Yarl in Charge

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Yarl in Charge

#1 Post by hedgeknight »

He gives a moment before lowering his club and barking out orders as firmly as he can. Judas and Cookie, go get a few hands to help you both dispose of the body. Someone send word to the Rats that I want all heads to come in, we have a big score ahead. Eston you are with me.
The chanting Rats disperse to carry the word. Cookie giggles and runs off to fetch some help. Judas glances back and forth between Yarl and Eston, before going to help her.
Yarl will wait for people to clear before checking Sylmorn's body for loot. (He wants Judas and Cookie to leave to get help) He addresses Eston quietly. I didn't mean for this to happen this way. You been around longer than me, you know any of Sylmorn's contacts? You know if he got people?
"Doubt you'll find much on him. From what I'm told, Sylmorn keeps most of his personals locked up in his den."
Yarl seems to figure as much, especially when he finds an old key tucked into a shallow pocket in Sylmorn's pants. That and Sylmorn's sword is all that seems to be worth anything on the body.
The older man sighs. "Life has a way of getting away from us, doesn't it lad? Ah, no matter now. The deed is done. Can't put the cheese back into the...erm...wherever it comes from. No matter. Moving forward, yes! Contacts. Well now, Sylmorn didn't have a lot of love for the other gang leaders, and he was in constant conflict with the Guild. He had an informant in the Flaming Fist who he paid for scoop from the Lower City...mostly about the movements of patriars visiting the Outer City, although few come this far out."
The man paces as he talks and looks around the old house. "A frequent place he visited was The Low Lantern. If asked where he was off to, Sylmorn would say, "To see my buddy at the Lantern. I got a hankering for some company.' And then he would slip into the river and swim off."

Cookie and Judas return with a few extra hands to help with the body. Most are young members, who gawk at all the blood, who gawk at Yarl, and who fall over themselves to appear useful and to show out in front of their new leader, and to be honest, to show off in front of Cookie.

Yarl gives a nod of approval to the newbies here to move the body and tries to look, intimidating? In charge? Confident?. He isn't sure but he tries to look like a leader.Dump Sylmorn but don't disrespect him. He kept us full for a while. He wipes the blood off the short sword while giving Judas a look over before sheathing the blade. An' someone find Cyrus for me. Yarl gives a flick of the head to Eston to join him as he moves towards Sylmorn's room.

To Eston as they move to the room, Look, I aint been in charge of shit before. My job has always been to hit something' until its not moving anymore. You got more experience in the Rats than me, I'd like to make you my second. We got the Faithless shit to deal with right away an I can use an' experienced hand. He reaches up to tentatively feel the wound on his neck. I'd like to keep us all alive as long as I can, gonna need a few faces that can be trusted.

Eston nods and smiles, showing several holes where his teeth should be...and his breath would knock down a giant!
"I'll be yer second, and glad to do it. Cyrus can be trusted...or at least threatened not to betray you. Maybe the lass, Cookie, and a few more. But the ones who allowed Sylmorn to infect them, they just as liable stab ye in the back as to look at ye! Judas would be the main one for that. Best to watch him, keep him busy, and don't turn yer back...on anyone."
The elder gang member yaws and scratches his belly. "Now, tell me more about what ye and ol' Straightsticks talked about."

Sticks' is taking the fuckin' Faithless inside. He needs tha' Rats to keep the Fist busy when he moves. The cunt must be pretty confident about his chances. Yarls looks at Eston in the eye. Slymorn didn't like it so he an' I had it out. Yarl looks away. The stupid fuck... I don't see any choice. Can't take the Faithless so we gotta throw with em. Yarl produces the key and moves to unlock the door. We gotta' keep the Fist busy but to be smart about it. No head on fightin'. We can burn, loot, steal and whatever to get their attention. Sticks' can make his damn move. He wins in an we even the debt and get a friend inside. He fails an' Faithless territory is up fer grabs. Whatta ya think?

