Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#21 Post by Grognardsw »

Aubec / Outside the Naked Blade

"Ready that Arioch Infernal Detonation scroll, should we need to blow something up," says Aubec.

His great sword ready, Aubec steps outside, motioning for Jhary to follow behind. He tries not to breath in the mist, and looks about for anything within the fog.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#22 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 0 - Early Night - Cadsandria/Outside the Naked Blade

Stepping outside is like traveling from a world of chill to one of absolute cold like some sages say exists in the void between the Spheres. The frigidity hits Aubec and Jhary like an assault, they feel pain (but no damage) on their skin where it is exposed and for a moment wonder if they are about to burst into flame from this burning cold, a temperature more fit for a deep Winter night at the top of the world than the southern Spring evening it truly be. The cold is such that both men find it hard to even move their muscles, which have instinctively clenched hard and fast in unison...and it seems to be getting colder. Silence. No sounds. The still of the silent grave hovers over this island of clearer air in the sea of mist.

Darting his eyes around Aubec notices that to one side the swirling purple mists are outlining several humanoid shapes standing unmoving, just at the edge of the gaseous wall opposite the entrance to the Naked Blade...then the one in the center takes a step, and with a sound of clanging metal a figure full clad in plate armor of hideous design advances out of the miasma to stop just outside the bilious mass of colored mist that was concealing him.


His voice bellows forth, strange and alien, echoing and filling the air with a monologue of lamentation which Aubec and Jhary, unable to move than a twitch due to the unnatural cold, are forced to listen.

Musical Theme: Words of the Undying

We are standing on the edge, on the edge of time...
We're standing on the edge, on the edge of time...
We're standing on the edge, and we're tired of making love.

We...are the Warriors on the Edge of Time.

We walk hand in hand with horror! We ride side by side with death!


Over poisoned crystal deserts, where the ruined towers shout, we march towards our dying scarlet sun.

DEATH! Death to life!
DEATH! Death to time!

We bring sweet destruction now to everything. In our mirrored flashing armor, by our secret, hideous helms...WE ARE THE ANGELS OF OUR RUIN! And we climb obsidian mountains, on our final, dreadful quest, crossing lakes which cry with pain as we pass by.

Death to all things living! Holy death will cleanse the World!

DEATH, our standard!
DEATH, our only joy...

We are the Warriors at the Edge of Time.

Death to earth and fire and water...
Death to light, and air, and sound.
Death to anger, love and sadness.

DEATH TO DEATH!...and time...and space...

Undead horses, undead riders, seek the last retreats of life. Life betrayed us, now we slay it. Corpses!...locked in battle.

Dancing at the edge...of time, it's cold at the edge...of time.

So...cold...on the edge...of time...

As the voice of the plate-clad warrior trails off the rest of the figures emerge from the rolling, cold cloud of purple. Five in total join the speaker. All of them to a man are armored with accoutrements and blades of unfamiliar and strange aesthetics.

The speaker, who appears to be their leader, draws forth his own sword. A long, big two-handed thing which looks remarkably similar to Aubec's own greatsword of enchanted Lormyrian fact, it could pass for its twin, as if issued from the forge and hands of the same artisan. The leader holds his great blade before him and words are spoken again.

We are the Warriors at the Edge of Time.

And now...we leave the edge, but for a moment, to earn the price paid for our service...By carrying out ordained DEATH!

Death! Earl Aubec of Malador.
Death! the One of Lormyr.
Death! all who stand with him.
Death! his Companion.
Death! their cats, and their horses, and their breaths, and their speech, and their love, and their hatred!

Death...Death...DEATH UNTO THEM!

As one, the Warriors at the Edge of Time walk forth, at a pace slow enough that it would be called leisurely were it not for the determination on their stride.

Then...much sooner than it came, the stubborn cold force that had been locking Aubec and Jhary's muscles vanishes and they find themselves able to move and act again. Whatever sorcery held them nary unmoving is now gone.

Time for declaring combat actions, please.

