The Sign(for Zengar and Elvis)

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The Sign(for Zengar and Elvis)

#1 Post by tooleychris »

Zengar the Marvelous lives in an abandoned, yet quite nice, home in a subdivision just south of I-44.
There is a fish pond near his property where he can get bass and catfish if needed but he has found
a great deal of food supplies in the surrounding home, which for some reason have remained fairly
He has planned on using this safe haven, which he calls "Imladris" to start his search for other wizards
such as himself, to start a great fellowship of mages. He recently found one who seems to be able to
read minds.

Elvis Bieber was wandering a neighborhood that was fairly untouched by vandals and looters when he
encountered a bit of an eccentric man who thought himself a fantasy wizard. He has been staying with
the man until he gathers enough supplies to continue, or gets tired of the wizards rantings about
goblins and elves.

Zengar had a dream, that he considers a vision, involving a comet in the sky showing him the answer to questions concerning his own magical ability and the forming of his circle of wizards.
Elvis ignores the talk of visions until he notices a small object in the sky that does indeed appear to be a comet. Coincidence?

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Re: The Sign(for Zengar and Elvis)

#2 Post by Zhym »

"...I'm telling you, Zengar, that wasn't an elf. Just a skinny human with mutated pointy ears, even if he did call himself 'Gil-Galad.' And as for goblins, you know what bad mutations do to—"

Elvis spots the comet.

"Huh. Wonder what that is. So, Zengar, in that dream—sorry, 'vision'—of yours, what happened after the comet showed up?"
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Re: The Sign(for Zengar and Elvis)

#3 Post by GronkTheBold »

Zhym wrote:"...I'm telling you, Zengar, that wasn't an elf. Just a skinny human with mutated pointy ears, even if he did call himself 'Gil-Galad.' And as for goblins, you know what bad mutations do to—"

Elvis spots the comet.

"Huh. Wonder what that is. So, Zengar, in that dream—sorry, 'vision'—of yours, what happened after the comet showed up?"
Zengar stands transfixed by the sublime beauty of the comet as Elvis points it out to him. "My God Elvis, your perceptive abilities are excellent. The comet, the comet I've seen! Isn't it marvelous? Isn't it?" The mage's immense excitement is subdued for a moment when Elvis asks him what happened after the comet appeared. "Well, I usually see the face of a beautiful winged woman, some sort of divine being perhaps of a goddess of magic. Oh, look, there she is!" Zengar points at the comet getting smaller and smaller as it drifts across space (whether Elvis can see this or not is up to you, Tooleychris, I just presume it is Zengar's "unique" imagination working up again).

"Do you hear that? She wishes us to follow, if we follow and reach the source of magic from the comet, I might be able to find other users such as ourselves!" Pacing, he weighs the possibilities of what could happen: "However, Elvis my good friend, I fear there may be dark forces. Hellish ones. That wish to taint the magic and devour it. My vicissitudes have been great in the past, only last week an Orcish warlord almost removed my head with a great flail, so I can only expect adversity in our goodly pursuit. Stand right there." Zengar walks into his house, rummaging for several minutes, and then brings out two old watches in very poor condition, a journal, and a few pencils. He begins writing into his journal with great concentration. After a minute he looks up, "wear one around your wrist. These," he holds up a watch, then ties one to his own wrist, "are amulets of great protection from evil. These were bestowed upon me a great acolyte of a Time God, one who protects the space-time continuum from foul cosmic horrors." Hoping Elvis will wear the watch, he returns to writing again. "This is my journal Elvis. I will be recording our journey of the quest for magic and I sincerely hope we will be heroes by the end of it." He stows his equipment safely away and grabs his walking stick. "Say the word when you wish to leave our haven and set forth." He secures his home from any possible raids and looks back fondly at his home: "Goodbye Imladris. May the fiends of darkness never cross your path or tarnish your humble halls."

Zengar will move towards where the comet is landing when Elvis is ready.
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Re: The Sign(for Zengar and Elvis)

#4 Post by Zhym »

"This is quite the . . . amulet." Elvis checks whether the watch actually works, but puts it on anyway. No use in antagonizing his new acquaintance needlessly.

"Well, whether it's a divine omen or a chunk of rock from space, I'm up for an investigation. Let's go." Elvis, too, sets off toward the comet.
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Re: The Sign(for Zengar and Elvis)

#5 Post by tooleychris »

The ball of light moves very slowly across the sky but judging by its tail, seems to be following a northern decent.
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Re: The Sign(for Zengar and Elvis)

#6 Post by Zhym »

North it is, then.

BTW: Is it day or night? Elvis finds it much easier to travel during the day.
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Re: The Sign(for Zengar and Elvis)

#7 Post by tooleychris »

Zhym wrote:North it is, then.

