Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

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Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#1 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 0 - Late Afternoon - Near Cadsandria/On the Road

"And thus it came to pass that the whims of Fate blew two warriors and two felines towards the city of Cadsandria, and saw them embroidered in events that would determine the future of the World."

Musical Theme: Riding for Cadsandria

The waning sun of a mid-spring afternoon sees two men riding fast northward along the road near the coast of the Kingdom of Argimilliar. They are Earl Aubec of Malador and his companion Jhary-a-Conel, and their intent is reaching the capital city before its gates are shut at nightfall. Rumors of war and bloody work have summoned them, as well as Argimilliar's proximity to Aubec's nation of birth and the chance to hear tidings of it. The chance to lie on an inn's bed tonight rather than the cold, rough ground of travel helped seal the deal. Gods be damned, they will make a timely arrival or drive their horses to their deaths under them!

By the time the setting sun shines its last light, it becomes clear their efforts were not for naught. The walls of the city of Cadsandria come into view, and the southern gate still stands open. Making hard at journey's end Aubec and Jhary spur their mounts anew for this last leg of it, with thought of warm food, sweet wine and soft beds dancing in their minds.

Their arrival does not go unnoticed however. Seeing the approach of two unannounced cavaliers riding speedily, the gate guards promptly scramble to defensive positions, weapons drawn and ready. As Aubec and Jhary get to hearing span the leader amongst them cries out in an authoritative and trained voice that carries across the distance:

"Halt! Who is it that comes upon the gates of Cadsandria with such eager haste? Speak now horsemen, or have chat with our blades instead..."

"...the gate guards promptly scramble to defensive positions, weapons drawn and ready..."
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#2 Post by Grognardsw »

Aubec and Jhary rein in their steeds. Aubec considers the situation, gives a curt motion to Jhary to hold back. Thinking it wise to conceal their identity, he replies in Argimilliarian: “Hail guards! No need to raise steel, we are but two soldiers low on coin seeking employment. We hear there is opportunity for swords-for-hire in Cadsandria. I am Urlik Skarsol, and this is Alnac Kreb. We rode hard to make it before your gates closed.”
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#3 Post by Computer +1 »

Jhary reigns in his horse. The dust from the road cause him to cough a few times. We have coin to pay for a room and a drink to wash away the dust from our travel.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#4 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 0 - Sunset - Cadsandria/At the Gate

With the non-confrontational stance of the new arrivals the gate guards soon lower their guard. Their leader's gaze lingers upon "Urlik Skarsol" and notes the quality and make of his magnificent armor. Then one of the guards mumbles something to the sargeant, to the effect of mercenaries streaming into the city like a plague these days. The leader of the guards makes a swift gesture ordering him to hold his piece and continues talking with the pair.

"It would seem you have tired your horse for naught, wayfarers. By special order of the King himself the closing of city gates during the night has been suspended,; so many coming and goings at all hours...though it has been unusually light on arrivals today."

At Jhary's mention of food and drink he says to Aubec:

"I can see from your armor and your, er...squire, that you are no man of parse resources. I shall save you gents hours of evening roaming and tell you where you can find a nice inn. City's bursting with foreigners, you see. Most establishment filled to the brim and hosting guests on every empty neck and crony a landlord can find."

The sargeant tells them of an inn called "The Naked Blade" that still has several rooms available. Reputedly one of the favorite establishment of mercenaries and visiting soldiery, it is justly expensive to keep the more penurious rabble away but fairly affordable to any sellsword of means.

"You can nay miss it. Simply follow the Main Road until you reach the University building and then take the East Street for awhile. it will be the largest building on the right side. Now off with you...Oh, and for Vallyn's Wisdom don't get into any scuffles or stab any of the hordes of men-at-arms loitering in our fair city, the council has just raised the fines for public disorderly and maiming...considerably."

With another sign from their commander the gate guard parts and allows the riders entry into the city.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#5 Post by Computer +1 »

Jhary sighs at the mention of being a "squire" and mutters companion under his breath.

We will take you up on your recommendation, our thanks. he says as they ride by.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#6 Post by Grognardsw »

Aubec / With Jhary on the Main Road of Cadsandria

Earl Aubec and Jhary-a-Conel leisurely saunter their steeds down the Main Road, observing the sights and sounds of the city as the sun slowly sets. Aubec draws his large cloak about himself, mindful that his armor sometimes attracts unwanted attention that he cannot afford in the capital city of Lormyr's enemy state.

