Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 16

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Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 16

#1 Post by atpollard »

Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 15 [Scotio Fleet]
Arthur Grayling

"Tell me, how does anyone keep anything private in a place like this, and why does a fellow of such culinary skill as your good self still work here?" Arthur opened his casual inquiry into the enigmatic background of John.

John was as skilled at social repartee as Arthur himself, and managed to answer most probing questions with the same ‘non-information’ as Arthur himself presented. Still the friendship seemed genuine and over the course of the next 24 hours, each man whittled away at the other and uncovered some of what was hidden beneath. To your great surprise, you were as alike as you were different.

John uncovered your ‘knighthood’ and revealed that he had been born “Sir John” in another life. From the bits and pieces, you learned John was born into the same station you worked to rise into and spent his early years among the young socialites of Britannia. As your star rose, so his star fell. There was a veiled reference to a time when John crusaded for humanitarian justice in the corridors of power and was crushed for his efforts. (If this was “THAT SIR JOHN”, then Arthur had a vague recollection of a flash of notoriety years ago and some sort of award for contributions to humanity, followed by some sort of social scandal and criminal charges all making the news headlines). John merely made a passing reference to uncovering a truth that powerful men wanted kept covered.

One thing that was clear, whoever he was, his current addiction is what controlled his life at this point.

Diana Hayes
On Day 15, Diana and Arthur explored the workings of Scotio Fleet in search of an exploitable key to unlock Ashley James and gather information on the missing Noblewoman.
Scotio made small, slender sailboats. Typically, only five to ten feet wide and either four or five times as long as their width … with tall masts and large for-and-aft rigged sails. From his knowledge of sailing, Arthur identifies these as poor boats for fishing and more like Pilot Cutters: fast boats designed to sail very close to the wind. Better for racing or smuggling.
In another part of town, a group of laborers were striking around of the home a wealthy merchant. They chanted “No more, two for four”, which you learned was a reference to the price paid for animal skins … which these poor fishermen felt was unfairly low. There were armed guards to protect the wealthy barge, but they were outnumbered by the laborers and if the protest turned violent there would likely be many deaths on both sides. So, the event seemed likely to remain a tense standoff unless someone got stupid and started something.
While chatting with one of the Fishermen, you learned that Joseph Love of Scotio Fleet was an outspoken “abolitionist” and might know something useful about the slavers.

Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 16: Shift 1: 1 Bell [Scotio Fleet]
Arthur and Diana slept in rented rooms on one of the nicer barges near the Port section where visiting ships docked, and awoke refreshed on Day 16, Shift 1, 1 Bell to enjoy a hot breakfast before heading out again.

Outside, the temperature had warmed to 68F and the sky lighted to the point that stars were no longer visible. Tomorrow would be Sunrise and the beginning of 20 days of continual daylight. Today was a comfortable temperature with a gentle breeze and a partly cloudy sky reflecting the pre-dawn light back down towards the surface.
One of your acquaintances from the Boatyard informed Diana that Ashley James had reserved a boat for early on Day 18, Shift 1 for a three-day rental.
Last edited by atpollard on Mon Sep 13, 2021 2:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Day 16: Shift 1: 1 Bell [Scotio Fleet]

#2 Post by atpollard »

Jacques Bonnet, Remy Hernandez, Mercutio Routledge, Samuel Linkletter, Josephine Baxter-Smith, Nathaniel

Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 16: Shift 1: 1 Bell [Scotio Fleet]

The ‘Dancer’ was ready to steam out of Poage Fleet by Day 15, Shift 3 … ahead of schedule. So it was that as Jacques, Mercutio and Nathaniel were finishing shift 3 (Day 15) and handing the helm, engineering and navigation (respectively) to Josephine, Linkletter and Remy for shift 1 (Day 16) that a shout from Remy (Recon-0: roll 11) brought all eyes straight ahead.
There were two specks on the western horizon. One was a fleet about the same size as the Poage Fleet directly ahead on your current course. The second was a pair of steamships heading from that Fleet straight towards you.
The Glass showed the steamboats to both be armed with forward facing, fixed Iron Carronades. For a few intense moments, you thought you were going to have to use your new toy, but upon their arrival, the crews seemed as concerned that you were a pirate coming to attack them as you were concerned about being attacked.

