Quest #31 "Jungle Beaver"

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Re: Quest #31 "Jungle Beaver"

#381 Post by Rex »


"Andron, I thinks its related to the Yew tree somehow. Very strange indeed."
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Re: Quest #31 "Jungle Beaver"

#382 Post by Quonundrum »


"A yew tree? I thought those are non-tropical? There certainly doesn't appear to be any other trees like it nearby. The entity must be hidden somehow, perhaps inside or underneath. Let's proceed with caution. The last thing we need is to provoke it. Whatever it is."
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Re: Quest #31 "Jungle Beaver"

#383 Post by Rex »


"Agreed, it doesn't seem to have harmed anyone, best to leave it be."
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Re: Quest #31 "Jungle Beaver"

#384 Post by Quonundrum »


Andronichishche returns to the Stronghold after talking with Randall and still in need of a proper test subject for his new Assay of Reason spell. He waits patiently for Maag to arrive who is greeted by an unusually wide smile on Andron's face. "Good evening, Mr. Maag! I was hoping you could assist me with a couple projects?" He tries to sound warm, pleasant, and innocent like an experienced charmer.

He was not an experienced charmer.

The effect was rather ... flat in performance. He relays the intelligence he sensed from around the tree and Randall's oddly serious demeanor. "I know this may sound a bit dodgy, but would you be willing to take a quick peek at the tavern's upper platform after Randall closes for the evening?" He hastily adds, "I mean, just climb the tree and look, not touch anything."

If it was possible for Andron to look even more uneasy, he definitely achieved it as he continued to his next proposal. "In the meantime ... I could use your help in testing a new spell I devised. It's completely harmless, I assure you!" He hurriedly adds. "Except ... I ... err ... need to cast a sleep spell on you first. It will only take a minute right after that, I promise! I can offer payment, perhaps?"
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Re: Quest #31 "Jungle Beaver"

#385 Post by Quonundrum »

FYI. Andron still has the 100 GP pearl Tlachtga gave him to identify Manalishi. Looks like this may not be needed?
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Re: Quest #31 "Jungle Beaver"

#386 Post by Jernau35 »


Maag considers Andron's first proposition for a few moments. "Just look around? Not nick anyfink?"

"Der are two problems dat I can see wiv dat. First, Randall sleeps behind der bar. It will be tricky to get in an' out wiv out wakin' 'im up. Der second problem is dat if 'e catches me, 'e will never let me back in der place again."
He looks at Andron meaningfully. "Der only place on der island dat 'as booze."

When the second proposition is put to him, Maag dismisses it. "Yer jokin', right?" Then he looks at Andron again. "Nah, yer jokes are terrible...." A long pause follows while Maag scrutinizes Andron. "Still, yer spells are useful. An' yer an honest bloke".

"Der is just one condition: Lerrick 'as got to be a witness".

A lantern suddenly illuminates the dungeon that is Maag's brain. " 'ang on! If you 'ave got a Sleep spell, you can put...put Randall to sleep," he whispers, looking around for eavesdroppers.
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Re: Quest #31 "Jungle Beaver"

#387 Post by Quonundrum »


Andronichishche winces upon hearing where Randall sleeps. He sighs and clasps one of Maag's beefy, muscular shoulders. Nodding his head in agreement Andron says, "I was not aware of his sleeping habits. You are quite right, it's too risky." He pales slightly and appears aghast at the suggestion of sleeping the poor man, though. "By Rao, of course not! That would be an assault on his mind, and my conscious would be the least of the things I would answer to for that." His demeanor softens and his face relaxes into a smile. "I apologize, Mr. Maag. We have no reasonable suspicion of anything amiss. Strange, yes, but it doesn't justify that kind of action at this time. We will just need to be aware and observant in the tavern going forward."

When the thief assents to the spell test Andronichishche was positively beaming. The compliment about his utility also provoked a slight blushing of the cheeks. He quickly clears his throat in embarassment and regains his neutral composure. "You are most kind, Mr. Maag. Thank you! Yes, of course Lerrick should witness the test." He looks at the cleric of Pelor expectantly. "If you would also be so kind, Miss Lerrick?"
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Re: Quest #31 "Jungle Beaver"

#388 Post by Quonundrum »

With Andron's backlog of work almost done and Maag's gala well underway, I thought we could start planning the next mission. Andron is intent on the obelisks, but there are plenty of smaller issues we can tackle. He figures the island has already attracted attention and with one obelisk activated there will be a LOT more interest.