"We are not far from my homeland of Lormyr," says Aubec to Jhary. "I hope to hear word of what the bastard Aradard is up to. By the gods, I will have his head!"

He pets his cat to calm his rising anger. "Be watchful cat, we are close to enemies," says Aubec, mindful of the feline's knack for sensing danger.

"I wonder, friend, since Argimilliar is the enemy of Lormyr, perhaps it would be in our interest to throw in our lot with Argimilliar," ponders Aubec. "We could use their army to conquer Aradard, then turn the tables with Filkhar's help and regain the country in honor of Eloarde. I wonder how Filkhar next door feels about Argimilliar gathering for war? Would I want the throne again with my love Eloarde gone? Perhaps I should reconsider the offer of Myshella of Kaneloon, and bring the Forces of Chaos to bear to destroy Aradard? Hmmm, forgive my vengeful musings, Jhary. It has been a long day. I look forward to drink and rest at this 'Naked Blade.'"
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#7 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 0 - Early Evening - Cadsandria

Both Aubec and Jhary have been on cities on eve of war before, but this one looks different. Instead of a feel of action and anticipation in the air there seems to be a pall of dread and an ill-contained something just before it explodes. Cadsandria is not a small city, but one could be led to believe it is underpopulated by traveling through its streets. They are not empty of persons by any means but civilians seem scarce and the few the duo happen to chance upon are fearful figures walking briskly as if running from something and paying no heed to their surroundings and others therein.

What the streets, corners and alleys are filled with is mercenaries. There are loads of them anywhere, armored and armed groups or lone wolves with cruel eyes and dangerous mien from several different nations prowl about. Most are Southern men-at-arms but there are also more exotic-looking characters, savage warriors from Yu and Oin, marines from the Purple Towns, a tall Tarkeshite here and there and even nomads from the Weeping Waste or Desert of Sighs. Fortunately, there don't seem to be any men of Pan Tang about but in one alley they could swear they saw a figure donning gothic-style chaos armor beneath a cloak.

And of course, given the abundance of soldiers-of-fortune in Cadsandria there is one class of locals that is also in ample profusion on the streets in all it's variety: women of ill-repute. Pandering after the multitude of warriors, and trying to call calling out the attention of Aubec and Jhary too are scores of trulls, strumpets, trollops, streetwalkers, tarts, wanton wenches, doxies and courtesans. There is ample flashing of bosoms (and flashing of ample bosoms too), uncovering of thighs, blown kisses, smiles and winking of eyes. It is indeed odd that such wares are on display so close to the city's gates and not relegated to some enclosed district.

Eventually Aubec and Jhary ride through the crowds of easy women and lusty men to reach a square where the unmistakable massive of Cadsandria's University lies. Taking the Eastern Street they then look for the Naked Blade inn. The new street widens as they ride down it and becomes more spacious than Main Street itself. It is flanked on both sides by taverns, inns and brothels (from which balconies more women call out to the men below. Why do such businesses exist in such close proximity to a place of learning...or is it because of that proximity that they do exist here?

Cursory glances at most of the establishments seem confirm most are packed to full occupancy and its patrons spilling into the streets. Eventually they arrive at the Naked Blade, as the gate guard said it is hard to miss being one of the biggest establishments in the street. If that wasn't enough the massive sign with its title written over a painted broadsword would suffice to identify it. A mean-looking middle-aged bouncer, clad in mail and leather, stands by the side of the entry door. Even though it is closed sounds of music and ribaldry can be heard emanating from the inside.

"...scores of trulls, strumpets, trollops, streetwalkers, tarts, wanton wenches, doxies and courtesans."
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#8 Post by Computer +1 »

Jhary quietly mentions to Aubec This seems like fighter and whore heaven. I wonder if they even care who they are fighting for, I havent seen too many locals. Just as afraid of the threat inside the city as the one without.
He winks at a particularly pleasing wench, Ahhhhh simple pleasures for the right price...
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#9 Post by Grognardsw »

Aubec with Jhary / Naked Blade tavern

"Ah Jhary, you're welcome to a companion of your own this night," answers Aubec with a wink as they pass the women of the night. "Even this long after the death of my Eloarde, my interest in the fair sex is still cold. It appears we've arrived at the Naked Blade."

