Sorcerous Sundries

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Sorcerous Sundries

#1 Post by hedgeknight »

Leaving the Low Lantern around 4:30 in the afternoon, Tommy heads back along the docks, skirting the lower fringes of the neighborhood of Eastway. The streets are fairly crowded with folk moving about, likely on their way to gamble the evening away or find something suitable to eat. He notices several young men standing around the docks, some talking with folks about boats, some taking coin for a service. In particular, he notices an aged sea captain who has a hook for one of his hands, walking alongside one of the strange lizardfolk. They are talking and in a hurry, and Tommy notes they are going in the same general direction as he is going, so he is content to follow along. The pair turn up a street and Tommy watches as they enter a place called Jopalin's. He can smell the spiced tea in the air and makes a mental note to perhaps come back by there soon.
He continues for three blocks and then turns east, into the neighborhood of Heapside. He passes members of the Flaming Fist, boys and girls either on errands or looking for someone to pinch, merchants, patriars accompanied by a host of guardsmen in shining armor, and the occasional street corner prophet or singer. Five more blocks east, closer to the outer wall of the city, Tommy finally spies the place he has been searching for: a tall, round building with a vast dome for a roof made entirely of stained glass.

Sorcerous Sundries.png
Sorcerous Sundries.png (1.25 MiB) Viewed 947 times

Tommy enters and finds the ground floor to be awash in silk curtains, thick rugs, and luxurious furniture. Magical symbols liberally adorn the decor, and a sign inside the entrance ensures customers that the symbols are protective in nature. The ceiling is made of multi-colored glass, as are the outer rims of the structure's upper floors. Sky light filtered from above gives the chaotic effect of dancing rays and splotches of light along the walls and floor. Staircases and ladders connect the upper floors that rise upon sturdy wooden pillars.

Standing at a podium, flipping through pieces of parchment, is an aged gentleman. He is dressed in robes with all manner of gizmos and gadgets sticking out of his pockets. He puffs a pipe, working around his teeth as he reads. When Tommy enters, he looks up, looks back down at his papers, and then back up again as Tommy's appearance registers with him.

Rivalen Blackhand.jpg
Rivalen Blackhand.jpg (81.26 KiB) Viewed 947 times

"Well now, I don't believe I've ever had the direct privilege of meeting one of your kind. I am Rivalen Blackhand...and who might you be?"
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Re: Sorcerous Sundries

#2 Post by Belkregos »

​Tommy Smiles

i'm glad to finally get here,
he looks around the room as a refuge from the storm that the city is
I'm Tommy, a friend of Quinnap from Candle Keep, he told me if i was in baldurs gate to stop by and talk to you, that you might be able to give me some advice

he produces a small bag and unravels the cloths that wrap a stone with runic carvings to show the man,
if you know what it is, i probably won't need to explain why i seek your advice
looks to Rivalen for any reaction
i hope you can help
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Re: Sorcerous Sundries

#3 Post by hedgeknight »

Rivalen looks at the stone, sucking on the pipe, filling the air with a fragrance like that of cherry blossoms in the spring. He reaches to touch it, hesitates, then draws his hand back. With an effort, he then pulls his right hand from under the table and lays his arm on top. His hand is blackened and withered up to the elbow.
"This was my...reward...for thwarting a demon many years ago. One with which I had rashly made a pact. In my younger days, I sought most wizards do at one time or another. My mistake was to seek such in darker magics. Heedless of warnings from my mentor and friends, I delved deep into subjects and along paths no mortal should take. In my studies, I awoke some fell prince of evil. Before I knew it, I was in a battle for my soul."
He looks at his useless hand and arm. "In a way, I am fortunate to have survived with most of my body, and more importantly my mind, intact. I would caution you, my naive friend, just as my old friend Quinnlap cautioned you. Be very careful with this stone. These runes are very old, an otherworldly name in a language few even know about these days. It is the name of a Great Old One > a mysterious entity in the depths of space and alternate realities: Ghaunadar, That Which Lurks."
Rivalen studies Tommy's face for several moments. "Tell me, have you felt a presence in your mind since you have been carrying this stone? A feeling you were being observed from afar?"
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Re: Sorcerous Sundries

