The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#121 Post by Bluehorse »

Grognardsw wrote: Tue May 18, 2021 1:25 am Ranger felt confusion, his mind pulled in different directions, unable to answer immediately. His impaired memory - or was it the worm - flashing back to other battles. A planet called Vietnam, a moon called Greyhawk, an island with a tower, the bard squad TPK, the space cruiser Arkansas, so many pulling his frayed mind from the here and now.

Could he focus?
Grognardsw wrote: Tue May 18, 2021 1:25 am”Thanagoyes?
Grognardsw wrote: Tue May 18, 2021 1:25 am"Patamathonga.
Grognardsw wrote: Tue May 18, 2021 1:25 am"Arrides?
Grognardsw wrote: Tue May 18, 2021 1:25 am"Nexothesmodrastica.
Bard Squad...
Grognardsw wrote: Tue May 18, 2021 1:25 am"Chtheesnohelgnopteces?"

Ranger-1 was sure he felt something squirming in his brain. He tilted his head a little and grimaced. I don't think this is working...
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#122 Post by Grognardsw »

“Hmm," said the Mechano-Therapist. "The pattern fits. It always does."

"You have,"
the machine informed Ranger, "a classic case of feem desire, complicated by strong dwarkish intentions."

“Now consider these points: The feem desire is perfectly normal. Never forget that. But it is usually replaced at an early age by the hovendish revulsion.”

“Now, what is your earliest memory of your goricae?”

Greginski knocked on Ranger's chest plate to get the cyborg's attention.

"What going on inside your head?" Greginski asked.

Just then the lifeboat shuddered, then slammed to a sudden halt in its rapid travel to the southern Arctic tip. Ranger and Greginski went flying forward and hit the control panels.

"We have been ambushed by the H'gen!" exclaimed Margo, her normally calm voice shrill.
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#123 Post by Bluehorse »

Grognardsw wrote: Fri May 21, 2021 8:41 pm “..."You have," the machine informed Ranger, "a classic case of feem desire, complicated by strong dwarkish intentions."

R-1's face scrunched up. Huh? What does that mean?

Grognardsw wrote: Fri May 21, 2021 8:41 pm“Now consider these points: The feem desire is perfectly normal. Never forget that. But it is usually replaced at an early age by the hovendish revulsion.”

Getting as irritated as he is curious now: What is that? Explain it to me like I am a five year old or I'm just going to assume you don't know what the shock you're talking about... It sounds like you are just making stuff up now!

Grognardsw wrote: Fri May 21, 2021 8:41 pm“Now, what is your earliest memory of your goricae?”
How can I answer that if I don't even know what you're talking about...? he grumbles before Greginski interrupts him.
Grognardsw wrote: Fri May 21, 2021 8:41 pm Greginski knocked on Ranger's chest plate to get the cyborg's attention.

"What going on inside your head?" Greginski asked.
R-1 jumps a little. What? Oh... this thing is talking nonsense. I think it is busted or something. Making up stuff. You want to give it a go and see if you can get anything better out of it before...
Grognardsw wrote: Fri May 21, 2021 8:41 pm Just then the lifeboat shuddered, then slammed to a sudden halt in its rapid travel to the southern Arctic tip. Ranger and Greginski went flying forward and hit the control panels.

"We have been ambushed by the H'gen!" exclaimed Margo, her normally calm voice shrill.
His shell bouncing off the controls, which thankfully didn't seem to shock them, thankfully, Ranger-1 looked up and around irritated. Margo! We're not under attack! Shock it all!!! You've run into something! Are your forward sensors not functioning? He will look up, removing the helmet if he has to, assuming they hit an iceberg or something.
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#124 Post by Grognardsw »

The lifeboat heaved and lifted out of the water. Ranger-1 and Greginski looked out the viewport. The safety craft was being held by a tractor beam from the Purity Planetary Services space ship.

"I didn't know we could bring her down into atmosphere," said Greginski with surprise.

A loudspeaker squawked with ear-piercing volume outside from the PPS. "What the hell's going on in there?" It was Anderson, sounding irritated. "No check-in, comm jammed, I thought I lost you."