Securing their steeds, Aubec and Jhary enter the tavern, order drinks and sit in a spot strategic for overhearing talk. The Earl is weary of cut-purses in such crowded quarters. Aubec surveys the room for particularly interesting looking people, wondering if there may be any Lormyrians among the crowd given how close they are to his homeland.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#10 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 0 - Early Evening - Cadsandria/The Naked Blade

Musical Theme: The Naked Blade Inn

Silently, the bouncer takes a measure of the new arrivals and then opens the door, inviting both inside with a gesture. Aubec and Jhary pass through the doorway, and the hubbub of laughter,conversation and music continues undiminished. Only a few patrons turn their eyes to look in their direction before returning to their matters of drink and chat.

The drinking hall seems to be nearly full with soldiery and mercenaries, but there are a couple of free tables near one the corners, as if set aside on purpose for the new arrivals. The center of activity is near the wall opposite the bar, where a full-bodied and pulchritudinous black-haired dancer weaves and cavorts like a snake at the sound of an eastern jig, to much rejoicing of the onlookers. The pair of adventurers also notices a couple of muscle-men here and there standing afoot or leaning on the walls, clad much like the bouncer at the entry. Obviously the house's own guards.

Aubec and Jhary begin making their way thru the noisy crowd and along the beer-soaked counter. As they are passing by the husky serving wench behind it thuds a generously-sized pewter tankard down on the bar and begins to fill it with frothing ale right before their eyes.

"First one’s fer each is on the ’ouse." she says; then admonishes "The rest y’ pays for, understand?"


Another woman behind the counter, middle-aged but still with a look of youthfulness about her and rather more refined of dress and mien, immediately comes closer as the wench is pouring the ale.

"Chegga, were are your manners?! Can you not see you are addressing a knight who has deigned to grace my house with his presence?"

The serving wench eyes widen a bit and her mouth forms a silent "O" as looks at the other woman, then at the pair of customers, then back at the woman.

"Och! Ye be righ' Mistress. To much goings ons fer me poor head. I've lost counte of the watches pass'd with nay sleep. Place a'most full, all these soldiers a-coming an' a-going at all the hour..."

Chegga finishes filling the tankard and holds out it out to Aubec with her calloused, working woman's hand.

"There y'go, Ser Knight. Ma apologieses. I'll a-fill one fer yer asquire now..."

The female who chastised her now addresses the pair of adventurers with a smile.

"Good Sirs, I am Smedoline, the owner this fair inn. Please be welcome to the Naked Blade. Are you seeking quarters or merely here for the drink, food and make-merry?"


Before any can answer the voice of Chegga explodes again, directed at someone behind them.

"Oi! Y's over there! Stop it! I mean it!"

Turning to look at the target of her bellowing, Aubec and Jhery see that a small group of patrons nearest to the dancing girl are attempting to take physical liberties with grasping hands. A nearby inn guard alerted by the barkeep's shout tries to make is way to the area, but he is having difficulties getting there through the throng of bodies that bar his path.

Chegga growls a "Mus' I do everything o'er here?.." when the patrons seem intent on ignoring her warning. She saunters the bar and wades her way there. Moving like a lioness among wilderbeasts, shoulders get barred and some drinks spilled but she does not seem to care. Then, with a quick slap on the arm of a lusty mercenary, harsh words and a pointed haggling finger she soon as the attention of the lusty crowd around the artists. If the patrons seemed amused at the proclivities of some of their number they are now even more entertained by Chegga's arrival, more raucous laughter fills the air. The man she's harassing seems to have lost interest in the dancer, and now his hand seeks the roundness of the tavern wench's ample posterior instead. He gets rewarded for his impudent efforts with a punch that nearly knocks him off his chair. The laughter reaches a paroxysm of volume with Chegga's martial display, some of the hardened men on the pub are even laid low by tears streaming from their eyes, such is the violence of their mirth as they laugh. As all this is happening the dancer and musicians quietly slip away for an intermission.

The bar woman begins making her way back, cursing and sputtering all the way.

"Do not mind her, Sirs." says Smendoline gently, "She is a hard worker and honest woman, even if maybe unaccustomed to serving in places other than dens of scum and villainy. But she will learn, in time."

Chegga gets back behind the counter with a "Bloody mercenaries an' their urges, I oughta...didn' mean yous, Ser Knight." as finishes and delivers Jhary's drink.

Side-by-side the two women, employer and employee, do form an odd pair. Chegga seems more than a bit too rough around the edges for what is in all intents and purposes an upscale soldiery inn; while Smedoline carries the air of someone who if anything, is living in an environment somewhat below her natural station. Her body language, posture and manners wouldn't be amiss in a lady-in-waiting, were she half her age or so.