"All of them to a man are armored and armed with accoutrements and blades of unfamiliar and strange aesthetics."
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#23 Post by Grognardsw »

"By the Cosmic Balance, I've heard many a battle cry against me, but none so long-winded!"Aubec cries with a grim smile on his face. The sight is so fantastic that Aubec will attempt to disbelieve it, lest it be a sorcerous illusion.

If not, the battle lust swells within him as he swings his great sword in a deadly arc at the lead acapela of this deathly sextet.

"Jhary, these seem fearsome foes, careful! Perhaps a scroll...?"
Unmodified Rolls:
Save vs. Illusion: 13
Great Sword to hit (1st attack): 20, Damage: 9 (x2 if you do critical hit?)
Great Sword to hit (2nd attack): 4, Damage: 2

Modifications: +7 to hit, +10 damage with great sword, two attacks per round.

Roll ID Character Campaign Roll result Date
13832 Earl Aubec IM22 Earl Aubec and the Iron Galleon Great sword damage [1d10] = 2 7/25/2013 7:42:25 AM
13830 Earl Aubec IM22 Earl Aubec and the Iron Galleon Great sword damage [1d10] = 9 7/25/2013 7:40:50 AM
13829 Earl Aubec IM22 Earl Aubec and the Iron Galleon [1d20] = 4 7/25/2013 7:39:56 AM
13828 Earl Aubec IM22 Earl Aubec and the Iron Galleon [1d20] = 20 7/25/2013 7:38:44 AM
13827 Earl Aubec IM22 Earl Aubec and the Iron Galleon [1d20] = 13 7/25/2013 5:37:47 AM
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#24 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 0 - Early Night - Cadsandria/Outside the Naked Blade

Musical Theme: Skirmish at the Edge of Time

Round 1

Party Initiative: [1d6] = 5, NPC/Monster Initiative: [1d6] = 4

Segments: Aubec 4th, Warriors 5th, Jhary 6th

As they foes advance Aubec hears Jhary say "They are too near...not enough room..." and he proceeds to put his scroll away and get his weapons out. But with impossible swiftness for a man (thing?) dressed in such armor one of the warriors, the only armed with a short blade, springs forth and stabs at him. Both men can swear they see a bluish glow surround the blade as it nears Jhary, fortunately the adventurer is able to sidestep the strike.

Each man faces three of the warriors, with their leader attacking Earl Aubec. Ready for him, Aubec holds his sword and meets the advance. The two great blades meet and spark with unnatural energies as enchanted steel meets enchanted iron. With a disengagement maneuver the Earl of Malador is able the break the sword-meet and hits his foe with two mighty swipes of his weapon. The first blow is brutal enough to send small pieces of his foes' breastplate scattering away...the leader cries out and takes a step back as his two warriors attack Aubec from left and right. One of them is able to get a solid blow in and the Earl feels a pain on his side. Then the leader advances again and his able to make an attack true thru the distraction that his henchmen are presenting to Aubec. The great sword comes down in a arch, there is much strength behind the strike, and magic too, but awful positioning. Aubec's armor takes most of the impact but his shoulder still feels the agony.

As this is happening, and with Jhary still drawing his longsword, he gets assailed by two more warriors, aiding the velocist in the same manner that the pair is aiding the leader against Aubec. They come at him with long and broadsword but do a very poor martial display, only one is able to nick him slightly. Now armed, Jhary falls upon the one of his foes that attacked him first with surprising quickness, as he cries out
"Come here you bastard!" Two swipes and one hits home, the enemy recoils but does not fall.

Both Aubec and Jhary notice none of their wounded enemies seems to bleed.

End of Round 1

Situation: Aubec has lost 18 HP, Jhary has lost 3 HP. The leader of the warriors looks quite battered.

Declare actions and make rolls for Round 2

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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#25 Post by Grognardsw »

Aubec / In Battle

Seeing the warriors recoil in pain from his sword blow, despite the lack of blood, Aubec assumes they can be killed.

The Earl of Malador swings his mighty blade again, striking if possible for the shattered part of the enemy's armor he just hit.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#26 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 0 - Early Night - Cadsandria/Outside the Naked Blade

Round 2

Party Initiative: [1d6] = 5, NPC/Monster Initiative: [1d6] = 3

Segments: Party 3rd, Warriors 5th

The warrior with the short blade again reacts impossibly fast and stabs at Jhary, but he is ready and deflects the blow.

