The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

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The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

#1 Post by Ithril »

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Scenario 0 Tournament Decree 2_0.jpg (1.02 MiB) Viewed 1001 times
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Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

#2 Post by Ithril »

ImageFairgrounds of Millhaven1 by Ithril M, on Flickr

After a long journey by ship, Conwenna's ship arrives in several ports making their way along the coat until they get to Stomanell where they hear of the tournament. Deciding a tournament is likely to attract a large number of people, it is decided they should send a cart with some wares to the tournament to see if they can sell some. Conwenna, bored and a little sick of the sea, decides to accompany the caravan to the site of the tournament.
They arrive the day before the tournament is set to open, and there they pitch their tents, and prepare to sell their wares.
People of all kinds are still arriving, and each is staking out a place for their shop. Being outside the city, there are no requirements for permits or license. It’s very haphazard, but the people seem to be cooperating fairly with each other.
Late in the chill, damp night, Conwenna is awakened by some noise. Another caravan has arrived, and they are none too considerate of their neighbors. After a few minutes, the noises settle down, and Conwenna returns to her slumbers.
In the morning she sees the source of last nights disturbance. Two more tents have appeared with a wagon drawn by two… rather miserable looking mules. There is a strong, foul odor coming from the river. It’s a swampy smell. But it’s obviously just the river in the spring. The fair grounds are starting to fill with people from all over, and it will be a busy crowded day. Towards Millhaven several large pavilions marked with the local orders of Paldon are abuzz with activity, and you can smell food being prepared from that direction. The declaration said there would be competitions for the commoner as well as the jousting. Perhaps you can find a place to register for one.
You and your tent-mates are up at the crack of dawn, thankful you could share a tent to keep warm in spite of the chilly, damp spring night. The last week has been full of difficult labor, and yesterday was no exception. Your team was responsible to help setting up the large pavilions for the Hands of Paldon to serve food during the tournament. The work was hard, but the reward, fresh food from the Dukes own larders, prepared by the Hands of Paldon was rich and rewarding. Occasionally you would see one (her name is Traesta, you think) watching you while she attends her duties.
Today would be another busy day as well; you would be considered part of the team tasked with keeping order on the grounds during the tournament.
That’s not to say you wouldn’t have time to participate in some of the tournaments. Your liege, Guiomar Tindantar is planning to take part in the archery competitions. You will have time later to sign up for them. Now, breakfast is being prepared at the banquet tents. The smell is strong, but it is spoiled by the smell from the river. A swampy smell lingers from that direction, spoiling the fresh spring air. Hopefully a breeze will rise to sweep it away.
Traesta Malviere:
The days before the tournament begins are filled with activity for you and the other members of the Hand of Paldon. Raising the pavilions for the Hand of Paldon, and cooing meals for the Sentinels of Paldon, the Dukes guards. And other officiates of the tournament. Often you see Harker among the men, working hard, and eating hardy meals which he takes with obvious grace and gratefulness. The evening before the tournament falls chill, and misty. Unexpectedly, you are approached by a vagabond, or ne’er-do-well seeking shelter for the night. He introduces himself as ‘the mop’ and you show him to a corner of the pavilion where the other men are sleeping. If he is up to no good, they will surely keep him in line.
When the sun breaks the eastern horizon, you have already been up for hours preparing food for the Dukes men and the Sentinels of Paldon. They have all been working hard the last few days preparing the fairgrounds for the coming tournament.
Perhaps you will have a chance between the meals to register for some of the competitions, but you have little time to consider that now. There is much more cooking to do.
After several hours, around 9 am, you are given a break. Although you want to sleep, you know you are too excited, and it’s your first opportunity to enjoy the fairgrounds, and the impromptu market that has appeared there almost overnight.
The announcement was made all over the Duchy. It’s surprising you were able to make it, but the trainleader you’re working under knows a good opportunity, and this is definitely a good chance to make some money at an open market outside of a city… and beyond the authority of the city’s tax collectors. So you all made haste and arrived late in the evening before the Tournament. When the train stops, and the trainleader walks along the wagons, he notices a stowaway in the last wagon. He reprimanded the vagabond, and cuffed his ears well, sending him on his way. After setting up a tent, for the night had turned cold and misty wet; and starting a small fire to cook a simple stew, you turn in for the night. There would be time in the morning to set up the other tents and the show areas for you and the other entertainers.
Amidst the morning mist, you rose early, with a fairly stiff neck from a rough night. You may have been in a warm tent, but the ground was still hard, and the bedding was still packed away… But it’s good to rise and work out the stiffness raising your staging areas. The tournament grounds are busy with people coming, going and doing their many tasks. A faint swampy smell has also settled in the area, probably from the river which is high for the spring melts. Soon that odor is mixed, and almost overcome by the smell of foods cooking in the banquet tents. Though the guards and others working the tournament eat free, it’s likely you can also get some food for a reasonable fee. Once the work of raising your staging area is done, you can go about getting some food, and checking to see if there are any tournament competitions you could join.
Today is the opening day of the tournament the Duke announced. You heard the criers for the last week announcing it every day, several times.
There will be tournaments for the commoner, and for the winners… there might be prizes… but there won’t be anything for people who are too late to sign in to the games.
Up you get, and out on the road early. The tournament is a mile out of Millhaven, and you really don’t want to miss the opportunity. Fortunately the trip is easy, and the brisk walk brings you a good mood. You arrive not late in the morning, with plenty of time to join any competitions you like, and to have some breakfast supplied for a small fee by the Hands of Paldon if you like. It smells wonderful.
"Stupid merchant" mumbled Igber as he drew his cloak tighter around himself, "This is all HIS fault". The red-headed boy snuggled behind an old barrel between two large tents to shield himself from the chill wind coming from the river
Igber absently rubbed a copper coin in the palm of his hand. 'Coppers bring good luck' Nana had told him when he was just a boy, and he felt like he could use a little good luck right about now. At least the plan worked, and you are at the tournament grounds, ready to take advantages of the opportunities that are sure to be here among the crowds. "Its not like the horse had to work any harder pulling that wagon with me inside it" he grumbled. Why did that wagoneer have to make such a fuss about the whole thing.
He winced, remembering how angry the man had been, and rubbed the back of his head that still had a dull ache from the glancing blow from the club that grazed Igber, and he can smell the stew the man was preparing. "Now he has a dry tent and hot food, and I am stuck outside trying to avoid him." The boy sighed . "It really doesn't seem fair."
A few minutes later Igber notices some bonfires being lit against the misty cool spring air, and when he goes to warm himself near them, notices the tents dedicated to the Hand of Paldon. Perhaps there he an have some shelter for the night.
Indeed they did allow him a corner of the communal tent the members of the order were staying in. He was rudely awoke the next morning, long before the rising sun to a cacophony of activity. They were busy preparing the morning meals for the Sentinels of Paldon, and the other guards of the Duke, who were preparing the tournament grounds for the weeks activities.
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Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

