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300-006. Gold Reef. Poseidon

#81 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Mother arrested for Child Cruelty
A mother, whose child was delivered by emergency caesarean section at Gold Reef Hospital has been arrested for child cruelty after the Obstetrics team discovered that the baby had been subject to substantial ante-natal genetic modifications. Raids on the clinic at which the parents had been receiving this treatment are still ongoing.

While the current practice of allowing people to modify their bodies to better suit the Poseidon environment is now almost commonplace, foisting such radical changes upon a baby is both unethical and unlawful. stated the Captain of Gold Reef. In the light of the Mother's medical condition, the trial will be held over until she is released from Hospital.

The child has been placed in the custody of the station.
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300-006. Ares

#82 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Corundum find on Jade
A mineral survey on Jade, investigating cryo-mineralogy phenomena in it's exotic atmosphere has, unexpectedly, discovered commercially extractable Corundum on Jade.

While this will not be the what was expected, this find will fully justify the expense of this expedition - and those critics who have denigrated pure-science as un-economic will now have yet more evidence to ignore.
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300-002. Cliffgate, Greenway

#83 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Vandals at Better Genetics
A group of petty vandals broke in to Better Genetics over the Holiday and minor damage was found.

It will take a bit of cleaning up to get our laboratory back in full-scale operation, but our clients can rest assured that our services will suffer no noticeable delay.
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300-006. North Pole, Sparks

#84 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Breaking News...Tunnel Collapse at Spaceport
There are reports of a tunnel collapse at the North Pole Spaceport on Sparks. Several people are believed trapped, and the communications network in the area appears to have failed as a result. More on this incident as details become available.
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300-006. Ares

#85 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Breakthrough HUD
Mali Technology has announced that it will be shipping new, wireless contact-lens holographic computer displays from this week. At just Cr500 a pair, will these be the breakthrough display technology we have been waiting for?
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300-006. North Pole, Sparks

#86 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Breaking News...Major terrorist incident at Spaceport
There are reports from the spaceport of two explosions: at the Administration Office and at the Control Tower. There are reports of casualties, but we have no details as yet. The scenes are reminiscent of the Taksang Pirate attack on the port in 298 - and the port has only just re-opened after that attack. Security and Rescue teams are rushing to the scene. The Navy has ordered all non-navy spacecraft to remain outside a 100km exclusion zone and urgent traffic is being diverted to the south pole.

This new attack was unexpected. How did the security forces miss it?

This is another insult to the Belt's trade. How should it be answered?

Have the events in this story affected you? Contact this station at the number below.
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300-006. North Pole, Sparks

#87 Post by BackworldTraveller »

News Update...Sparks Spaceport Attack
News is just in that the incident at the spaceport has seen the crew of at least one vessel being attacked by pirates in what is being described as a blatant breach of the peaceful purpose of this trading port. A third bomb is reported to have exploded, destroying one of the ship-bays and armed attackers are reputed to be inside the port. The police and army are attempting to evacuate the port and contain the terrorists.
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300-006. North Pole, Sparks

#88 Post by BackworldTraveller »

News Update...Sparks Spaceport Attack
The attack at the spaceport seems to be over, with the Police and Military promising a full statement this afternoon. A Major attack on the spaceport has been carried out by terrorist factions seeking to disrupt the day-to-day operations of our home. The dramatic footage of the battle aboard one of the dock spacecraft has overshadowed the fact that this was but a minor part of the operation - The ground-to-space control and communications systems were specifically targeted, and the staff of the port administration were also specifically endangered. We must praise the prompt response of the Police, and the Navy to this attack. Enquiries into the perpetrators of this unexpected attack are now being made by the security services and the policing agencies. Critically, some of those identified are reputed to be local gang members - their presence in what appears to have otherwise been a thoroughly professional attack is perplexing - but highlights the levels to which some residents will stoop in the pursuit of personal gain.

The attack has claimed the lives of at least 10 individuals and over 50 are known to be injured. A more complete list will be issued later, once the area has been fully checked. Seventeen people have been detained so far. Many appear to be from the Cavalheiros gang - a group known to operate in the Grand Plaza area of the North Pole, Sparks.