The PPS flew back to shore. Margo fretted and complained, but being only lifeboat with no offensive and little defensive capability, there was nothing she could do.

Once on land, the PPS blasted the opening hatch. Ranger and Greginski were free.

"What happened?" asked Anderson.
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#125 Post by Bluehorse »


Grumbling a little but Greginski has known him long enough now to recognize the relief in his traveling voice. He pulls off the helmet and throws it at the control panel. Watching it bounce off of it and onto the floor, he gives a satisfied grunt.

Once the hatch is blown off he looks up at Anderson as he yells and chuckles. Nice to see you too. Your lifeboat has a personality disorder stemming from an overdeveloped sense of duty coupled with a severe memory lapse which has incurred a delusional interpretation of the present world.

He grins and climbs out of the ship and looks around, glad to be out. Seriously though, you need to contact whoever you bought this thing from and tell them to make it right or you're filing a complaint with the Merchant's Federation...
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#126 Post by Grognardsw »

Before my next IC post, a word on influences...

Well, that was an enjoyable ride for me, hopefully for you to. I get the sense your cyborg mercenary may like a more traditional action adventure, which is where we're headed. (With ample twists, as I find typical space marine shoot-em-ups boring at this point.) I drew the adventure arcs from Robert Sheckley stories. You'll probably get a kick seeing how you did compared to the stories, what was the same/similar/different, and hearing the voices of Gregor (Greginski) and Arnold (Anderson) in the X Minus One radio show.

- The Spectre-IV story arc is taken from Ghost V, by Robert Sheckley, Galaxy Magazine, Oct, 1954. It can be read free here


- The lifeboat sequence is drawn from The Lifeboat Mutiny, by Robert Sheckley, as dramatized on X Minus One radio show, Sept. 11, 1956. You can listen to it free here. The short story originally appeared in Galaxy Magazine, April, 1955, and can be read here.

- The Mechano-Therapist sequence is drawn from Bad Medicine, by Robert Sheckley (as Finn O'Donnovan), adapted by X Minus One radio show, July 10, 1956. You can listen to it here. The short story first appeared in Galaxy Magazine, July 1956, and can be read here.
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#127 Post by Bluehorse »

Wow! These are neat! And here I was thinking you were so creative! Just kidding. We all borrow from what we know. ;) This has been a lot of fun so far. I'm looking forward to the next part!
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#128 Post by Grognardsw »

Chapter Two - As the Worm Turns

Back in orbit above Spectre-IV, the Planetary Purity Services men debriefed on the mission. If one didn't breath in the air, the planet really was an empty paradise. The dangers of the mind killed the previous colonists. Having solved the mystery of Spectre-IV, Greginski, Anderson and Ranger-1 could expect a big payday.

"We'll need to wipe out that gas with a planet-wide detox program through aggressive chemical cloud-seeding," said Anderson. "It'll take a month, but we'll still rake in the credits in the end."



A month later, the PPS ship approached the flying space city of Starhaven. There they would meet Farnum, make their report, get paid and be on their way.

Ranger had more than enough credits to get his nano-coating. Now the cyborg wouldn't need to worry about getting submerged in water.

"Would you like me to try to analyze the parasite in your brain?" asked Anderson. The scientist hadn't forgotten the unusual mind issues of the cyborg.

Ranger wondered now what to do with himself. He had enough credits to bum around for a month, or he could jump into the next assignment. Stay with PPS and continue the odd, (usually) safe and adequate-paying jobs, or focus on his forte of dangerous and higher-paying martial assignments? Ranger checked in with his contacts, as it had been a few months, and heard of several possible jobs: 1) Field-test a beta-stage forcefield suit in a potentially hostile alien planet, financed by a friend of Anderson; 2) A bounty hunting assignment getting a dangerous, delusional criminal mastermind named Zardoz who has been arrested by local authorities, financed by House Corrino of the Imperium galaxy; 3) Join an expedition to hunt/capture dragons on a quarantined planet, financed by the space conglomerate Blue Origin.
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#129 Post by Bluehorse »

