Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

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Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#1 Post by Spearmint »

Helix village, Duchy of Aerik.

May 19th 1066.

8.00am. Light breeze, sunshine.

Successful from his venture at the Foul Pheasant Tavern the night before, Gunter in his red shirt and shiny black boots stands ready to trek with fellow Cromm Cruach devotee, cleric Golgarth. He has recovered from his near death experience at the hands or rather, grasping leaves and fang toothed maw of the bogdweller carnivore.

Alongside them, Solly returns to torch bear and aide-de-camp while Sidkrake provides some extra beef in case of trouble. You have a contract to ward a consignment of goods to Bogtown for the Silver Standard. The pay is minimal but it serves a purpose to get to your desired location. Crabtree, and Hooper are the wagon drivers, large flatbeds filled with crates and supplies and barrels. They are hauled by two large draft horses which swap stamina and pulling power for pace.

Your first stop however is still in Helix for they want to locate the former residence of the missing cleric and hope his ex-housekeeper can help or shed light on any investigations.

After a few discreet inquiries, you are able to discover his former abode. Alarmingly, the terrace is quite a ramshackle building which for a priest dedicated to construction, endeavour and industry, it would be quite a shame.

The garden is overgrown with weeds, knee high thistles and long vines of bramble. The gate hang loose and the front porch hanging cockeyed from the lintel above the closed door. It is the last in a row of simple white washed cottages. Black painted wooden slats giving a two-tone compliment to the exteriors. Smoke from chimneys rises in the neighbouring plots but the priest's is still. In fact a large bird's-nest has taken residence upon the stack, from which hungry chicks chirp.

While the four drivers and hirelings finish last minute prep, the two characters can use the early morning hours to investigate.

I will halt here just to conclude village stuff with Gunter and Golgarth then open the thread for posts.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#2 Post by Bluetongue »


Pities the abandonment of the property. He still politely knocks on the door just in case by some chance someone, even squatters may be at home.

I understand the old housekeeper lived in the last cottage at the other end of the terrace.

He will knock on her door but hopes to gain some access so he can research, (not pry) inside.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#3 Post by Hvalreki »

Gunter Red Shirt

Glad to be reunited with his kit, Gunter tags along with Golgarth.

“By Cromm’s grace stonefather, yer lookin like a new man this morning!”

While Golgarth knocks on the front door of the run down cottage, Gunter will check the sides and back to see if he can peer inside.

Unless he sees anything of note, he’ll accompany Golgarth when he leaves for the Housekeeper’s residence.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#4 Post by Spearmint »

Helix village, Duchy of Aerik.

May 19th 1066.

8.10am. Light breeze, sunshine.

The intrepid pair investigate the former abode of the missing cleric. Deciding to check it out visually before seeking the old housekeeper who may yet still have a key.

Golgarth the front door is locked, the windows dusty, curtains drawn inside. However Gunter nips over the back fence and wanders unseen through the garden overgrowth. The garden has a latrine shed dug, surrounded by briars. A small orchard of crab apples and pears, a bramble bush bursting with berries. There is a tool shed with a door hanging loose, the tools inside long since looted apart from a large grinding wheel and some wheel barrows. At the bottom of the garden there is a small but deep covered well, surrounded by a whitewashed stone wall. A bucket and spindle, broken from the moorings has been cast aside.

To the rear of the cottage is a kitchen. The windows have been broken and the back door is unlocked. Peering through the windows you see nothing but darkness with.

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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#5 Post by Hvalreki »

Gunter Red Shirt

Gunter knicks a handful of ripe blackberries from the bramble bush and heads back around to the front of the house.

“Oi, stonefather, took a quick peek ‘round the back of the er…shack.., house? Someone’s tossed the yard. Tool shed’s looted. Kitchen windows been busted too but the door’s unlocked if we want to take a gander. Do ya want to look around inside?”
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#6 Post by Bluetongue »


Considers a moment. Okay, let's go in and search.

He pushes open the backdoor, stepping into the room, "Hello. By Cromm is anyone there?"

He will move through the kitchen to the front room if no one answers. What can he search for. Obviously a dead body will catch his eye but in the absence of someone present, he will look for any desk or office unit that might hold papers, scrolls, notebooks, etc.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#7 Post by Spearmint »

Inside the Elder's cottage

Whispering a quick prayer that his trespasses may be forgiven, the cleric and militiaman enter the cottage.

