[003a] Slave to the Hag

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Rider of Rohan
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[003a] Slave to the Hag

#1 Post by Marullus »

This is an independent scene for Taka to do some roleplay before the other PCs bust in to the Hag to rescue her. ;)

New Spell: Empower the Soul (Wood 28)
I'm giving Taka a new spell to compensate for my error on the Astral Senses / Magic Duel issue. Where the magic duel specified that an opponent could be present only astrally, I didn't connect that this was a component of a very high level spell. Since this is now a major plot arc for Taka and this game, I'm adding a spell of her own creation to allow her to do what she has done, and rules for doing it again...

New Spell: Empower the Soul
Kn: Wood 28 Range: Self Cost: 1/detailed turn Duration: Varies
In her studies of life and its conjunction of both body and soul (Wood school), Taka mastered an ability to energize her soul with the energy of life and allow it to move, even if only for a short while, free from her body in the Kakuri-yo. Her soul glows brightly with the effort, attracting attention in the astral, but is able to move free from her body in limited terms. She can move with a BMA based on her Will score (not speed), and cannot pass through any physical barrier that would impede her body or ward which would normally impede a spirit. She is still vulnerable to damage in the physical world, as her energized soul is invisible but still tangible.
If she remains near her body, any damage taken either in the astral or physical world will result in her abrupt return to her body at 0hp from subdual damage. If she passes more than 10 yards x LoC from her body, she must succeed in a Will save to return to her body when damaged - otherwise she is severed and either utterly slain or becomes a lost spirit (NPC) and trapped outside the karmic cycle - a tremendous risk that any wise shugenja would not dare to take. While in the Kakuri-yo she has the benefit of Astral Senses, can engage normally in Magic Duels, and use the Basic Powers of a Shugenja. No other spells can be invoked.
Marullus wrote: Sun Oct 17, 2021 4:53 pm Taka, seeing the comet tail of light and recognizing her wavering connection to the astral plane, thinks about following the tail of light to its source. She pictures her body moving along that path of light and her astral form splits into identical copies moving in an arc around and past the dai-bakemono to peer down the comet tail of light. The six copies and Taka's authentic astral form mix together and move as quickly as they can.

As Taka spreads her arms and the water droplets coalesce into seven-fold astral forms, the grimy and unkempt dai-bakemono roars in protest. The seven Takas rush the bake at the mouth of the cave, attempting to pass him and follow his distended aura within. "Cowardly sorcereress!" he bellows as she abdicates the duel with a ruse before he has properly defeated her. The tunnel extends northeast into the mountainside then banks right, heading due east, as she rushes with a spiritual fleetness. He flings his arms wide and spears of iron burst forth from the walls of the tunnel as she enters it. One of that astral Takas is pierced by them and dissipates into a mist of water droplets. The other six Takas rush down the hallway at the preternatural speed of her will.

A cavern opens, soaring 24 feet high with stalactites far above, two bakemono-sho in ashigaru armor standing with spears in hand, terrified looks on their faces as they hold their position against the front tunnel glancing at each other as they can apparently hear the yells of their leader in the physical realm. They are oblivious to the spiritual Takas, however, and she passes them. There is a passage to the right heading southward, but Taka ignores it, following the spectral trail which leads straight across the cavern and south east into another short-ceilinged tunnel.

The dai-bakemono roars in rage as the sorceress follows the 'comet tail,' a wispy thread of light colored red with his anger that hugs the left side of the passagway. A metal portcullis slams down with jagged points, the Dai-bakemono trying to skewer the Takas and halt their progress. A second astral Taka explodes into a small wave of water, splashing the floor underneath it, as the others rush on.

The trail bends to the left at a fork, passing through a closed heavy wooden door, and the five remaining Takas pass through the door as well, it providing no barrier to their astral selves. Behind the door sees a massive chamber, again with a soaring ceiling, tables with alembics and bubbling glass and ceramic containers. She feels her courage freeze within her as she sees a grey-haired hag within, her gnarled hands upon the table wood. The thread wends across the room, leading to her right pocket. The hag looks directly at the real Taka, making eye contact with her with its stony black eyes filled with malice.

Then Taka feels the agony of a dozen blades piercing her spiritual body. She feels the triumph of the Dai-Bakemono behind her as he yanks metal chains backwards and the blades evicerate her form, the other Takas dissolving into splashes of water on the floor as everything around her goes black.
Marullus wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 3:04 pm Eiji meditates on Taka's condition, seeking guidance on how to rejoin her spirit and body. His awareness shifts, like a gathering and dissipating of mists, and he finds himself in a massive natural cavern with a soaring ceiling, surrounded by tables with alembics and bubbling glass and ceramic containers. The laboratory equipment glows to his sight as impacted by the hag's magics, but more knowledge of it is beyond him. There is a large urn next to the door, however, which glows with an aura of transformation. Eiji focuses on a grey-haired hag within the chamber, her stony black eyes filled with malice. Her gnarled hands fondle an ivory netsuke carved to be a frightened rabbit. She croons to it and chuckles darkly, but he cannot make out her words. He sees, however, the tortured and pained spectre of Satake no Taka is the subject of the hag's attentions and that spiritual threads bind Taka to the netsuke rabbit. There is another netsuke upon the hag's garment, a twining dragon, the threads from it stretching thinly across the room and through the closed wooden door.

The wisdom for Eiji is clear - Taka's soul is bound by the hag and the netsuke must be rejoined with her body before she can recover.
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Rider of Rohan
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Re: [003a] Slave to the Hag

#2 Post by Marullus »

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Taka's sense become aware again, in a massive chamber, again with a soaring ceiling, tables with alembics and bubbling glass and ceramic containers. She tries to blink, but realizes she can't, as her body is lost to her. She is a soul alone now, at the whim of this horrid hag. The hag, Shimi. Taka grasps for a sense of time, but it is lost to her... a sunless cave where she is dismissed and summoned at the hag's whim. It is maddening. Revolting.

The hag lets out a horrid cackle, brittle with age and decrepitude, the very sound of childhood horror stories of old hags in the mountains. "They have come for you, the fools..." she croons, looking at Taka's disembodied soul as she strokes the netsuke rabbit in her hands. Taka feels her touch as she strokes the rabbit and wishes she could squirm. Taka can no longer feel her body... it is a distant memory. She is bound to this, now.

"They are in the caves. Oh, they will best a few of the servants," she waves a hand dismissively, then pulls out the netsuke dragon as she continues, "Nebari will finish them easily. He serves well, as you will in time. He knows his place, like a dog on a leash." She tugs gently on the empheral strands that eminate from the netsuke dragon, emphasizing her point, then drops it back into the pocket of her grimy garment.

The hag's gaze then turns back to Taka. "You will serve, too, and it is best you end your defiance of me. Tell me who it is that sent you. It is him, isn't it?
Why do you refuse to answer?"
She squeezes the rabbit, a feeling of pressure around Taka. "Shosen Makoto," she spits it like an epithet.
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