Grognardsw wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 7:23 pm Chapter Two - As the Worm Turns
Nothing to add here other than I love the title of this chapter :)
Grognardsw wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 7:23 pm"We'll need to wipe out that gas with a planet-wide detox program through aggressive chemical cloud-seeding," said Anderson. "It'll take a month, but we'll still rake in the credits in the end."
Ranger-1 nodded with what passed for a smile on his face. It was lopsided and maybe a little creepy like one side of his mouth was slightly paralyzed. Maybe a past injury? A brain condition like a mild stroke? A month? That's all? That is no time at all for a big payday. Time to start scoping out the auction sites for new toys. aaaaaaaaaaaaaand now he had a rather sadistic grin like he was getting cruel ideas few may want to consider for a salty old space marine.
Grognardsw wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 7:23 pmA month later, the PPS ship approached the flying space city of Starhaven. There they would meet Farnum, make their report, get paid and be on their way.

Ranger had more than enough credits to get his nano-coating. Now the cyborg wouldn't need to worry about getting submerged in water.

"Would you like me to try to analyze the parasite in your brain?" asked Anderson. The scientist hadn't forgotten the unusual mind issues of the cyborg.
R-1 was admiring the new nano-coating. At first he had gone with a simple clear coat but in the end, a semblance of vanity hit him in the end and he opten for a blend of O.D. Green, Gunbarrel Gray, and Dark Blue in a digital urban camo pattern. The tech doing it had even been kind enough to spot his old rank insignia of Captain and emblazoned it in gold on his chest plate. It made the old cyborg grin when he looked at it, a sense of forgotten pride shined on his face when he looked at it.

Hmmm... what? Oh... Worm? Sure. Knock yourself out. They said it couldn't be operated on and something about my biology being off for chem treatments. But that has been... uh....................................... some years ago. I'm not sure anymore. It doesn't seem like that long, but I think it has been at least... two? It was a jungle mission... We all got them. What do you think you're going to find?
Grognardsw wrote: Sat May 29, 2021 7:23 pmRanger wondered now what to do with himself. He had enough credits to bum around for a month, or he could jump into the next assignment. Stay with PPS and continue the odd, (usually) safe and adequate-paying jobs, or focus on his forte of dangerous and higher-paying martial assignments? Ranger checked in with his contacts, as it had been a few months, and heard of several possible jobs: 1) Field-test a beta-stage forcefield suit in a potentially hostile alien planet, financed by a friend of Anderson; 2) A bounty hunting assignment getting a dangerous, delusional criminal mastermind named Zardoz who has been arrested by local authorities, financed by House Corrino of the Imperium galaxy; 3) Join an expedition to hunt/capture dragons on a quarantined planet, financed by the space conglomerate Blue Origin.
He scanned over to list of possibilities. The Cowboy network always had great oddball jobs. He didn't care about the credits. He knew he had more floating around out there than he would ever be able to really located again. Once in a while someone managed to locate him for a letter that reminded him about some old account or digital wallet. Sometimes a stock in or something he bought and forgot years before. What he was always looking for was novelty. Forcefield suite... sounds like fun... wonder if you can still shoot when it's on..... bounty? Could be fun... people are tricky... makes it fun... ehehehe... oooo... dragons.... are they kidding? That sounds like fun.... wonder what they taste like... Spicy chicken... gotta be spicy chicken... he looked up and around. Keep talking to yourself like this and people will think you're crazy.... he looked around again. Who's asking? he glances around suspiciously... then shrugged.

He sent sent for more information on the all three jobs.

Forcefield Suit: If I take the job do I get to keep the suit components integrated on my shell? What supplies are provided?

Bounty: If he has been arrested why is there a bounty on him? Is this a pre-trial assassination job? Cause I am okay with that.

Dragon hunting: Dead or alive? Do I get to keep part of the carcass? What kind of team will I be working with or is this a solo job?
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#130 Post by Grognardsw »

"The new paint job looks nice," commented Greginski after Ranger's nano-coating.

