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Re: Garrotten

#341 Post by gurusql »


"I think that solo activity should be kept to a minimum, perhaps I should go with you on your errands Lestadt. We did publicly say we were going to the church together and if we do that in the afternoon that can be our excuse."
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Re: Garrotten

#342 Post by OGRE MAGE »

If anyone changed their daily spells, I will need to be informed of that. Thanks.

A New Day Dawns, For Some
Godsday, Morning, Clear
Second Day After The Barons Murder

Theater Of The Mystic

After breaking their fast on a nice home cooked meal together, Luna and Zahra head out early to reconvene with the players at the theater, hoping to learn more about this mysterious Holga.

As they arrive on the grounds, they find Balmorrow and the woman they saw earlier, who Luna knows as Phyllis, one of the troupe members. This long raven haired beauty appears to be whispering something to a black crow perched on her finger before sending it off in flight.

A concerned looking Balmorrow addresses his girlfriend and her new cabinmate as they approach the buildings. "Luna my love! A good morning to you both! Please tell me that you know where Wilbur is at the moment. According to Phyllis here, the fool never returned home last night."


Zahra AC:5 24/24 CLW/CLW/C/DM/DM A/DC/KA/SWA

The House Of Abraham

A quick private meeting in the morning allows the 4 members of the group staying at the inn to catch each other up on what happened during the night. Unfortunately, this information doesn't get them any closer to finding the current whereabouts of Ashley or Zap. Carling's report doesn't sound too good for their wellbeing, so he and Redgrave decide it will be in their best interest to go out looking for them first thing after breakfast, with the intentions to meet up with the others again at noon near the church.

Though there is a good breakfast crowd in the tavern in the morning, none of the 4 obvious suspects from last night are in attendance this early. Once outside again, they start making their way towards the dilapidated home where Carling saw the scruffy man enter the night before. (39) How would you like to approach the house?

After a quick meal, Abraham nods to Lestadt and Draxon, motioning for them to follow him towards the side entrance once their meal is finished. He walks them through the back hall and outside to the barn, calling for a boy named James from the kitchen along the way.

Once the group is out of the public eye, inside the outbuilding, Abraham introduces his trio of teenage employees. "This is James, he's 14, he works in the kitchen and as a server when we get busy. This is Balmar, 13, he helps keep things clean and tidy around here, and Glami is training him to tend the bar." Anyone who met Balmorrow the Bard earlier notices an obvious resemblance to the man. "And lastly, this little rascal is called Falpir. He works the stables, keeping things tidy in there." The proprietor gathers the boys in close, his tone turning very serious. "Okay fellas, these two men have a few questions for you, and I want you to answer them quickly and honestly, you hear" All three boys snap to attention once they are addressed, showing an obvious respect to their employer. Falpir seems nervous while the others appear willing to help. James asks with concern. "Did something bad happen?"


Lestadt AC:8 20/20
Draxon AC:5 27/27 DM/E/US ESP/K

Redgrave AC:3 25/25
Carling AC:3 16/17
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Re: Garrotten

#343 Post by Rex »


"This isn't good, it seems he may have known more then we thought and fled."

Same spells.
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Re: Garrotten

#344 Post by Bluetongue »

Once outside again, they start making their way towards the dilapidated home where Carling saw the scruffy man enter the night before. (39) How would you like to approach the house?
Quicksilver Carling

"Stealthily" he says to Redgrave. Leaving the tavern he checks when the coast is clear of villagers and anyone peeking through a tavern curtain. He suggests Redgrave go around the front and he will try the back or a window he can open. He bides his time so he can conceal himself to best advantage.

Carling tries to Hide in Shadows vs 48% [1d100]=7

If the guy is in, distract him at the door. If not, we bust in and search the place. He has answers to the whereabouts of Ash & Zap.
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Re: Garrotten

#345 Post by Spearmint »

Karloff Redgrave

Waiting for the signal then from the elf who sneaks around the back, I will go up to the front door.

Having learned a bit from his experience with the sneaky bard, he assesses the path and porch just in case more pit traps.

Redgrave: dwarven skill to check masonry traps vs 50% [1d100]=100

Seems like he cannot see beyond his beard. Hoping for no nonsense, from any shingle dropping in his head or stepping on a loose flagstone, he knocks on the man's door.
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Re: Garrotten

#346 Post by Quonundrum »


Lestadt smiles and nods at each boy in turn as Abraham introduces them. He first replies to James's question. "We are here to make sure nothing bad happens to Master Abraham. My name is Michault, and this dapper fellow is Draxon." As he continues, he gazes intently at the three lads, pausing slightly when he sets his eyes on Falpir. "We are checking the security of the inn after reports of bandits and thugs in the nearby forest."