The kitchen is a simple affair, plain dining furniture, well made chairs and shelves. A large stone hearth suitable for cooking and warming the dwelling. The stone work around the hearth has various bricks inscribed with Crommian Psalms and verses, Cobwebs will the place, covering the wall corners and a layer of dust coats everything. The finest of the crockery pieces has been looted along with most of the edibles though various pans and utensils are scattered about should you need to equip a camp. A small door to one side opens to an under-stairs cupboard. Inside are brooms and old boots, workers garb, rusty toolkits, sacks of mortar powder, spades and some hammers. You can sort through them if you wish.

The front room has a fine red leather armchair though the stuff has been eaten out by mice, a walnut veneered desk, scratched by 'Mick n Ernie woz ere' graffiti. Books have been scattered, pages torn out. Candles, half burned placed are around the room, just stuck into melted wax rather than a candlestick. On the wall is a broken mirror, two portraits of mountain vistas and a frame holding an embroidered cross stitch which reads as a prayer of blessing.

Searching through the mess and giving some order requires a [1d20] roll.

No one answers your call, so presently you are left unhindered. Between the two rooms a staircase rises to an upper floor, presumably to bedrooms. You shout up the stairs but the only noise you hear are the fluttering of birds wings, alarmed at your presence. You can open the front curtain to let some light in.

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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#8 Post by Hvalreki »

Gunter Red Shirt

"Strange don't ya think? If I were moving I'd have taken at least a pot to cook in, if ya know what I mean. Seems like the 'ol stonefather left in a hurry without any of 'is belongings."

Gunter will search as well to see if he can turn up anything of interest

Searching the cottage [1d20]=6
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#9 Post by Bluetongue »


Golgarth random [1d20]=9

Puts some order in the desk, arranging books and files by alphabet or size. He will check through anything that looks more official, things bound in leather or skin.

Then he will check the frames on the wall, lifting each off, dusting them, checking the reverse.

Finally, he will return to the kitchen and the hearth, checking that for any niches before restarting a small warming fire.

"The Hearthstone is the centre of worship. Each head of household providing food, shelter and warmth in safety to his kin. We should at least relight faith in this place, let the village know that hope has not left them in despair."

After this I am going to suggest Gunter checks the upstairs whilst I fetch the housekeeper. I would like to have a stern word with her regarding the upkeep but put plans in place to restore the site.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#10 Post by Hvalreki »

Gunter Red Shirt

At Golgarth’s suggestion Gunter searches the upstairs of the small cottage for anything that looks interesting or out of place. If he finds anything written (papers, books, scrolls etc.) he’ll keep it for Golgarth to look over.

Upstairs: Searching the cottage [1d20]=12
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#11 Post by Spearmint »

At the Elder's Cottage

Golgarth brings Mrs Springmeadow, an old matriarch and housekeeper to the former cleric.

"I did my best. You know, to look after the place but I was told he was not going to return and the church pensioned me out. Vicar Othar was quite considerate about it. Then when words got about, well you can imagine some of the grifters and drifters who haunt the village just wantonly helping themselves.

What was I supposed to do? What's he poking his nose at?"

The old lady figures a tongue lashing for letting the place to to rack and ruin and points to her employer not returning.

She tells you:

Brother Barraclough (the Cromm minister's name) was a middle aged man, balding but a rim of short grey hair, a mason by trade, very down to earth and a servant to many. He always kept the fire lit, (she is pleased to see it lit and warms her hands over the charcoal). "He was commissioned to dig and dedicate a new well in Bogtown. I always thought he would come back after some itinerant travels but he never did. I heard later he had taken up residency over there but my raven-post messages remained unanswered bar one."

Upstairs, Gunter you find a disorderly bedroom. It has been used but not by the cleric presumably by the number of empty and a couple of half empty whiskey bottles that clutter the floor.

A box of snuff has been left upon the window sill and several darts stick in the back of the door, where a hand drawn portrait of Lord Krothos has been etched.

Among the desk searches, the only thing of interest is a scroll containing a warding prayer, (Acts as a Glyph of Warding) and there is a rosary of Cromm that contains a number of coloured glass beads and four small iron hammer shaped attachments about the size of a large key each.

You can take an hour or so to bring a little order to the place.

actions and any specific questions you want to ask her? Then I will update your trek to Bogtown.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#12 Post by Hvalreki »

Gunter Red Shirt

Tsking at the damage done by the squatters, Gunter heads back downstairs and listens to the housekeeper’s exchange with the cleric.

“This just ain’t right.”