#3 Post by Rex »


Conwenna sets off in search of somewhere to register for something to take her mind off the stink here abouts.
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Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

#4 Post by Bluetongue »


Attends his duties early which in the first instance is to attend his squireship for Sir Guiomar. He serves breakfast and helps him dress. He has a mix of respect and indignation to the elder knight. Battle won honours and chivalrous deeds a fading memory behind a beer bloated waist and uncourtly manner. That he has to help the man mount his horse says much for his less vaunted prowess. Still experience of far flung wars will stand him in good stead. Once more pulling a huge elkhorn longbow that he had won on the battlefield, standing his ground as other fell or fled.

Finishing formal duties he tells him,

"My lord. I will look for the finest fletcher in the markets. Some artisan crafted arrows will surely loosen straighter to win the prize."

After a nod he leaves. Again duty calls and before breakfasting himself, Harker will seek out the chapel and in solace kneel before the rail, his helm by his feet and sword held by the hilt, he repeats some votive benedictions and asks for wisdom and blessing in his vocation.

After the private prayer he will rise to leave and go about his personal business unless addressed by any of the clerics or townsfolk who need some extra help.
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Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

#5 Post by redwarrior »

After helping to set up the tents and generally helping the troop get established, Dorath will put on some cleanish clothes, making sure his daggers are in place, his sling and a few bullets in his pouch, and grab his walking staff. Then he will go in search, first of breakfast, and then of either events to enter or at least ways to entertain himself. As he doesn't have much in the way of 'productive' skills, he's pretty sure that it's entertainment he will find.
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Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

#6 Post by Darithe »

Traesta prepared herself a bit of breakfast to take with her as she wandered the grounds. Then thinking of the skinny vagabond who called himself the mop, she prepared another and went to look for him. He looked like he could use some more meat on those bones. She was about to leave when she caught sight of the sentinel who she thought was called Harker. Smiling warmly at him she said, "Good morn sentinel, you best get yourself some breakfast before it's all gone. I recommend Sister Agnessa's broasted potatoes, they're very tasty and most filling, at least that is what Sentinel Brovis says," she grins up at him.
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Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

#7 Post by Bluetongue »


Eyes brighten at the approach of the smiley faced, dark-haired acolyte. He stalls a frown when he realises the steaming breakfast is not being brought direct to him and holds in a grumbling stomach.

