Chapter 4: Preparations

Mr Stereo1
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Re: Chapter 4: Preparations

#41 Post by Mr Stereo1 »

Working the stiffness from his leg, and silently cursing the ancestors who thought leaving such traps so deep inside their own village was a good idea, Marcus watches over the others with trepidation. If they were to search the other ruins for treasure they would have to be careful, with some ready ramps, many skilled men to hand and great caution taken. This would have been a foolish thing to die for, when he was soon to be needed.

"Aye, Andrew, help us shift this upstairs and I'd advise you pick a weapon out for yourself. Who knows what we'll run into on the road to Rodofafni? Marcus speaks, quite unhappy with his fall. "I'll hope this leg won't hold us up on our way, but I should stop by my home to fill my pack for the journey. I would ask you meet me there when you're finished with your own business. You are welcome to whatever food and drink you may need as well, of course." Marcus's irritated expression breaks into a more usual smile. "In fact my wife will insist, I am sure."

As he helped the others take the weaponry up the stairs the Champion took mental inventory. There would be no shortage dividing the supplies among the militias of Aegium and Elaionas, at least, but he found no armor as complete as his own among the store. There would be no time to melt down whatever surplus they had to forge any either. The knowledge put another damper on his hopes to form his readiest young men into a leading edge for the rest of the force.

Still, the gods didn't look kindly on those who weren't grateful for good fortune. The find was a great boon to the village's efforts and as Marcus reported it to the King he could see Alec was heartened by it also. They discussed the trap that had almost claimed Marcus' life, and though the Champion swore to secrecy of his fall to not trouble his wife further he urged him to warn the village to be careful in the unexplored ruins from now on. While there was likely much of value hidden beneath the streets had Marcus been alone he would surely have died.

With his mission for the day concluded Marcus returned home to fill his road pack for the trip, and to check over his arms and armor for what may be a bloody day to come.
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Re: Chapter 4: Preparations

#42 Post by Leitz »

Bran helped empty the storage area so fewer people had to risk the steps.

As they moved things, he picked out a set of everything for himself, and two other sets as well. "I'll shine and ready these tonight, and wear one tomorrow. One can be a gift to the king of Elaionas, and thus add actions to words. Marcus, if you are going to speak to King Alec, can you let him know? My plan is to talk with him early in the morning, before I leave. We need to get the fish packed tonight, and ready to travel. I'll also talk to my family, and we will see about finding others, who can learn the craft of these traps with us. My hope is that there are more stores, and it gives us a new skill."

Once everything was moved out of the risky area, Bran went to his parent's home. It was time to talk to his father.

Yet, his father was elsewhere. Mother hummed a joyful tune, though, and gave Bran a wink. "He's out looking at buildings, and discussing the future with Efimios. You know, Sosan's father. They are out towards the easterly side of town, I believe."

Bran grinned, and then frowned. There was a lot going on, and he needed to move forward. No time like the present. With a hastened gait he found his father and Efimios in one of the buildings Bran had already considered for a shop.

"This is a fine building, son," his father said. "It would take a good bit of work, though. There are a couple of others that are not as good, but would be ready sooner."

"I agree, this one was already on my mind," Bran said. He took a deep breath, stood straight, and spoke respectfully. "As have other things been. Sirs, I beg your indulgence to listen, and your support in an idea."

"Efimios, your father encouraged us to search the scrolls in the scriptorium. Because of that, we avoided a deadly trap and found a store of weapons that will prepare Aegium and Elaionas to defend against the lycanthropes. I have a set myself, and I will stand in the line with the men of Aegium as we defend our home."

"Yet I would love to have a home of my own, and children to call my own. There is a woman that is a treasure to my heart, and if her family," Bran looked at Efimios, "would consider it wise then I would be wed with her. Yet her family must know the truth, and it is this. King Alec has tasked me to speak with Temeni and Elaionas, to help forge alliances and to build us all as friends. I leave tomorrow, and will be gone for a few days. My hope had been to speak to you both on my return."

Bran sighed, and looked directly at Efimios. "Your family is known for their hard work; your reputation is strong. I am just beginning to forge my reputation, and I serve Aegium as she calls. I doubt my life will be normal, if the past weeks have been any indication. Thus my family will need to be able to do as our people need, and I know you have raised your daughter to do just that. Will you let Sosan accompany me on my diplomatic task? Who would you want to accompany us, so that you can rest assured nothing untoward happens? When we return, you and she will have a firm understanding of what being my wife would entail. You can then make the best choice for your family."