#4 Post by Belkregos »

tommy thinks, certainly things haven't been the same since he got the stone, his senses, his mind is more open and seems to be touching other minds more than touching being at one with other minds, the barrier and sense of self dissolving 

I'm not sure, in truth it is strange to use the concept of "I" and "ME" since this happened there is a sense of wadding in the minds of all around, there is no distinct border or distinction between "my" mind and the ones of others, there are gradients for sure where where one is more dominant than the other but the border murky like salty water mixing with fresh, yes, when first i touched the stone i remember I felt a gaze from something i didn't understand and a sense of amused curiosity......the books i found in candle keep helped me nourish a spark that this also awakened within me, i'm not sure how to distinguish one from the other, i dont know what i touched or tempted when i took the stone but i know that it also ignited something of my own ..... and i want my own spark to grow..

he is quiet for a moment then musses to himself
listen to me, talkin about "ME" as if there was a difference, we are part of something bigger even if we don't know it  i try to use this things to help the greater goal, we are all one, even if we think we are individuals, one life ends but in truth the one continues...  

then looks to Rivelan again as if back from his thoughts
a great old one? Ghaunadar? i dont know what or if it wants anything, but at least i have a name now and the best i can do is to be prepared right?
he says hopeful and looking for a bit of confirmation that there is indeed hope

he tries to calm his nerves by looking around and noticing Vier'zt out side the door, he opens it a bit in case he want to come in
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Re: Sorcerous Sundries

#5 Post by hedgeknight »

Belkregos wrote: Sun Aug 22, 2021 8:53 pm then looks to Rivelan again as if back from his thoughts
a great old one? Ghaunadar? i dont know what or if it wants anything, but at least i have a name now and the best i can do is to be prepared right?
he says hopeful and looking for a bit of confirmation that there is indeed hope
Rivalen swallows and moves his pipe around in his mouth, perhaps chewing on the existential meaning of Tommy's words. Then he says, "The great old ones always want something, my curious cat! Be it some access to new planes of existence or perhaps to savor the souls of the ignorant and the innocent. Ghaunadar...lurks within the shadows below us. In things that creep and crawl, slither and ooze their way into our lives. If I were a betting man, I would lay coin on the fact that your dark elven...friend?...has at least heard of That Which Lurks where he originated from."
Then the old wizard looks directly at Vier'zt. "Have you not, young sir?"
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Re: Sorcerous Sundries

#6 Post by Belkregos »

Tommy looks from Riveln to Vier'zt back to Rivelan again, his nerves peaking as the gravity of the situation sinks in
What? me? no, no no, i didn't summon the thing or call it or pray to it or look in its direction, that damned John was messing with it, he was mumbling said he was going to give chaos a purpose, direct it? I just took the stone, whatever, i didn't call it,
the fortune teller used to say i was to fulfill the prophecy, but come on, freewill right? "a terrible curse will be abated by an omen of bad fortune" she used to say, is this it then?, i have no choice?

he shakes his head

if a prophecy is right, if destiny is written then freewill is an illusion just like the sense of self, how could she know?, and now this Ghaudar lurking prev wants my bones? i used to play along with this prophesy thing, i mean, i knew the game, the seer, the cards, the palm reading, was just for coin, I played the part, "the cat with the evil eye","the bad omen" blah blah but this thing, this is not a play along kind of thing
he scratches his head looking at the stone

so i can give it back then, right?

Does it make sense? what he said, Can chaos be directed?
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Re: Sorcerous Sundries

#7 Post by hedgeknight »

Rivalen looks at Vier'zt, then back to Tommy, then back to Vier'zt. "You have nothing to say about all this?" he asks the Drow.
With a sigh, he sucks on his pipe, realizes the flame is out, and grumbles around for a match to relight it. Finding one, he fires up his pipe again and talks around it as smoke billows up through his face and bushy eyebrows.
"Now...what did you say? Oh yes! 'A terrible curse will be abated by an omen of bad fortune.' Well now...that is indeed a mouthful! Have you had any bad fortune since you took this...erm...rune stone? Any visions of doom and calamity? Any unexplained occurrences going on in your vicinity? That Which Lurks is patient, oh so very patient."