Eston shrugs. "I think...ya ought to check out Sylmorn's personals and see if ya discover anything to help us. We stretch out necks out too thin, and ol' Straightsticks will chop it off! And if'n he don't, Nine-Fingers will!"

Taking the advice of the elder gang member, you enter an office area of the warehouse, and then through another door which leads to a stairwell. Taking the steps gingerly, key in hand, you descend about 10 feet, noticing the dampness of the walls and the smell of mold and decay that is prevalent down here, closer to the river.
A torch burns on the wall, illuminating a single door.
Hoping there is no trap on it, you insert the key and unlock the door, and enter the chambers of your predecessor. The room is actually quiet small and sticks of blood, sweat, and mold. The room is sparsely furnished with a bed in the corner, a standup closet, and a couple of chairs. A brazier offers a bit of warmth...but for you it is never really cold.
A long chain is affixed to one of the bedposts, ending in an open shackle. As you try to figure out what this shackle is for, a rustling sound comes from behind another door. Looking through a peep hole in the door, you can see there is a room beyond and it has a window...and the shadow of a person inside!
Opening the door ever so slightly, you find yourself peering into a prison cell...with a single prisoner.
woman-prisoner-in-a-straitjacket.jpg (41.17 KiB) Viewed 1236 times
It is a young woman with pale skin and sunken eyes. She looks half-starved. A large shackle fits around one of her ankles. Seeing that you are not Sylmorn, her face brightens for a second or two. "You're bleeding. Who are you? Where is Sylmorn?"

Flustered, Yarl slips out a lowWhat the fuck? He tries to recover quickly, I'm, ummm, Blacktongue. Who are you? Why you down here? He puts his hand over his neck wound. I, ummm got bit.

Yarl will wait for an answer and try to get information about her. If pressed he will say that Slymorn is not around at the moment and hide his no longer living status.

Who is Ninefingers? If you are referencing the Bloody Nine as written by Joe Abercrombie then Yarl will immediately commit suicide.

The woman looks away and sighs. "I'm...no one. At least, that is what my parents must think, else they would have paid the ransom for me by now."
She looks back at Yarl and lifts her chin proudly. "Would one think the eldest daughter of House Provoss might be missed or searched for. I've been in this hole for a month...I think...and no word from my father."
Her eyes are watery but she does not cry.

OOC: Nine-Fingers Keene is the current leader of The Guild, the main organization who has crime bosses everywhere in the city...and outside the city.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#2 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl closes his eyes as the day takes its toll on himOh for fucks sake, this day keeps gettin' better an' better. He leaves the cell, grabs a pair of chairs and brings them back in. He pushes one towards the girl and puts the other behind himself. Ok, No One, you wanna sit down? I gotta fuckin' sit down. He keeps his eyes on her as his sits down and lets out a big sigh.
Sylmorn is dead. He an' I just had it out and I killed him. He rubs his beard with his free hand. He was an evil cunt but I didn't mean for it to end up like this. Now I'm in charge and I came down to see what Slymorn had stashed and here you are. Hh lets out another big sigh before looking at the head of his club. I got all kinds of shit piling 'round me. Might be I'm gonna end up like Slymorn soon. So, uhhhh, we gotta get you home.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#3 Post by hedgeknight »

The young woman does not move from her perch by the window, but she does turn and face you, her eyes wide and somewhat tearful. "So...I'm free to go home...if I want to leave?"
She puts her hands on her knees and sighs, looking down at her feet.
"But...what if I don't want to go home? What if I want to stay and become...one of the Rats of Rivington?"
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#4 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl shakes his headThen ye'd be pretty fuckin' stupid. Somma the Rats would kill ya, some would rape ya, others would kill you and rape you. He looks at her in disbelief. You are in the armpit of a shithole. The guy who kidnapped ye was a fuckin' wererat!!
Yarl stands up. Look, we will get you home. If yer Dad is such a cunt then take him for everything he has but there aint a life down here. Use his money, make yerself happy but for fuck sakes this aint a place for you.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#5 Post by hedgeknight »

It's unusual to find a "soft spot" in one of the Rats, but Yarl knows this pampered daughter of a patriar is not cut out for life on the streets, life in a gang of miscreants and evil creatures. He tells her straight and she accepts it with a tear or two but a stiff chin; the girl is...just a girl after all; she doesn't have the stones or the experience to live down here in the Outer City.
She sniffs and wipes the snot away on her dirty clothes. "Can you escort me to the Manor Gate? We would go through Bloomridge to get there. Have you ever...been to the Upper City?"