Another deep breath. "If you are agreed, I will be packing fish and polishing weapons tonight. Send Sosan to me, and she can serve Aegium as we discuss the future. We will speak to King Alec early in the morning, and begin our trip."

Bran looked at Efimios hopefully. "Your daughter is a treasure, and I will protect her with my life. Are you agreed?"

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Re: Chapter 4: Preparations

#43 Post by tibbius »

Efimios snorted. Turning toward Bran, he squinted as the afternoon sunlight fell into his eyes.

"Young man," he said, "your father and I have spoken about this. Don't get a big head, but you seem like a man with potential. Certainly well spoken. Gentle nature, too. I hear King Alec speaks well of you. Sosan, also. So I've thought about this longer than you know."

He gripped Bran's shoulder.

"I don't think you need a chaperone on a day's journey with my daughter," he said. "You've had plenty of time to be stupid here at home - and you haven't. I trust you with her safety. Hopefully she'll be a help to you."

He patted Bran on the cheek.

"Get to your work. I'll send Sosan to help."


Well before sunset, Sosan showed up at the beach in her patched dress that she wore in the fields. She carried a couple of woven baskets in addition to the dozens already stacked around the boats. Marcus' family were at work packing fish. So was Bran. Sosan set down her baskets in a handy spot, and started shifting the sea's bounty from the well of a boat to one of the baskets - all business, was her demeanor. When Bran went over to greet her, brushing the scales from his hands, she grinned at him: "Get back to work, lazy bones." Then she playfully planted her hand on his chest and pushed gently. "My father tells me I'm to help you carry baskets of fish to Temeni tomorrow. That will be fun. At least more fun than spinning goat hair into thread. Get on, you. I don't want to do more of this than I have to."

She worked steadily until the baskets were filled. Then with her hands clasped behind her back she skipped to where Bran stood talking to Marcus and his father and brothers, their long shadows all stretching east across the beach onto the gentle waves. She stood on tiptoe and whispered in his ear: "I'm looking forward to our walk tomorrow."
Neil Gaiman: "I started imagining a world in which we replaced the phrase 'politically correct' wherever we could with 'treating other people with respect', and it made me smile."..."I know what you’re thinking now. You’re thinking 'Oh my god, that’s treating other people with respect gone mad!'"
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Re: Chapter 4: Preparations

#44 Post by Leitz »

Bran grinned. There was likely no one there who missed it, and he really didn't care. Life was grand!

He turned to look at her, and enjoyed her eyes for several rapid heartbeats. "As am I. Yet, our work this evening is just beginning. Head to my parent's house, in my alcove there are three sets of weapons, helms, and shields. Start scrubbing them as if they are going to be shown before a king, because they are. We need to have all three done before we leave in the morning."

"I need to speak to Alec, and then I will join you in the scrubbing. I'm sure my mother will have ideas on how things should be done."

Bran had a lot of things on his mind, and he needed to escape before getting himself into trouble. "Men, I need to speak with Alec for a few moments, and then prepare for the trip tomorrow. We'll be gone for a few days, and I'm sure you understand why I want this to go well."

He left the group, barely able to not skip and laugh with joy the entire way to Alec's. He pulled himself together, however, and approached the king.

"Sir, I wanted to let you know how things are going, and, how things are going for me since they impact the task you have given me." Bran said. He slowed down his speech, and took a breath. "I think Sosan and I will soon be wed, and that brings me great joy. I'm not sure it's going to be the life of ease some women dream of, though. She will carry fish with me tomorrow to Temeni, and then we will go to Elaionas and present a set of weapons, helm, and shield to their king, and deliver your message about an alliance."

Bran took another deep breath. "I don't think my life is going to be easy, and I'm happy with that. However, I want my wife to be able to go on if something happens to me. Sosan will have one of the sets of weapons, helm, and shield for herself, as will I. She will get used to the weight of it on the journey, and I will help her get trained in their usage. As we travel, two warriors will seem less of a temptation than a man and maiden, should trouble be nearby."

