Chapter 1: The Hole (Finn)

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Chapter 1: The Hole (Finn)

#1 Post by drpete »

It's early December, 1920 on Blackwell Island. The weather is brisk, but not freezing. The inmates will be working in the shop in the morning, making furniture. It's going to be chilly in there, as the building is not heated, but not terrible. Business as usual. After lunch, the inmates will be in the yard for a bit, then back to work until supper. Better to keep them busy and productive. Fewer troubles that way.

Shortly after arriving at work this morning, you are called to the Warden's office. Warden Seymour has been here at Blackwell for about six months, now, and he has made a number of changes in the prison. In addition to promoting you to Captain, he has instituted a much stricter code of discipline, in which inmates are beaten or put into isolation for small infractions. Packages from the outside are only available to the model inmates, and inmates are generously rewarded for reporting on one another, or helping to enforce discipline on one another.

You come to the warden's office, which has a large wooden desk in the center, bookshelves on the wall behind him, and various paintings and knick-knacks on the walls. Warden Seymour is a tall man, with brown hair and green eyes. He has a big, bushy mustache, and wears a dark suit. He remains seated as you enter, and does not offer you a seat. Over the course of the last six months of his tenure here, you have come to learn that the warden is a hard man, cold and formal. He doesn't put up with much nonsense, though he has been quite generous with you and a few of the other guards who have impressed him.

"Mister Finn, thank you for coming. I have a special task for you.

I have a need for one of the isolation cells. Make sure it is cleaned out properly. Sweep the floor and scrub the walls. Leave the prisoner in place. I believe there are some clamps in there... feel free to chain him to the back wall while you work. After that, I want you to come to my office. There is something I wish to discuss."

The warden nods to you, dismissing you.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Hole (Finn)

#2 Post by mik »

Finn raises an eyebrow at the Warden's request, but knows well enough not to question the man - he simply nods in assent.

"Aye sir", he replies, snapping a smart salute before turning to exit.

He makes his way quickly through the corridors of the prison, heading for the isolation block. On the way he spies one of the guards under his command.

"Hey there, Louis," he calls to a burly looking young man. "Come and give me a hand will ya?"

Louis falls in behind Finn, and the pair soon reach the isolation cells, after a quick detour to find a broom and a dustpan.

Finn nods to the guard posted at the end of a long stone passageway, punctuated with aging iron doors along its length.

"Number 5", he says simply.

The guard grunts, and begins to walk towards the doors, reaching for a large ring of keys hanging from his belt as he does so.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Hole (Finn)

#3 Post by drpete »

The guard switches on the light switch before moving down to the end of the long basement corridor, jingling his keys. The paint on the walls in the hallway is peeling, and the smell of urine hangs in the air.

The room, number 5, is at the end of the corridor. The guard unlocks the door, and opens it for you.

Inside, lying curled up on the ground, is a thin man who seems to be in his 60s. He doesn't seem to react to the opening the door. Instead, he lies there, oblivious to you and mumbling to himself.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Hole (Finn)

#4 Post by mik »

“Get him up Louis,” says Finn, gesturing to the figure on the floor.

He turns to the other guard, and points to the manacles attached to the wall.

“You got a key for those?”

The guard grunts again, and he and Louis begin to drag the old man to the back of the cell and secure him in the restraints. As they do so, Finn sets down the dustpan and starts to sweep the floor of the cell, whistling to himself as he goes.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Hole (Finn)

#5 Post by drpete »

The man does not struggle as Louis and the guard move him to the back wall, and attach the manacles. He squints and tries to look away from the light, mumbling some long, unintelligible phrase which includes the word "forgive".

The floor has a thin layer of dirty straw on it, but no other furniture. This is easily enough swept up. The cell has a "bathroom" smell, and there is some filth crusted on the walls and floor. This room has not been cleaned for quite a while, probably at least a few months. You notice that the prisoner, too, is crusted in filth.

The guard moves to back out of the cell, pocketing his keys and leaving you and Louis to the task of cleaning the cell, unless you stop him.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Hole (Finn)

#6 Post by mik »

“God, this place stinks!” says Finn, as he sweeps the filthy straw into the dustpan. He gestures to the walls, and then looks at Louis.

“Go find a bucket and a mop - we’re going to have to get the grime off these walls. And get a brush and some soap for our friend here - no point cleaning this place up and then putting his dirty arse back in here.”
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Re: Chapter 1: The Hole (Finn)

#7 Post by drpete »

Louis nods, and heads down the hall toward the supply closet, shooting the guard a sour look as he goes.

"You got it, boss"

The guard, a piggish man with a heavy brow named Hal, mumbles under his breath, complaining about the prisoner and the messy state of the cell. A few choice words later, he says, in a respectful tone. "I'll get a new uniform"

The prisoner stares only half seeing, toward Hal. You hear him mumbling something about "the Forgotten".
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Re: Chapter 1: The Hole (Finn)

#8 Post by mik »

FInn looks over at the prisoner while attempting to use his broom to dislodge some of the grime from the walls.