He then points to Abraham's vest and gestures to the buttons on his own shirt. "Mr. Abraham noticed one of his vests' buttons was missing recently. We are concerned that a thief may have searched through his clothing, inadvertently removing the button. Now, it's quite unlikely a thief actually did break into his house, but we must be thorough in our duty. You understand?"

"He noted it missing after his clothes were last washed. Do you recall a vest button falling off in the wash? Perhaps while scrubbing? It's very important that we know what happened to it. Mr. Abraham's safety, and yours, are important to us. If it was an accident, I am quite sure he will understand. Accidents happen all the time, else we wouldn't have a word for them, would we?"
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Re: Garrotten

#347 Post by gurusql »


Draxon keeps a smile on his face attempting to keep the kids at ease as Lestadt speaks.
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Re: Garrotten

#348 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The Investigation Continues
Godsday, Morning, Clear
Second Day After The Barons Murder

Theater Of The Mystic

Balmorrow nods his head. “Were you able to find Holga last night? Did you speak with her father?”


Zahra AC:5 24/24 CLW/CLW/C/DM/DM A/DC/KA/SWA

The Barn Of Abraham

Lestadt takes the lead role in the boys questioning, while Draxon listens along for now, trying to look friendly. All three appear nervous at the thought of anything bad happening to their boss and mentor. James continues doing the talking. "Thieves and bandits? You're talking about those evil assassins, aren't you? We hear plenty of the rumors here too, you know."

Abraham looks nervous now, wondering if getting these young boys involved is such a good idea. James continues. "I can speak for the others when I say that none of us here wants anything bad to happen to Abraham.......or anyone else."

"Vest buttons? How could anyone break into his room without him knowing about it?"

All three boys shake their heads at the idea that any of them know anything about a missing button, a slight hint of guilt still painted upon the face of young Falpir.

"No sirs! We don't know anything about a missing button, right fellas?” All three boys nod in agreement.

“When we do something wrong, we fess up about, right?” They all nod again, looking up at Abraham, who does the same. “They are very honest boys, I must say. I tend to believe they are telling the truth.”


Lestadt AC:8 20/20
Draxon AC:5 27/27 DM/E/US ESP/K

Priska's House?

Carling tries to sneak across the open field of grass in between the buildings, seeing nobody watching from the inn, while Redgrave simply walks up to the front door.

The elven thief finds the back window shutters closed and secured from the inside, though a pick could easily be attempted on the old, worn out mechanism. (+15% on OL)

Redgrave sees no issues with the construction at the entrance, so he awaits his partners signal before knocking upon the door.


Redgrave AC:3 25/25
Carling AC:3 16/17
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Re: Garrotten

#349 Post by gurusql »


Draxon walks up to the young Falpir and gets down on knee and says "Young Falpir, working in the stables you have a unique view of the comings and goings of everyone not only in the inn but around the area. Since we can all see that you are honest boys and want only the best for Abraham and the inn - do you have anything else you can add either about the button or something that at the time seemed normal but with us here now seems strange?"
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Re: Garrotten

#350 Post by Bluetongue »

Busting out lockpicks and bent coat hangers.

Carling is more used to the delicate nature of complex safes and chastity belts than rusty window latches and rotten hinges.

Quicksilver Carling Open Locks vs 47% [1d100]=64

Frustrated, he will join the dwarf around the front and follow him through the door.
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Re: Garrotten

#351 Post by Rex »


"We spoke with the father and he let Wilbur in. They claimed she was there resting and couldn't be disturbed. We also talked to the talk and she hasn't been home in days, last seen heading into town a few days ago. They are obviously lying."
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Re: Garrotten

#352 Post by Spearmint »

Karloff Redgrave

While the elf fiddles with the catches, he knocks on the door, waiting a moment then knocking again. If no one attends he will try the handle.
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Re: Garrotten

#353 Post by Quonundrum »


In his line of business, he's rather familiar with the hint of guilt in Falpir's demeanour. So, when Draxon kneels to speak with the young man, he motions for Abraham and James to join him outside. "May I speak with you two for a moment, please?"

Outside the barn he smiles and nods at James, clapping him on a shoulder. "You're a good man, James. I believe that you are telling us the truth. It is also true that these rumoured assassins may be involved. You will understand then that it is vitally important nothing we have spoken here today is shared with anyone else."

