Custom/unique items

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Custom/unique items

#1 Post by thirdkingdom »

The Potions of Oleg Highstreet

Highstreet's concoctions will last for one month. We will assume this is one month from purchase. They do the following:
Potion of Health (200 gp):When consumed (and yes, they can be force-fed) the potion will heal 1d4+1 points of damage.
Antidote (175 gp):If taken within two rounds of coming in contact with non-magical poison the target is allowed a second saving throw with a +2 bonus.
Insect Repellent (200 gp):Normal or magical bugs will, unless magically compelled, ignore a character slathered in this greasy oil. Lasts for approximately one hour.
Fire Resistance (200 gp): The drinker of this potion becomes immune to normal fires and suffers one less point of damage per die done from a magical source (minimum one hp per die). Therefore, if hit by a fireball causing 6d6 points of damage, the result of each d6 would have 1 hp subtracted from it.
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Re: Custom/unique items

#2 Post by frobozz »


Arrows of the Vorloi

Arrows +1

"These arrows bear the signature fletching of the Traladaran Vorloi clan, which used to live in the area. By all accounts they eschewed worship of Halav and the others, preferring to bow down to other, more obscure and, in my mind, indifferent deities. It seems that as the Thyatians began to push north they came into contact with the Vorloi, who after long consultations with elders and priests decided to neither fight nor assimilate, but instead fled to the north. And their story ends there, I am afraid, which is a real shame, because the tales mention a certain chalice in their possession, an artifact from older times and forgotten days. As a collector of Traladaran antiquities I would pay dearly for such an item!" --- Myraal the Stout

Dagger of Gheff One-Ear ("Hedfan")

Dagger +1, range increments increased by 10/10/15 feet

"The dagger is elf-made, by one Gheff One-Ear, of one of the southern tribes. He may still live, I know not. It is a bond-knife, forged to seal a deal between elf and man, long ago. I do not know who it was for, but it is enchanted to strike true and be thrown further than would otherwise be possible. Its name is Hedfan." --- Zoltar the Blind

Wand of Ganch of Pine

The wielder of this wand can, once per day, extend the duration of any spell he casts by twofold.

"It was made by the wizard Ganch of Pine, a friend of mine. He disappeared some five years ago on an expedition to the west, searching for a 'Lost Valley.' His spellbooks and several puissant items, this wand included, were lost with him." --- Zoltar the Blind

Chain Mail Armor

Armor +1

Potion of Longevity

The drinker immediately becomes 10 years younger. The effect is an instant one rather than an ongoing one, and therefore cannot be disspelled. This potion will not reduce the age of the drinker below 15 years old.

(potion sold to Oleg Highstreet for 1250gp on Flaurmont 7, AC 1000)

Potion of Water Breathing

This potion lets the drinker breathe either water or air for four hours, and switch between the two automatically even if unconscious. It does not affect movement in any way.
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Re: Custom/unique items

#3 Post by frobozz »


Faery Stone of Life Restoration

If placed under the tongue within one turn of death it will restore the dead to life with 1 hp. Pre-existing wounds and conditions (such as poison) are still in effect, if applicable. A person returned to life in such a manner becomes "fae-touched", a condition that will be expounded upon if it occurs.

(Innana restored to life with faery stone on Flaurmont 12, AC 1000)
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Re: Custom/unique items

#4 Post by frobozz »


Rowan Shields

Whenever the bearer of such a shield is the target of magic, or within 5' of the area of a spell's effect, the rowan wood will vibrate. If the bearer is wearing the shield on the arm or carrying it in hand, this vibration is impossible to miss. In addition, a rowan shield may be sacrificed as per the rules of Shields Shall Be Splintered to block any spell (of 4th level or less) that targets the bearer, regardless if it causes damage or not.

Dwarven Weapons

Masterwork Weapons: (non-magical) +1 to hit

Elven Bows

Displacer Beast Bows: (non-magical) +1 to hit
Laminated Bows: (non-magical) +1 to damage, range increments increased by 15/30/45 feet

Continual Light Lantern

Lantern with a Continual Light spell cast upon it. Lantern can be shuttered for total darkness.