The cyborg followed up with his contacts for more information about possible jobs.

For the forcefield suit field test, Ranger did not get to keep the components or the suit. It was still in late-stage development and not on the market, but Ranger could certainly look into getting one when it was available. Whether the components could be integrated into his suit was an unknown at this point. Regarding supplies, he would have ample survival supplies of the expected sort.

For the bounty assignment, the financers House Corrino of the Imperium (Ranger doesn't recognize the name, or perhaps he does and forgot) want him despite that fact he has been arrested and is awaiting trial. It is not an assassination. Recognizing that the bounty could be killed in the course of the job, they will pay 20% of the fee for dead, 100% for alive.

For the dragon hunt job, it is the capturing of a male and female alive. Preferably there would be no carcass, but if so Blue Origin gets it. The job is a large team effort and involves other mercenaries, xenobiologists and animal handlers. Appropriate equipment and weapons would be provided (e.g. energy nets, tranq guns, stun grenades, floaters, etc.)


In Anderson's work lab, the scientist attached scan pads on Ranger's head. He laid down the cyborg on a table that that slid Ranger's head into a big machine.

"I'm not sure what I'll find," Anderson said in response to Ranger's question. "I think it interesting you have a parasite, or perhaps symbiote, in your brain and it doesn't have seriously adverse consequences. Though I suppose the memory loss you describe could be attributed to it."

Anderson pressed many buttons and slid some levers. "Have you ever had communication with it, in direct or indirect manner? Any memories you feel aren't your own? Black-outs, missing time, sudden knowledge or language you didn't previously possess, exhibiting of unusual mannerisms, behavior or cravings?"

The machine hummed to life. Lights blinked. The table moved and Ranger's head slid into the machine.

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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#131 Post by Bluehorse »

Grognardsw wrote: Thu Jun 03, 2021 1:13 am "The new paint job looks nice," commented Greginski after Ranger's nano-coating.
That creepy lopsided grin again. Thanks! I like it too. Sure you don't want me to cut off you head so you can get a shell like this too?
Grognardsw wrote: Thu Jun 03, 2021 1:13 amFor the forcefield suit field test, Ranger did not get to keep the components or the suit. It was still in late-stage development and not on the market, but Ranger could certainly look into getting one when it was available. Whether the components could be integrated into his suit was an unknown at this point. Regarding supplies, he would have ample survival supplies of the expected sort.
Checking his email he grumbled to himself as he read. Get shot at... take all the risk... not even a new toy? Bah! he deleted it and moved on.
Grognardsw wrote: Thu Jun 03, 2021 1:13 amFor the bounty assignment, the financers House Corrino of the Imperium (Ranger doesn't recognize the name, or perhaps he does and forgot) want him despite that fact he has been arrested and is awaiting trial. It is not an assassination. Recognizing that the bounty could be killed in the course of the job, they will pay 20% of the fee for dead, 100% for alive.
He grunted a little and mulled it over. We'll come back to that one... Could be interesting. Conflicting political intrigue... Always messy.
Grognardsw wrote: Thu Jun 03, 2021 1:13 amFor the dragon hunt job, it is the capturing of a male and female alive. Preferably there would be no carcass, but if so Blue Origin gets it. The job is a large team effort and involves other mercenaries, xenobiologists and animal handlers. Appropriate equipment and weapons would be provided (e.g. energy nets, tranq guns, stun grenades, floaters, etc.)
Grumbling again. Why do everyone want everything alive? Always complicates things... Bet you ass I am keeping my rifle handy... Probably all tree huggers....

R-1 drummed his fingers on the table... one of the few ticks he had retained since being mounted in a full shell. But dragons... Mob boss... dragons... both want them alive... he looked at both messages again several times. He then eyeballs the timelines for both to see if he could do one and then the other. Too tight. He covers his eyes and moves his finger around in random circles and taps the screen. When he opens his eyes he looks down and nods. Dragons...