He pauses to survey the surroundings, ostensibly to check for eavesdroppers, but in reality to give Draxon a bit more time alone with Falpir. "Now, it's obvious the other lads respect and look up to you, so I am sure you will impress upon them the need for secrecy in this matter, yes?"
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Re: Garrotten

#354 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The Investigation Continues
Godsday, Morning, Clear
Second Day After The Barons Murder

Theater Of The Mystic

Balmorrow shakes his head and huffs. “I trust an animals word over a persons any day. Especially a concerned fathers. But if Wilbur was allowed inside, perhaps he just stayed there last night and we are all worried over nothing.”


Zahra AC:5 24/24 CLW/CLW/C/DM/DM A/DC/KA/SWA

The Barn Of Abraham

Falpir looks Draxon in the eyes and answers plainly. “Honestly sir, I don’t know nothin about this. If I seen something strange, id’a sure enough told Abraham about it. I promise!”

Outside the barn, Abraham remains in the doorway where he can keep his eye on all of the boys. No eavesdropping is detected nearby. James nods along with the questioning. “I swear we don’t want no problems, so I’ll make sure those two don’t say anything about this to no one. Say…ummm…..we aren’t in any kind of trouble, are we?”


Lestadt AC:8 20/20
Draxon AC:5 27/27 DM/MM/US ESP/K

Priska's House?

Foiled by the simplicity of the shutters, Carling joins his companion at the front steps. Redgrave knocks upon the door to no answer. There is no sound, smell, or light coming from within. The dwarf knocks again but still receives no answer.

Looking around, they don’t witness anyone observing them, but neither man can shake the feeling that they are being watched. (I’ll take a d20 Wis check from both of you, if you please) Trying the door, Carling finds it locked.


Redgrave AC:3 25/25
Carling AC:3 16/17
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Re: Garrotten

#355 Post by Bluetongue »

Quicksilver Carling

Carling Wisdom check vs 7 [1d20]=9

We are being watched, but by whom? Ashley perhaps? "Come, we can kick the door in later. Let's scout the woods"
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Re: Garrotten

#356 Post by Spearmint »

Karloff Redgrave

Having already tried shouldering the door open to little effect, he shrugs.

Redgrave Wisdom check vs 10+ [1d20]=19

None the wiser. No lights on and no one at home.

"Well if a rogue camp are in the forest, surely they have moved on by now, especially if that town guard followed up on your story.

But we need to at least find Zap and Ashley and try to get back on track before the assassins whittle us down further."

He will follow along down the road towards the bridge and forest that is south of the town.
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Re: Garrotten

#357 Post by gurusql »

OGRE MAGE wrote: Sun May 15, 2022 10:12 pm The Barn Of Abraham
Falpir looks Draxon in the eyes and answers plainly. “Honestly sir, I don’t know nothin about this. If I seen something strange, id’a sure enough told Abraham about it. I promise!”

Draxon will smile, jostle Falpir's hair and say "Of course you would, and please do not stop."
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Re: Garrotten

#358 Post by Quonundrum »

Say…ummm…..we aren’t in any kind of trouble, are we?”
"I will be honest with you, James ... I am not certain. Unless we can determine how the button was lost, Abraham is potentially in danger."

He motions for them to enter the barn. When they are all assembled again, he asks, "Now then, I have one more question. We believe you lads have no knowledge of the missing button. Assuming the thief could not have entered Abraham's house undetected, the button must have been stolen when the vest was taken for washing. Yes?"

"Where and how are Abraham's clothes washed? Were they left unattended at any time? Remember, it's very important that we know what happened to the button. Abraham's safety depends on it." The last sentence he speaks looking directly at Falpir.
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Re: Garrotten

#359 Post by Rex »


"Perhaps, I think he stayed there at least until we left. We were thinking of searching the village for her."
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Re: Garrotten

#360 Post by Monsieur Rose »


She frowns at the problem. "I think we have to go talk to the father again. I don't want anything to happen to Wilbur, even if he's lying to my face. There's a mother around also, right? Maybe it's time to deal with a reasonable person at the farm."

"If Wilbur is there, then fine, we'll be lied to again. But if he's gone then there is definitely a problem." She turns to the Bard. "Do you know where Holga works? If she was at the inn or the church, then she may have been able to get another of the items."

Luna suggests going back to the farm, possibly stopping in at the inn or church along the way to see if Holga works there. If those are along the way. :D
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