Jacques calmly assured the captains that you had not been making an attack run on their Fleet, but your course just coincidentally intersected their position. You agreed to dock at Scotio Fleet and speak with the Port Master to set HIS mind at ease. So it was that Day 16, Shift 1, 1 Bell found the ‘Dancer briefly docked at Scotio Fleet … approximately 50 km and 10 hours (at current speed) from your ultimate destination.
Last edited by atpollard on Mon Sep 13, 2021 2:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Day 16: Shift 1: 1 Bell [Scotio Fleet]

#3 Post by atpollard »

Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 16: Shift 1: 1 Bell [Scotio Fleet]
Jacques Bonnet, Diana Hayes, Arthur Grayling, Remy Hernandez, Mercutio Routledge, Samuel Linkletter, Josephine Baxter-Smith, Nathaniel

[Ref thumb off scale … now everyone meet up, exchange information, pursue local rumors (or not), and set sail … next stop: ADVENTURE (and probably some violence). ]
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 16

#4 Post by AsenRG »

"Us? Pirates? Messieurs, I'm offended!", Remy said, laughing. "Jamais de la vie!", he added, using an expression he'd learned from Jacques.
"So, messieurs, what are the odds of that fleet over there deciding to take us on?"
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 16

#5 Post by shaidar »

Arthur Grayling

Arthur ponders the fate of great men and the establishment. He'd always been convinced that there was nothing wrong with the design and execution on the engine that had exploded and is still more convinced of sabotage by a rival or another country, not that it made much difference at this point in time.

He shared what he has learned, both from John and about John, with Diana. "While I certainly am no expert in such matters, it seems to me that we should be careful to not get involved in this internal fighting of the criminals, and be wary in case it it spills out into the streets, unless you have some thoughts on it's relevance to our being here that we could use some how. As for the poor merchant down on his luck, I certainly don't believe in luck but would imagine he has a rival that takes the phrase 'cut throat business' almost literally" he grins at the dark humour "John seems friendly enough and a useful contact, although his addiction might be an issue, if others have influence over him." he looks at Diana "Oh, how I long for the simplicity of the design table and the engagement of ones intellect on solving problems that are straight forward to me and not muddied by the unpredictibility of the human psyche"
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 16

#6 Post by Leitz »

Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 16 1 Bell


Arthur looked at Diana "Oh, how I long for the simplicity of the design table and the engagement of ones intellect on solving problems that are straight forward to me and not muddied by the unpredictibility of the human psyche."

"Arthur, you're such a dear," Diana said as she sat back with her breakfast tea and raised an eyebrow in properly noble disbelief. Her accent, for the nonce, was pure Britannic. While sociable, she had made it clear that some things would not happen. Thus with Arthur she allowed herself the occasional relaxed friendly comment, knowing that he understood that it was just friendly.

"Revolvers make a woman's hips look big; I certainly don't wear them as jewelry." She smiled, and set her tea down. With a small sigh, she folded her hands across her thigh and looked at him. Her accent went back to common. "Dealing with people makes things iffy all the way around. That's why manuals are nice for machines but seldom work with people."

For a minute or so she watched the erstwhile port, enjoying the energy of it. "I'd like to talk to a certain boat captain, to see what his ship can do. Our friend may want to go sailing, so knowing what he might be sailing for could help. Your knowledge of boats would be handy, if you have the time?"

Assuming Arthur joins her. Feel free to interject conversation, I assume they are walking slowly.

"On the question of your friend John, it's a difficult thing."
They walked side by side, and she spoke low. "Addictions can be difficult, but few of us are perfect. If he wanted a new start, perhaps we can discuss something. Well, perhaps you can discuss it with him; he seems to be genuinely friendly with you. If he asks, I'd rather be nobody. However, it seems he is likely to deduce, so let me be clear: I would help a friend break free if they wanted the help. I can't, and won't, do it for them. His choice. Now-"

She froze, stared, and then grinned. "Now, would you look at that? Perhaps we have more options than we thought? That ship is run by friends of mine, let's go say hello."

Diana quickened her pace and strode to the Dancer. She paused on the dock and called out, "Hello, permission to come aboard?"
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 16

#7 Post by shaidar »

Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 16 1 Bell

Arthur Grayling

Leitz wrote: Mon Sep 13, 2021 9:50 pm Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 16 1 Bell


For a minute or so she watched the erstwhile port, enjoying the energy of it. "I'd like to talk to a certain boat captain, to see what his ship can do. Our friend may want to go sailing, so knowing what he might be sailing for could help. Your knowledge of boats would be handy, if you have the time?"