"I know this will be a discussion point for Temeni and for Elaionas, and wanted you to know beforehand."
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Re: Chapter 4: Preparations

#45 Post by cybersavant »

Andrew, delegate from Delos.

Andrew set work, helping move the supply or arms up into the ruined building. At Marcus's urging, Andrew chose a spear to carry, which he could also use as a walking staff. After the cellar was emptied, he returned to the Scriptorium to continue to scour the scrolls. Today, he watched for any symbols that might indicate more tools, weapons, or information about further neighbors.

While he read, he related the events of the day to Origen. "I suppose my efforts will offset their generosity in allowing us access to this vast wealth of information."

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Re: Chapter 4: Preparations

#46 Post by tibbius »

The King's Hall

Alec laughed. "You want pretty Sosan to become an Amazon? Best of luck to you in that. But I think if even she has a set of gear, my Damali certainly will want some. And of course Grigorios too.

Well, tomorrow I will take a look at the loot you've found. You say that Marcus and Bakthos and the foreigner moved it all up out of the cellar, while you were packing fish? That was a lot of hard work for all of you. Tonight, let them know I'm grateful. However ... it looks like a clear night ahead. Ask Marcus to meet me at the armory soon after sunrise.

It shouldn't be much discussion for our neighbors if one or two of our women carry arms. That has been done before. There's no shame in it - unless our men leave all the work to their wives. So make sure you carry at least as well as Sosan!
" He chuckled again, shaking his head.

The Scriptorium

@cybersavant - Thank you for rolling ahead. Would you like to know more about neighbors, treasures, or history - or botany?

Origen was impressed by Andrew's participation in looting the armory. "Lucky for me you didn't get caught in those pivoting steps," the old man smiled. "My eyes get tired now. I find this ancient writing hard to read. Tell me, can you find any more information on the medical uses of local herbs? All I have so far is this synopsis, it lists out herbs and conditions but no information on how to prepare them. Can you take a look? I am not sure how long we have until the next merchant visits, I would like to start copying texts. But first we need to find the right ones to copy."
Neil Gaiman: "I started imagining a world in which we replaced the phrase 'politically correct' wherever we could with 'treating other people with respect', and it made me smile."..."I know what you’re thinking now. You’re thinking 'Oh my god, that’s treating other people with respect gone mad!'"
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Re: Chapter 4: Preparations

#47 Post by Mr Stereo1 »

Marcus' home is filled with nervous energy with all the ill news and dangers afoot. As the morning comes his wife rose with him, prepared a simple breakfast of bread, ham and cheese and then set about milling the grain for the day's bread. His father was already up, sitting thoughtfully by the window. He slept less as he aged, sleeping earlier and rising even earlier, but of late he had made a habit of rising early enough to begin his work as soon as the sun dawned. The two men ate together in a companionable silence.

Then as the sun rose they parted, Bakthos left for his workshop and Marcus departed to see Alec. Marcus arrived at the armory to meet the King at the appointed time.
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Re: Chapter 4: Preparations

#48 Post by Leitz »

That evening
The small lantern burned fish oil aplenty, as Bran and Sosan sat outside his parent's home. Night was upon them, but work still needed to be done. While inside the home was better for light, outside was better for whispered conversations and long glances.

Bran looked at Sosan yet again, grinned, and then went back to rubbing the vinegar and salt mix on the sword. It would be a good gift to King Stelios. Yet it was but a symbol of the others Aegium would provide her allies. In time, perhaps, the cities would both grow stronger.

Sosan caught him staring at her. He tried a couple of sentences, wise statements all. Nothing happened.

Bran sighed, and then grinned. "For a girl with fish scales all over her old patched dress, you make life difficult. Well, you make talking difficult, anyway, and that's a big part of my life."

He held up the sword, and let the lantern light reflect off the blade. "Tomorrow we're going to go to Temeni, and then to Elaionas. Hopefully I can remember how to talk by then, it'll be important. Giving this sword to the King of Elaionas will help Aegium. Assuming I can do it well, without getting distracted every time I look at you."

Sosan laughed. “You’re a pretty talker, Bran. And you do a good job at things you turn to. That sword is gleaming in the lamp light. But what is this nonsense about putting me into a helmet and shield?”