He greets Traesta formally, "et beatus est, qui venit in nomine Domini."

After an awkward moment he remembers himself. "If only Brovis knew his hammers as well as his spuds I am sure the pavilions would have been erected long ago." He makes a jest and walks to accompany the cleric.

"Thank you I will take your advice. Though my official morning duties are over I should walk the market in search of trinkets and tieflings. (a slang word for the petty criminals) No doubt both will flood the market. Are you walking that way? he asks leaving the chapel.

He hurries to get a serving of the breakfast, it seems like roasted seasoned potatoes wrapped with thin strips of crispy bacon, carrying it in the thick leaf napkin. At least the herbs and pepper aroma dull the background of swamp vapours.
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Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

#8 Post by Darithe »

She nods in response to his greeting adding, "Benedictio Domini super vos non domine." She glances around looking for the mop and not seeing him says to the sentinel, "Your name is Sentinel Harker is it not? I am Sister Traesta." When he remarks about Brovis' knowledge of spuds, she bursts out laughing embarrassing herself, "You are incorrigible sir. But it is so true. I believe the man eats them near as quickly as Sister Agnessa can prepare them. Yes, I am heading for the market as well and would enjoy your company," looking up at him with shining blue eyes. Raising the other potato she holds, she asks,"Do you recall the skinny redheaded boy who sought shelter with us last eve? I thought to provide him a little nourishment. He seemed like he could use it. You haven't seen him have you?"
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Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

#9 Post by ravenn4544 »

Pebble struts into town carrying himself like a man twice his average height. "Tournament? Easy victory!" he claims boldly to anyone standing around the sign. "Melee? Archery? I will carry the day!" He marches off towards the registration office to put his name on the winners roster.
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Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

#10 Post by atpollard »

@ Traesta
@ Harker

Igber watched the activity around the tents of the Paldoners ... Paldonese ... Paldonites ... "What do folks that follow the Hand of Paldon call themselves?" he wondered.

"You are incorrigible sir. But it is so true. I believe the man eats them near as quickly as Sister Agnessa can prepare them. Yes, I am heading for the market as well and would enjoy your company," said Traesta to some guy named Harker. Listening to the conversation and not hearing anyone looking to thump him, Igber relaxed.

"Do you recall the skinny redheaded boy who sought shelter with us last eve? I thought to provide him a little nourishment. He seemed like he could use it. You haven't seen him have you?" said the lady.

Hearing mention of his name and food in the same sentence, Igber slid out of the shadows to join them. "Hello" he bowed gracefully "Igber the mop, Apprentice Gemcutter at your service. So what sort of secret language were you two speaking? Are you spellcasters? Was that a magic incantation? I heard about a witch that spoke incantations to keep away intruders ... is that what you two were doing?"
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Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

#11 Post by Bluetongue »


"There is nothing incantatious about prayer boy. We worship using a form of High Elven and to bless each other. Traesta here as seen fit to also bless you with some steaming broastie's. Take and eat them but don't forget to say thank you and your meal grace before you do."

He tries to appear the stern orderly type but can just as well imagine the hungry boy nod his thanks between stuffed mouthfuls.

The paladin spies the looped magnifying glass which authenticates the boy's claim. He rubs his chin thoughtfully.

"I squire for one of the King's knights. He favours certain traditions, one is drinking wine from a crusty old goblet. Some minor inlaid gems have dislodged and I thought to repair it as a festival gift. Perhaps your apprentice skills and sharp eyes could discern between the quality and the dregs of uncut stones at the market."