"Now..." says Smedoline, smiling again "as I was saying, what do you two fine gentlemen come seeking at the Naked Blade?"
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#11 Post by Grognardsw »

Aubec with Jhary / Naked Blade

Earl Aubec of Malador smiles at the repartee of the tavern server and owner. Accepting the free tankard of ale, Aubec replies graciously,"Thank you Chegga. I am Urlik Skarsol, and this is Alnac Kreb. And no apologies are necessary."
Am I being too paranoid about identity here? Agrimilliar is next to Lormyr, which is hunting for me. I'd likely keep a low profile, cloak the armor, shave the beard or mustache if I had one, or vice versa. While most commoners would not recognize Aubec, many would know my name, hence the pseudonyms.
He raises the tankard and makes a toasting motion to Smedolime.

"To adventure!" Aubec toasts to Jhary and the women. "To answer your question, we are in your fair city seeking employ to help weigh down light purse. It seems opportunity abounds. And yes, we likely will need quarters this evening."

Taking another draught from the ale, Aubec settles down at the counter with Jhary to talk with the tavern owner. She is doubtless a good source of information, thinks the Earl.

Using all his courtly conversationalist skill and chivalrous bearing, Aubec asks Smedolime about local going-ons. He expertly intersperses his questioning with pleasantries, tales of his travels, compliments on the running of her tavern, and on her sophisticated bearing. If he senses it may be helpful, Aubec will offer coin for information. Among the topics he tries to explore with her are:

- Why are all the soldiers here? Has war been declared? Against whom, why, and what is the timing?
- What are the politics behind the situation? Is Lormyr involved?
- Who is in charge of hiring mercenaries?
- How are neighboring countries taking these martial developments, in particular Lormyr?
- Has there been any news of Lormyr and Aradard?

Knowing well the habits and thinking of Jhary-a-Conel, Aubec often lets his companion take lead in the conversation, unless the charismatic explorer of multiverses takes up conversation elsewhere in the Naked Blade.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#12 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 0 - Early Night - Cadsandria/The Naked Blade

The inn owner seems happy to have a conversationalist patron around and chats with Aubec freely. She proves to be a remarkable source of information. Aubec and Jhary are able to glean the following details before she has to return to her duties.
Grognardsw wrote:- Why are all the soldiers here? Has war been declared? Against whom, why, and what is the timing?
No one knows exactly. War as not been declared but there are lots of rumors that began attracting mercenaries to Cadsandria. Word on the street is that the whole thing is related to Lormyr and that the Royal Council has been holding meetings like mad of late. But no information about is being discussed has been made available.
Grognardsw wrote:- What are the politics behind the situation? Is Lormyr involved?
The King of Argimilliar is considered an inept ruler (the populace refers to him as a "fat sack of wine") who does not pay much attention to either internal or external concerns. There is a faction of nobles which has been pressing for Argimilliarian expansionism back since anyone can remember, since before the rise of Eloarde and Aubec in fact, and they have gotten really aggressive in its efforts since the coup in Lormyr.
Grognardsw wrote:- Who is in charge of hiring mercenaries?
No one, apparently. When Argimilliar goes to war and hires mercenaries the ones assigned to the royal host are paid from the treasury by whatever commander the king assigns to lead his army. Nobles bring in their own forces and will hire sellswords at their own expense. But no one seems to be hiring en masse right now.

From what Smedoline has heard of the soldiery at her inn most mercenaries are unemployed and running out of silver; and both they and the locals are getting restless. A lucky few have been hired by local traders and important men as extra muscle or bodyguards. A few others have been enrolled in the forces of this or that noble from the expansionist faction; but as far as anyone knows there aren't any marching orders. Some folks, of the "the end is nigh" variety, are saying that this is all part of a plan to use the mercenaries to depose the king while they are in Cadsandria. Others say this is simply the result of warmongering in the corridors of power combined with bad planning and a political impasse. Certainly, having these many unpaid warriors around bods ill, and no one knows why the king issued orders that the city gates remain open and more men-at-arms can continue to travel into the city.
Grognardsw wrote:- How are neighboring countries taking these martial developments, in particular Lormyr?
Only the Gods know what the Island-Nations and those on the other continents think about this. Here on the Southern continent, the Republic of Filkhar (as always) is paranoid whenever things stir in either Lormyr or Argimilliar, since it is hemmed in between them. Back when Earl Aubec was unifycating the West in the name of Queen Eloarde the Republic embarked on a massive military program, there where caravans carrying supplies, weapons and armor leaving for Filkhar almost every day. They have instituted a draft and raised a considerable Republican army, mostly infantry of the defensive kind. Phalanxes of halberdieers and pikemen.