He then begins typing: I'll take the job but only if I get a dragon tooth out of the deal.
Grognardsw wrote: Thu Jun 03, 2021 1:13 am"I'm not sure what I'll find," Anderson said in response to Ranger's question. "I think it interesting you have a parasite, or perhaps symbiote, in your brain and it doesn't have seriously adverse consequences. Though I suppose the memory loss you describe could be attributed to it."
What memory loss? When did I forget anything?
Grognardsw wrote: Thu Jun 03, 2021 1:13 am"Have you ever had communication with it, in direct or indirect manner? Any memories you feel aren't your own? Black-outs, missing time, sudden knowledge or language you didn't previously possess, exhibiting of unusual mannerisms, behavior or cravings?"
Communication? I curse it out every so often and tell it not to eat anything important, does that count? I don't think it ever spoke back.
At my age all your memories feel like they are not your own. Imagine remembering what it was like to have an arm you have not had for decades.
Downright alien. Kind of like a phantom itch, you know? Creeps me out. Black outs? Hmmm... Not sure. My days run together as it is. Languages?
I'm not sure... let's see... Yo gusto gato in mi pantalones. Nah, I suppose that isn't right... Scratch that. I think I might have forgotten that. It happens now and then...
When Anderson gives him a look, he returns it. What?

After a pregnant pause. Cravings? I've not craved anything for years.
That is what happens when you have an artificial stomach, plus I more or less lost my sense of taste over the years. I like a stiff drink now and then.
That is the good think about having an artificial liver. I can knock them back all night and get plastered, get a call? Just over 60 seconds and I am stone cold sober, no hangover. Plus it pisses off Worm to no end.
he chuckles.
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#132 Post by Grognardsw »


"No hangovers?" said Anderson. "That is an interesting side effect. The worm must act as a counter to the usual adverse alcohol effects on the brain. As you may know, when blood alcohol content reaches .09 to .25, intoxication affects the occipital lobe, temporal lobe and frontal lobe in your brain. Drinking too much can cause side effects specific to each lobe's role, including blurred vision, slurred speech and hearing, and lack of control, respectively. The parietal lobe, which processes sensory information, is also affected. You may have a loss of fine motor skills and a slower reaction time. This stage is often marked by mood swings, impaired judgment, and even nausea or vomiting."

"At least the worm is helping you in one way,"
Anderson said.

Ranger knew the worm was having some kind of unknown effect on him, as exhibited most recently during the harrowing halluciations on Spectre IV. The black-out, the feelings of mutiplicty, of contact even?

The machine hummed around him. Ranger closed his eyes against the light show inside the head chamber. He felt a tingle and... a squirm inside his brain?

Anderson continued making pleasant small talk as he fiddled with the controls. "Neurocysticercosis occurs when cysts formed by the parasite take hold within the brain, causing neurologic syndromes such as epileptic seizures. Common symptoms of neurocysticercosis include seizures, headaches, blindness, meningitis and dementia. Any of that sound familiar?"

The machine pulsed, scanning his brain in successive waves.

"Alright, we're done," said Anderson after 20 minutes.

Ranger hadn't felt any particular pain or discomfort during the procedure, other than the occasional squirm in his head.

"Here it is," Anderson said, passing a compu-tablet to Ranger. It had an image:


"I'll need time to analyze the data and consult with a neuro-specialist, as I'm many things but not a brain surgeon."


Ranger got back to Harrison, his mercenary friend and contact who at the moment was on the planet Horatio Beta X.

"Yeah they'll give you a fucking tooth it that's what it takes," muttered Harrison. "Take a ship to Horatio Beta X, where there's a bunch of us who will be transporting to a Blue Origin vessel for the briefing. Hey, it will be like old times!"
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#133 Post by Bluehorse »

Grognardsw wrote: Sun Jun 06, 2021 2:53 am "No hangovers?" said Anderson. "That is an interesting side effect..."At least the worm is helping you in one way," Anderson said.
R-1 made a face. No, not that... It's the artificial liver in my shell. It can cycle that stuff right out. I get to be drunk when I want.
Pretty sweet...