She blushes then, embarrassed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to insult you. It's just...well, I doubt you would have seen House Provoss. It's tucked away quite nicely among other houses; nothing to speak about really.
"Erm...my name is Victoria. What is your name?"
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#6 Post by Computer +1 »

They call me Blacktongue. Yarl stands up. Lemme see if this key can open those shackles. He talks as he works, being careful not to scare the girl. Nah, its not an insult, I never been up that high. Folks like me don't get let in for no reason.

If the key works:
Yarl will bring the girl into the other room and out of the cell. Lemme see if there is anything to throw on ya. He will take a look around to see what Slymorn has on hand.

If the key doesn't work:
Fucking Slymorn he curses through his teeth. Sit tight, there must be a key around he leaves cell door open to not scare the girl.

Either way:
I ain't even sure we are gonna get let into the Upper. I mean you know the guardsmen on the gate or something?
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#7 Post by hedgeknight »

Yarl talks as he works on the shackles binding the daughter of House Provoss. The key fits and the rusty lock reluctantly turns and releases the young woman from her bonds. Her ankles are raw and she winces as she stretches her legs. Following Yarl into Sylmorn's room...now belonging to the new leader of the gang, Yarl himself...Victoria points to a lockerbox and with Yarl's permission, walks to it and opens it, and pulls out the clothes she came in. They are dirty and smell like sour wine with a trace of vomit, but she turns her back to Yarl and begins to remove the filthy shift of her imprisonment. (Does he watch or turn his head?)

While she is changing, Eston enters the chamber, stops astonished, places one hand up to his face, and then walks to Yarl.
"I thought you should know, word of Sylmorn's death has traveled swiftly. As you might imagine, not everyone is pleased to know he is dead, much less, by your hand. I'm afraid, my young man, you may have another fight on your hands very soon if you don't get ahead of it. Shall I call a meeting of the Rats?"

Victoria walks upon the pair, standing a few feet away. "Um, to answer your question...I actually do know the guardsmen at Manor Gate. And he owes me a favor."
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#8 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl enjoys the view of Victoria changing for maybe a moment or two longer than he should before turning his head. When Eston comes in Yarl shrugs his large shoulders. Eston say hi to Vic with a half smile on his face.
Eston's news quenches Yarl's joy Fucking hells! Didn't nobody understand me before when I said to bring in all the heads? Yes, call in the Rats. Make sure you keep only the ones you trust around you till I get back.

When Victoria walk over and speaks Yarl thinks for a minute. I want Cookie with me, we gotta take Vic for a walk. I figure her family will be less likely to get the wrong idea bout' things if I got a woman with us. You get Cyrus to bring a message to the Faithless. Tell 'em that Blacktongue says the Rats are in. To Victoria he says. Lets get you home before the place blows up, kay?'

If there is no objections Yarl will lock up, take Victoria with him as he quickly grabs his gear. Meet with Cookie and head up. He will try to bandage his neck with his healing kit while on the move.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#9 Post by hedgeknight »

Eston obeys his new leader and sends word out to assemble the Rats.
"It may take a few hours. Some are scattered about, perhaps has far away as Sow's Foot, and I believe a few are down at the Low Lantern. Sylmorn sent them there yesterday to meet up with Grimboot, you know, the dwarf who sometimes collects debts for whoever will keep him in rum. All should be back by the time you return.
"Oh, and I haven't seen Cookie since she left. She's likely out and about wagging her tongue about how you took down Sylmorn."

