Chapter 1d: Dockside

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Chapter 1d: Dockside

#1 Post by Marullus »

  • AleBelly: Onnekas
  • greyarea: Fungo
  • greyarea: Guy
  • redwarrior: Freydis Olafdottir
  • Samwell Turleton: Olga Snorri
  • sirravd: Liss
  • sirravd: Zeluhun
  • ybn1197: Hinrick
Ever the lure of the sea calls to the blood of the elves. Fungo and Freydis slept aboard the ships which were their current homes, a swaying hammock remaining a greater comfort than the still and stuffed straw matresses of the taverns. Freydis on the WaveCrest, docked out in the harbor, dove from the ship and swam to shore the heat of the explosive blast washing over her from behind as the fires reached the ship stores. Fungo hurried down the gangplank and up the pier, meeting Freydis as she drags herself out of the ocean, a moment's rest on the gritty sands... she hopes simply to avoid entanglement in fights that aren't hers to have. They head up into the dockside boardwalks. Onnekas found himself dodging a larger and larger throng of townsfolk coming the other direction as he escaped down the causeway to the docks. In the throng was Freydis. He smiles stupidly at her, reversed direction, and falls in beside her. "I'm with you, Frey."

From the boardwalks and quays, the trio of elves can see the entire eastern skyline above ruddy with smoke and flame, the morning sun hazy just above it. Dockside is a cosmopolitan mixing bowl of traders and seafarers along the edge of the deepwater bay, wooden peirs holding warehouses and taverns with smaller ships docked alongside and the largest anchored in the harbor. The shanties of dockside crested upwards on the steep slope like a cresting wave, ending a good 50 feet below the edge of the plateau above where the proper city of Kaerhavn and its half-timber buildings take over. The broad switchback road, wide enough for the heavy cargo drays to pass each other with their draft horses, emerges there from the shanties, cut into the cliffs, and connecting the two worlds. The north end of dockside is the coal yard, where the massive rail-mounted bunker cauldrons bring down the black rock and mound it in massive piles for ships to distribute all down the coast and to other lands who send back their goods in tribute. The sheer cliffs of the mountain face run into the sea making a leewall for the harbor and then curve away northeast, the bunker rails mounted firm, to the mines high above. The coastline curves away from the quays to the southeast, under the imposing cliffs of the Kaerhaven plateau. The great waterfall can be seen in that direction, the wide river providing a clear natural boundary between the sprawl of dockside and the fields beyond. On the cliff above are narrow paths of the city guards, jutting watchtowers and flat platforms with catapaults and trebuchets. Every captain knows their range - enough to reach the mouth of the harbor - and dissuade any waterborne incursion.

The older Olga Snorri and the young and beautiful Liss escape down the Dock Road, spying the cluster of other elves on the quay below. Onnekas instinctively waves to Liss, his hopes of seeing her again coming to fruition despite the circumstances. Olga abandoned her home near Treaty Junction, her feet instinctively knowing the way through the alleys back to the sea after so many years, wise experience telling her to avoid the panic of the Avenue of the All-Father. Liss had her chandler shop among the cliffside shanties and happenstance found them together emerging onto the boardwalk.

The group of elves is startled by a snarl coming from behind them. Two vicious lizards, each about six feet in length and held on a sturdy chain by a tiny lizard-faced kobold handler, have crawled up onto the boardwalk. The kobolds squeal in encouragement as the urge the massive lizard-beasts on to attack you! The lizards are distracted, still pulling their hindquarters up onto the docks and the yanking of the kobold chains, but try to snap their jaws at you anyway.
ambush drake.png
ambush drake.png (86.19 KiB) Viewed 1788 times
Stumbling out of an alley about 20' away across the open pier come several others trying to evade pursuit as they escape the shantyside chaos and find security on the quays by the open water. Guy followed his augury to the sea, coming down from his rented room where he found more acceptance in the cosmopolitan dockside community. In his good fortune, he attached himself to Zeluhun, an imposing mercenary with the good fortune to brandish both a longsword and lantern against the thick billows of smoke. Hinrick, a plump halfling with arms full of groceries, puffs along behind them. They pause as they see five elves being threatened by the frightening wingless dragons, ever reminiscent of the massive beast breathing flame in the city overhead. They have not evaded their pursuers yet, however, and there are gleeful yips from a pack of five kobolds who round the corner and spy them from the alley behind, launching a flurry of poorly aimed arrows in their excitement.

Each of you make a Reflex Savings Throw (which at this point is equivalent to a player-facing attack roll). This is a 1d20, plus your Agility Modifier. Your goal is to roll 8 or higher. If the elves fail, they take a 1d6 bite. If the others fail, you take 1d4 damage as you are struck by a kobold arrow. If that kills you, you go down and have last words as it is stuck in a vital organ.