BTW: Is it day or night? Elvis finds it much easier to travel during the day.
It is early afternoon. Say 1pm on your watch...which works.
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Re: The Sign(for Zengar and Elvis)

#8 Post by GronkTheBold »

Zengar lets out a light chuckle at Elvis' insinuation that the comet may be a chunk of rock, and smiles at him as they begin their trek northwards. "I can happily tell you that comet is no ordinary mound of stone. Remain vigilant in your belief in Her, the one we saw in the sign, and we both shall gain what we seek... Ah, good, your arcane prowess has reawakened the thauma inside your amulet. The Time God favors you Elvis." The wizard peers at his friend's watch, noting the current time with his smile still wide on his face, "This is a very good time to start our expedition, very good indeed. Onward, my loyal ally, She waits for us!" Zengar travels with Elvis north.
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Re: The Sign(for Zengar and Elvis)

#9 Post by tooleychris »


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Re: The Sign(for Zengar and Elvis)

#10 Post by tooleychris »

Making your way north you push your way through high grass and weeds. You come across a clear area that you are familiar with, not too far from your home. A stretch of railroad intersects your path east to west, but today their is a body laying across the rails.
Heavy overgrowth and dense bushes prove these tracks haven't been used in many years.
Even from this distance of 100 feet you can see the body has a pack.

is this image showing?
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Re: The Sign(for Zengar and Elvis)

#11 Post by Zhym »

Elvis approaches the body to investigate further. What kind of body is it? Human? And is there any sign what it died of?

And no, I don't see an image.
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Re: The Sign(for Zengar and Elvis)

#12 Post by tooleychris »

Zhym wrote:Nope.
must be a mobile issue Cuz I'm using my phone to post. Will try my Surface in a bit.
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Re: The Sign(for Zengar and Elvis)

#13 Post by GronkTheBold »

Zengar picks up the pace to join Elvis in the inspection of the body. "Look Elvis, a body!" the deluded mutant exclaims. He will prod it gently with the staff and mutter a little incantation for the reason of "checking for the taint of darkness" and then when satisfied it is dead and pure he will inspect the backpack thoroughly (if Elvis has not done so already).
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Re: The Sign(for Zengar and Elvis)

#14 Post by tooleychris »


As Zengar goes to poke the man a voice calls from the bushes:
"Wouldn't do that were I you." says a rough yet feminine voice as a woman climbs from the shrubs pointing an unusual pistol at Elvis.
"I don't much care ta be poked neither." says the recent corpse as he stands pointing a wrist rocket (sling shot) at Zengar.

He smiles and barks "Weapons on the ground,ladies."

"Packs too!" growls the woman, trying not to sound nervous. "And food! You boys got cans?"

see map now?
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Re: The Sign(for Zengar and Elvis)

#15 Post by Zhym »

Elvis, silently cursing himself for not scoping out the scene better, listens for the thoughts of the bandits.

Yup, I can see the maps now.
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Re: The Sign(for Zengar and Elvis)

#16 Post by tooleychris »

PM sent for Telepathy

edit: I think I'm going to initiate a house rule. Any mental contact requires a mental attack roll. That way stronger willed subjects have a chance of blocking.would NOT be the case here. Lol.
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Re: The Sign(for Zengar and Elvis)

#17 Post by GronkTheBold »

"Goodness gracious man! How long have you been lying down there?" Zengar, much to the bandit's surprise I presume, helps the male bandit stand up and brushes away whatever dust covered the man's clothing with his hand. "Another question: are you cold? I mean, you must be after all that time..." Zengar waits for a response, his hand on the bandit's shoulder in an affable manner.
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Re: The Sign(for Zengar and Elvis)

#18 Post by Zhym »

Elvis gives the woman a sideways look. "You'd better be careful with that toy, girl. You could put an eye out."

He'll try to ready his bow and nock an arrow as quickly as his increased speed will let him, aiming it at the woman. "This is what a real weapon looks like. Now drop your toy weapons and your packs and beat it."

Telepathically, to Zengar: Ready yourself. If they so much as flinch, I'll give the signal to attack.
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Re: The Sign(for Zengar and Elvis)

#19 Post by tooleychris »

The two are startled by Zengars unexpected reaction, giving Elvis enough time to train an arrow on the woman.
"Bobby? Whata we do? Bobby?!" she screams pointing the BB gun back and forth between Zengar and Elvis.

"We surrender is what we do." He says defeatedly lowering his sling.
"We ain't got nuttin worth stealin tho." he sighs.
"Just be leaving us go, eh?"
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Re: The Sign(for Zengar and Elvis)

#20 Post by GronkTheBold »

"Now we know that you are Bobby, so who are you, young lady?" Zengar says happily, seeming relatively amiable to the two bandits despite their original intention of mugging him and Elvis.
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