Victoria says she's ready and once you get your gear, so are you.
Outside in the streets, there are folks milling about > most really not aware of what just took place in the Den. They likely didn't even see the other Rats carry out Sylmorn's body. (What did you decide to do with the body by the way?)
You smell the river and the cook fires, probably some type of stew from the Old Mill just a couple of streets over.


"So, are we going by boat or taking the long way around?" Victoria asks, eager to be on her way.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#10 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl's stomach growls at the smell of stew but he doesn't have time to eat yet. He doesn't want to delay or to chance running into anyone trouble on the walk. Lets take a gods damned boat." He will head to the boat of someone he knows to be on the up and up. Vic, howd' the rat fuck Slymorn get you? How long you been in chains? Yarl asks, making conversation as he wraps gauze over his neck wound. Most important, how likely is yer family to blame me when we drops ya off?
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#11 Post by hedgeknight »

Once it is decided to take a boat, but before they leave the Den, Victoria gives Yarl a once over and shakes her head.
"They won't let you through the Manor Gate dressed like that. You're gonna need to look a little more presentable. Might get you a few extra gold for my return too."

Eston, standing nearby, agrees. "Best to dress the part at least, my young Ratling. Syl...the previous kingpin kept clothing for all occasions. Now, he rarely wore anything but a ragged cloak and his armor, but still..."
The elderly fellow goes to a large closet near the back of the main chamber and opens it. Inside hangs more than one cloak and a few large shirts with ruffled sleeves, something an ordinary man might wear to just about any occasion. Plus, Eston reaches deep in the back of the closet and pulls out a very well kept pair of knee-high leather boots.
"Now, here's a find," the old man breathes.

"Very nice," Victoria agrees. "Might want to wash the blood out of your hair...and your ass while you're at it. Should I turn my back while you wash and change...or can I watch?"
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#12 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl's entire life has been a struggle. He grew up mean without any family in the gutters of Baldur's Gate. He fought, scrapped, killed and somehow managed to stay alive. He learned early that he couldn't afford to back down from a fight and never to show fear, even when he was terrified. All this training has served Yarl well as he inwardly feels terror at the prospect of having to deal with the upper crust. One look at the fancy clothing and his stomach knots. Yarl mostly sleeps in his armor "How can I wear that fancy shit" he thinks inwardly. Ehhh is the only sound Yarl manages as he scratches at his beard.

Victoria's raunchy remarks snaps Yarl to speak I am going to look like a fucking tart in that getup! He unslings the massive maul from his back and holds it out. How the fuck am I gonna bring this wearing that? He looks down at his dirty, yet sturdy armor and clothes and lets out a big sigh. Fucks sake, fine. I'll clean up. He looks at Victoria, If you wanna see a show I ain't the shy type...
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#13 Post by hedgeknight »

Victoria actually laughs...and it's not an unpleasant titter or guffawing sound. But it only makes Yarl's face turn a shade redder than it already is. "You'll look fine. Just wear something that doesn't have blood and gutter mud on it and they won't care. My father won't even be there. He'll be out trying to weasel his way out of losing our house. And mother...well, she'll likely be disappointed I came back..." her voice trails off.

Eston, who is cleaning the blood from Yarl's armor, looks at Yarl and then continues cleaning.
"I had heard...the Provoss family was having...difficulties. Something about losing a lot of cattle. Disease some say..."

Victoria snorts. "Disease...yes, that's what everyone says. Poor luck. Not enough service to the gods. Just the way it is...and other banal sympathies. My father, my grandfather, and my great-grandfather were cattlemen. They know a thing or two about cattle and diseases and rustlers and wolves. And my father knows poison and underhanded threats when he sees them too. If my grandfather were still alive, he'd be paying out coin until he found out the house that ordered the poison, and then he'd be skinning people alive!
But not my father. No, my father is whining and sniveling and wondering how he can recoup the loss without losing everything we have! That's my father!"

She stops talking, seething, and chews on her bottom lip to keep from saying anything further.

