Small's Paradise

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Re: Small's Paradise

#141 Post by Ashuaps »

René Vézina

René having read through the paper with interest, thinks about the question for a moment before answering

"Manusco was a contact of mine that I was working with to grow my business interests in this city but unfortunately, this was still a burgeoning collaboration and I do not know who his other associates were or if the Herald's description is accurate. That said, that was a bit of a threatening letter he received from J. I still think that Joey is the likely author of the letter."
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Re: Small's Paradise

#142 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Remembering a Mr. Fredrick Lincoln Fayette Jr.

Scouring the paper after breakfast, René spots the listing for the funeral noted on the business card they found the night before. The deceased, one Fredrick Fayette, was an elderly black man from Harlem who owned his own truck and worked as a local driver. It seems Mr. Johnson, the band leader for the Paradise Orchestra, is listed as a nephew of the deceased.

He notes the address to the funeral home is on west 145th st. in Harlem, not far from where he and Thurston were racing bad guys earlier. The foursome of investigators gears up, checks their ties in the mirror, and heads back into Harlem in their car. Pulling up to the home, you park about a block away and walk up to the crowded front entrance area, looking the place over a bit before committing to going inside.

The walkway out front is packed with several apparent locals from the surrounding area. Two African-American motorcycle policemen are sitting on their bikes, ready to lead the procession through the streets. A few of the band members are outside near the corner of the building, smoking cigarettes and tuning up their instruments. The tuba player blows a sad, slow dirge of notes that slog through the somber atmosphere. A few folks look your group over from a distance, some of them nodding at Charlie in his dapper attire. One elderly Black woman with thinning silver hair and a well used walker stares you down from across the street, mumbling something that you can’t quite hear and pointing in your direction. A younger version of her holds onto her arm and shakes her head as they slowly approach the rest of the crowd.

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Re: Small's Paradise

#143 Post by Bluetongue »

Calvin Beauregard

Looks distinctly out of place with his pinkie skin so tries to make himself as inconspicuous as possible.

He goes to the musicians tuning up, offering them some cigarettes from his pack as a way to break the ice.

"Here guys, share one each. Sad day eh?Mr Fayette a fine fellow, surely missed. Nice turn out of his friends, past and present.

Are you going to play his favourite tune? Sure he would have loved to have heard his nephew at the Paradiso last night. Shame, now with the good Lord in Paradise."

He blathers to them, passing a friendly smoke but as he dies do he tries to spot what tune they will play. Often sheet music is attached to instruments or a little note in order of service is about. Heaven help us if they decide on the coffin dance or Stomp. He doesn't push his luck and stay around though as he may have done outside the nightclub. When he gets the elbow he moves swiftly away.

Calvin Beauregard Spots Hidden vs 25% [1d100]=37
Calvin Beauregard 'Fast talk' skill check vs 60/30/12 [1d100]=73
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Re: Small's Paradise

#144 Post by Rex »


Charlie will drift/mingle through the people at the funeral. Listening in on conversations and trying to get a hit on anything that might be of use.

Listen (40) [1d100]=98
Spot Hidden (60) [1d100]=66
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Re: Small's Paradise

#145 Post by Grognardsw »

Ashuaps wrote: Thu Sep 02, 2021 4:56 pm René Vézina

René having read through the paper with interest, thinks about the question for a moment before answering

"Manusco was a contact of mine that I was working with to grow my business interests in this city but unfortunately, this was still a burgeoning collaboration and I do not know who his other associates were or if the Herald's description is accurate. That said, that was a bit of a threatening letter he received from J. I still think that Joey is the likely author of the letter."
“I see,” answers Thurston, as the breakfast dishes were gathered by Darwin. “I agree the fellow Joey is involved somehow. I don’t want to give up though on Mancuso’s business associates and family. Perhaps we could tell the truth that we are interested potential partners who were with him last and who want to find out what happened.”

I’d like to continue the conversation on the ride over.


Thurston walks with his colleagues toward the Harlem funeral home. He sees the muttering old lady and guesses what she might be saying - “What are them downtown honkies doing at a black man’s funeral!” or some such.

The stage magician looks for Mr. Johnson. If they can question the man before (or after) the funeral they won’t have to stay through the uncomfortable ceremony.
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Re: Small's Paradise

#146 Post by OGRE MAGE »

No problem!

Rene can feel free to answer and you may continue the conversation as long as necessary.
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Re: Small's Paradise

#147 Post by Rex »


Conversation on the way over. "We can try that route, but its a one and done deal, once we say what we are up to we can't take it back and any partners are likely to find out."
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Re: Small's Paradise

#148 Post by Ashuaps »

René Vézina

"That's unfortunate that I knew very little about Manusco. I can't even tell you if he had a wig and kids. Maybe we can keep a look on the paper if there's a funeral for him coming up?"

Noticing the location of the funeral as he arrives Rene says "Let's see what we can find out here and then I am planning to go for a walk towards that building we noticed last night". Rene then join if fellow investigators in mingling along and trying to look and listen for interesting things

I appear to have missed in who's car we are driving? I don't think Rene's car is available are the moment... :D
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Re: Small's Paradise

#149 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Generally, if I don't detail something like that out, it isn't necessarily vital to the update. Thurston has a car as well, so you could be using his this time if you like.