Rivalen pokes the stone with the end of his pipe, watching it closely.
"To answer one of your many questions: No, you can't just give it back. To answer another: It doesn't make sense to me at all. And to answer your last question: Oh yes, most definitely! Chaos can be directed...sort of. Chaos can be summoned and channeled. But once set free, chaos is like a raging fire, burning wherever the wind takes it, respecting nothing. A hungry inferno."

The old mage turns away and shuffles to a bookcase, so dusty that traces of fingerprints can be seen in the grime. He opens the bookcase, revealing several old tomes, thick and bound in various sorts of bindings. Rivalen pulls a book out and returns to the counter. He sets the book gently upon the counter, unsnaps the clasp, and opens it. "I want to read you something, my sticky-fingered friend. Now, let me see...where, oh yes! Here it is."
Rivalen sticks his pipe in his withered hand, and reads with the index finger of his good hand.

For ye have not come to what could be touched,
to a blazing fire, to darkness, gloom, and storm, to the blast of a trumpet, and the sound of words.
Those who heard it begged not another word be spoken to them, for they could not bear what was commanded:
If even an animal touches my mountain, it must be stoned.
The appearance was so terrifying that they said, 'We are trembling with fear.'
See to it that ye do not reject the one who speaks.

For if they did not escape when they rejected him who warned them on earth,
even less will we if we turn away from him who warns us from heaven.
His voice shook the earth at that time, but now he has promised,
'Yet once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.'
This expression,'Yet once more,' indicates the removal of what can be shaken—that is, created things...
so that what is not shaken might remain.
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful.
By it, we may serve our god acceptably, with reverence and awe.
For our god is a consuming fire.

The old wizard closes the book, his breath labored, his hand shaking. Sweat runs down the sides of his face and he has to grip the edge of the counter to keep from sagging and perhaps falling. Rivalen looks up at Tommy and there is a deep sadness in his old gray eyes.
" my young can't just give it back."
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Re: Sorcerous Sundries

#8 Post by Belkregos »

Tommy blinks a few times and scratches his chin trying to organize his thoughts
I guess some things are bigger than our intellect can comprehend...... but it does not mean we won't try
he smiles hopeful still 
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Re: Sorcerous Sundries

#9 Post by hedgeknight »

Rivalen reaches for a decanter and a glass and pours himself a two-finger pour of brandy. He gulps it down and then pours another.
"I've answered your questions, young cat. You have not answered mine."
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Re: Sorcerous Sundries

#10 Post by Belkregos »

hedgeknight wrote: Sun Aug 29, 2021 1:02 am Rivalen reaches for a decanter and a glass and pours himself a two-finger pour of brandy. He gulps it down and then pours another.
"I've answered your questions, young cat. You have not answered mine."
Tommy looks for a glass as well but finding a tea cup he cleans it and sets it close the bottle with a smile 
oh yes, (he nods to Vie'zt)   i met him in the low lantern
then looks to the cup waiting to the pour and back to Rivalenoh,
oh, the other question...hmmm... no, i dont think so, nothing unusual, the regular trouble, i even managed to get out to the lantern relatively well (he looks at his paw with the venomous prik) then continues with a bit lower voice
Ostis didn't do so good though..

but no visions or "bad fortune"....maybe the fortune teller was wrong, or the lurking perv forgot? 
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Re: Sorcerous Sundries

#11 Post by hedgeknight »

Rivalen looks at the cup and pours in some brandy and sets the decanter aside. He puffs his pipe, looking at Tommy.
"Listening is a great skill, one to be nurtured and trained. A pity you do know have it. I imagine it has cost you a life or two already, yes? Like I said, That Which Lurks is patient and, you can rest assured, does not forget."
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Re: Sorcerous Sundries