Then roleplay your actions and interactions. :) Make make 1d20 attack rolls with the damage per your weapon if you fight back, specifying who your opponent is.
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#2 Post by greyarea »

Guy the Shaman

Guy the Shaman Reflex [1d20] = 6 feels the kobold's arrow bite deep dmg [1d4] = 4.

His last words are, Don't call me Guy, buddy.

Well that was quick. One dead sham of a shaman.

Fungo the Elven Navigator

Fungo reflex [1d20] = 19 leaps out of the way, rolling and landing on his feet. He fires his short bow at the drake short bow [1d20] = 8 damage [1d6] = 3, but the shaft flies wide.
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#3 Post by AleBelly »

Onnekas' black eyes widen with fear. Trembling, he drops his bundle of herbs, which seem to distract the lizard abomination.

Onnekas reflex save [1d20-1] = 14-1 = 13

Acting solely on reflex, the dim-witted but lucky elf grips his staff with both hands and swings mightily at his reptilian attacker. "Liss! Watch out!" he cries.

Staff attack [1d20] = 9, damage [1d4] = 4

Note: I forgot his "Bull" bonus, so the staff attack roll should be a 10.
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#4 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Olga Snorri

Olga narrowly turns past the biting jaws of the large lizards being goaded onto the docks.

Wingless dragon bite: use 1 luck [1d20+2] = 7+2 = 9 if damaged [1d6] = 1

Are the kobolds firing arrows at the humans down an alley and out of sight of the fleeing elves?
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#5 Post by redwarrior »

Freydis feels the lizard bite into her guts, looking down, she sees her lifeblood draining out. She holds out her compass to the other navigator....May this guide you home! At least I'll not go to sea again... she mutters as she rolls off the dock and falls into... the sea.

Reflex [1d20] = 6 bite [1d6] = 3
dropped to 0

Bow, spyglass, compass
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#6 Post by Marullus »

Samwell Turleton wrote:Are the kobolds firing arrows at the humans down an alley and out of sight of the fleeing elves?
You're 20' from the 'human' group and the kobolds are 30' up the alley pursuing them and closing. You can see them clearly. It is unclear, however, their interest in you.
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#7 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Olga Snorri

Reaching out her hand Olga brushes the fingers of the dying elf. She sends as much warmth into the fingers as she receives the compass and stows is quickly. Alámenë, may peace come to you now... Olga says with the words catching in her throat.

I never thought I would be holding one of these again, she thinks in her turn away from the snapping jaws and tries to react with a strike of her cleaver on its neck.

Not certain if this could be the same one that Onnekas struck at but I would want to concentrate our efforts if we can.

Cleaver Attack [1d20] = 9 Damage [1d6+1] = 4+1 = 5
Olga has agility +1, strength +1, and luck -1 if those influence this roll
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#8 Post by Marullus »

Holding for:
sirravd: Liss
sirravd: Zeluhun
ybn1197: Hinrick
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#9 Post by ybn1197 »

Hinrick, Cheesemaker

Hinrick barrels down the alley, groceries tucked in his arms. In his haste, he fails to see Zuluhun has stopped before him. Dropping his groceries after colliding into Zuluhun's legs, the arrow with Hinrick's name on it passes harmlessly over his head and he stoops to pick up his spilled belongings.

Reflex: [1d20+2] = 16+2 = 18 Damage: [1d4] = 1

"Come, come! We can not stay here! Do you not see the lizard men behind us?! Why have we stopped?!"

Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#10 Post by sirravd »

Liss, Chandler

"Bloody Empire," says Liss to herself. She had long harbored a loathing of the Empire's zealots; but she'd still seen them as a far-off threat. Now they are here. At least some of her fellow elves had survived. The presence of other elves always made her feel hopeful, despite the circumstances.

Suddenly she hears Onnekas' warning, and roars in blind panic, dodging the monsters––
[1d20-1] = 14-1 = 13
Fortunately she is able to do so successfully, but she's in no mood to fight back. She runs toward the end of the pier, urging her friends on with her, to jump into the water.