To recap what we know. Below is a sketch of the obelisk ring. So, eight in total. There are four structures at the main cardinal points. The ruined temple of Pelor is on the south edge which is still not completely unexplored. Chauncey's group activated one of the obelisks using an orb in the temple and there is a spot for a second orb, except a couple wraiths now lurk in the tomb.

Andron prefers to explore the northern structure and with Alordan's hut they're well equipped for the journey. Based on the medusa's notes it's likely in a swamp. Good thing we have the sprinkler for shambling mounds.

Thoughts? Suggestions?

Map of Obelisks

Island Map

Medusa's Notes

I know you like this place, but I am not about to spend the rest of my days preforming for this pompous bastard. We are getting out of here, and I think I finally figured out how. The ring of glass obelisks have something to do with the mobility of this place, so through them, there must be a way out. I know the colored stone spheres are the keys, all I need to do is figure out how they function. There must be a way to use the spheres to activate the obelisks, since the ones I have investigated don’t seem to do anything yet. Once I can figure out their secrets, I am hoping we will be able to go anywhere we want. I know you want to concentrate on making more eggs and raising new babies, but you cant expect me to be happy about bringing more of our kind into existence while we are all being held here against our will. We must find a way out! We can discuss this further once I've returned.
I have used the magic scrolls to find three of them so far. They are a sight to behold, so tall and crystal clear. One is in the jungle near the black cliffs, a second deep in the swamp, and the third by the lake to the northwest. I promise you that I will figure out what they do and how they function. Once I do, we will be free again.
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Re: Quest #31 "Jungle Beaver"

#389 Post by Jernau35 »

There are a couple of dots on that map that seem to mark the locations of some of the obilisks. If the northern one is correct, that's 10 hexes north of the temple. That would be pretty much the furthest journey yet for any group. And I think we're all about 3rd level aren't we? I bet there's some pretty serious stuff the further away we travel. :SAN:

Then on top of that, we still have to explore the obilisk. Chauncey's group almost had a TPK just trying to get inside.

Wouldnt it be easier to try for one of the closer ones?
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Re: Quest #31 "Jungle Beaver"

#390 Post by ravenn4544 »

Sorry for any delay in posting - lost power christmast eve for a few days. Quite memorable to open presents with the family by flashight :). The kids all bailed on us and my wife and I hunkered down by the fire place for a few days while the heat inside dropped to a balmy 46. We played quite a few games of scrabble and I'm proud to say she beat me every game :). It was one of the best Christmas's ever.

I like the idea of exploring more of the jungle to break things up a bit provided we leave the town with some warning / supplies for them to supply themselves water considering what's waiting for them on the way to the river and at the river.
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Re: Quest #31 "Jungle Beaver"

#391 Post by Quonundrum »

The dots on the circle are the locations of the obelisks. One of the dots lit up when Chauncey put the red stone sphere in a sconce. That implies the four squares are locations where the spheres must be used to activate the adjacent obelisks. Two per site.

We could check another nearby obelisk, but I doubt we'd learn anything until it's activated. That's a good point about the distance, though. I figured going north is easiest being directly due north of the temple. We could just explore to the northwest of the temple, see if we can find the western activation site?

Sounded like an amazing Christmas, too! :D

Protruding directly from the stone wall, a foot above the altars surface, and spread a few feet apart, are a matching pair of what appear to be decorative bronze sconces. They are too small and oddly shaped to hold a common torch, with cupped, upturned claws that look like they might hold a perfectly rounded bowl or other receptacle of some kind. Centered directly above them is a circular diagram carved into the wall. There are squares at the compass points on the diagram with a pair of dots spread equally between them all the way around.
Looking a little closer at the carving on the wall, it appears that the dots around the circle have another smaller dot inside each of them. At this point, it seems impossible to tell what it all means, but there has to be something to all of this magical gadgetry.
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Re: Quest #31 "Jungle Beaver"

#392 Post by Jernau35 »

Ah! Okay. I never was exactly clear on how the obilisks suddenly appeared :oops: I knew Chauncey had done something down there in the basement, but there was so much going on at that point I didn't really pick up on it.

Going north sounds easier, but as Keg and the others found out, getting lost out there is pretty easy without a trail to follow.