Shouted questions from the press representatives (Can you say which group did this? or Will you be pressing for the death penalty to be reinstated?, etc.) were ignored.
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300-006. North Pole, Sparks

#89 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Sparks Spaceport Attack
As many of you will have seen from the news, a terrorist attack on the spaceport this afternoon was thwarted by the security services. There were at least four different teams involved in the attack - One attacked the control tower, one attacked the administration buildings and passenger concourse, one attacked the cargo terminal and one attempted to take over a small trader at the port.
The attack was well organised and well equipped and the group responsible was well financed. We can confirm that rumours that Lano Jukes and his Taktsang Pirate group undertook the attack are false - none of the attackers taken into custody have any known links to that organisation. Indeed, those bodies found appear to have predominantly been members of a local gang (the Cavalheiros) with the exception of one who is a known, and internationally sought criminal mercenary.

The Belt Council has a warning for all members of the Cavalheiros: Membership of this organisation is hereby proscribed under the Security Regulations, 288.

The Grand Plaza district of Sparks is temporarily under curfew, and the North Pole spaceport remains closed while the damage is assessed. The Sparks Naval Force is working with the Sparks Police searching house to house for Cavalheiros thugs and the Grand Plaza Curfew will remain in place while this search continues.

From the Overlook, the only visible impact of the change are the fallen control tower, only completed and opened last month, and the new crater where the roof of the access tunnel to the small ship berths was collapsed.

The death toll arising from the attack has now risen to 43, and the number of injuries to 71. Stories of great heroism are emerging including that of a Police Sergeant who mustered aid from the crew of a visiting ship from New Heaven and saved some 40 protesters opposing the presence of that very vessel!
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300-007. North Pole, Sparks

#90 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Spaceport Attack Linked to Taksang Pirates
Reports from the Police and Security Services are now revealing that two of the bodies found at the spaceport were known members of the notorious Taksang Pirate group. Unlike the large number of local gangland casualties found at the attempted hijacking of the "Queen of the Belt", these two were killed during the ambush of the responding military reaction force.

Meanwhile, the police roundup of members of the Cavalheiros is continuing. Several hundred individuals have been detained but the heavy police presence is being actively resisted with a near riot in the Casa Esperança last night.
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300-008. Sparks

#91 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Blowout at Yellowrock
Workers on a service passage at Yellowrock discovered it to be in vacuum due to a seal leak. The leak was discovered when one residence in the complex suffered a catastrophic decompression. Residents, Hiro and Ludmilla Parkinson, were found dead at the scene. Police are treating the deaths as possibly suspicious and have have started an investigation into purported "environmental negligence".
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300-008. Sparks

#92 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Cavalheiros Assets Seized
Several raids took place today on Cavalheiros gang leaders and hideouts. Police showed off an extensive array of weapons from home-made clubs to lethal military weaponry, and nearly Cr500,000 in cash found at the various locations.
Weapons.png (112.65 KiB) Viewed 647 times
The haul suggests that the group were intending to supply a far larger organisation with weapons - and seems to confirm the Taktsang Pirates link.

We are pleased to have shut down this, a clearly dangerous gang, before they could carry out their nefarious plots

Mentions that they have successfully closed the Sparks Northern Spaceport were brushed aside.
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300-008. Ares

#93 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Miracle anti-aging treatment
NewMe, part of the HealthyLife Corporation, has announced that it is working on a revolutionary new Anagathic treatment. Our new treatment is expected to delay the effects of aging by up to a decade. We hope to prove that 50 is the new 40.
When asked if this was likely to be a problem with their investors as any benefits would be invisible for many years they replied: Our investors have seen that, if successful, this will benefit their children and grand-children. The short-term push of the markets for instant returns is not something that the creation of Anagathics will address - We have had to look elsewhere for funding and our visionary supporters have provided that. This is a ring-fenced programme that insulates the company from the impact of failure while allowing for the possibility of success.
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300-008. Sparks

#94 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Stock market falls amid fears of slowdown
The markets on Sparks at the SSE fell 11.2% in morning trading. News that the attack on the North Pole Spaceport had destroyed the air-space control tower, the radars and the associated upload of a military-grade virus into the port's management systems means that the port is likely to be all but unusable for several weeks. Ships are already backing up in orbit and the South Pole Spaceport is now operating at above full capacity. The Belter Navy has opened some of its facilities for Lighterage services, but this is not fixing the essential bottle-neck.