What Lormyr thinks of all this is unknown. Anyway, events have been progressing too fast for word from that land to return here. It is likely they are only finding about the situation in Cadsandria now.

Grognardsw wrote:- Has there been any news of Lormyr and Aradard?
Smedoline had heard rumors a while back, brought by a few traders, that Aradrad was consolidating his power by engaging in a purge of the Eloarde loyalist faction after his coup. It is also said he raised a bounty on Prince Haminak and would richly reward any bringing him Earl Aubec's head or proof of his death. But all this was some time ago, news from that nation are very few and far between these days.

The inn owner also confides that back when Queen Eloarde died and Earl Aubec vanished there was a collective sigh of relief. The Earl had been conquering everything west of Filkhar and the Republic was afraid it was next; the commoners of Argimilliar feared being dragged into a war if Lormyr began expanding East and the higher classes weren't keen on warfare to help save the Filkharian Republic. What news came out of the West since the coup seem to indicate King Aradrad has a mean streak of cruelty and might not be a fully balanced man. As far as anyone knows Lormyr has not sent any diplomatic delegations to Argimilliar since it acquired its new sovereign.

While Smedoline chats with the two men Chegga serves her a tankard of ale, which she sips while doing the talking. The ale of the Naked Blade is of superior quality, foamy, consistent and not at all watered down. Perhaps loosened by drink, Smedoline takes a more familiar tone and begins speaking of matters of military strategy in a way that shows she holds knowledge of such matters that are rarely found in females.

"What I do not understand..." she says " the timing and the strategy behind all this. If our king and his council do want to move decisively against Lormyr such an action could not come at a more inappropriate time. It would require marching through, or conquering, Filkhar at the hour when it is readied and its strength waxes. Not to mention the republic would beseech the aid of Lormyr if war started turning in our favor, then we would be facing two foes instead of one. If they choose to carry the troops by sea and attack from the northern coast that would mean gambling the entire force in the naval battle that would surely occur between both navies. And the Purple Towns, Pan Tang, even the Bright Empire itself could take interest on vast war fleets crossing the Southern sea lanes...taking the sea would be a gamble, not warfare. A third option would be avoiding Filkhar and taking a detour trough the southern desert, striking at Lormyr from its southern border, but that would be tantamount lunacy. It has been tried before and it has failed...miserably. Not only would we be extending our supply line though a vast distance of heat and sand, the desert is an accursed place where monsters and magicians are said to dwell. Why, just its reputation would have a terrible effect on fighting men knowing they would have to march through it."

She finishes her ale and continues:

"Whatever happens it is my hope the situation is resolved soon. War is terrible for business when it occurs too close to home and our city already strains under the presence of too many fighters. Everyone knows the usual horrid business that happens when you have too many idle sword hands is blighting Cadsandria already: muggings, brawls, some women violated. My own barkeep of many years was stabbed to death in an altercation with mercenaries on the streets a little over a week ago; that is why I had to promote Chegga from her usual kitchen and serving duties."

Eventually, some inn business requires her attention and Smedoline rises to depart.

"I must take my leave now Sir Urlik, Esquire Alnac..." she takes a small nod with her head that replaces a courtesy "Please take a seat in one of the free tables yonder and someone will be with you shortly to bring food. I will assure your steeds are properly cared for at our stables."

The adventurers follow Smedoline's counsel and soon they are enjoying a repast watered generously with fine wines, the best meal they have had in long weeks. The Cat and Whiskers too appreciate the fine meat the servants have put before them in small platters. The two felines endear themselves to the serving girls and purr in contentment when they are caressed and petted. Wiskhers in particular attracts more attention due to its pair of wings.

Aubec and Jhary eat, drink and listen to the sounds of laughter from other tables around them. Then...

Musical Theme: The Sorceress

The tavern suddenly goes silent, eerily silent. Aubec and Jhary's hands go for the hilts of their blades even without thinking. Light dims, darkness falls and the patrons on other tables are reduced to dimly seen shapes in the gloom. A blue radiance begins to shine somewhere ahead and grows more brilliant with each passing heartbeat until it looks as if a small azure sun had materialized in What room? Where is the inn's common hall? Where are the other tables and patrons? The blue light illuminates a featureless expanse, a universe composed solely of one table, three chairs, a floor, two men and two cats.

Both cats get onto the table, Whiskers flaps while the Cat bounds. They gaze on the blue light curiously, their downed, unmoving tails indicating they sense no peril. Both felines begin to purr. Then, from the azure glowing nimbus comes the voice of a woman.