"What are you muttering about?" he asks in a disinterested tone. "What have you forgotten? His name is Hal - is that what you mean?"
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Re: Chapter 1: The Hole (Finn)

#9 Post by drpete »

The man rocks in place, seemingly ignoring Finn. For a moment, his eyes focus on you, and he mumbles weakly "can't... can't remember!" Then his eyes focus on a spot in the air in front of him, and he tries to grab at the air, at nothing, causing the chains to jingle, lost in his delusion. The man gives a clear impression of having lost his mind.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Hole (Finn)

#10 Post by mik »

Finn shakes his head and returns to his sweeping.

"The Forgotten, eh?" he muses quietly. "Perhaps he's just talking about his own sad self..."
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Re: Chapter 1: The Hole (Finn)

#11 Post by drpete »

The job of cleaning out the cell is distasteful, but not difficult. The prisoner lies there and let's you clean around him, and doesn't object when Hal changes him into a clean outfit.

You finish up without further incident, and report back to the Warden. This time, Warden Seymour is warmer, seemingly pleased, though he remains somewhat formal.

"Done, already? Wonderful! Here, come in, have a seat, Captain. Can I offer you a cigar...?" Seymour watches you for your reaction as he moves his hand to a box of Cuban cigars.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Hole (Finn)

#12 Post by mik »

Finn's eyes widen as he spots the box of cigars.

He seldom smokes, but from his association with Mickey Blue Shoes (who has a penchant for Cuba's finest), he is well aware of the value of what is being offered.

He wavers for a moment - refuse, and risk offence, or accept, and be seen as wanting to rise above his station? Finn's mind races as he tries to read the Warden's demeanour.

A second passes - the Warden stares at him curiously. Another second - decision made.

Thank you Sir, that is most generous of you, he says, taking a seat across from the Warden.

He waits while his superior cuts the cigar for him, and then hands it across the desk, along with an ornate silver lighter.

Finn lights the cigar as the Warden watches, drawing in a mouthful of smoke and holding it for a few seconds before exhaling slowly.

He smiles, and slides the lighter back across the desk.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Hole (Finn)

#13 Post by drpete »

Warden Seymour smiles coldly, and nods as you accept the cigar.

"I like you, Captain. You'll go far, here, I expect.
I have to tell you, I had my doubts in the beginning, but you have definitely come through. There are some changes coming to Blackwell. Changes that should be very... profitable. For me, and for you, as well, if you stick by me. Does that sound good?"
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Re: Chapter 1: The Hole (Finn)

#14 Post by mik »

Finn smiles nervously at the Warden.

That does sound good sir, he says as he draws in another mouthful of smoke.

He is now regretting the cigar - it is strange to be sitting here smoking in front of his superior, as if they were buddies enjoying an illicit drink in some underground gin joint.

You can count on me sir. If you don’t mind me asking, sir - what kind of changes do you mean?
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Re: Chapter 1: The Hole (Finn)

#15 Post by drpete »

The Warden acknowledges your question about the changes, and pauses to think about his plans for a moment.

"It's good stuff, you'll see. In the mean time, I have some work to do to get ready. I need you... I need you to go tell Clarke to keep his people out of the basement, tonight. I also need him to get me ten half pound candles."

You know Clarke to mean the head supervisor of building services. He generally oversees the maintenance, janitorial and kitchen staff.

After a moment's hesitation, Seymour asks you also to send a guard to come to his office tomorrow morning at 4 am.

"I have other jobs for you and a few good, reliable men... but we can talk about those later... Understood?
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Re: Chapter 1: The Hole (Finn)

#16 Post by mik »

"I do sir. Understand that is. Candles from Clarke, and keep his lads out of the basement tonight. Good as done."

Finn nods again in response to the second request, drawing in a mouthful of smoke as his does so, trying to work his way through the cigar as quickly as possible.

"The guard sir - anything in particular you need? Big fella? Quiet chap? Someone..."

He flexes his knuckles suggestively.

"...good with their hands?"
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Re: Chapter 1: The Hole (Finn)

#17 Post by drpete »

Warden Seymour pauses, considering the question, then nods. "Someone discrete. Someone you trust."

Your orders given, the Warden seems ready to dismiss you.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Hole (Finn)

#18 Post by mik »

Finn gives a quick nod as he stands up.

“Right sir, very good. I know just the fella. Will have a quiet word with him when he starts his shift tonight.”

He turns to go, but then pauses as his hand reaches for the doorknob.

“If you don’t mind me asking sir, what was the cleanup for today? I mean, that prisoner didn’t know what day of the week it was - I doubt he even noticed that we cleaned the place up.”
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