Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

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Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#1 Post by Spearmint »

This Expedition thread is set up for Sven, Orgoth and companions as they seek to explore more of the subterranean labyrinth of the Barrowmaze.

Accompanying them are the Mage's familiar, Smokie the wolf, Amos, cleric of Arcantryl, Gnimish & Treyvor, gnomish artisans, Truro, cleric of St Ygg, Bucko & Yardie, two mercenaries aides. I am waiting on Jorly to confirm.

The expedition will leave Helix dated June 5th.
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#2 Post by Spearmint »

Helix Village, Duchy of Aerik.

June 5th 1066.

After a hearty breakfast at the tavern, traditional porridge eaten standing up with swirls of fresh milk and heaps of sugar, eggs fried sunny side up with the seasons green tomatoes more sausages than you can eat; the excess wolfed down in equal measure by wolf Smokie and wolfhound Conmhaol. Despite the cameraderie between the characters, the familiar and the animal companion do not get on, especially so when canine or lupine introductions usually include the sniffing of each others balls.

Two groups set out, supporting each other across the Barrowmoor with an agreement to part ways at the field of mammoth bones.

Arriving unhindered by midday, each group has a particular focus. One to locate a harpy lair, the other to explore among the scouted barrow mounds. You wish each other godspeed and success and part in different footpaths leading into the misty meadow of tumuli.

actions and comments for those in Sven's group.
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#3 Post by Rex »


"Good Luck and may Cromm grant you strength!"
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#4 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven grills the two newcomers as they travel, jotting down in his journal any landmarks or other areas they have seen on the moors the mage isn't familiar with yet.

He also wishes the other group well when they depart, originally thinking they would work together against the harpies.

"Well team, lets get on with the rest of our trek then, shall we?"

"I hope the meadows and surrounding area hasn't changed that much in our absence."
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#5 Post by Rex »


"Hopefully not, but out here on the moors I wouldn't count on that."
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#6 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven bids his group to keep their noise to a minimum and speak only in whispers once they enter the mounds area, pointing out the way to the Silas mound from former memories of this accursed place.

Whispering: "Let's keep moving everyone. And keep your wits about you out here. Stay alert for anything."
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#7 Post by Rex »


Orgoth moves along, keeping and eye out and a javelin ready to throw.
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#8 Post by Spearmint »

Barrow Mound of Silas, Chief of the Mercian Barbarians.

June 5th 1066.

The trek across the Moor goes without much of a hitch and wishing each group mutual success, they split up. One to trawl the mounds in search of a harpy lair, the second another covert delve into the subterranean labyrinth.

Sven, Amos, Orgoth, Gnimish, Treyvor, Truro, Bucko, Yardie and Smokie. You make your way north of the mammoth field, following the perimeter of the meadow with the Moor, turning north east as it closes in and rounding several tumuli noted before. It is all quiet. You had once previously noted a group excavating the mound north of Silas Barrow, rounding that you see a well dug out section of hillside and exposed stone door. It remains unbroken though chips in the surface indicate hammering to break it down. The group either gave up or were chased away for the tomb raiding has been left unfinished.

A check on the Nergal door finds it still closed, the nearby altar stone broken in two. Again it is quiet and eerie, always that feeling you are being watched comes over you though nobody calls attention and nothing disturbs your explorations.

Eventually you arrive by the mound of Silas. Cautious in your approach, remembering the traps fitted on both portals.

actions please
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#9 Post by Rex »


"If some one wants to make sure it is safe I will cover you."
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#10 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven looks around extra cautious and attentive to any new dangers. He motions for the group circumnavigate the mound before heading to the cover stone to see if they can find evidence of possible danger.

He and Amos look around for any more hints of tampering like they noticed last time. If things look safe enough, Sven orders the stone to be rolled open so they may check the interior of the mound.

“Let’s check for traps real close this time after what we found the last time we were here.”
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#11 Post by Rex »


If we determine it is free of traps Orgoth will help moving the stone.
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#12 Post by Spearmint »

Barrow Mound of Silas, Chief of the Mercian Barbarians.

June 5th 1066.

There are no visible traps placed upon the stone seal and it may be rolled free of the carved frames. Cautiously checking ahead, Amos advances into the narrow entrance passage. The first chamber, a room of arched alcoves before the second one with sarcophagi and the entrance to the labyrinth below.

The cleric holds up a warning halt with his palm and indicates with fingers that at least half a dozen skeletons are braced at attention in the alcoves.

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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#13 Post by Rex »


Orgoth holds up on Amos' signal. Ready to attack if the skeletons attack.
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#14 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven gets a torch lit and has everyone hold their positions, telling the clerics to attempt their turning first before any combat is initiated.

Once in better light, the mage looks the skeletons over carefully, feeling pretty confident that these are no ordinary undead creations.

"Be prepared if these things regenerate, or explode."
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#15 Post by Rex »


"Got it. I will try and keep them pinned in if they animate."
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#16 Post by Spearmint »

Barrow Mound of Silas, Chief of the Mercian Barbarians.

June 5th 1066.

The cautious approach pays dividends as the guardian skeletons animate from the alcoves. You pick out in the flickering torchlight that each has a black stained hand print on their skulls. Raising rusty weapons, serrated khopesh blades and slim spears they advance as a double rank to engage the group as you come from the entrance passage. Amos stutters a prayer but the young evangelist Truro barks a divine rebuke. Several skeletons clutch heads as godly vengeance wreaks havoc upon their undead minds, causing them to turn in terror and confusion. No where to go except the second chamber and the gaping hole in the floor where the bear sarcophagus once stood. Those under wrath jump down into the landing below, you hear them clatter upon the remnants of the metal staircase.

Some skeletons are not so easily swayed from their charge and despite a volley of bolts, press upon the uncharismatic cleric Amos. -1hp

Bucko and Yardie charge into the fray with little effect.

attacks please
there are five skeletons left, one unturned on the front rank engaged in combat and four holding spears behind that will engage next round.
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#17 Post by Rex »


Orgoth advances and attacks the first skeleton he encounters.

Magic Spear [1d20+2]=6+2=8 to hit [1d6+4]=5+4=9 damage
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#18 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Listening to the noise of the skeletons as they fall, Sven waits to hear any explosions when they hit the ground.

Not wanting to take any chances with the remaining undead, the mage uses a new spell he’s recently acquired, hoping to stop the remaining threats where they stand.

Casting Web across the chamber, at the 4 in the rear ranks, hoping to ensnare all of them in the sticky strands, while also trying to avoid hitting Amos and Orgoth.

I will roll for spell retention once the roller works again.
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#19 Post by Spearmint »

Barrow Mound of Silas, Chief of the Mercian Barbarians.

June 5th 1066.

The skeletons who were turned jumped down into the rust monster landing but did not fatally injure themselves so not bones exploding.

Triggering a web spell, Sven shows off more spider skills, weaving silky strands that entangle a quartet of the undead constructs. One alone manages to hack himself free of the sticky bonds but he is engaged by the mercenaries who hack his skeletal frame.
One skeleton is left attacking, several bound by the web net, others fleeing in the Barrowmaze. Expecting the skeleton to erupt once slain, the group can take out the single one with some range fire. Those captured in the webbing are not strong enough to break the threads so you can also attack them at range and your leisure so that you are beyond the radius of the explosion of bony shards.

After a turn the webs dissipate and you can pass freely.

actions please.
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Re: Barrowmaze V: Expanding Dark Horizons

#20 Post by Rex »


Once the skeletons are all destroyed he searches the area once the web is gone.

Did they explode?

"Nice work Sven. We should push further in before they can regroup."

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