So you reckon there's another sphere down in the temple basement with the Wraiths? Ouch. :cry: I think we have the best cleric on the island right now but she needs to gain another couple of levels before that would be an option.

We could try for the eastern structure. There a trail leading all the way to the herb fields and it doesn't seem much further after that.
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Re: Quest #31 "Jungle Beaver"

#393 Post by Quonundrum »

Maybe not another sphere, but definitely another sconce to place one and activate another obelisk. The eastern site sounds like a better idea, then. I agree.
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Re: Quest #31 "Jungle Beaver"

#394 Post by Rex »

I can help with water, we need to find some containers but I can use create water. 22.4 gallons per casting. Doesn't go a long ways for a whole village but helps some. I would prefer to do some exploring first. I think we need to gain some more XP, particularly Lerrick if we intend to try and handle undead. I also want to see about animal companion(s). Some air borne would give us scouting ability when combined with speak with animals. I can have upto 6 HD of animals now.
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Re: Quest #31 "Jungle Beaver"

#395 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Love the table talk here!!!

Let me know if you need anything from me as you begin these preparations.

Just a thought.... In these huge posts, you might have to let some of the other players know if your involving them or asking their character something, so they are sure to see it. Thanks!
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Re: Quest #31 "Jungle Beaver"

#396 Post by Quonundrum »

Between Andron, Lerrick, and Tlachtga, they should be able to keep the town well hydrated while they're there. That's an excellent idea about a flying animal companion! The scouting it could do would be invaluable.

I also currently have these items on the list to identify.

Band of Fools (Andron)
Shedding Strike (Maag)
Manalishi (Tlachtga)
Pink potion (Lerrick)
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Re: Quest #31 "Jungle Beaver"

#397 Post by kruk »

Jernau35 wrote: Tue Dec 29, 2020 8:58 pm Maag

"Der is just one condition: Lerrick 'as got to be a witness".
Lerrick smiles warmly at the half-orc. Of course Maag. I will be a witness.
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Re: Quest #31 "Jungle Beaver"

#398 Post by Quonundrum »

kruk wrote: Thu Dec 31, 2020 12:57 am Lerrick smiles warmly at the half-orc. Of course Maag. I will be a witness.

"Excellent! Thank you, Miss Lerrick. Please stand just to the side of Mr. Maag." He gestures to Maag's left flank. Rubbing his hands in nervous excitement, he continues, "Okay, then. Mr. Maag, I will first cast a Sleep spell upon you, but you'll be unconscious for only a couple minutes. During which time I will cast another spell to assess your mental condition. Understand?" Andronichishche doesn't wait for an answer, just immediately segues into the next topic.

"Right! After that's settled we'll rouse you awake, none the wiser." He steps back and begins preparing to cast the first spell. "Please just relax, I have everything accounted for ... mostly." Again not awaiting a response to this non sequitir, he casts Sleep on the normally reticent half-orc who gladly volunteered for science.

Assuming Maag fell asleep as expected.

Andronichishche kneels next to the prone thug, nodding to Lerrick after he verifies Maag is indeed asleep and breathing normal. He stands again and extends his hands to frame Maag's unusually large head in an invisible, metaphysical sphere that expands and contracts in response to the ratio of intelligence to mental inhibitors. Andron considers the subject then moves his hands slightly more together. He then incants the Assay of Reason spell.
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Re: Quest #31 "Jungle Beaver"

#399 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Though the scene is an unusual one, Andron’s spells go off as planned. Checking for breath leaves his olfactory senses reeling however, the mage almost afraid to wonder what his large friend might have been eating lately.

After putting Maag to sleep, he casts his experimental magic while Lerrick looks on with much interest, wondering what will come of it all.

The priests divination reveals that Maag’s intellect is barely average, and that he is currently nearly unconscious, in a very deep slumber.
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Re: Quest #31 "Jungle Beaver"

#400 Post by Quonundrum »


Andronichishche smiles and nods at Lerrick. "The spell worked perfectly. Our friend has a perfectly functioning, albeit barely average intellect and is definitely under an enchanted sleep." Andron intoned in a clinical, matter-of-fact tone of voice. He then kneels next to Maag and gently rouses him awake ... conspiculously covering his mouth and nose with one arm as he does so. "Awaken, my friend! The experiment worked and I cannot thank you enough, sir!"
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