#12 Post by Belkregos »

hedgeknight wrote: Mon Aug 30, 2021 6:44 pm Rivalen looks at the cup and pours in some brandy and sets the decanter aside. He puffs his pipe, looking at Tommy.
"Listening is a great skill, one to be nurtured and trained. A pity you do know have it. I imagine it has cost you a life or two already, yes? Like I said, That Which Lurks is patient and, you can rest assured, does not forget."
Tommy brings the cup for a sip and sits thinking staring down at the drink and and being honest he states
"I knew what you meant, sorry if i kept the fool face more than needed, I've learned  it's better to have people underestimate you, it's a hard habit to break, i know you are trying to help, you're the only one that actually has told me anything meaningful of this thing"
looks to rivalen

i haven't felt anything apart from the abilities that manifested, only when i first touched the stone, i felt ist gaze, its attention,but nothin like that since then, so i don't know, like i said, i didn't call or made a pact with this entity, from what i saw and what i've learned, i now know the previous owner was doing something with it, i don't know if he was bargaining, summoning or stealing power from it  i haven't fostered what i think are part of the the entities gifts but instead i've tried to nurtured my own abilities, i feel my own and separate abilities were awakened since
he pauses for a moment

i guess in a sense the prophecy from the seer was true, seems i've drawn the attention of the one who lurks away from the caravan ...... Maybe they only fed and kept me out of self interest but it doesn't really matter, i'm not sure i would have survived those years without them, I'm grateful regardless of their motivation.

takes a sip

maybe what's owed'll come due, but the only thing i can do is prepare myself for when it does, right? I don't know what it wants or if anything
I think it took the guy who had the stone, I'm not sure what happened to him, I just left, maybe it took its toll on him? i mean, he was the one who willingly called it and i don't know if he paid in full or there is still a bill to pay...maybe he's waiting for a tip
(smiles trying to lighten his mood) 
I don't know how this dealings work or if it was settled but you give me hope that even if costly at there could be a way to get out of this

meanwhile i try to keep busy and help where i can 
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Re: Sorcerous Sundries

#13 Post by Belkregos »

meanwhile i try to keep busy and help where i can 
i was trying to help Lupeen from the blade and stars find her friend Aurayaun, seems she disappeared and there's someone just picking at the scab sending her broken shield one piece at a time, that's why i went to the low lantern, looking for a "scarred face man" that was sending the pieces, I think he's one of the Vanthampur's,  Amirk's brother but that little dandy prick, Amirk, just rub me the wrong way and will get what coming to him...
But meanwhile here i am, with more iron in the fire that i know what to do with and trying to get a plan together,

he looks out the window as if looking for something
I am worried about Aurayaun, if she is still out there i don't think she's in a good place...   
and about this lurking creep, i'm stumped 
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Re: Sorcerous Sundries

#14 Post by hedgeknight »

Rivalen listens, relieved that Tommy is finally getting to the heart of things.
The old mage dumps his pipe, lifts a small jar from beneath the counter and uses the tobacco inside to refill his bowl. Using a nearby candle, Rivalen lights his pipe and draws deep, blowing a plume of sweet smelling smoke into the air. He looks again at the runic stone and then up at the young Tabaxi who has opened his heart.
With a sigh, Rivalen offers a slight smile and says, "You're family...where are they now, young cat? Regardless, they protected you as best they could. Care for you, fed and clothed one of their own. The family bond is strong and heed my words: be careful with the Vanthampur family. Amrik is brash and bold, but quite adept at reading people and exploiting their weaknesses. Thurstwell, the youngest, is a sickly young man, but folks mistake him for being weak...he is anything but that. And Mortlock, the scarred one, is a brute who cares nothing but for himself and whatever he can do to assist his family. And the matriarch, Thalamra, is one of the Duke's of Baldur's Gate. She is quite ambitious and will do anything to protect her sons while furthering her agenda. Be very careful interacting with this family."

