House Rules

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Re: House Rules

#21 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Infravision and How it Works

The DM's Guide states this:
...they note differences in thermal radiation, hot or cold. They do not "see" things which are the same temperature as their surroundings. Thus, a room in a dungeon might look completely blank, as walls, floor, ceiling, and possibly even some wooden furniture within are all of the same temperature.

So, it doesn't actually let you "see" in the dark. It lets you detect temperature differences, like living things in a cold room.
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Re: House Rules

#22 Post by OGRE MAGE »

A note about posting... (also not a house rule)

As you may have noticed, I tend to keep the action moving briskly in these threads. In most cases, everyone has a full 48 hours to make a post after I have updated a thread. However, in certain situations, I will push the action along even if 1 or 2 players still haven't posted. I never do that to skip players intentionally, but if you are normally one of the last to post, it might seem that way. Please dont be offended if I skip you to push the action. If it is happening more than you like, please say something to me about it and I will try to reign it in a little. I want to keep the game flowing, but not at the expense of upsetting players.

I know that we have a few players who aren't always able to make a post every 48 hours, and that is fine too. If you are busy with RL issues or family life or whatever, dont sweat it too much if you aren't able to check in regularly. I dont mind NPC'ing your characters if necessary, but if you know you will be away for a long time, please let us know that. Weekends are always optional. I dont expect everyone to post then, but I sometimes use them to catch up on things.

I am on this site quite a few times during the day, so I usually see your posts right away. However, I have an annoying tendency to read a post over, maybe at work, on a commute, or in a waiting room somewhere, but then dont always get the chance to respond right away. Since my interaction is sometimes sporadic like that, I have a constant feeling that I have missed or forgotten something that one of you posted. please Please PLEASE!!! If I missed or skipped something you asked me, dont be afraid to mention it to me again, several times if necessary, until I remember and respond. Thanks!

As always, if you have any questions about this or anything else, dont be afraid to ask! :mrgreen:
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Re: House Rules

#23 Post by OGRE MAGE »

NO Sneaky, Covert, or Quiet Spellcasting:

This is a rule I see abused in almost every game, but it isn’t allowed here. It’s not a house rule, it’s in the book, but one that still often needs mentioning.

Unless otherwise noted or initially cleared, any spells cast will be done so vocally and with full movement of somatic gestures. Most spells even require the caster to be forceful when presenting their specific sounds and movements.

So, with limited exceptions, it will be obvious to anyone nearby that a spell is being cast. You can’t mumble a spell under your breath, be nonchalant about the mechanics, or mask them in any other way.

Normally, when an individual realizes that someone is about to use magic against them, they don’t react in a friendly, accepting manner towards the caster. How do they know you aren’t about to turn them into a newt?
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Re: House Rules

#24 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Spell Description Alterations:

I will post any oddly worded spell descriptions that need adjusting here in this thread. Any suggestions or ideas are always welcome. If you see something that doesn’t make sense, or looks like it won’t work, please feel free to bring it up here. Thanks!


This low level spell will identify a single aspect about a magic item. If there is more than one thing to learn about an item, multiple identifications can be made. The item in question must be held or worn as would be normal for any such obiect and any consequences of this use of the item fall fully upon the magic-user, although any saving throw normally allowed is still applicable. At least one aspect of the item will be learned from the casting, but in very rare occasions, this information could be false, depending on a varying degree of circumstances. Once the spell is complete, the caster will know if there is anything more that can be learned about the item by the use of a second (or more) spell(s).

After casting the spell and determining what can be learned, the magic-user’s constitution will be drained, requiring them to rest for one full hour (per casting) before doing anything else. The material component of this spell is a pearl or pearls (of at least 100 g.p. value) that must be infused with the magic and subsequently consumed by it in the process.

Speak with Animals:
Only works on normal animals. Insects are not animals.

Spiritual Hammer
+1 to hit and +1 on damage for every three levels of the caster.

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