their provisions."
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Re: The Search For Xambaala

#14 Post by sastaz »

Tuurma raises her hand to return the greeting.

"Greetings. I am heading into Xambaala. Is this it?

She gestures behind her.

"Heard the streets aren't safe during nighttime, if they ever were. Maybe we could go inside together, to fend off any monstrosities, no strings attached? What do you say to that?"
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Re: The Search For Xambaala

#15 Post by shaidar »


"Xambaala is less than a days journey along the coast." he gestures in the direction of the city "But there is a curfew at night. The gates are locked and the undead roam the area. We are leaving for the city at first light."
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Re: The Search For Xambaala

#16 Post by sastaz »


"Undead, yes." she ponders, gaze attached at some distant point in the horizon.

Looking back at the four

"If you allow it, I will leave with you at first light then. Will they let us inside?"
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Re: The Search For Xambaala

#17 Post by shaidar »


"I know of no reason why they would not allow us entry. There is a small oasis nearby, which we are camped at. What of the others that came ashore with you?"
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Re: The Search For Xambaala

#18 Post by sastaz »

Tuurma shrugs.

"No idea. We didn't exactly become friends if you catch my meaning. Cutthroats and moneygrabbers mostly. They let me alone."

She pauses.

"You interested in the cult? I am."
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Re: The Search For Xambaala

#19 Post by Rex »


"What cult?"
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Re: The Search For Xambaala

#20 Post by sastaz »

Tuurma eyes the pict scout, perhaps trying to judge his intention with the question. Finally, she says

"Cannibals, terrorizing the areas outside the city. They're bound to have some connection to the hordes of undead that ravage the city at night. That's all I know. Also, rumors speak of hidden wealth in the city's forgotten, or cursed, areas."
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