Rivalen sips his brandy and puffs his pipe for a silent minute and then says, "The stone came to you, regardless of your pilfering. There is something you must do, although I don't know what...just yet. It is said, there is a eons long rivalry with Ghaunadar and Dendar, the Night Serpent. Both are powerful entities known as Great Old Ones, and they have plans within plans. Until you learn what is wanted of you, Lupeen could use your help. She is a fragile flower among the thorns of this city. You would do well to solve the case of her missing friend. But should you need a place to stay, I have a loft room gathering dust. You are welcome to stay should you like."
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Re: Sorcerous Sundries

#15 Post by Belkregos »

hedgeknight wrote: Fri Sep 03, 2021 1:53 am "You're family...where are they now, young cat? Regardless, they protected you as best they could. Care for you, fed and clothed one of their own. The family bond is strong and heed my words: be careful with the Vanthampur family. Amrik is brash and bold, but quite adept at reading people and exploiting their weaknesses. Thurstwell, the youngest, is a sickly young man, but folks mistake him for being weak...he is anything but that. And Mortlock, the scarred one, is a brute who cares nothing but for himself and whatever he can do to assist his family. And the matriarch, Thalamra, is one of the Duke's of Baldur's Gate. She is quite ambitious and will do anything to protect her sons while furthering her agenda. Be very careful interacting with this family."
Thanks for the advice, I will be careful but I think to help lupeen one way or another the Vanthampur family will be involved, i'll be careful thought, i think Mortlok is the key, would you know or have any leads on where I can find him? any hangouts?

hedgeknight wrote: Fri Sep 03, 2021 1:53 am Rivalen sips his brandy and puffs his pipe for a silent minute and then says, "The stone came to you, regardless of your pilfering. There is something you must do, although I don't know what...just yet. It is said, there is a eons long rivalry with Ghaunadar and Dendar, the Night Serpent. Both are powerful entities known as Great Old Ones, and they have plans within plans. Until you learn what is wanted of you, Lupeen could use your help. She is a fragile flower among the thorns of this city. You would do well to solve the case of her missing friend. But should you need a place to stay, I have a loft room gathering dust. You are welcome to stay should you like."
Tommy nods, 
i guess there's no getting around Gaundar and its schemes so i better learn to be patient, i'l let that simmer while i learn and prepare for whatever it has in store,
I'll take you up to that loft, a safe place to stay in this town sure sounds like a rare find and I hope not to stretch your hospitality but if you have anything for me to read on the great old ones, Ghaundar and Dendar, I would be very grateful.

Takes the last sip of the cup and continues
but for now, i'll follow any leads to find Lupeens friend
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Re: Sorcerous Sundries

#16 Post by smithy211 »

OOC I totally missed the part about being in this thread... dammit.

Vier'zt nodded, "I have, I have no great knowledge about the thing. But I have heard my people's priestesses speak of it. Lloth is bad enough, that thing should not be let loose, no matter what."
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Re: Sorcerous Sundries

#17 Post by hedgeknight »

Rivalen nods to Tommy and then asks, " you have any leads yet on her missing lover?"
smithy211 wrote: Sun Sep 05, 2021 2:01 am Vier'zt nodded, "I have, I have no great knowledge about the thing. But I have heard my people's priestesses speak of it. Lloth is bad enough, that thing should not be let loose, no matter what."
Rivalen looks up in surprise, blinks a few times, and says, "It speaks! I figured you were mute! Indeed the Queen of Spiders is not to be trifled with. Tell me, why did you leave your homeland?"
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Re: Sorcerous Sundries

#18 Post by Belkregos »

hedgeknight wrote: Tue Sep 07, 2021 3:58 pm Rivalen nods to Tommy and then asks, " you have any leads yet on her missing lover?"
well, someone is sending Aurayaun shield piece by piece to Lupeen,
a couple of urchins have been doing the delivery said that a "scarred face man" in the low lantern has been threatening them to do it,
went to investigate to the low lantern but alli could find out was that Mortlok would fit the description, thats why i am trying to find out where to find Mortlok, to see if he is the scarred face man the kids mentioned
the kids, i think their names were belle and charlie, also mentioned a "diamond urchin" but i'm not sure he had anything to do with it, i think this diamond urchin had some deal with the flaming fist to let things slide with the street kids and the girl was pulling the card with the flaming fist sergeant
i may be barking up the wrong tree but that's all i have,
I also thought that maybe a spell i read about in candle keep could help, something about finding lost things or objects but i didn't actually learn the spell,

he shrugs his shoulders
any ways thats all i have on Lupeen's partner
hedgeknight wrote: Tue Sep 07, 2021 3:58 pm Rivalen looks up in surprise, blinks a few times, and says, "It speaks! I figured you were mute! Indeed the Queen of Spiders is not to be trifled with. Tell me, why did you leave your homeland?"
i'm sure you thought he's here for his stunning looks and not his lively conversation Tommy chuckles
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Re: Sorcerous Sundries

