McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#301 Post by shaidar »

Alderhay keeps his voice very low

"This Blue John is a notorious pirate captain who hides out somewhere in the western mangrove swamps. The Breton's want him because he stole an egg from their blue dragon, Lady Azul. From what it says on that blade, it's probably some kind of threat from the Breton's, I know they are royally pissed at him. I certainly would't want to be the one who delivers it to him"
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#302 Post by Stirling »


His face drops. "Looks like this will have to wait. One of the chiefs of the pirate brethren, very interesting and no wonder the Bretons want some form of revenge, or justice as they say. Well I still may be able to deliver it to him but I don't want to lose MY head for doing so." the Haldane pirate drains the tankard of ale and finishes his tobacco. "So Goldielocks and Old P, tell me about this ghost ship. Looks like some of you have seen a real one. Where is everyone else?"
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#303 Post by shaidar »


"And did I say anything to either of you about why I joined the crew?"
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#304 Post by Spearmint »

Still around a small fireside table looked a suitable remnant of the bold and the brave. Some looked young, perhaps a little too young? yet they carried themselves with a certain swagger and with chests out and palms raised swore to 'take the tartan' and sign on for a fair share of plundered goods. Among them were a dwarf, fingers blackened by powder from cannon practice. A skinny half-green with an evil look about him and several sharpened tools of his trade. A fresh faced swashbuckler and one who resembled a pointy eared college student, his bony fingers flicking through arcane looking parchments.
"To buckle your swash', like most of the young wannabe's," says Old Plighty with a nod in the direction of Szmodics. "or even 'reason judiciare' like this gold toothed mutton head here. You have a particular reason? Gold doubloons, glory, gals, revenge like McGregor? There is not much of that in taverns. The Ghost Ship. Aye, ghosts we saw, ethereal lights that lead us to our near doom in a hall of ghouls. The chopped remains of dead men still living and plying their trade in hauling sail and ropes. A zombie steward called forth from his grave by the young man here. Yes it's true, he is a skilled necromancer and the dead follow him. Shame on us Szmodics for fear drove us away. Our comrades besieged by the undead horde whilst we drink to their memory."

Old Plighty feigns tearfulness and then raises a glass of ale. "To the Hagslayer, Zoggrot the Meat Cleaver, our damsel in distress Iggway, Rex the brute and Pocc who talks in the tongues of animals and all the others, err what we're their names. .."
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#305 Post by shaidar »


"Now my nerves are steady again, I might suggest we go back and see what's happened, if I weren't so bashed up"
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#306 Post by Stirling »


"If the militia aren't keen on more wanderers beyond their cannons we'll have to sneak aboard. As to your injuries maybe this landlord gas some 'behind the counter' stuff. He looks a rogue, most half orcs do but then he might have some potions or stuff to beef you up again."

Szmodics approaches Vladric , sticking one of the fancy pearls from his string on the counter."Could a man get something for the night with these? Any pain relief? Not a young lady, don't misread me, but my young friend is bruised internally and knocked in the head. The pharmacy and gypsy bazaars are closed. Perhaps you have a 'Grinning Ogre' speciality to cure what ails him?"
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#307 Post by Spearmint »

The Grinning Ogre Tavern

Vladric "That's normally all the pain relief patrons get," he says looking at a couple of cudgels under the bar. "I might have something though, can't guarantee the results but it is distilled from the sweated blood of the Ogre. It will put fire in his belly for sure but his arse end may blow like a nine-pounder afterwards."

The 1/2 orc checks out the pearl and keeps his palm open for another and another and ... five pearls get exchanged. Then smiling he fetches a corked bottle from the cellars, pouring a glass out which seems to steam in effervescent clouds, the swirling sediment taking a moment to settle. He pushes the glass down the bar. "No lemon slice, sugars or artificial flavourings." Al post if you drink it in your action.

With the bar closing the pirate quartet decide to slip back on board the Guineaman. A short walk to the quayside and a jolly boat. It will take a couple of turns to take a route across the harbour to the far side of the ghost ship. As you near it you see a large flock of roosting carrion birds and a figure being hauled up the mast, dangling by a rope. You hope it is not one of you shipmates. You have been about 40 min absent from leaving the ship, having a beer and rowing back out. So I am trying to co-ordinate the time lapses, you may arrive 'just in time' when everyone has gone or meet up ...

actions for Alderhay and Szmodics please.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#308 Post by shaidar »

Alderhay eyes the steaming glass with concern "I must have had a really good reason to sign up for this" he mutters to nobody in particular "Oh well, in for a penny..." he holds his nose and swigs the contents of the glass down in one go.