Freddy's Funeral

A few more people file out of the service as the investigators move in cautiously. Rene and Thurston wade towards the crowd, trying to avoid the old woman staring at them. They hear the usual things one would expect at a funeral, what a great guy Freddy was, how they hope the family will cope without him, etc. Thurston looks around for Charlie Johnson, but doesnt see the band leader yet. Eventually, a dapper looking older Black gentleman with a dark hat and overcoat with a pink sash depicting his role as one of the funeral directors approaches the pair solemnly. "Good morning gentlemen. Looks like lovely weather for a funeral procession. We should be underway here shortly. Can I ask your relation to the deceased?" He asks without a hint of prejudice or malice in his tone.

Charlie isn't afraid of someones old granny, so he walks close to the pair of women on the sidewalk as he mingles into the crowd. He can hear the old woman stammering as he approaches. "It ain't right I tell ya! That band being here and all! If what folks is saying about what happened last night is true, that's all the proof I needs!" The younger woman of the two looks at the security man and nods her head, shushing the older version of herself as they approach the crowd.

Calvin pulls out his box of cheap cigarettes and heads straight for the band members near the corner of the building. The tuba player continues to blow his dirge, but the other two men nod as he approaches. "Oh yesa! Great turnout, as expected. Freddy was a good man, and playing for his final march was the least we could do. I just hope Charlie aint taking it too hard." They take the smokes gladly and answer the reporter casually. "Can't say I know what Freddy's favorite song even was, but we won't be playing any numbers from the club gig. Just a few sad ol' songs ta help folks remember and mourn. So, how is it you knew Freddy? Was ya a business associate a his?"

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Re: Small's Paradise

#150 Post by Ashuaps »

René Vézina

" be honest I did not know Freddy that well. I met him a few times for my work in the entertainment industry and had very high regards for him. I just heard last night that he died so I came to pay my respects." René respond to the funeral director smiling polite "Could I dare asking you, as I've been out of the city as I live in Canada, what happened to him? I thought he was a strong man that would live forever. This news took me by surprise."
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Re: Small's Paradise

#151 Post by Bluetongue »

Calvin Beauregard

"Business associate? No, more of a friend of a friend. But still reputation goes around and you want to pay your respects.

Charlie, seems like death follows him about. What with that fiasco at Small's. More death every day. Death and taxes only two certainties in life. And the Mayor got his fingers in both of those, mark my words."

The reporter chinwags with the band dropping in a slur on the Mayor and his pervasive influences in the life of ordinary citizens.

Once the band go to their warm up and take their places he will join the back of the service inside the parlour or by the exit door and watch proceedings.
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Re: Small's Paradise

#152 Post by Rex »


Charlie keeps mingling. "I met him Small's Paradise. He was a good man."
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Re: Small's Paradise

#153 Post by Grognardsw »

Ashuaps wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 12:57 am René Vézina

" be honest I did not know Freddy that well. I met him a few times for my work in the entertainment industry and had very high regards for him. I just heard last night that he died so I came to pay my respects." René respond to the funeral director smiling polite "Could I dare asking you, as I've been out of the city as I live in Canada, what happened to him? I thought he was a strong man that would live forever. This news took me by surprise."
Thurston, next to Rene, nods his head solemnly as Rene talks. Thurston keeps ears open for comments and eyes peeled for Charlie Johnson.

His ears perk up at something the old woman says.
”It ain't right I tell ya! That band being here and all! If what folks is saying about what happened last night is true, that's all the proof I needs!"
Thurston approaches the old woman and the younger companion and introduces himself: “Good morning, my name is Howard Thurston. I am sorry for your loss. I was at the club last night and saw what happened. What is it about the band and what happened last night? I saw a dead man rise as music was playing. What ‘proof’ were you referring to?”

"I would very much like to find out what happened, so it doesn't happen again. Whether it be criminals that murdered that Mr. Mancuso, or other unnatural practices or influences, we as a community need to ensure that Harlem is a safe, respectable, god-fearing community."

Thurston [1d100]=34 Successful Persuade if needed.
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Re: Small's Paradise

#154 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Things Seem To Be Going Well

Calvin raises a few eyebrows when he brings up the incident at the club the night before. “You was there? What the hell happened? We couldn’t see nuthin from the stage once people started panicking, but some folks said a man got shot dead, then got up and walked outside. Can’t say I believe any a that.” They don’t seem to agree with the comment about Charlie, but they nod along with anything bad mentioned about the Mayor.

When the funeral director approaches, Thurston let’s René do the talking before taking his leave all together. The man nods solemnly and replies to René. “It was his heart, they said. Freddy was a tough old son-of-a-gun, but his heart troubles eventually caught up with him. They said it was quick and that he didn’t suffer long.”