"I'm talking, you're pretty. It works out nicely. Hopefully, anyway." Bran grinned. "The truth is that we, Aegium, need to make a statement to the other kings. I have this idea in my head, and I could do it, I think. But there's going to come a time, maybe soon, that what I can do won't be enough. What I see, and how I think, will need to be better. Putting you in the garb of a warrior does two big things; it makes us less likely to be attacked on the trail, if there are other bandits. And it tells the other kings that Aegium takes her defense seriously. And that her women can be both bold and beautiful."

Sosan pouted then. “That’s flattering. But the truth is that I’m not bold. I hate the idea of carrying a spear. I’d rather carry two baskets of fish than one shield. If you want a girl who can hold a spear, that’s Damali. But she’s busy with Grigorios honeymooning.”

Bran sat for a moment, quietly. His fingers tapped on the pommel of the blade in his hands. Usually, he didn't need to think this long. He tapped his fingers faster.

"Damali is not who I want. Period. You are. Fish scales and all. I need your help in this, not just as-"

“- and that’s all good,” Sosan interrupted. “But as you want me, you have to take me as I am. Fish scales, and aversion to spears, the whole basket of me. I tell you again, I’m glad to carry two baskets. My parents will tell you, I’m a hard worker. I do all my chores and my little siblings’ chores sometimes too. I can bake a good barleycake and I know how to clean fish with no bones. I brew good beer, too. And I can stand by your side and smile and show that you’ve won my admiration. That will mean something to any man with a heart.”

Bran again glanced at the blade. His fingers tapped. He didn't quite frown, but his grin had wandered off. "Okay, how about this. You know my idea; that you walk as a warrior. But my real goal is to build strong allies with both Temeni and Elaionas. Think on that, and how best we can do that together. If you come up with a better way, we'll do that tomorrow. If not, please try what I ask. Does that work for you?"

Sosan returned to using a wad of wool to scrub fine sand against the bronze boss of the shield that Bran had given her; she had paused to rebut his plan. After a while, she said: “Have you gathered enough help to bring baskets of fish to Temeni? That’s something I could organize. People answer when I smile, I’ve noticed that.” She set down the shield and picked up the helmet for another going over.

"I certainly do." Bran grinned. He rubbed the moisture off his fingers, reached over, and rubbed her cheek. "I smile a lot when you smile. I haven't even counted how much fish we can take, and you're right, we need people to carry the baskets. Once you see how much in need the people of Tememi are, you'll understand why I want so much to help them."

After a few minutes, Bran smiled again. "Go on, be organizing. I'll finish up here. Ask Alec how much we can take, and ensure we have enough muscle and baskets to do so. If Damali and Grigorios want weapons and shields, let them know to make things look sharp! We'll be representing Aegium tomorrow."
It had been a long night, but Bran had gotten everything shined nicely. His best tunic ready, and his sandals brushed off and oiled. He rubbed his eyes, wolfed down the bread and cheese Mother had set out for him, and headed out to find Alec.

"King, sir," Bran said. He yawned. "I'm sorry, I cleaned everything for the trip to Elaionas, but the grime had been there for a while. Even with Sosan's help, it was a long night."

"Speaking of beautiful women, I believe she spoke to you last night, about how much to take to Temeni? She was going to round up bodies and baskets. Is there anything else I should know, or say, when I speak to Xanthos? Or Stelios?"
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Re: Dialectic

#49 Post by cybersavant »

Thank you for rolling ahead. Would you like to know more about neighbors, treasures, or history - or botany?

Origen can you find any more information on the medical uses of local herbs? All I have so far is this synopsis, it lists out herbs and conditions but no information on how to prepare them. "
ok - botany first, then history, then neighbors, then treasures as there might be overlap with history

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Re: Dialectic

#50 Post by tibbius »

oh, bad luck with the botany ...

Andrew research history [1d6] = 1[1d6] = 2[1d6] = 3
Andrew research neighbors [1d6] = 4[1d6] = 5[1d6] = 1
Andrew research treasures [1d6] = 6[1d6] = 1[1d6] = 3

Andrew looked diligently for anything marked with a picture of a flower or a leaf or anything else that might be herbal. He had no luck.