Grognardsw wrote: Sun Jun 06, 2021 2:53 am Ranger knew the worm was having some kind of unknown effect on him, as exhibited most recently during the harrowing halluciations on Spectre IV.
Ranger-1 thought about that one. Uhhh... well, come to think of it when we were on SpecterV there was kind of a weird... well all that stuff you just said happened. I assumed it was the gas. To be honest I thought I died.
Grognardsw wrote: Sun Jun 06, 2021 2:53 amThe machine hummed around him. Ranger closed his eyes against the light show inside the head chamber. He felt a tingle and... a squirm inside his brain?
Hey! Stop moving around in there!
Grognardsw wrote: Sun Jun 06, 2021 2:53 am"Neurocysticercosis occurs when cysts formed by the parasite take hold within the brain, causing neurologic syndromes such as epileptic seizures. Common symptoms of neurocysticercosis include seizures, headaches, blindness, meningitis, and dementia. Any of that sound familiar?"
R-1 he paused and thought about that a moment. Well... I... Don't think so? I mean headaches sure... but not dementia. That's for old me... Never mind... forget I said that last part.
Grognardsw wrote: Sun Jun 06, 2021 2:53 am"Here it is," Anderson said, passing a compu-tablet to Ranger. It had an image:

"I'll need time to analyze the data and consult with a neuro-specialist, as I'm many things but not a brain surgeon."
Ranger-1 climbed out of the machine and stood up. He looked over at the image and grunted a little. So... that's what he looks like, huh? Is he doing anything in there or just hanging around slurping up memories?
Grognardsw wrote: Sun Jun 06, 2021 2:53 amRanger got back to Harrison, his mercenary friend, and contact who at the moment was on the planet Horatio Beta X.

"Yeah they'll give you a fucking tooth if that's what it takes," muttered Harrison. "Take a ship to Horatio Beta X, where there's a bunch of us who will be transporting to a Blue Origin vessel for the briefing. Hey, it will be like old times!"
Ranger-1 grinned his creepy grin at the confirmation of getting a tooth as a trophy. Nice. I'll do it. Now tell me who else "us" is.
You know I would rather work in small groups with familiar faces. Any of our old crew still alive? Whatever happened to Steve and Bosk? Bosk still owes me a stiff drink and a card game. Last I heard from Steve he was knee-deep in some kind of movie theatre stock living the high life. Bet you a round of shots he blew through it by now.

Later he would book passage on a transport over the com much to the spaceline's chagrin when he arrived and would clearly take up more room than they usually allotted for a single person, but he had prepaid and they were stuck. He wedged himself into a middle row, his mechanical legs folding into what seemed like impossible angles where he could sit comfortably since he had no nerves and servos didn't care if they were idle. He chewed on some gum to keep his ears popping to the irritation of those around him, but no one dared say anything to the menacing-looking cyborg who inadvertently made a nuisance of himself the whole flight due to talking to himself, smacking his gum, obstructing the view of those behind him from seeing the in-flight movie, taking up enough space to keep those in front of him from adjusting their seats, as well and those behind, he thoroughly disturbed an older lady to his right across the aisle when he took the bag of peanuts in his nutrition receptacle and ground it up, bag and all... (The cellophane broke down nicely as a lubricant for his artificial heart) and wound up spending almost 3 hours telling stories to a pair of young boys two rows up that steadily became more and more inappropriate.