Zeluhun, Mercenary

Zeluhun sighs, gritting his teeth. The curse has found him again. A pity, as he rather likes the vicious little creatures, but if he must defend himself he must.
[1d20-1] = 15-1 = 14[1d4] = 1
He dodges their arrows, then sprints toward the kobolds, sword in hand.
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#11 Post by Marullus »

  • AleBelly: Onnekas
  • greyarea: Fungo
  • greyarea: Guy
  • redwarrior: Freydis Olafdottir
  • Samwell Turleton: Olga Snorri
  • sirravd: Liss
  • sirravd: Zeluhun
  • ybn1197: Hinrick
The lizard-like drakes pull themselves up onto the docks, the pair of kobold handlers goading them and squealing enthusiastically. The first drake lunges, feinting at Freydis, while the other catches the she-elf from the flank and tears a gaping hole in her side. Blood splatters as it shakes a mouthful of her intestines. Watching their companion drop before them to the savage attack, Fungo falls back, shooting an arrow past the beast while Onnekas smacks it in the head with his quarterstaff (-4), trying to aid his friend. Olga the old matronly navigator known to the other sailors, runs up to the other elves. She brings down her cleaver and gashes the monster's neck (-5).

Freydis holds out her compass to Olga. "May this guide you home! At least I'll not go to sea again..." she mutters as she rolls off the dock and falls into... the sea. Reaching out her hand Olga brushes the fingers of the dying elf. She sends as much warmth into the fingers as she receives the compass and stows is quickly. "Alámenë, may peace come to you now..." Olga says with the words catching in her throat. I never thought I would be holding one of these again, she thinks. A spyglass clunks as it rolls out onto the warf, her shortbow and tumbling with her body into the waters of the bay, her body floating for a moment before it slowly sinks...

The injured beast tries to fall back, but is kept on the dock by the enthusiastic whipping of its attendant kobold. The other lizard flares the spines in its head-ridge and hisses, ready to strike.
The three of you continue attack rolls for round 2. No more reflex saves, I'll roll an attack now going forward.

At their back, the others flee the alleyway and the volley of kobold arrows. Guy the Shaman is struck squarely by a kobold shaft and falls face-first onto the cobbles of the Dock Road, his mace at his side and a statue of a fertility goddess bouncing on the cobbles and rolling away. Hinrick yelps and drops his groceries as the larger human falls, pausing only to scoop them up before rounding the corner out of their sight. Zelhun turns, charging back up the alleyway at the tiny assailants, longsword in hand. The mercenary slices one of the archers cleanly in twain (-8). Liss runs to the dock's edge next to the other elves and urges everyone to leap off the pier into the waters of the harbor.

With the mercenary charging directly into their midst, the kobold archers break and scatter. They flee back slightly to the last intersection and dive behind cover, bows reappearing to threaten Zelhun...

Next round! Zelhun will face a new volley from the remaining kobolds, Hinrick and Liss are safe. You can choose to aid Zelhun or the elves, or another course of action. Make attack rolls if needed.
Remember to roll your attack rolls:
Zelhun attack roll: Longsword [1d20] = 14[1d8] = 8
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#12 Post by AleBelly »

Onnekas, elven forester

Onnekas' stomach, already churning with fear, expels its contents in a vomitous torrent upon seeing Freydis ripped apart by the lizard. Yet he is heartened by his strike on the beast, and his courage fortified further by the appearance of Olga at his side.

As he swings his staff again at the lizard, hoping to end it.

Staff attack [1d20] = 4, damage [1d4] = 1
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#13 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Olga Snorri

Our spirits will live long though our bodies may not...Keep heart young one... Olga says as she brings the cleaver above her head for another strike at the beast. She grunts with the effort she puts behind the cleaver strike.

Cleaver Attack [1d20] = 4 Damage [1d6+1] = 5+1 = 6
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#14 Post by greyarea »

Fungo the Elven Navigator

Fungo fires at the drake again. short bow [1d20] = 1 damage [1d6] = 4

Woot! Fumble! I assume a d4-luck. Please correct if wrong.
fumble [1d4] = 2
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#15 Post by Marullus »

You trip but may recover with a DC 10 Ref save; otherwise, you must spend the next round prone.
Such ill luck! Fungo tries to shoot at the dragon-like monster before him but slips on the slick decking of the warf planks.

DC 10 Ref save! Falling in front of two attacking drakes is also not a good position.
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#16 Post by greyarea »

Fungo reflex reflex [1d20] = 6

Fungo will burn 4 luck to make the save

Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#17 Post by sirravd »

Zelhun runs through the volley, sword in hand!
[1d20-1] = 11-1 = 10[1d8-1] = 5-1 = 4
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#18 Post by ybn1197 »

Hinrick stows his items as best he can before pulling his cudgel out and swinging it haphazardly at the nearest Kobold handler.

Hinrick Cudgel Attack: [1d20] = 9 Damage [1d4] = 4
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#19 Post by Marullus »

Holding for a post for Liss? Also, Zelhun evaded the arrows which allows him to taken an action this round. What does he do?

Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#20 Post by sirravd »

Liss continues to urge her comrades into the water. I posted Zeluhun's action above :D
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