However, he did come across a few scrolls that recorded agreements between Aegium and her neighbors about fishing grounds, timberlands, and grazing rights. It seemed that Aegium had been the dominant kingdom in the area, and most of the agreements were in the nature of Rododafni or Temeni ceding fishing rights in exchange for one time payments of barley and timber.

Andrew also found an inventory of amphorae holding many measures of olive oil, and another inventory of oil presses. It seemed that the kingdom once had a half-dozen buildings devoted to the pressing of oil, and that thousands of clay amphorae had been stored in cellars under those buildings. Additionally, there was mention of tin brought by foreign merchants in exchange for oil.

A second search still gave no luck on the botany. A shame. With a battle as a looming possibility, it would have been nice to know more about the ancients' herbal lore for healing.
Neil Gaiman: "I started imagining a world in which we replaced the phrase 'politically correct' wherever we could with 'treating other people with respect', and it made me smile."..."I know what you’re thinking now. You’re thinking 'Oh my god, that’s treating other people with respect gone mad!'"
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Re: Dialectic

#51 Post by cybersavant »

Andrew, delegate from Delos

Origen, i should run these contracts and inventories over to the KIng. Then i can try again to find information on botany."

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Re: Chapter 4: Preparations

#52 Post by tibbius »

Andrew, yesterday

The young scholar eagerly interrupted the king's wife (Lydia) near the waterfront as she used a press to squeeze the water out of weekly washing. Her arms were muscular, her face round and cheerful, her dark hair streaked with silver and braided in a crown like a princess. Nearby, Damali churned more laundry in a tight-woven wicker basket of water.

Given his recent reading, Andrew recognized the press as being re-purposed from the ancient production of olive oil. "But where is King Alec?" he asked.

"Out fishing with Grigorios," Damali responded promptly. "They'll be back when the sun is ... there."

Bran, today

The King was up and waiting when Bran arrived at his hall. He greeted Bran gravely, but smiling. "Today is earnest business," was the first thing he said. "We re-sow alliances that fell fallow. You know I'm not much of a farmer, but that kind of patience is needed. Bran - your Sosan was about earlier than you, this morning. She woke up Damali, and Damali woke up Lydia, and Lydia woke me up before dawn. She's getting the kingdom stirred up with talk of bringing fish to Temeni, and with her cheerful ways she's selling the idea. You should have no shortage of help for the trip.

Let's go to the armory,
" he added, "Marcus should be there to show off the trove that you found yesterday."

Bran and Marcus, later today
"Marcus," said King Alec when he and Bran arrived at the armory, "Show me what you found. How are your legs?"
Last edited by tibbius on Tue Apr 21, 2020 12:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
Neil Gaiman: "I started imagining a world in which we replaced the phrase 'politically correct' wherever we could with 'treating other people with respect', and it made me smile."..."I know what you’re thinking now. You’re thinking 'Oh my god, that’s treating other people with respect gone mad!'"
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Re: Chapter 4: Preparations

#53 Post by cybersavant »

Andrew, delegate from Delos

"These are for the king to look at." Andrew left the scrolls for the King and returned to the Scriptorium.
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Re: Chapter 4: Preparations

#54 Post by Leitz »

Bran smiled. Sosan was challenging his ideas. Maybe she was right.

"She said she would take care of that, and it looks like she is doing exactly that," Bran said, as he an Alex walked to the armory. He had his new war gear, polished and ready. The spear felt good in his hand, he was used to that. The sword and the helmet would take a little getting used to. But on the road to Temeni would be a good time to let things settle in.

"Taking time to rebuild the alliances seems wise. That's why I wanted to suggest making two trips. Today we treat with Temeni, and provide for them. Without needing to be elsewhere. Tomorrow, we go to Elaionas. Not only does that give us time to speak freely with Xanthos, but those who wish get used to their new weapons can. At least have time to clean the age off of them. Is that best? Or is there a better way?"
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Re: Chapter 4: Preparations

#55 Post by Mr Stereo1 »

"Sore, but only enough to remind me not to die careless." Marcus answers Alec with a smile. He can see the funny side after a night's rest. He leads the King inside and shows him the gathered armory. The helms, the spears, the shield, the axes and swords of good bronze. "A helm, a spear, a shield and an axe or sword each. There's enough for all of us, and likely many of Xanthos' and Stelios' men who join us. I'd hoped for armor and greaves as well, to equip a small force of the readiest men to lead the charge but no such luck. We might hope to melt down some of this to make some one day but it must take our smith's time to learn how, and that's time we don't have."