By the time the flight was over and they had landed, everyone was happy to see him disembark, and even then someone got one of their bags caught on the mounted saber on his left arm which he sliced open while trying to get it off for them, only to knock over a rather rotund man when he bent over to help pick up the contraband the woman had been smuggling. He had jumped up and caused such a scene yelling at the fat man who he thought was trying to jump him that the space marshall came rushing down the isle in time to see the contraband all over the floor, leading to the woman's arrest much to Ranger-1's confusion. He simply shrugged and walked off the flight. When the space marshal tried to detain him for questioning, one hard look from the cyborg gave him just enough pause that R-1 walked off the ship to cause chaos later on while trying to hale a cab ride.
Old-Tuk-Tuk-in-Isaan-Living-in-Rural-Thailand.jpg (305.14 KiB) Viewed 596 times
Luckily he is able to flag down an old Tuk Tuk... The old man driving it seems to get second thoughts but before he can speed away the old mercenary has already grabbed ahold of the still moving cab and brought it to a stop. You need to get your breaks checked! You almost passed me! he chuckles raspily. The clunky-looking cyborg pours and folds himself into the equally looking clunky Tuk Tuk, making the shocks bottom out and the tires flatten noticeably. Take me here. he points to the address on display on his arm-mounted GPS. The poor old man feels trapped and putters forward, his sorry state mirrored by the struggling motor of the cab that drug its frame more often than not as it struggled down the lanes. R-1 seemed oblivious. At some point, the old man couldn't avoid a bump in the road and Ranger-1's head wound up sticking up through a fresh hole ripped into the old canvas top. $#!#@! oh... wait.... no, this is better. Keep going! he looked around more freely the rest of the trip to the rendezvous point.
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#134 Post by Grognardsw »

"So... that's what he looks like, huh?" said Ranger, looking at the image of his brain with the worm in it. "Is he doing anything in there or just hanging around slurping up memories?"

"I"m not sure at the moment," answered Anderson. "My guess is that it's not harming you overtly. If it is a parasite, it needs the host body alive. There may be side effects, but probably wouldn't kill you. If it's a parasite that lays eggs, those will likely hatch and eat you out from the inside. But you said it's been in there for a few years? And not hatching yet, so maybe there won't be. Hard to say with alien life forms. The data analysis will hopefully tell us more. I'll consult with a neuro-expert, and pass the results along to you. You're leaving Starhaven for a new job?"


Later, in conversation with his old buddy Harrison, Ranger-1 learned that another of his old crew would be on the mission.

"Yeah, Bosk is on board as well and you can collect your drinks," said Harrison. "Last I heard about Steve was that he used the last of his money to buy a bar on Krometron."

Ranger booked passage to Horatio Beta-X...


The three-headed Zantarian sitting in back of Ranger kept giving him dirty looks from two of his heads.


The Tuk-Tuk carrying Ranger stopped in front of Callahan's Crosstime Saloon. Its white light awnings cast a warm white glow on the sidewalk.


Harrison was inside.

"Ranger! Long time no see!"
I enjoyed your Horatio Beta-X travels. I wonder what Harrison and Bosk look like?

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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#135 Post by Bluehorse »

Grognardsw wrote: Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:08 pm "...If it's a parasite that lays eggs, those will likely hatch and eat you out from the inside. But you said it's been in there for a few years? And not hatching yet, so maybe there won't be.
Ranger-1 laughs. It sounds horrible... Raspy and gravely. Hey! What if all this forgetting crap is because I am long dead and it is actually the parasite that has already taken over.... he stops laughing abrutly and blinks. Wait a damn minute...
Grognardsw wrote: Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:08 pmYou're leaving Starhaven for a new job?"
Yup. A quick hunt job and I should be back in no time with a new souvenir to show off.
Grognardsw wrote: Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:08 pm "Yeah, Bosk is on board as well and you can collect your drinks," said Harrison. "Last I heard about Steve was that he used the last of his money to buy a bar on Krometron."
Ranger-1 grins and chuckles. A nearby stranger wonders who is sanding wood and why. Well, good for him. We should crash it sometime and wreck the place so we get him good and pissed before we fill him up on his own drinks until he is good and pissed.
Grognardsw wrote: Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:08 pmHarrison was inside.

"Ranger! Long time no see!"
Ranger-1 blinks a little. Who are you?

She moves forward eyes him hard for a long moment then grunts. What do you mean who am I? I'm Ranger-1! Seriously, Harrison. They say that when you get old the memory is the first thing to go. You should get that checked out. How've you been?
Grognardsw wrote: Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:08 pmI enjoyed your Horatio Beta-X travels. I wonder what Harrison and Bosk look like?
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#136 Post by Grognardsw »

Harrison had a momentary look of confusion on his face, then he laughed. The folds of yellow flesh around his throat vibrated.