Assuming Arthur joins her. Feel free to interject conversation, I assume they are walking slowly.
"Of course, Diana, I am at your service" he smiles, following.
Leitz wrote: Mon Sep 13, 2021 9:50 pm "On the question of your friend John, it's a difficult thing." They walked side by side, and she spoke low. "Addictions can be difficult, but few of us are perfect. If he wanted a new start, perhaps we can discuss something. Well, perhaps you can discuss it with him; he seems to be genuinely friendly with you. If he asks, I'd rather be nobody. However, it seems he is likely to deduce, so let me be clear: I would help a friend break free if they wanted the help. I can't, and won't, do it for them. His choice. Now-"

She froze, stared, and then grinned. "Now, would you look at that? Perhaps we have more options than we thought? That ship is run by friends of mine, let's go say hello."

Diana quickened her pace and strode to the Dancer. She paused on the dock and called out, "Hello, permission to come aboard?"
Nodding, Arthur is about to reply when he sees Diana's reaction. Arthur quickly follows her when she rushes off. He stops a few steps behind her and casts an evaluating eye over the ship, intrigued.
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 16

#8 Post by AsenRG »

Remy looked at Arthur in disbelief.
"I don't know how a man can believe a design table to be a simple matter, and not understand humans",
he muttered, but left the two with Diana on their own. If necessary, they could protect themselves, especially Diana...

Instead, he forged ahead to find sailor taverns. Maybe he could spot some suspicious-looking elements? Who knows! It was worth a try, either way.
And he felt thirsty, to boot!
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 16

#9 Post by shaidar »

Arthur Grayling
Arthur looks confused at Remy as he mutters and rushes past. He turns back to Diana, an eyebrow raised in question " a friend of yours?"
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 16

#10 Post by Leitz »


"Not a bad sort, but perhaps he has something on his mind?"
Diana replied, and then shrugged. "My tasks back land-side took me out of the group's company. As I recall, Remy is a brave chap and good with a blade. Given our plans, that seems very useful."
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 16

#11 Post by shaidar »


"Well, I certainly trust your judgement in areas like these, Diana"
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 16

#12 Post by AsenRG »

Remy, coincidentally, is already too far to hear either of them, so he doesn't reply. And his surprise wasn't meant to be overheard by them, either - he thought he was muttering under his breath.
Obviously that came out stronger than intended.
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 16

#13 Post by shaidar »

I didn't think Remy was close enough to overhear the discussion between Diana and Arthur he remarked on originally anyway, so maybe we just call it quits.
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 16

#14 Post by AsenRG »

shaidar wrote: Tue Sep 21, 2021 9:34 am I didn't think Remy was close enough to overhear the discussion between Diana and Arthur he remarked on originally anyway, so maybe we just call it quits.
TBH, I didn't think so either. But him already being far enough to not hear the reply works for me just as well.
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Approaching the Slaver Coordinates

#15 Post by atpollard »

Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 16: Shift 2: 6 Bells [near Slaver Coordinates]
Jacques Bonnet, Diana Hayes, Arthur Grayling, Remy Hernandez, Mercutio Routledge, Samuel Linkletter, Josephine Baxter-Smith, Nathaniel

The ‘Hemisphere Dancer’ fought a steady course west by northwest. The Moderate Breeze from the west drove a steady supply of 2.4-meter waves lift and drop the steamship. The glowing pre-dawn horizon at your back reflected off the clouds above and lit the ocean around you. The sun would break the horizon by the middle of Day 17.

It was just before Shift 2, 6 Bells that the lookout spotted what must have been your destination. A lantern … a glass sided lookout perched atop a tower of building … was visible on the horizon ahead of you.

Studying the structure with your high-powered glass, it was a fairly simple wooden structure with small glass panes surrounded by a narrow walkway with a simple, minimal railing. Searching carefully revealed it to be unoccupied at present.

The Navigator made some quick calculations and announced that you would be upon its location in about two hours at your present speed. It was located either at or very near the coordinates you had been given.