"I should tell you I also took the liberty of gifting young Andrew a spear from the find. He and his mentor have done well for us and I wouldn't want him to be left unarmed if we run into trouble on the journey."
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Re: Chapter 4: Preparations

#56 Post by tibbius »

The Axe and Serpent

"Yes," said the king. "Andrew the scholar. He left some scrolls at the hall yesterday, as if I could read them. Flattering! I will have to have him interpret them next time I see him. After this.

It would be wise to get the equipment back into the cellar, out of the air in case it rains. Wouldn't want the spear hafts or axe handles to be spoiled by the weather. Marcus, you should issue some out to our people today, and then they can help carry the rest below.

Bran, take your gear and meet with Sosan to lead the fishmongers to Temeni. There should be eight besides the two of you. Not counting Damali and Grigorios - they both want to carry spears and shields. Hopefully King Xantho will appreciate our gift and impressed by our might.

As King Alec spoke, his daughter walked up with her husband. Damali cheerfully greeted Marcus and Bran. Grigorios looked dour and cautious, as always.

The Scriptorium

Toward the end of the day, after Andrew returned to the scriptorium, Origen scolded him mildly for bringing scrolls out of place, but acknowledged that it might be helpful to have the king aware of their research - "even though he probably can't read."

The next morning, after rising late, Andrew was sorting through boxes and baskets when he found a large clay jar with a clay plug in the top. The plug was incised with a pattern of leaves that he recognized as mint. Inside were a half dozen scrolls about herbal remedies. He brought them proudly to Origen.

Gathering fish

After King Alec parted with them on his way to the scriptorium, Bran and Marcus went separate ways.

Bran went with Damali and Grigorios, who now were armed like himself, to meet Sosan at the beach where the fishing boats would land. She led a group of eight women all carrying wicker baskets brimful with fish. "Let's move," she said eagerly, "we're burning daylight."

It's up to Bran what happens next

Issuing arms

It was Marcus' task to gather the militia and issue them adequate arms from the supply that they had found the day before.

Up to Marcus how he goes about that
Neil Gaiman: "I started imagining a world in which we replaced the phrase 'politically correct' wherever we could with 'treating other people with respect', and it made me smile."..."I know what you’re thinking now. You’re thinking 'Oh my god, that’s treating other people with respect gone mad!'"
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Re: Chapter 4: Preparations

#57 Post by Leitz »

Fortunately for him, Bran was forewarned. Alec's off-hand comment about Sosan had given Bran plenty of time to re-think his position. If Sosan had found a couple people to carry the fish, then that was a couple of people Bran likely wouldn't have found.

He, Damali, and Grigorios headed to the beach. Damali seemed more at home with the sword in her belt and the helm on her head that did her husband. Of course, she had always been a bit bossy as a kid. She had tempered a bit, and become a strong-willed woman. Grigorios was in for a time of it! Bran grinned.

Bran's own helm and sword were in place, and the spear was already familiar with his hand. He carried the shield by it's strap, ready to use as needed. Doubtful they would need it, but if he was going to lead then he needed to not be slack about it.

They went around the big rock, and headed for the beach. Bran's normally confident stride faltered, for a moment. There was more than just a couple of people there. More than half a dozen were sitting with baskets at hand. Sosan had her two baskets, as promised. She motioned everyone to get up as Bran and the others approached. Everyone wore an almost serious face; Sosan beamed from ear to ear.

Bran looked at her as he approached. She who is to be his wife. She and her eight basket carriers. She who was standing, having proven her point but looking at him with adoration. Just as she had said she would.

It took him more than a moment to refocus on Temeni.

He stopped in front of her, met her gaze, and then looked over her head at the basket carriers. Some of them tried not to grin, most probably knew about Bran and Sosan's future plans.

"Let's move," Sosan said eagerly, "we're burning daylight."

"One moment," Bran replied. He stepped a little to the side so he could talk to the women without literally talking over Sosan's head. He made eye contact with each and every one of them.