“I should get it checked out?!” said Harrison. ”Ha, you’re the one who’s suppose to be 200.”

They ordered drinks and caught up on the year since they’d last seen each other. Harrison had been in the employ of a “businessman” (crime boss) escorting “imports” (illegal goods) across politically disputed worlds. Dangerous work but well paying until the boss was knocked off and Harrison had to make a quick getaway to save his own skins.

“So I laid low here on Horatio Beta until I could get an assignment that would take me far away,” said Harrison.

”Our ship leaves tomorrow at 09:00. A transport vessel bringing six of us to the Blue Origin star cruiser. There we get the briefing.”
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#137 Post by Grognardsw »

The worm squirmed and Ranger forgot where he was.

“You still here?” Harrison waved his hand in front of Ranger’s face.
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#138 Post by Bluehorse »

Ranger-1 jumped as if he had phased out a little. Huh? Yeah, of course I am here, what are you talking about? So we leave out tomorrow at o900. Where are you shacking up until then, or are we going to just rent a stool at the bar? he grinned as if that were a challenge. Care to try to outdrink me again?
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#139 Post by Grognardsw »

Ranger and Harrison drank into the night, reminiscing about the old days.

They slept that night in a dive motel. The wall outlet worked; the rest Ranger didn't even notice.

The next morning they boarded the transport ship. It held 20 passensgers, six of whom were mercenaries including Ranger and Harrison. They would be dropped off at the Blue Origin space craft after a six-hour voyage.

The transport ship.

After boarding the transport Ranger met the other mercenaries. They were a motley crew.


"I am Xkelton," said skull face.

"Apkor," introduced the monkey head.

"Purpletar," grunted the armored alien.

"Minezor," said the rocky creature.

The rest of the passengers were humans and they stayed far away from the mercenaries.

The ship set off. Three hours later Ranger heard an ominous thud from outside. The ship lurched.

"Space pirates!" the captain announced over the intercom. "Everyone stay in your seats!"
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#140 Post by Bluehorse »

So came back to check and saw my post never went through. Grrrr....

R-1 laughed and enjoyed the conversation. Things about the past with Harrison were easy to talk about. Having him close by and prompting him made it easier to recall. Oddly, 5 minutes later he would sometimes need to be reminded of who they were talking about then laugh and go into another story all over again. It was an odd, disjointed series of stories they shared back and forth but anyone listening, though probably convinced they were madmen, would also be thoroughly entertained. R-1 tells one particular story where they were hiding in a portable outhouse from a Na'Ching squadron that was tracking them after a semi-botched recon mission onto to have one of the lieutenants make a stop in a neighboring unit. R-1, despite Harrison's pleading, shot through the wall to get him and then they busted out the back side just as R-1 dropped a few grenades into the well for them to open up the door as the bombs went off. BAAAAHAHAHAHA!!! The looks on their faces!!! KABOOM! Shite everywhere!

Upon waking, R-1 is of course sober, thanks to his artificial Liver that he can cycle on and off as needed allowing him to enjoy a thorough drunken state only to be perfectly fine in short order. He grumbles as they get moving later. They don't even offer a continental breakfast here.... what a craphole...

Harrison What do you care? You don't even really eat?

R-1 Yeah, but let's say I wanted to? I at least would like to have the option. Bastards...

Well, at least the weirdos are staying on their side of the ship...
Grognardsw wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 3:26 am"I am Xkelton," said skull face.

"Apkor," introduced the monkey head.

"Purpletar," grunted the armored alien.

"Minezor," said the rocky creature.
...................So do you guys like... combine into a giant meat robot or something, or are you all working individually? So what are your MoS?
Grognardsw wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 3:26 amThe rest of the passengers were humans and they stayed far away from the mercenaries.
Grognardsw wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 3:26 am "Space pirates!" the captain announced over the intercom. "Everyone stay in your seats!"
R-1 perked up. Aye, sir? Oh, you mean... never mind. he stands and grabs his big gun, moving in whatever direction the commotion seems to be coming from. Come on, Harrison! You know you were getting bored!

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