Sir Arthur drew on his Naval experience to observe that the ‘Dancer’ approaching from its current heading would be a dark silhouette against the bright Eastern sky and, thus, easy to spot.

Plotting several options, Nathaniel estimated 2 hours to arrive at the coordinates approaching from the East (with the bright sky behind you), 3.5 hours to circle around and approach from the South, and 5 hours to circle around and approach from the West.
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 16

#16 Post by AsenRG »

"So where would the sun be in 3,5 or 5 more hours?", Remy inquired. "I'd say that after dawn, it's not like the sun would hide us, though monsieur Arthur should feel free to correct me. But if I'm right, it's best to approach them from a side where they don't expect trouble from. Even better if they could expect someone visiting from there."
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Day 16: Shift 2: 7 Bells

#17 Post by atpollard »

(Moving the plot along.)
Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 16: Shift 2: 7 Bells [5km ESE of Slaver Coordinates]
Jacques Bonnet, Diana Hayes, Arthur Grayling, Remy Hernandez, Mercutio Routledge, Samuel Linkletter, Josephine Baxter-Smith, Nathaniel

The light from the eastern sky behind you clearly illuminated the structure ahead. At this distance, you could hear the crash of the waves even as the white foam of their breaking form clearly marked the reefs ahead. There was a series of reefs stretching predominantly east to west and currently above the extreme Low Tide of sunrise. From one of the reefs rose a 40-foot cylinder made of cut stone and topped with a multistory wooden structure. A wooden stair spiraled around the stone caisson from the water to the wooden Main Deck.

The lowest level of the wooden structure, located 40 feet above the water, was completely encircled by a wooden walkway that projected beyond the caisson. Approaching from the East, the pre-dawn glow clearly illuminates the stone walls set back from the wooden railing of the octagonal structure. In the center of the east facing wall a small boat hangs from davits at a gap in the railing with a solid stone wall visible beyond. To the right (NE), you can see two shuttered widows in the wall beyond the railing. To the left (SE), you can see three tall glass windows with the shutters removed. A steep wood shingled roof covered the walkway and rose like an eight-sided pyramid to a flat lookout at the top.

The middle of the wooden pyramid was broken by clusters of dormers on every other side. From the East, you could see two dormers on the NE roof and three dormers on the SE roof. All of the dormers contained small windows with shutters currently open.

The flat lookout atop the pyramid roof was surrounded by a narrow walkway with a simple, minimal railing. In the center was a small structure comprised of a light wooden frame set with small glass panes. There was still nobody in the lookout.

From the deck of the approaching ‘Hemisphere Dancer’, you can see one man standing on the walkway of the Main Deck. From his heavy oiled overcoat and shotgun, he might be some sort of a guard. From the fact that he is just leaning against the Northeast railing and staring out to the North with no attempt to scan the surroundings, he is either a terrible guard or not at a very high state of alert.

An examination of his face through the high-powered glass shows a look of extreme boredom.

[Remy & Nathaniel]
a front has passed through; the sky will begin to clear from “cloudy” to “partly cloudy” and the wind/waves will quiet down from a Moderate Breeze to a Gentle Breeze over the next hour.
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 16

#18 Post by shaidar »


As suggested, Arthur takes a look at the maps to determine the closest colonies and therefore the most common direction they would be expecting visitors from.
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 16

#19 Post by Zhym »

Doc Routledge enjoys the downtime while he can, as much as he can. These times between 'adventures' are relaxing, but also kind of boring. He feels bad for thinking of not having wounded or sick people to tend to as 'boring,' though. He occupies his time during the trip not spend tending the engine room by reading anything he can find with words in a row.
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 16

#20 Post by atpollard »

shaidar wrote: Sat Oct 30, 2021 8:56 am Arthur

As suggested, Arthur takes a look at the maps to determine the closest colonies and therefore the most common direction they would be expecting visitors from.
Grand Duchy of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach is about 1 day journey WSW of here.
Kingdom of Saxony is about 2 days journey NNW of here.
Both are Cities/Towns ruled by members of the German Federation.

Two to three days SW of here are a New Britannia Town and a small City ... with a reputation for internal division and no love lost for the crown of Britannia.

Far to the West (beyond the German Federation) lies New France, and far to the South lies the Spanish Territories ... both many days travel from here.

Gwynedd, the small town from which you set sail is the nearest "city" to the East.
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