Heatvision Goggles

Goggles that allow a human to see in the dark in the infra-red spectrum like a dwarf or elf. Goggles can only be worn for an hour per day or the wearer will develop massive migraines.


Belladonna (also known as deadly nightshade) is a poisonous flower. A character who eats a pound of belladonna within one hour of being infected with lycanthropy may make a saving throw versus Poison to shake off the affliction. If the character fails the saving throw, however, he dies from the poison after one turn. Even if the poison is then neutralized or the character is raised from the dead, he will still be afflicted with lycanthropy, and further doses of belladonna will be of no use.


Wolfsbane (dried aconite flowers) may drive off werewolves and other lycanthropes if a character strikes the monster in hand-to-hand combat with the sprig. If the lycanthrope fails a saving throw versus Poison, it must flee as if turned. A character who eats wolfsbane must make a saving throw versus Poison or die after one turn.

Maeve's Spell Book

"This spell book is an ancient text, a collector's item really, though few know of its usefulness. It belonged to the sorceress Maeve some three centuries ago, and was her spell book when she was but an apprentice. It contains no powerful spells, but is rumored to contain several of her own devising, written when she was still young." --- Scroll Merchant at the Gnome Caravan

Gan The Lonesome's Spell Book

"This spell book belonged to Gan the Lonesome, a singular mage with an . . . interesting personality. Make no mistakes, he was a cunning and powerful wizard, who lost his life ten years ago when an explosion destroyed his tower. This spell book was one of the few items left intact from the blast." --- Scroll Merchant at the Gnome Caravan
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Re: Custom/unique items

#5 Post by frobozz »


Heirloom Sword of Tall Oak ("Dannedd Blaidd" - Tooth of the Wolf)

Sword +3

Heirloom Chain Mail Armor of Tall Oak

Armor +2

Branches of the Mother Tree of Tall Oak

Bundle of deadwood branches that can be made into 20 magical arrows

"These will make some fine arrows, potentially with puissant properties against certain evil creatures, those that are the bane of elves, such as undead or orcs. There is an elven bowyer, Aediel of the Callarii, who lives in the town of Riffilan to the south. He would be the one to speak to." --- Myraal the Stout

Potion of Sight

The drinker of this potion can temporarily see despite any blindness conditions. Additionally, the drinker may see invisible things. The potion lasts for 10 minutes.
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Re: Custom/unique items

#6 Post by frobozz »