"Greetings, My Lord of Malador. Greetings Companion from Everywhere and Nowhere. I have searched long and hard for thee both."

Out the radiance emerges the familiar feminine form of Myshella, arch-sorceress of Kaneloon, clad in the finest southern cloth, arrayed with ostentatious eastern jewelry each gem worth more than the lives of most men, her beauteous, ageless face filled with promises of mystery, magic, love and power.

"My Lords, I would not have come were it not a matter of the gravest urgency. My masters need warriors of great skill; quickly."

Then she steps forward and takes a seat at the free chair on the table.

"Out the radiance emerges the familiar feminine form of Myshella, arch-sorceress of Kaneloon..."
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#13 Post by Grognardsw »

Aubec / Naked Blade Tavern

Aubec too enjoys the conversation with the tavern owner, a woman whose knowledge and side comments on the war reveal, so Aubec believes, a deeper and more mysterious background. He is intrigued to learn that Lormyr may be involved in the war, for it presents opportunity to face Aradrad. Aubec is saddened to hear of the purge of Eloarde supporters, though that was to be expected. This only deepens Aubec’s drive for vengeance.

The Earl of Malador agrees with Smedoline’s strategic assessment of the invasion timing and routes. That all of the mercenaries in town may be a prelude to a noble-faction civil revolt to overthrow the king seems a possibility, he thinks.

Aubec discusses possible next steps with Jhary. These are:
- Seek the noble faction interested in expansion into Lormyr, and join their mercenary ranks. Learn why they have so many mercenaries.
- Or a bold move may be to go directly to the king and council, tell him he is Aubec, former Champion of Lormyr, and ask to lead Agrimilliar in an invasion of Lormyr. Perhaps foolhardy, thinks the Earl of Malador, but it would give him the military forces necessary to victory. Agrimilliar would rather conquer Lormyr than get any bounty award on Aubec, he thinks. If they conquer Lormyr all of the countries’ riches would be theirs. He could negotiate passage through Filkar, perhaps even an alliance, so as to most directly attack Lormyr. Aubec could be regent of Lormyr under the fat sack of wine.
If Jhary isn’t able to provide his thoughts due to his international travel, either the DM can NPC him or I’ll move ahead on decisions myself.
When Myshella of Kaneloon makes her impressive appearance, Aubec is alarmed and on guard. “By Arioch, woman! You certainly know how to make an entrance. I thought myself done with meddling with Chaos. But my circumstances have changed much since our last meeting. Perhaps your magics can help me as much as I can help you. What is your business?”
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#14 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 0 - Early Night - Cadsandria/The Naked Blade

"My business, brave Aubec, is the destiny of the world itself. The secular events occurring as of now on this Southern continent are beneath the interest of the Lords of the Higher Worlds...for the time being. A much graver happening that makes the concerns of kings and princes seem like the irrelevances of childhood play is occurring even as we speak."

Myshella pours herself a wine cup and takes a sip, and offers the cats scraps from the edges of Aubec's plate. The felines purr quietly.

"There is a ship sailing the seas of this world, a ship of sorcerous origin, a vessel made of iron. It sails not only the seas of the Young Kingdoms, but the waters of other worlds as well. On one such the captain of this iron Galleon rescued a sailor - for what reasons I do not know. But that in itself in unimportant. What the man was carrying is infinitely more so, a treasure of incomparable power in this world. A simple horn, apparently, yet capable of bringing about the ruin of anything if it were to be sounded at this time by any other man than the one appointed to do so. And that event lies centuries in the future with Elric, ahh, sad Elric. I shall not see him do it, but it can only be Elric if Fate is to be obeyed."

As the sorceress speaks a vision-image forms in both men's minds. A landscape of wonder and nightmare, the aftermath of a great battle, the grandest battle the world will ever see, and a man; a Melnibonéan warrior of unusually pale pallor wielding a wicked-looking sword of the purest black upon which blade flicker star-like specks of light.

"Earl Aubec, Jhary-a-Conel; you must hunt the Iron Galleon and take the Horn of Fate from its captain, then bring it to me at Kaneloon, whence I can send it to safety, for its own sake and for that of this world. There are no captains in the docks of Cadsandria that will take to where you need to go or deviate their routes for any amount of gold, but a foreign vessel currently beached on Argimilliarian shores will. Make for the west towards the Istmus of Agresh and its bay, where river Gadana meets the sea. There you will find a Tarkeshite longboat named the Barracuda Lass and her captain of mercenary-bent mind. Hire it, and sail towards the port of Dhakos in Jharkor as soon as the tide permits."