Earl Aubec strikes with his sword and drives it spear-like aiming for the weakened portion of the leader's armor. The blade penetrates and trespasses the foe, who falls to his knees with a horrid scream. Then Aubec draws back his sword violently causing even more damage...and dust issues forth from the open wound.

The rest of the warriors react in an impressive manner. They all begin wailing as if they were in great pain, some clutch their heads, others close their arms around themselves; all let their weapons fall to clatter on the ground unseen beneath the carpet of mist. They are fading and becoming transparent, until soon vanishing altogether; only the knelt leader remains.

All the the mists are now fading too, but not like lifting or dispersal of smoke. More as if the matter they are made of was being disintegrated right before the eyes of the two men. As this happens the leader speaks again.

"We...are the Warriors at the Edge of Time. And the a circle, for Time is a circle. It touches every place and all is cold; so cold at the Edge of the Circle...but we never give up...we never retreat...we NEVER abandon our prey...we, are the Angels of Death time...none of our quarry shall esca..."

Then he suddenly comes apart. The pieces of his armor fall to the ground amidst a shower of dust.

All evidence that now remains of the attack is a heap of armor and sword atop a low pile of grainy dust. The mists are all gone, the cold is gone, the nighted street can be seen once again. Light stream from the nearby open door of the Naked Blade inn, where a mound of equally curious and terrified faces clusters.

End of Round 2 - Combat Ends
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#27 Post by Grognardsw »

Aubec / In Victory Outside Tavern

"Jhary, have you heard of these Warriors at the Edge of Time in your travels?" asked Aubec as he wiped their unnatural dust from his blade."Do they serve an enemy yet unseen? Why a vendetta against me -- perhaps for something I've done or yet to do..."

His voice trailed off, for such matters as time were vexing. "Well it seems I now have more than Adelard's Lormyrians hunting me."

Aubec and Jhary stepped back inside the Naked Blade. "The danger has passed,"the Earl of Malador assured Smedoline. "It may be wise to close the tavern for the night. Do you know a discrete cleric who could heal my wound?" 

Aubec reminded her of their intelligence arrangement, for his revenge on Adelard is never far from his mind.

Thinking the public battle may attract unwanted attention, Aubec and Jhary provision, retrieve their steeds, seek the cleric healing if possible, then depart.

"Let us put hoofs to path and see what fate holds for us in the Istmus of Agresh."
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#28 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 0 - Early Night - Cadsandria/The Naked Blade

Jhary does not know anymore than Aubec about the apparitions that they have just fought.

"But whoever is behind this surely has a fierce hatred against you. Never before have I heard of assassins being so thorough they wish to slay even the horses and pets of their marks too...that just seems, mean."

Back inside the inn it is a scene of post-battle desolation. Several folks sit lethargic as if sleeping awake, while others are doing a terrific job of drinking themselves into a stupor, including Jutsan the bouncer who is chugging down spirits straight off the bottle. The few who aren't affected by neither of these attitude give Aubec and Jhary an almost superstitious wide berth. When Aubec inquires of Smedoline she answers.

"A cleric, at this hour? I am afraid not...but come hither," she grabs his arm and makes a signal to Chegga, who did not abandon her post behind the counter, "I know of someone who may be of aid..."

With only the pair now in a section of the counter, Smedoline lowers her voice to a whisper she says in a conspiratory manner, "I, heard those things shouting. They were calling for the death of Aubec the Earl of Malador and all who stood with him...were they not? Are you...are you one his men, Sir Urlik? Does the Earl from Lormyr yet live?"
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#29 Post by Grognardsw »

"Aye, he lives though he is far from Cadsandria," answered Aubec. The Earl realized others may have overheard the Warriors. An expedient exit was called for.

"Your tavern should be safe. We must go now,"Aubec said. "I hope to see you again."