#19 Post by hedgeknight »

"Diamond Urchin...that is what the children said? Well, she is no street urchin, that's for certain! She is a retired bandit captain and is now the kingpin of the Brampton and Tumbledown neighborhoods. Her ex-husband is known as Ol' Straightstick, the kingpin of the Faithless from the Outer City community of Twin Songs. They had a falling out some time back and there is some very bad blood between them now. Best be careful snooping around in her territory, young cat."

Rivalen finishes his brandy and looks up at Tommy, his old eyes tired and rheumy. "It is past time for me to close shop and retire. If you are staying in the loft, there is a outside entrance via a set of steel stairs up the back of the building; you can access the stairs by the alley outside. Here is a key to the loft door."
He hands Tommy an old rusty key. Looking at it, Tommy wonders if it will snap off in the lock when he uses it.

Rivalen looks at Vier'zt...who remains silent as ever...shrugs slightly and comes around the counter. "Come along, out with you both. But should you need me, young cat..." and the aged mage places a hand on Tommy's shoulder... "should you need me, simply ring the bell on the nightstand beside your bed. Good night to you and be safe out there."

Once Tommy and Vier'zt are outside, Rivalen shuts the door, locks it securely, and pulls the blinds on the windows.
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Re: Sorcerous Sundries

#20 Post by Belkregos »

hedgeknight wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 12:53 am "Diamond Urchin...that is what the children said? Well, she is no street urchin, that's for certain! She is a retired bandit captain and is now the kingpin of the Brampton and Tumbledown neighborhoods. Her ex-husband is known as Ol' Straightstick, the kingpin of the Faithless from the Outer City community of Twin Songs. They had a falling out some time back and there is some very bad blood between them now. Best be careful snooping around in her territory, young cat."
i'll make sure to thread carefully around town, sounds like someone's claimed every cobble stone on these streets and can likely to cross someone even without knowing, thanks for the advice, i'll look before i jump

hedgeknight wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 12:53 am Rivalen finishes his brandy and looks up at Tommy, his old eyes tired and rheumy. "It is past time for me to close shop and retire. If you are staying in the loft, there is a outside entrance via a set of steel stairs up the back of the building; you can access the stairs by the alley outside. Here is a key to the loft door."
He hands Tommy an old rusty key. Looking at it, Tommy wonders if it will snap off in the lock when he uses it.
Tommy nods and takes the key thankful
Im very grateful for your trust, i wont be a bother and do what i can to help.

hedgeknight wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 12:53 am Rivalen looks at Vier'zt...who remains silent as ever...shrugs slightly and comes around the counter. "Come along, out with you both. But should you need me, young cat..." and the aged mage places a hand on Tommy's shoulder... "should you need me, simply ring the bell on the nightstand beside your bed. Good night to you and be safe out there."
tommy nods again grateful
thank you so much for all your help and advice, i'll take it to heart

hedgeknight wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 12:53 am
Once Tommy and Vier'zt are outside, Rivalen shuts the door, locks it securely, and pulls the blinds on the windows.
once outside he looks at Vier'zt, both of them standing in the street
thanks for accompanying me, i needed to talk to the old man, he gave me a lot to think about , but that'll take some time to figure out, meanwhile life goes on....

you think your friends are still at the low lantern?
.....he starts to walk in the direction back to the low lantern...... i hope they kept an eye on Amirk and his goon, i don't think we have any other lead to find his brother

unless you have a different idea, i thought to stake out the low lantern and follow either Amirk or his pony tail goon to see if they lead us to his brother Mordlok....

Tommy plans to hide outside the low lantern to see if he can follow them, on the way there he explains to Vier'zt he can communicate with him or his friends from a distance if they are separated and the need arises so he can go back in to the low lantern with his friends while tommy stalks outside
Stitches:- 1st lvl Halfling-Rogue: basics HP:9, AC:14, init.:+3, Sw/Bow: +5 to hit/1d6+3 dam +Sneak attack!
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