He offers the boy some way to prove his skills and earn some income (as well as trying to look good in front of the Sister). Plus it gives an excuse for the trio to go around the market.
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Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

#12 Post by Darithe »

Traesta gives the boy his potatoes and adds, "Pleased to meet you Igber," offering her hand. She eats a bit of her own potato and watches the conversation between the boy and the sentinel. "That is a most generous offer sir," to Harker, obviously pleased at his kindness to the boy. "I'm ready to go when you both are," brushing back a stray lock of dark hair.
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Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

#13 Post by atpollard »

Igber thanked the lady with sincerity and offered a formal prayer of thanks to Egruthad the Terrible and Great, in a listless, well practiced monotone voice that ended with a flinch as if he expected to be struck dead at the end of the prayer. Then he brushed the mop of hair out of his eyes and quickly ate.

"Let's head to the market!" he said with an eager enthusiasm.
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Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

#14 Post by Ithril »

The map is posted at the top of the thread, post #2. You should be able to download a copy if you wish. Unfortunately, Some of the tents and other details got 'above' the trees, and will not reside where they belong. Please overlook the error. There is a 50' reference grid for our use to communicate general X,Y coordinates, where X will be numbered horizontal along the top & bottom, and Y will be vertical along either side. If I can improve the map, I will post an updated version. It is difficult to convert the vector detail into a limited jpg format. My apologies for the loss of details. I can provide a close-up of any particular area you wish to have.
Please post in half-hour intervals of action to make it a bit easier for me to keep track of all of you and guide you to where you might meet the others of the group.
Some goals for the group to give you a sense of direction:
100 xp for each player once the characters have all met and formed some 'group connection' (note: Igber, Traesta and Harker have already accomplished this, but they need the other 3 of you before any reward is given.)
200 points for discovering 'cheaters' in the tournaments. (There are a couple)
1000 points each for defeating each SERIOUS threat in the festivities as a group effort using teamwork.


Your camp (15,34 group of red tents, and the two brown tents behind them) is at the far end of the campground from the events and registration tents (16,04 large blue pavilion). Before you reach it, you find the pavilions where they are cooking food (23,08 pink tents). The smell is fantastic, and you didn't realize how hungry you were, or perhaps the swampy smell cloaked your hunger. Regardless, you feel compelled to have some food.
You make your way to the line of people queuing for some potatoes wrapped in bacon and roasted. There is tea, or water, and several tables to set at while you eat. Some bonfires have been lit as well to help stave off the brisk morning chill.
OOC: For record keeping, it is now 9:00 am
Your tent is at (03,25 one of the group of dark blue tents).
Sir Guiomar dismisses you rather impatiently. "No need, young squire. I have my own set of arrows, but I will need you when the tournaments begin. I am sure you will wish to compete as well. Do not be late." He saunters off and you remember that there are many members of The Hand that do not hold the ideals of Paldon nearly as highly as you do.

Your duties of canvassing the campgrounds takes about 2 hours before you finally arrive at the pavilion which is serving as the temporary alter to Paldon, and you are relieved to take a moment to rest and do your morning devotionals (20,10), marked like the pavilions serving food from the hands of Paldon, with his symbol emblazoned on the roof and walls in a bright yellow thread that nearly glows in the morning light. During your devotions, the passages you read in the sacred books remind you that evil lurks often when most are unaware, and the meditation denies you the peace of mind you usually have. It will be a busy day, the bazaar has sprung into a small city overnight with caravans and craftsmen from everywhere. The dukes invitation was spread far, and well received.
OOC: For record keeping, your time right now is 9:00am
Your tent (22,15 blue striped with boxes & crates beside) is close to where they are preparing breakfast meals, and you can see the smoke from the cookfires, and smell the appetizing odor of food. (pavilions around 23,08). It will be a short walk, but crowds are already starting to assemble. Some bonfires have been lit as well to help stave off the brisk morning chill.
OOC: For record keeping, your time will be 9:00am
You will be staying in one of the pavilions where meals are prepared (specifically 25,08). Your morning labors have left you with no need of the bonfires set against the morning chill.
OOC: For record keeping, your time right now is 9:00 am, and you are just now meeting with Harker and Igber.
As you march into the fairgrounds, you reach a split in the road with a large tree, but a sign points the way to your left for the registration tents, and you are glad the directions are well marked. The fairgrounds are large, and bustling with activity. The odor of fresh breakfast food is strong, and you have to pass by or through the area where they are serving food (pavilions around 23,08). Some bonfires have been lit here as well to help stave off the brisk morning chill.
Soon you reach the registration office (a larger blue pavilion at 16,04) and begin the registration process.
You find openings for armed combat (choice of weapons to be substituted with wooden weapons that will cause no serious injury) unarmed combat, Axe throwing, knife throwing, and archery. The odor of fresh breakfast food is strong, and the pavilions where they are serving breakfast are nearby (pavilions around 23,08).
OOC: For record keeping, your time right now is 9:30 am. Let me know which of these tournaments you wish to sign up for, and any you may be looking for. They have no blind fighting tournaments.
You were put with a group of men sleeping in one of the pavilions (specifically the larger pink pavilion at 24,06) where food will be prepared. Unfortunately, nothing is free, and for your nights room (such as it was) they set you before a pile of potatoes, as well as ears of corn, and a large drum of water, and set you to cleaning the vegetables with a scouring brush and cleaning grape leaves as a wrap for the potatoes. All told there were worse possible fees they offered, and you didn't have to do it alone so you felt it was a good idea to just do as they asked. After a few hours of this you were given the option of putting in a day of washing dishes, or making your way among the fairgrounds. They were also willing to accommodate the heavy bag of your extra clothes, so you would not have to worry about dragging that along all day. Seeing as your extra burden was mostly clothing and other low value items, and it was being watched over in a tent of holier-than-thou priests and do-gooders, it's most likely as safe as it would be on your back, so you let it be. (I'll make appropriate adjustments to your character, and send you the updated information.)