The two women on the sidewalk give confused looks after Charlie’s comment, not knowing Freddy to be one who would ever take a drink. Thurston approaches and asks for clarification about the band comment, causing a stir when he mentions what he saw at Small’s. The old woman waggles her boney finger at her younger daughter. “See! What’d I tells ya? I knew it! Dead men walkin! Even more proof of bayou devil magic! Everyone knows that Dixon boy keeps a chicken foot in his base drum!”

The younger woman looks at Thurston, trying to hide her embarrassment. “Excuse me sir, but we’re just trying to get inside to pay our respects. I’d rather ya didn’t get momma all upset. Say, you look kinda familiar. Will you be joining in on the procession? Perhaps we could talk more after?”

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Re: Small's Paradise

#155 Post by Grognardsw »

The younger woman looks at Thurston, trying to hide her embarrassment. “Excuse me sir, but we’re just trying to get inside to pay our respects. I’d rather ya didn’t get momma all upset. Say, you look kinda familiar. Will you be joining in on the procession? Perhaps we could talk more after?”
"Of course, I'm sorry," Thurston responds and nods in an understandingly manner. "Perhaps you recognize me from my stage magic performances." He hands the young woman a card. "And may I have the pleasure of your name, Miss...?"

"Yes I'll join you in the procession, and I'd be most interested in talking afterwards. By the way, do you know if a man named Joey is here?" While directing it at the young woman, he makes sure that the old woman too hears his question.
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Re: Small's Paradise

#156 Post by Rex »


Charlie will try and just blend in some and follow the procession, keeping an eye and ear out for anything of note.
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Re: Small's Paradise

#157 Post by Bluetongue »

Calvin Beauregard

Tries to milk the wide eyed story of the Small's Paradise incident.

"Sure not only there. I got a front row seat. Gangster fellow came in and then .... Bam, Bam. Down goes the businessman, his ambitions and hopes bleeding on the table as much as his grey brains splatter along the wall.

Gory, gory. And then as you would expect him to breathe his last and his spirit go to meet his maker, the foot stomping, hypnotic beat seemed to entrall his ghost and he rose up to shuffle once more on this mortal coil. Had some funny dance moves though. Could be a new trend, the monster mash."

He mimics a few lurching steps like a zombie and pulls a face, forgetful of the respectful ambience.

"Well anyway guys, play a good tune or two. Something upbeat to lift the mood".
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Re: Small's Paradise

#158 Post by Ashuaps »

""His heart... I didn't know he had heart troubles. Where did it happen", Rene asks the funeral director

if no more useful information is coming from the director, Rene will politely finish his conversation then look and listen for other interesting leads. Failing that he'll go and join his fellow investigator with the two women.
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Re: Small's Paradise

#159 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The Procession

The funeral director looks sideways at René. “Oh sure. Freddy had issues with his ticker for a long….. it happened at his home, about five days ago now. If you’ll excuse me sir, the procession is about to start.” The red sash wearing gentlemen abruptly makes his way towards the entrance of the building.

Charlie hears a few folks talking excitedly about the horror he witnessed first hand at the club last night, dropping words like voodoo and walking dead. The horrible incident seems to be on the minds of most of the locals, since it happened right in their own back yards.

Calvin hams up his version of the incident for the band members, shocking them and anyone else close enough to hear. But the two horn players seem to have varying opinions on the outcome, one following the reporters beliefs of seeing a shuffling ghost, while the other claims there is a perfectly rational explanation. After the ill timed zombie mime show, both men and the tuba player walk away and keep their distance. Calvin is leered at by several of the attendees, especially after his comment about playing something upbeat. He sees several people trying to get the attention of someone in charge.

The younger woman smiles at Thurston when she recognizes him from his advertising posters, though she admits to never seeing his show. “Can’t say I even know a Joey. I’m Lizbeth Borden. And this here’s my mother, Uhuru Borden. And even though she don’t take kindly to rich white folk snooping around……I don’t have no problem with it.” She smiles again and takes her leave, the older woman sneering you down and mumbling as they pass by to head inside. “Evil spells an black magic an witchcraft I tells ya.”

Nothing else of import is gleaned from the crowd and the procession to the cemetery is soon under way. The doors swing open and the motorcycle’s roar to life, clearing a path on the steps for 6 Black men who appear carrying a closed pine coffin on their shoulders. One director leads the way, following behind the bike police on traffic patrol, while the pallbearers fall in next. Behind them exits Charlie Johnson, holding the hand of a shriveled but steely eyed elderly woman who has to be Freddys widow. Once the rest of the band assembles around their leader, they break into a solemn version of “I’ll See You on Judgment Day” and the line of mourners fall in behind the slow march. One person noticeably absent from the band is the sad looking, tipsy trumpet player you met last night.


Let me know where you want to be located during the march, and please provide a series of rolls with your next post. Spot Hidden, Luck, and Listen.
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Re: Small's Paradise

#160 Post by Bluetongue »

Calvin Beauregard

He will follow any procession from the pavement, walking along but behind the hearse or coffin.

Calvin Beauregard 'Listen skill check vs 40/20/8 [1d100]=4 Spot vs 25% [1d100]=57 Luck vs 65% [1d100]=82
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