"Thank you," Bran said softly. "Aegium's people help each other in times of need. I have worked on a few of your houses, and all you have quickly shown up when my mother needed more hands than she had available. Today will help our friends when they are in need. Today you bring life to those who need it. Carrying a basket of fish might seem little in the course of time, but one day our children will talk of the Basket Carriers and how they made Aegium strong and beautiful."

Bran turned slightly, looked at Sosan, and grinned. "Speaking of strong and beautiful, here you are!"

Her hands were busy holding baskets. He leaned forward and kissed her.

"Thank you." He said, loud enough to be heard. "I could not have gotten so many willing people to help. You've done a good thing, and I look forward to being your husband. But, as you said, we're burning daylight. Damali, Grigorios, I'll be in front, you two watch the rear. Once we're a quarter of the way there, I'll call one of you forward, and we'll switch off. We'll continue to switch as we go."

As they walked, Bran grinned at Sosan. He leaned over and whispered. "So much for a little time for a private talk. All your doing, of course."
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Re: Chapter 4: Preparations

#58 Post by cybersavant »

Andrew, delegate from Delos

Andrew brought the clay jar over to Origen. "I found them."

He returned to the shelves and continued to scan the symbols, oepning those without anything to see what they contained, and then putting in in sections to be labelled.

[1d6] = 4 [1d6] = 6 [1d6] = 1 [1d6] = 6
[1d6] = 2 [1d6] = 3 [1d6] = 5 [1d6] = 6
gaming since 1980
- = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -
Andreas Larson; Law of the Gun <Boot Hill 3e>
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Rorexsth; Wayfarers <Doctor Who>

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Mr Stereo1
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Re: Chapter 4: Preparations

#59 Post by Mr Stereo1 »

Marcus assigns each man he thinks ready to fight in the coming war with a helm, shield, spear and axe or sword. He gathers them to train in formation and march in their arms each evening, and finds the heartiest young men, strong and eager to prove themselves. These he trains through the day to be the tip of the spear, to march in the front rank alongside him and break the enemy's line. Other men and women who aren't able to battle take over their work to give them time to prepare.
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Re: Chapter 4: Preparations

#60 Post by tibbius »

Carrying Fish

Sosan smiled shyly - and slyly. She winked at Bran. She said nothing at all in response, just looked at him with sparkling eyes and then walked faster.

They made good time to Temeni, and found the people of that kingdom searching its fields for winter vegetables not yet eaten. King Xantho was out with his people, leaning on his staff as he gestured them toward the better-looking of the sparse patches of crops. When he saw Bran, he waved. Eolas came over to the procession quickly.

"Spears and baskets!" he said. "What a strange mix. You are bringing us fish? We've often wished for a fleet like Aegium's. And for the skill of using boats. Our ancestors lost that knowledge when they moved up the hill to farm. King Xantho! Bran and his kinfolk bring a gift!" Eolas' demeanor was joyous.

Xantho hobbled over as Eolas led the group toward him. "Let me see these baskets," he said gruffly. "Well. Brimful with breem and such. We will be glad to have these. Please bring our thanks to Alex, King of Aegium." He called over some of his people, and they gently took the baskets from the folk of Aegium. "I see that three of you are armed," he said, "not enough to frighten the lycanthropes, if they were hungry, but enough to show that you are emissaries. Bran, come with me, speak to me of your king's mind." He gestured Bran aside.

Training the Militia
In the next four days Marcus was entirely consumed with instructing the militia, including Bran, Damali, and Grigorios when they were not on missions to Temeni and Elaionas. His efforts were successful to an extent. Even if they were not yet competent, his students at least were familiar with their weapons and their shields, and could respond effectively to orders. Moving as a unit, they looked fierce and capable. Possibly equal to the lycanthropes, Marcus believed, and if they could be augmented by the militia of Elaionas ...

In the Scriptorium
Origen smiled broadly and accepted the scrolls on botany and herbalism. "These will be useful, if anyone takes a fever from a wound," he said. "The ancients knew much of cures for warlike injuries."

What else does Andrew find?
Neil Gaiman: "I started imagining a world in which we replaced the phrase 'politically correct' wherever we could with 'treating other people with respect', and it made me smile."..."I know what you’re thinking now. You’re thinking 'Oh my god, that’s treating other people with respect gone mad!'"
Fail States RPG
Mythistorical Bundle
माया | Gratitude
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