OOC: I had to commandeer your character for a few hours to catch you up to Harker and Traesta. For record keeping, your time right now is 9:00 am.
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Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

#15 Post by Ithril »

Also, let me know if you like the maps.

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Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

#16 Post by Darithe »

Traesta enjoys the coolness after spending so long in those hot tents cooking. A nice bath, after she strolls around the grounds with her new acquaintances, should be in order, but for now she follows Harker and Igber munching on her potatoes, her eyes wide at the sights before her. So many people make her slightly nervous so she stays close to Sentinel Harker. "Are you posting for the lists in the tourney Sentinel?" she asks politely. She has never witnessed a tourney before so is unsure what it all entails, but Sister Hildra mentioned some of the sentinels would be participating.

OOC: I like the map, but I'm very nearsighted and couldn't read the numbers until I downloaded it and viewed it full-size. But now I know where the cooking tents are. :)
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Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

#17 Post by Rex »


Conwenna finishes up her breakfast and then starts checking out the people around her.

I like the map.
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Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

#18 Post by ravenn4544 »

Pebble can hardly resist the smell of bacon. He doesn't resist at all really. He will take a quick walk through the food tents and look to fill up on meat and cheese. It will be a busy day after all! Winning takes bacon.

Once full, he'll head to the registration tents. He'll keep an eye open for folks who would wish to join in a team challenge.

He'll definitely sign up for sword melee, unarmed, and archery.

OOC: let me know what a good price for breakfast would be so I can deduct.
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Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

#19 Post by atpollard »

redwarrior wrote: Mon Nov 02, 2020 5:14 pmThen [Dorath] will go in search, first of breakfast, and then of either events to enter or at least ways to entertain himself.
Your tent (22,15 blue striped with boxes & crates beside) is close to where they are preparing breakfast meals, and you can see the smoke from the cookfires, and smell the appetizing odor of food. (pavilions around 23,08). It will be a short walk, but crowds are already starting to assemble. Some bonfires have been lit as well to help stave off the brisk morning chill.
You will be staying in one of the pavilions where meals are prepared (specifically 25,08).
… you are relieved to take a moment to rest and do your morning devotionals (20,10) …
“OOC: For record keeping, your time right now is 9:00 am, and [Traesta is] just now meeting with Harker and Igber.

At 9:05, The Mop was happy to have made some friends, to be enjoying breakfast and excited to set out and explore the tent market when he almost choked on a bite at the sight of a familiar face approaching with a staff.

“Look, I don’t want any trouble” shouted Igber at the approaching figure. “It was just a ride in a wagon. It didn’t cost you anything and I didn’t take anything!” He quickly moved to position Harker between Dorath and himself. Igber drew his dagger, but the shake of his hand spoke volumes about his martial prowess.

OOC: Opening a door for Characters to meet at the food tent since we are all in the same area and Igber and Dorath crossed paths on the “ride” in.
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Re: The Grand Tournament (Scenario 0)

#20 Post by Rex »


Upon hearing the commotion Conwenna drifts over to see whats up.

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