Journal of Pyotr Ivanov (House Servant of Master Kelgar)
Journal of Pyotr Ivanov (House Servant of Master Kelgar)
Eirmont[November] 10, AC 945. I have come to work and live at the tower of Master Kelgar, a kind man of great learning and sage knowledge. He has taken me on to assist his steward and perform minor tasks. The master has furnished me a room in the tower, with a fireplace, a bed and more room than my parent's house!
Kaldmont[December] 2, AC 945. Master Kelgar called me into the uppermost chamber of the Tower today, a privilege I had yet to enjoy. It is a wonder to behold! More books than I ever knew existed, strange bottles and flasks and other wonders crowd the shelves. Yet his crown jewel – one he spent a quarterglass explaining me – is a giant spyglass like the pirates in stories use, but half the length of a man. The roof of the Tower is constructed so as to open – an invention of the dwarves, he claimed – and his glass powerful enough to see other worlds! Indeed, he claimed he could was making a survey of the sky, searching for the Outer Planes where the Immortals dwell! Surely his mind has gone, spending so much time staring at the sky.
Flaurmont[April] 5, AC 946. The strange comet is still in the sky, and this morning when Kelgar came down to break his fast he seemed shaken. There were beings moving on the comet, he claimed, visible through his glass! He seemed on the verge to continue, but held his tongue and called for bacon. I feel he is hiding something.
Kaldmont[December] 22, AC 946. It is with a heavy heart that I report that I am now my master's steward. Ilya, a man dear to my heart and who has taught me much, fell down the stairs last night and broke his neck. His body is to be interred here, master decreed, in the crypt below the tower, to honor the man for his service.
Nuwmont[January] 14, AC 947. Another tragedy! Sasha, whom I knew well as a young boy, though she was several years my elder, died of consumption today. My master is at a loss, as are we all! He spoke of sending down to the village for another maid, but it is doubtful we shall find one as competent nor as kindly as her.
Yarthmont[May] 2, AC 947. He has changed. Master Kelgar, who is like a father to me, is not the same man I have known. His temper is short, his manner brisk. He spends his nights looking through the glass, and his days in the bowels of the tower. He has engaged several dwarves, though they resemble no dwarves I am familiar with, to do some alterations to the lower levels. He has forbidden us to venture down into the depths, ere we disturb the labor.
Fyrmont[August] 18, AC 947. I am well again, at last. It seemed my strength had vanished, leaving me as weak as a newborn lamb. Kelgar cared for me himself, these months, seeming much more himself.
Fyrmont[August] 25, AC 947. The work is done in the cellars, and he has changed the locks. The lower levels, as well as his study, are now forbidden to the staff.
Thaumont[March] 1, AC 950. He has changed, that much is for sure. Kelgar's manner has become abrupt, even insulting. While he seemed no more than two score years when I first arrived, he now resembles a man of twice that, his face and hands are blistered, and, to put it no other way, he smells. My once kind master has become ill-tempered; his appearance has twisted to fit his new personality.
Flaurmont[April] 4, AC 950. We have been cast from the tower, all of us servants, and forced into the coachman's quarters. He has doubled our pay, but we talk of leaving. And we would, were we not afraid.
Yarthmont[May] 2, AC 950. When we rose the door to the stables was locked from the outside. We are trapped. I can hear the old man outside, pacing and muttering, as if deep in conversation with another. The smell is foul, charnel, and chokes us in here, even on the other side of the door. We have agreed to wait, and rush the door if it opens, to force our way out.
"The journal mentions a comet. There are multiple accounts from credible sources referring to a comet during the specified time period. Yet not one of these other sources mentions visible beings riding on the comet. Perhaps this farseer the mage constructed was truly a thing of wonder, or perhaps it was merely the first sign of a decline into insanity." --- Myraal the Stout

Coat-of-Arms Hawk Insignia

"The hawk crest is the symbol of the Ivanovoy family, an ancient and noble Traladaran clan that has since fallen onto hard times. It seems there are not many left... You might be able to find the remaining survivors in Specularum, should you wish to pursue this matter." --- Myraal the Stout

Arcane Symbol Rough Sketching

"The arcane symbol quite frankly has me stumped. It is not magical in nature, at least not how we in the Guild understand magic. But then, the knowledge of the Karameikan Guild is woeful compared to that of other lands, to be honest." --- Myraal the Stout
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Re: Custom/unique items

#7 Post by frobozz »


Honeycomb of the Apis Mellifera Gigantus

A fist-sized portion of the comb may be broken off and stored for up to three months. If consumed, it will act as both a Cure Disease and a Cure Poison spell upon the eater.
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Re: Custom/unique items

#8 Post by frobozz »


Dwarven Shield (embossed with golden wyvern)

"The shield is non-magical, but made it Rockhome. This rune here denotes the Stonefist clan of dwarves, while the mark next to it tells me it was forged by one Raggas Stonefist. Other than that, there is little I can tell you." --- Myraal the Stout

"That symbol looks an awful lot like the one used by House Draconis, up Darokin way. Don't know any of them personally, as they're a minor house, fairly new as things go, but the founder was Thyatis born and bred and they're supposedly doing a bunch of trading in Specularum, these days." --- merchant in Threshold

Ancient Green Stone Figurine (carved with lion's head)

"I'm guessing it is Alphatian in origin, but that's about all I can tell you. It's outside my area of expertise. Perhaps in a larger city -- Specularum or Darokin -- you might find out more information." --- Myraal the Stout

Ancient Tarnished Silver Dagger (with pebbled leather hilt)

Ancient Sword (sheathed in ancient leather, hilt in silver wire, inscribed with Alphatian rune - "Swift Fang")

Sword +1

Ancient Plate Mail Armor

Armor +1

Silver Bowl of Divination (w/ Silver Ewer)

The Draconic runes on the bowl read "Plenigu min per akvo, por vidi vian deziron", which Drudsa translates roughly as "With water I will show your desire."