This is reminiscent of the dark days of the Taktsang Pirate Campaign. We are re-activating some of the facilities that were available at that time but this will, in itself take time.

The only beneficiary from this disaster seems to be the South Pole Spaceport. When asked to comment, the Chief Executive of that institution stated I cannot deny that the current disaster will boost short term profitability - but a long term downturn in the economy can only harm trade (and thus our income) in the longer term.

An immediate effect of the disruption can be seen in the shops. Despite the priority being given to food supplies, many shelves are starting to empty as citizens seek to insulate themselves from coming shortages. This self-fulfilling prophecy is playing out across Sparks. A spokesman for the Supermarket Retailers Association said

This panic-buying is resulting in limits being considered by some chains. Most families cannot eat the volumes of fresh vegetables in the quantities that some have purchased before they Rot. This then impacts the availability for others.

Accusations of Profiteering have already started - although most markets are not acting this way.
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300-008. Sparks.

#95 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Halvar confirms investment in new Aluminium Mine
Halvar has announced that it is to develop a new Aluminium mining and smelting site on Sparks.

Hiring for the construction of the surface facilities is starting today and it is our intention to have the housing required for our workers completed this year. We should start shipping ingots by early 305.

When asked about the logistics jam's effects on their planning the company said We believe in the long-term viability of this community. Our investment is long term, and we are firmly of the opinion that by the time our facility is operational, the current difficulties will have been resolved.
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300-008. Sparks

#96 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Siege in Hydro
Three of the terrorists that attacked the North Pole Space Port last week have been cornered by police in the Hydro district of North Pole City, Sparks.

The group are said to be threatening to kill a hostage, locally identified as 38 year old Krystal Paru, a building manager with a business in the district.

We are discussing the terrorists surrender. They aren't going anywhere and we are confident that they can be persuaded to surrender.

Commenting on the turn of events the Chief Constable of Sparks issued a statement

Policing requires Intelligence, Determination and sometimes Luck. I am sure now that the professionalism and bravery of our force will bring this to a satisfactory conclusion
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300-008. Sparks.

#97 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Sparks oldest resident dies
Kiki Mogorosi, the oldest resident of Sparks was found dead this morning. Born in 188, Ms Mogorosi has been a resident for her entire life - starting as a mucker in the asteroid's mines and becoming a nursing assistant in its hospitals - retiring in 255. She had passed quietly in her sleep. The title of Oldest Resident now passes to Ms Jacintha Desai, born in 190.
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300-008. Big Rock

#98 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Incident at Chikitsa Kshudragrah?
Rumours are spreading about a security related incident at the Siwan-Occupied asteroid Chikitsa Kshudragrah at New Year. The nature of the incident is unclear and the official statement from the Siwan Space Guard that "Our facilities at Chikitsa Kshudragrah have nothing unusual to report" seems at odds with the unexpected deployments of two Guardships to, and heavy radio-jamming emanating from, that area. It is not currently possible to connect to any of the facilities there to verify this story.
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300-008. New Heaven

#99 Post by BackworldTraveller »

The New Heaven Department of Public Morals has called for aid from the New Heaven System Defence Force in "Restoring order in the Province of Harmony". The Government at Prayerhouse has, for some time, had trouble with the Congregation of Harmony and its questioning of the central government policies and doctrine. It would appear that the Congregation has actively taken up arms to prevent the Department of Public Morals from arresting its leaders. Rumours of a bloody clash during the attempted arrest cannot be substantiated at this time.

The Government of New Heaven is now accusing the Congregation of Harmony of accepting the ideas, morals and donations of heretics.

A spokesman for the Congregation of Harmony has stated that the fall of the senior Elders is now visible in their acts, with just admonition being treated as insurrection and heresy; Truth being confused with Falsehood and corruption being mistaken for the one true way.
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300-008. Yaoley Crater, Sparks

#100 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Power outage at Yaoley Crater
A major power outage has occurred at Yaoley Crater; Initial reports suggest that at least half the city has suffered a blackout as well as the main Hydroponics Farms and the Central Hospital. A call has gone out to the Fire and Air-Rescue service due to emergency doors having slammed shut injuring a number of residents. The cause is unknown but initial assessments have been hampered by the power-authority's computers being part of the power loss.

Services are expected to take some time to restore.
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