Myshella stands and drops a purse on the table, it impacts the wood with thud revealing a considerable mass for its bulk.

"This money will be more than enough for the Tarkeshite longship. Within five days of embarking you will come across the Iron Galleon. We must hope that no one becomes curious about the tune that the Horn plays in the meantime!"

Her hand lingers on both cats' heads for a moment.

"Do not tarry overlong in Cadsandria and make for the Istmus of Agresh soon, it will take you two days of hard riding along the king's road to get there. It is imperative you reach it before the Barracuda Lass leaves and contract the captain to do so once you arrive. Remember, sail for Dhakos in Jharkor and your path shall cross the Galleon's. Fare thee well and safe travel."

Tavern sounds suddenly break in Aubec and Jhary's thoughts and the sorceress is gone, the blue light is gone and none of the other patrons seem to indicate they noticed any of what happened. Everything in the Naked Blade is much as they left it before the encounter...well, not quite. Aubec and Jhary sense the temperature is noticeably lower than before they "left", some of the people around are rubbing their shoulders and calls are heard for the lighting of a fire.

"I shall not see him do it, but it can only be Elric if Fate is to be obeyed."
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#15 Post by Grognardsw »

Aubec / Interlude in an Inter-Dimensional Pocket

Earl Aubec of Malador, former Champion of Lormyr, lover of slain Eloarde, seeker of vengeance against Aradrad, takes a seat at the table. He sips the wine, wishing it was stronger to fortify him against the strange sorcery he now faces. He glances about the blue radiance where once stood tavern floor, wall and tables. He is glad his cat’s danger sense is not alarmed.

“Aye, I understand your cosmic perspective Lady Myshella, but such things as love and vengeance are important to mere mortals like myself,” utters Aubec. “I will undertake your quest, but I want your word that you will help me in slaying Aradrad and restoring my son’s rightful place as ruler of Lormyr.”

Upon experiencing the vision from Lady Myshella, Aubec mutters: “The name Elric seems familiar to me in some dreamlike way.”

Aubec agrees to seek out the Barracuda Lass and sail for Dhakos in Jharkor. He accepts the purse and reminds Myshella of the deal. “I’ll blow the horn myself if you renege,” says Aubec.

After Myshella departs, Aubec seeks out Smedoline.“I have an offer for you,” he says. “I must leave now and may not be back for some time, but I need eyes and ears in Cadsandria to ferret out the true situation. I know you to be a woman of intelligence, means, and sophistication beyond your station. I will give you substantial coin to use your contacts and tavern gossip to find out if there is indeed war planned, or a revolt, the parties involved, targets, timing, and what not. The more information, the more coin.”

With that he hands her a substantial (for a tavern keeper) sum from the Myshella purse (keeping enough of course for his travel costs). “This is but half, the rest you will get upon my return."

Then Aubec finishes up his drink with Jhary. “I will retire now to my room to rest for the journey ahead. Let us meet when dawn breaks. Good night.”
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#16 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 0 - Early Night - Cadsandria/The Naked Blade

Checking the purse that Myshella left behind reveals 40 coins of gold, 10gp worth of assorted silver and copper, 5 fine rubies which Jhary ascertains to be worth about half a thousand gold on the open market, and 4 Melnibonéan Golden Wheels (worth about 1000gp in total)

"My Lord Urlik, I am afraid you overestimate my capacities. I am but the owner and runner of an inn. An inn frequented by soldiery and officers who sometimes may rub shoulders with men of State, true, but hardly a spymaster's den. I have no higher contacts or liaisons but I will inquire on what you request as much as is possible, that I would be doing anyway for my own interests. Your coin is welcome but I cannot guarantee you will be trading it for information worth the price in the future."

But before Earl Aubec can say his goodbyes and retire for the night something happens...

Musical Theme: Fear and Loathing at the Naked Blade

The Naked Blade's main door, the one Aubec and Jhary used to gain access, opens unexpectedly with sudden violence. A waft of glacial cold comes from the open portal and is felt by all, even those standing on the furthest recesses of the common hall, and the persons nearest the door recoil under the march of the frigid wave.

Shivering and trembling like a man made mad by fear, the middle-aged bouncer who guarded the entrance outside bounds into the hall, slamming the door shut behind him with a ressounding bang.
"Gods preserve us!!!" the man cries out as he leans against it.

Smedoline walks over to her employee and confronts him, "Jutsan! What is the meaning of this?!"