Pouring water into the bowl currently opens up a communication portal between a man in black and red velvet with a pinched and weasel-like face and goatee on the one end, and a green-skinned creature named Trandee (possibly the hobgoblin captured in battle) on the other end.

"This bowl is keyed to a specific focus. Bargle is most likely not using a bowl to respond, as he would be required to keep the keyed bowl with him at all times. Most likely it is keyed to an item the mage carries on him, or to the mage himself. I do not believe it would be possible to contact others not in possession of this key. I fear he who possesses the key may be able to either scry through the bowl or divine its location without it being activated." --- Myraal the Stout

Finely Carved Magical Spear

Spear +1/+3 vs. Giants
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Re: Custom/unique items

#9 Post by frobozz »


Silver Bowl of Divination

see previous post for item description

Dark Oily Wooden Box (w/ five buttons on front)

Heavy Tarnished Silver Medallion (in shape of skull)

a symbol of the Immortal Orcus

Glass Vials (3)

Claws of the Beast

These claws can certainly be made into magic items, which we can discuss in the future (as a pendant, dagger, etc.) This will require some effort and cost. However, a claw may also be worn as a talisman, with the ability to grant a reroll on any one saving throw. Each PC can only have one talisman from this specific Beast, ever. The claw must be worn prominently for one week before it begins to function. In addition, it requires 100 gp be spent during this time period. This cost goes towards setting the claw in a necklace/as a broach as well as spending at least two nights in a populated area, buying drinks, telling the tale of the Beast's death, hiring minstrels to sing of your deeds, etc.

"There is magic in these talons, no doubt. If you keep them about yourself a little of it will rub off -- like a charm, you know. Nothing too potent, just a little bit of luck when you might need it. But like with all charms, they wear off after a while. Shouldn't push your luck too far. You could also fashion one into a more puissant item -- a dagger, or amulet -- but such is beyond me. You may wish to visit the witch Talee, in the moors outside of Kelvin. She has a fair hand for such craftings." --- Myraal the Stout

The Baron's Sword

Sword +2

"It has been in my family for five generations. You may not know it, but I am Thyatian on my father's side; this sword was forged in Thyatis over one hundred years ago. In the Common Tongue, its name translates to 'Pain and Misfortune' . . . for those who stand against it. It is a puissant blade, made for battle against foes of all sorts." --- Baron Sherlane Halaran
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Re: Custom/unique items

#10 Post by thirdkingdom »

Innana's Sword

Every day the character must pierce his hand with the silver wire wrapped around the hilt, causing 1 hp damage. This action takes no time. When "blooded" the wielder may choose to use the power of the sword. For four rounds the wielder has his Dexterity increased to 18 and his base speed increased by 10'. It takes one round of concentration to initiate the power of the sword, and the four rounds can be used all at once or broken up into discrete increments. The power can be ended as desired without spending any actions.
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Re: Custom/unique items

#11 Post by Atlictoatl »

A +1 sword of elven make. Once per day your character can activate it's powers to cast cure light wounds upon yourself. This takes one full round of concentration to do, and the blade must both be held while doing it and have just drawn blood from an opponent within the last turn.
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Re: Custom/unique items

#12 Post by Alethan »

a)When flown, all allied troops gain a +1 non-magical bonus to their morale.
b)The standard bearer is gains a +2 bonus to her AC against missile attacks.
c)Once per day, the standard has the power to allow a reroll of a failed morale check made by the adventurer's hirelings (i.e. those fighting under the banner) who are within 90 feet of the banner.
Dragon foot. Bamboo pole. Little mouse. Tiny boy.
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