Aubec and Jhary depart by the back door, gather steeds, and ride out for the Istmus of Agresh.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#30 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 0 - Early Night - Cadsandria/The Naked Blade Stables

Smedoline utters a "Wait..." and it is clear she wants to continue the conversation, but Aubec and Jhary have already bolted to unbolt the back door and are exiting into the night. The men find the stables that lie behind the inn easily enough and their horses roomed inside, as well as a stableboy feeding several of the animals who is rather surprised at seeing two armed and armored customers barging in and proceeding to saddle their horses themselves. He wisely makes himself scarce and retreats into a corner.

In a few minutes Aubec and Jhery finish readying their beasts; then a fourth person comes into the stable. It is Chegga the bar wench. They can't stop but notice she is carrying a truncheon and has fastened a wicked-looking meat carving knife to her belt. She makes more than a mean figure and doesn't look like the sort of character someone untrained in the art of fighting would like to meet in a dark alley.

"Well, Sers? Are ye all a'ready ta leave?" she asks, "Will ya be wantin' head ta a leech for da wound? Or just leave town da fastest? Ma Mistress sent me...says ta help yous in what'ver ye needs and ask no question...huh, I means, I did'ave to asks yous were yous be waintin' ta go...ta take yous there, y'know?..."

As she speaks The Cat and Whiskers pad their way into the stable together, look about curiously and begin to rub themselves against Chegga's legs...purring.

"Bless'd be!" she exclaims, "I cannay get o'er meself how queer da cat looks with them wings..."
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#31 Post by Grognardsw »

Aubec / stable

If Aubec knows Smedoline has more information, he will pause.

After Chegga's comments in the stable, Aubec whispers to Jhary, "What are your thoughts on Chegga, Jhary? She seems an unlikely companion. Can she ride or fight - I'm doubtful."
OOC: Am I understanding the healing correctly - Aubec heals 9 points a day? Is riding considered rest enough so that with our two day ride to the Istmus he'd be back at full HP?
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#32 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 0 - Early Night - Cadsandria/The Naked Blade Stables

Grognardsw wrote:After Chegga's comments in the stable, Aubec whispers to Jhary, "What are your thoughts on Chegga, Jhary? She seems an unlikely companion. Can she ride or fight - I'm doubtful."
Jhary whispers back to Aubec, "I would not wager any sum she can do either with any level of worthy proficiency; not by our standards at least. But I think you may be mistaking her intent, my friend. I'm guessing her mistress sends her as a guide, not as a bodyguard."

Turning to the female he asks her, "Is that not right Chegga? You're to be our guide and lead us, but if so why the armaments?"

"The arm'o'wha?" Chegga asks somewhat bemused, "Oh, ye means ma trunch'un an knife? Well Sers, either yous be wantin' ta heal or ta leave, we must be goin' thru da same place to get there, Da Maul. It be da meanest quarter in whole Cadsandria, all fill'd with beggars, pimps, knows da sort, knaves who'd stick they own mothers fer a few silvers. But all cowards to a one, if yous carries some "arm'o'mants", as ye calls them, like yous means ta use them they'll keep da distance. I swears, I'd rather be caught in da place without me clothes than without me weapons. And after I takes ye thru, In needs ta return hale an sound, don't I?"

Jhary looks weirdly at Chegga, as if he had been thrown off guard by something, "Fair enough but, why would we be traveling through such a wretched spot in the first place?"

"Well, that be where da leech lives. And if yous just be wantin' ta leave then cuttin' thru Da Maul is still da fastest path for da Old Eastern Gate. That be da nearest ways off town from where we be. Da Watch be here soon and they always ask questions, so we musts hurry. But yous Sers cannay go a'gallopin' full tilt on da streets at this late hour, and yous for certain don't wanna leave thru were ye came in. Not if ye wanna leave in co...igoc...darns! What's da word Mistress used?"

"Incognito?" asks Jhary.

"Aye, that be it! In-cog-neato. She all aways fancies usin' them fancy high-born words." Chegga shrugs, "So what it be yous Sers wanna do?"