"Magic, Mistress! Sorcery most foul!" the man answers despairingly "A mad purple mist and the frost of hell itself have descended 'pon the street. Ne'er seen nothin' like it in my life! It roils and coils like it had a mind of its own, talks! It calls out for someone!...It...

The man's voice is lost to an invisible mass of feeling, of dread, of nausea that comes from behind the closed door and into the hall. Like a crowd retreating from a horrid stench the mass of people that was seated closer to the entryway rolls back, nearly tripping all over each other in the process. Tables tumble, chairs collide, bodies bounce, glass shatters and the serving wenches gasp and wail. Smedoline too takes a few faltering steps back, and expression of deep fear on her comely mature visage. Jutsan suddenly realizes he is the person closest to whatever lies outside, with only the wooden frame on which he is leaning between himself and it. He jumps off the door like a man who has just touched a lit forge and joins his mistress, still trembling like a leaf.

A look around the hall shows only frightened faces, once-boisterous warriors cut unto the earth with fear, rendered unvalorous by dread, crouched behind the tables with only heads exposed, looking towards the unseen enemy that is sending the horror from beyond the door. None have arms bared, none stands defiant.

Smedoline, without looking at anyone, head tilted slightly downward in despair and arms crossed across the chest in a vain attempt to ward of the cold, speaks. The unnatural fear that took hold of the hall has slain all laughter and music, the silence is such that none have trouble hearing her words.

"Is there no one...within my house; with bravery enough to head outside and afront whatever assails us?"

Where he stands, Aubec begins to feel a burning warmness through the cold, around his temples. Not unlike what a man in the beginning stages of a fever might experience. The feeling pulsates, it pounds; there is a sound in the throbbing, a word, a name. A name repeated again and again in his mind, in a dreadful, droning, beckoning call that only he can hear: "Aubec...Aubec...Aubec...Aubec...Aubec..."
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#17 Post by Grognardsw »

Aubec grits his teeth against the throbbing chant in his head. He growls and slides his great sword from its sheath. He considers a direct assault through the front door, or leaving the back way and attempting to surprise it from behind.

"Jhary, it seems I have no choice," Aubec says. "It seeks me. I'm not sure steel will be effective if it is a mist. What magics have you in those scrolls?"
Vargr, if we don't hear from Jhary's player tomorrow, go ahead and pick his scrolls and NPC Jhary
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#18 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 0 - Early Night - Cadsandria/The Naked Blade

Jhary goes mentally over the few enchantments he has on the parchements he carries.

"Let us see...Perception of Illusionary Energies, Pyaray's Horrid Tentacles, Pavise of Might and...Arioch's Infernal Detonation. It seems I have not any purposefully designed to fight against mists, alas." He says with a shoulder srug. "I don't feel any of those will serve us better than good old steel anyways. For what harm can mist really do? Blow on us? If it be poisonous than that man would be dead already, and it cannot be that cold outside for the blood has not frozen on his veins either."
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#19 Post by Grognardsw »

Aubec / tavern

Aubec nods at Jhary's perspicacious comment, girds himself for the unknown, and opens the door while jumping to the side so as to get surprise on any entering foe. His hopes may be misplaced.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - Cadsandria

#20 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 0 - Early Night - Cadsandria/The Naked Blade

As Aubec opens the door the glacial gold rushes into the hall once again and he feels as if he was standing on a ship amidst an arctic ocean gale, although there is no wind just the coming cold. He moves to the side and guards himself for any invading foe. None come.

From his vantage point further away from the door Jhary exclaims "Now that is something you don't see every night."

Risking a peek Aubec looks outside and sees the street is mostly gone, hidden behind curtains of mists that range in color from light violet to deep purple. There is something deeply unnatural about the behavior of the mists; they move of their own accord with no perceptible breeze and they are coalescing at ground level, hiding the street flagstones, and in a fairly sizable semi-circular pattern around the area just in from of the Naked Blade. No persons or creatures can be seen outside.

Aubec notices the psychic pounding has ceased when he opened the door, but he can still sense a feeling of summons and deep anticipation.

Rubbing his arms Jhary speaks again, "Bugger me, it be cold! Well, what to do now? Shall step outside and greet whoever the mist-maker may be, or have a chat with the mist itself proves talkative?"

Aubec notices Whiskers and The Cat are bundled by the legs of a serving wench crouching in fearful misery beside a tumbled table, their feline faces peering out of the folds in her skirt on which they've sought refuge from the cold. As much as a man can discern the expression of cat, these two seem to be saying "Be careful out there..."
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