Suddenly, another member of the gang shows up. It's Cyrus.
"Found Cookie. She was talking to Oak..you know, the lone wolf who don't want to join up. Told her you was calling for her. She didn't look like she would be coming. And I swear to Ilmater, if that little bitch kicks me again, I'm going to bust her right in the face!"

"You're going to hit a girl? You pussy!" Victoria hisses, taking a step toward Cyrus.

"Who the fuck is this?" Cyrus asks, stepping back. "And where are you going, Yarl?"
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#14 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl, while getting changing in front of an audience, thinks that Slymorn's death may have been a twist from the Gods to add more trouble to his life. Things were easier a few days ago when his biggest concern was not breaking someone completely when he was told too. He grabs a ruffled shirt that looks like it will fit and slips it over his heavily muscled and scarred body.

Cyrus thats Vic and she is off limits. Cookie too for fucks sake. As fer where I am going he says while fastening his new breeches and pulling up the very fancy high boots. I am going up to rub elbows with the high crust He stands up to his fullest height and flexes his large frame while wearing the new fancy clothes. Sylmorn's dead by my hand. I'm in charge now. he says while glowering at Cyrus

He slides on a belt and adjusts his short sword and dagger at his hips before picking up his club. He turns to look at Eston You make sure word spreads fast that Slymorn picked a fight with Blacktongue an' came up second best. Tell everyone. Let it spread that it was Slymorn's fault he's gone. He looks back at Cyrus I got a job for you. You gonna head up and get word to the Faithless that Blacktongue is runnin' the Rats and we are on board. Make sure that gets to Sticks' himself. While you are heading up you say the same thing, "Slymorn tested Blacktongue and got what was comin."
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#15 Post by hedgeknight »

Cyrus looks from Yarl to Victoria and then to Eston.
"Fine then. Whatever the hell you want Yarl...erm...Blacktongue," he says in his whiny voice which is how he got his nickname. He pulls up his hood and leaves, mumbling to himself.

Eston chuckles. "Sounding like a leader, Blacktongue. How long you think it will take to get this young lady back to her family? We need to plan about tonight. What does Straightsticks want us to do exactly? And how? There's a lot of what if's we need to figure out."

"Once we're through Manor Gate, it's not far to our house. You can drop me off and be back to run your gang." Victoria says, arms crossed, a scowl on her face. "You ready?"
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#16 Post by hedgeknight »

You are about to reply when Cookie walks in...followed by the lone rogue known as Oak.

"Heard you were asking for me," Cookie says. "My friend Oak wants to come along. He has silver to pay his way. He has business in the Lower City. Where we going?"
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#17 Post by dmw71 »

Oak, uncertain what situation he's walked into, simply nods when introduced by Cookie. He won't speak until spoken to.

He casually surveys the room to get a count and description of those he now finds himself in the company of, hoping to maybe spot another familiar face.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#18 Post by hedgeknight »

Coming into the warehouse, Oak recognizes several faces since he sees the Rats going about their business on almost a daily basis. He only knows a few names > Dancer (a male half-elf who is said to dance naked in a tavern in the Undercellar), Skye (a teenage girl who Oak has never heard speak), and Skipper (a teenage boy who got his name because he loves to skip rocks across the river...and is deadly with his knives).
The only person in the room he recognizes is Yarl; he doesn't know the older person or the young woman.
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#19 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl replies to Eston, I know we ain't got time to spare, I'll be as quick as I can. Ain't right to leave her locked up or stuck down here. As for Sticks'... he trails off as Cookie and Oak enter. Cookie say hi to Vic. You and me gonna drop her back home. Yarl returns the nod to Oak and adds You finally looking to join up? Safer together than on yer own...
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Re: Yarl in Charge

#20 Post by dmw71 »

Oak makes a mental note that the unknown woman in the room must be named Vic. Or is a victim, or both?

"Interested in the change of leadership," Oak offers, shrugging nonchalantly at Yarl's mention
of joining the Rats. "I'm good to accompany you, and Cookie, and --" he glances at the unknown woman. "-- Vic to the Lower City, though."

"Safer together than on our own, right?"
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