"Well, my liege." Jhary whispers to Aubec half-jokingly, "It is your choice, what will it be? After all, you are the one with a price on your head."
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#33 Post by Grognardsw »

"Thank you Chegga, lead the way," said Aubec.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#34 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 0 - Early Night - Cadsandria/On the Streets

Led by Chegga the two men slink off from the Naked Blade taking the narrow alley that leads to the street and following it opposite the direction they came from when they arrived, away from the town's center.

Just as they are leaving the inn, Aubec notices a small bunch of curious onlookers on the street, not patrons of the Naked Blade by the looks of them, gathered around where the leader of the Warriors at the Edge of Time fell. And he further notices his armor and weapon seem to have vanished but the pile of dust grown in size. The band is engaged in eager chat and doesn't notice the three humans and four beasts leaving.

Not much further down the street Chegga turns to a new, long alley and they travel down it. After that follows a succession of crossroads and left and right turns. The men think they are zig-zagging in a direction for which there is no straight path. Soon they are lost in these unfamiliar city streets, were it not for their guide. The number of people on the streets has diminished visibly since they left the Naked Blade's road, and non-natives have vanished some time ago. The buildings are smaller, the passages narrower and light sources fewer and far between. At last they reach the beginning of a new street, if street can be called, which is dark and seems to spell out enclosure.

"This be part of Da Maul."Chegga explains, Da only straigh' street through it. Is a bit of span, yous cannay see the endin' but there be a crossroads right at da finish, an ye can see da Old Gate from there. Keep yer wits about yous while we cross it an all be fine.

The Maul...

It feels more like an urban cave than a street, but its too long to be a mere alleyway. Even being almost a full moon's night the ramshackle buildings who seem to have been built trying to kiss each other across block most of the moonlight. It stinks to high heaven, and to the lower heaven too. Dark as a pit except where someone has lit a street fire, or the odd dying lantern was set up, and on those spots mean-looking men with predatory eyes and the most wretched of harlots congregate. It is like if a patchwork of fabled Nadsokor had been taken from that city of beggars and woven into the fabric of Cadsandria.

"Hey sweet buns!" a bravo in a group loitering on a side cries out as they pass, "A tin-man, his serf and two horses. Where you be ridin' tonight? Stay with us an we'll give ya da ride o'your life!"

"Screws yous!" is her reply, along with an obscene gesture. And that is not the last of wooers she must spurn in crossing The Maul, vociferously and using colorful curse words that would likely have made her mistress blush.

The patches of malcontent scum whose paths they cross get more maleficent-looking as the journey progresses. Clusters of human scavenger-predators look intently on the group as they walk by; and behind those looks are calculating brains who measure everything in terms of risk and profit and blades and blood, and such calculations they are doing so now. But the tally comes up in the red. The jackals reluctantly slink off from the two lions and the she-wolf; none dares bar their passage.

The most uncomfortable part of the crossing is the very middle of this Maul street. Here is where the beggar and wretches gather. Miserable forms sprawled in the darkness, almost unseen except for the pale limb reflecting starlight and pitiful cries of "Alms...alms fer da poor..."

When entering this area Aubec and Jhary almost go momentarily blind in adjusting to the full disappearance of all fires or lanterns. The cats, of course, do not seem affected. But neither does Chegga, who doesn't slack the pace and moves with the familiarity of a bat on a native cave. Aubec and Jhary are actually surprised when they suddenly hear a smacking thud following by a human cry of pain and Chegga's voice shouting "Hands off! No alms for yous tonight!...bloody beggers..."

At last, a light can be seen on the distance where the street is leading towards, looking not unlike the exit of a mine. Their guide confirms that is indeed the exit, where a fairly wide street stairway leads down into the open area the Old Gate opens to.

Then, the sound of a horn playing in the distance crosses the air.


And it is replied to a short moment later by another distant horn in a different direction.


And then, a much closer horn blows adding to the repplies, sounding from the direction where the group is moving towards.


"Oh! Sod, piss and bile!!" Chegga curses.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#35 Post by Grognardsw »

"Thank you Chegga, we appreciate your guidance through the Maul," said Aubec quickly at the sound of the horns. "It seems the alarm is out, Jhary and I had best ride quickly. Tell your mistress we'll be back someday."