Gunter hands the rosary and scroll to Golgarth for safekeeping then turns to the housekeeper handing her a small tack of gold coins.

“Goodwoman, please take these coins and consider yourself re-hired.”

He puts another larger stack on top of that.

“This is for the repairs, keep an accounting and hire some local lads to help you with the inside and have them clear the grass and weed the gardens too.

Find a carpenter to start on the repairs right away. Oh, and have one of them lads clear the chimney so you can keep the hearth going while they work.”

He hands her 5gp for her services and another 10gp to get the cottage back in order.

Gunter will wait for Golgarth to finish with her, escort her back home, then head back over to the caravan with the priest.

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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#13 Post by Bluetongue »


"Very generous young man and may Cromm Cruach reward you both."

He speaks with Mrs Springmeadow, calming her fears and lays his hand on her head to mutter some blessing. He wants to add that we expect to return and he will be contacting Ollis at the Old Manse in regard to securing Lord Krothos permission to take the place over as a house of prayer if indeed, Brother Barraclough is not in a place to return.

So he hopes to see the place tidy and repairs underway. He is concerned the disregard seems to come from the Ygg clerics. He is not surprised having met with the priest earlier. He wonders if Barraclough had discovered something about them and was driven out of town as a result? He will ask questions in that regard and then be direct regarding any Cromm supplies that she may have taken 'for safekeeping'. (Not assuming the old lady would have been above a bit of looting herself).

If she has such and returns them they could be used to procure Barraclough's safe return. Things like 1st Aid kits, holy water, any relics for the Hearthstone or Cromm font, any priestly aprons and habit garbs.

He rides the empty glass bottles into a bin. Snuff is not his thing, checks the whisky is actual whisky not a urinated elixir of some drunkard. Sidkrake & Solly will surely appreciate a wee dram after making them wait.

He puts on the hammer and bead rosary and pouches the scroll in his satchel for studying later.

I can't think of much else so am fine with moving on to guard the Bogtown wagons.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#14 Post by Spearmint »

Gunter, for investing the community, take +15xp.

Old Mrs Springmeadow meekly receives the admonishment for letting the place go but pledges her best duty to restore the cottage in a prim and proper state.

You collect various bits and pieces from the property and she fetches 'the stuff put aside for safekeeping'. It includes some old tomes that the cleric would recognise as devotional works and dictates on ecclesiastical duties. She also has one vial of Holy Water and a round shield, much chipped from veteran skirmishes. "It used to hang over the front door." she says.

Golgarth, you can add the books back into the desk shelf and take or hang the shield up again.

With the hearth fire warming the cottage and spring cleaning from Mrs Springmeadow underway, you feel enough has been accomplished here.

The trail to Bogtown.

The two wagons under the experienced drivers set off. You can walk beside or squeeze into the bench seats next to them, the hirelings on the wagons rear. The first hour trudges through the outlying farms then takes the rutted trail to Ironguard. Either side of the trail is tall pine forest, the trees often over arching boughs over the trail to give a canopy that makes the trade route dark even on the sunniest of days.

The forest has a multitude of creatures that graze or hunt within. Deer flit across the path, drinking from puddles before leaping away into bushes lest a hunter's arrow shaft them. Other hunters include wolf packs, which whilst not large, wander over a big territory in small packs. Other threats do not have claws and teeth but stings, such as scorpions, bees, exotic bugs, or even more insidious challenges as Golgarth's scars testify; poisonous fungi, carnivorous plants.

Thankfully though your first encounters are trade wagons travelling the opposite direction. One just passed you by without a word but the second swaps greetings and shares they have had little trouble in the way.

Halfway to Ironguard you do have more of a challenge. By the side of the road is a wagon which has a metal cage on the back. Inside is a lizardman who is grasping the bars, pleading for his freedom. The wagon has buckled the axle broke a spoked wheel and currently two guards are struggling to fix the new wheel in place. A third guard halts your wagons and asks you to help.

There are three armed militiamen, wearing a Duchy tabard and bearing spears and crossbows. You are both familiar with the policing and militia set up. Usually veteran officers, professional soldiers acting as a Sergeant type and conscripts below them doing their '13 months' federal duty.

"You men look like strong backs and stout hearts. Come and help us be in our way.", the Sgt asks though the tone is more an expectation than polite request.