Aubec and Jhary leapt to their horses and rode like the hells are chasing them, trying to make the gate before it closes.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#36 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 0 - Early Night - Cadsandria/Near the Old Gate

Musical Theme: Ride for the Gate

As Aubec and Jhary spur their horses they hear Chegga shout back "I will tell'er. Gods' speeds and good luck, Ser Knight!"

Riding the last leg of The Maul they emerge atop an old street stairway descending and widening down into a small, squarish lightpost-lit plaza where four streets collide. The one opposite them, the more distant and shortest by far leads to the city wall and the gate, which can now be clearly seen. And it still lies open!

But the steps are not empty, besides having to worry with leading their mounts down, the pair is confronted with locals, both sitting and standing who chat and drink on the stairway. Jhary draws his sword and half-serious, half-joking in his usual manner cries out as they ride.

"Make way! Make way for mighty Sir Urlic and his brave squire Alnac!"

Between the galloping hooves and waving swords the locals lying between the riders and the plaza below scatter in all directions, running, tumbling and shrieking. Getting down to the plaza the men beeline for the Old Gate as fast as their mounts can ride. This one is much smaller than the one that gave Aubec and Jhary entry to Cadsandria, and seems too narrow to allow two riders to pass it side-by-side. A handful of guards cluster where the street meets the opening on the city wall. A simple glance tells Aubec and Jhary they be not of the same quality and confidence of those guards that confronted them at their arrival. They are less in number, not even full dozen perhaps, and appear less disciplined; most do not even have shields and none carries spear or polearm. As they notice the mad riders are indeed rushing their way the guards begin to attempt forming a shieldless, pikeless phalanx to bar their path; military acumen or not, it seems the simple presence of their huddled bodies on the narrow passage presets a functional barrier...if they are willing to take the charge, that is.

"Make way for mighty Sir Urlik and his brave squire Alnac!"

Ok, how do you wish to do this? You can either charge/fight the guards or attempt to ram your steeds thru them. In the latter case I need riding check.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#37 Post by Grognardsw »

In but three strides of his warhorse, Aubec, wise in the ways of war, analyzes the prospect of a charge. The guards' light weaponry - no spears set against a charge. The lack of shields - weak flesh only against Aubec's barded warhorse. A great sword swinging from on high - a demoralizing sight to many. The late hour of the night - this shift is the lazy or tired of the guard, some likely to break formation at the last second, for is it worth the injury? Aubec's own training in horsemanship and fighting in the saddle - many a Lormyrian cavalier were unseated by the Earl.

With great hue and cry, reins in left hand, great sword in right spinning an iron kaleidoscope of death, Aubec charges the gate with Jhary close behind.
OOC: I have horsemanship as a nonweapon proficiency. How shall I roll for that? After such an epic description I better not fumble ;)
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#38 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 0 - Early Night - Cadsandria/At the Old Gate

Making a mean figure promising death and doom Aubec advances on the guards with Jhary close behind. The men cluster together more intently with fear, but they do not break

Aubec spurs his steed intent on breaking through the human barrier via sheer mass and momentum; but alas the horse is having none of it. The beast stops and rears on its hind legs right before colliding with the guards and Earl Aubec is thrown off the saddle, falling down on his back in an undignified manner, but one that fortunately does not hurt him more than a scrape. The guards seem as surprised by the event as him.

Aubec has lost 1 HP. Make a DEX check to see if he is still grasping his sword as he's down. Let's see what Jhary does...

Morale check: [1d100] = 15
[1d6] = 1
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#39 Post by Grognardsw »

Aubec / embarrased at the gate

At least I kept my sword, Aubec thinks.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#40 Post by Computer +1 »

Jhary sees Aubec lean into his saddle as he kicks his horse into charging speed. Jhary mumbles a curse as he does the same, determined to break through alongside Aubec.

His mouth drops open is surprise when Aubec's horse stops and the large warrior is thrown from the saddle. Fearing that his would be unable to stop in time without also being thrown Jhary kicks his horses sides and continues his own charge.
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