"Mercy please. Let me out. I am innocent of any crimes. Judge me not for the sins of others." implores the Sauron in a halting, rasping common. He looks bruised and battered, probably not from the journey.

actions please.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#15 Post by Bluetongue »


He has already bought a newly crafted shield, a fine round, heavy wood with iron bands type. So he will place the shield of Barraclough back upon the wall, softly touching the nicks. Each one testament to standing his ground and defending himself and no doubt, defending others.

"Thank you Mrs Springmeadow" he says. He gives the holy water to Gunter to add to his armoury.

At the wagon halt he tells Crabtree to pull to one side of the road and suggests Sidkrake act as a guard in case other lurking brigands see this as a fine setup. He will go to the Sgt and help but first takes a look at the prisoner. Not because he considers him innocent but he has little experience with the Moor tribes and though had volunteered to go on the Sauron expedition, his adventure was cut short.

"You speak our tongue, our vocabulary. Where did you learn this?" he asks surprised. (I mean his initial impression was that lizardmen where just evolved mutants from reptile eggs so knowing a language surpasses his first expectations of them).

He will out his effort into the axle if needed.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#16 Post by Hvalreki »

Gunter Red Shirt

Gunter frowns as they near scene of the roadside wagon.

“Don’t like this one bit boys. Be on yer toes.”
"You men look like strong backs and stout hearts. Come and help us be in our way.", the Sgt asks though the tone is more an expectation than polite request.
Recognizing trouble if they balk at the “request”, Gunter drops his frown adopts his innocuous farm boy smile instead.

“Sure Sergeant, happy to help a Dukesman in need. Let me secure my charges first and we’ll be right there.”

He is a bit gobsmacked when the creature in the cage speaks and unconsciously makes a hex sign warding evil. Finally deciding this is way above his pay grade he lets Golgarth do any talking with the lizard being and gets to work.

All business now Gunter quickly organizes their wagons into a staggered column and posts Crabtree and Hooper as guards from their driving platforms, crossbows racked and loaded and keeping watch in all directions.

Sid, keep Crabtree company and all of you keep your eyes and ears open for trouble. Be ready to move quickly and holler if you see trouble. Solly, yer with me and bring some gloves.”

He cranks back his heavy crossbow into the charged position but keeps it unloaded for now. He makes sure it’s close by as he and Solly help the other militiamen to re-wheel the downed wagon.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#17 Post by Spearmint »

Gunter and Solly help lift the wagon while the Sgt takes the old wheel off and begins to hammer the new one in place with some firm smacks on the centre hub.

The lizardman is forced back to the front end of the cage with a trooper prodding a spear at him so that his extra weight dies not make the lift too much. He continues to protest.

"Listen. You are the savages. My kin warded the Moor for a millennia until the berserkers came. Your tomb robbers unleash the denizens of the Nine Hell's and my people bear the brunt to ward you.

I am not the one who killed yours kinsmen. Release me while you still have time."

He holds his hands out but is further prodded into silence. "Silence savage. Your tongue will be torn from its roots soon and your skin flayed. A stake awaits your corpse with a view of the misty wilderness." the guards taunt the creature whose future looks bleak.

It takes a turn or two to sort the wagon out. No threats appear and thanks are given over a shared wineskin.

any last actions or comments here.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#18 Post by Hvalreki »

Gunter Red Shirt

Gunter’s frown returns as the Duchy wagon rolls off down the road. The lizard creatures gaze stays locked with his til the wagon disappears out of sight.

He’s heard plenty of pleading from men and beasts on the wrong side of the cage door before but it’s words of warning give him a chill he can’t quickly shake off.

“Miles to go yet lads and time to make up too. Drivers mind the tracks and riders mind the trees. Don’t want troubles to catch us unawares.”

Gunter spits, makes the hex sign warding evil, then climbs back into the passenger seat next to Crabtree and whistles for the caravan to get moving again.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#19 Post by Bluetongue »


Listens to the pleading captive but struggles to find empathy for a hatchling savant. "May Cromm Cruach deal with you with justice and truth." he says, signing a sigil of faith. He remembers the bodies brought back in to Helix a few days ago. Flayed, murdered. It is hard to have pity even if as the Sauron declares, he is innocent if that or any other crime.

Better to put it to the back of his mind and not question the justice that might be metered out to him.

Once the wheel and axle are fixed, he is fine with pressing on quickly.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#20 Post by Spearmint »

great. Thanks guys. I will edit this post with an update to cover more of your journey to Bogtown via the Old Dwarf Bridge but it may take a couple of days as I flesh out the seedy 'Cajun'-like backwater.

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