Later, on arrival at the ship he eyes the body being lifted up the mast. He whispers to Szmodics "Poor sod, maybe if we can sneak up and catch them by surprise we can save whoever it is, if it's not already too late. Watch the severed hands, they're always up to something, usually with cannonballs"

He looks around for a surreptitious route to get on board.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#309 Post by Stirling »


Looks at the poured drink and salivates, should he, shouldn't he? Well lets see what happens to the new recruit before I invest anymore of my hard earned currency in a drink for me. He goes to the boat, tied by the fishermen's jetty. There are some gypsy traders further out in the harbour and I believe some Gauloise gunboats patrolling the waters outside so some late night revellers returning to ship might not be so uncommon. Still let's row quietly to this galleon of ghosts."

He will load his crossbow with a bolt prepared to fire on any creature that appears, particularly concerned about the ghouls that Old Plighty says were driven off the boat by Iggway. He will tack a course to approach the boat from the ocean not harbour side to lessen being spotted by the militia guards on the quayside and risk them firing a cannon ball at us. Pull along the side steps and climb up.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#310 Post by Spearmint »

Alderhay, reminded that he was bruised and battered by the severed hands repeats the advice as they draw near to the galleon. Over to one side, a small birchbark canoe bobs slowly, tied up alongside the stern rudder. He feels quite strange, almost hyper, energetic and impetuous. Like a storm about to break or a sprinter alert for the starting pistol. Whatever the Grinning Ogre drink was it seems to course through his veins with a fiery impetus.

Szmodics loads his crossbow with a bolt as Old Plighty and Goldie tie off the jolly boat and secure the oars. A side ladder gives access to the high deck and slowly the pirates start to creep aboard.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#311 Post by Stirling »


Ascends the side step ladder to the middle deck. You mentioned that from the jolly boat we could see a figure being drawn up the mainmast. (Without meta gaming) From what OP andGoldie may have said, this could be the figure of the skeleton. Szmodics will creep (move silently) to some cover position and signal for the others to sneak aboard.

Does he see any of the other party?
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#312 Post by shaidar »

Eager to go, Alderhay restlessly waits for Szmodics's signal.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#313 Post by Spearmint »

Szmodics moves like a stalking cat among the pigeons. He checks that no threats lurks in the shadows and signals for the other three boarders to re-enter the ship. Alderhay comes first followed by Goldie and lastly peg leg Old Plighty.

On the main mast a skeletal figure is draped in a shroud of sail as severed hands haul ropes to jury rig their former Captain to swing by his neck once more.

The carrion 'pigeons' though, black beady eyes piercing the night gloom begin to 'caw', almost in unison as the trench coated Alderhay ventures aboard. Their noisy welcome though is suddenly more provocative as they take flight from the main mast spars to 'dive bomb' the quartet and peck them aggressively with razor sharp beaks.

Carrion crows on Szmo [1d20] = 6 [1d20] = 3 [1d20] = 3

Carrion crows on Alderhay [1d20] = 18 [1d20] = 16 [1d20] = 15 Carrion crows damage on Alderhay [1d2] = 1 [1d2] = 1 [1d2] = 2

Carrion crows on Old Plighty [1d20] = 20 [1d20] = 17Carrion crows damage on OP [1d2] = 1 [1d2] = 1

Carrion crows on Goldie [1d20] = 18 [1d20] = 15 Carrion crows damage on Goldie [1d2] = 2 [1d2] = 1

Szmodics ducks low to avoid the carrion crows fly past but the others are not so nimble. Old Plighty is assailed by two large birds which peck his eyes and ears, one a critical stab which almost blinds him, -4hp. Goldie suffers a similar fate -3hp.

Alderhay is swooped on a stabbed. The beaks penetrating between gaps in his armour. However, energised by the Grinning Ogre special brew he feels no damage and his muscles harden to blunt the beaks stabbing. The welcoming surprise over, the quartet may attack back.

okay Szmodics and Alderhay, give me actions and rolls please. Message in private forum for Al.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#314 Post by shaidar »

Alderhay seems highly irritated by the attacking birds and strikes back with short sword and dagger:

Short Sword (Ogre boost): to-hit [1d20+3] = 11+3 = 14, dmg [1d6+4] = 4+4 = 8

Offhand dagger (Ogre boost): to-hit [1d20+1] = 10+1 = 11, dmg [1d4+4] = 3+4 = 7

edit: As his dex currently does not have it's -1 penalty, a further +1 should be added to both to-hit rolls above
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#315 Post by Stirling »


snipes at one of the crazy blackbirds, taking it out with a bolt in mid air. He can see both Goldie and Old Plighty being mobbed and loads the last bulbous sleep gas bolt to the crossbow. "Hang on guys, one more minute and I can drop them all from the mainmast."

initiative [1d6] = 2 for next round.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#316 Post by Spearmint »

In the initial flurry of wings and razor sharp beaks, the carrion crows attack the quartet of pirates sneaking aboard. In a potion infused rage, Alderhay rips a couple of the avian predators apart with savage stabs while Szmodics harks back to pigeon shooting days on St Eustatius and takes one out mid flight.

Goldie attack, silver dagger+1 [1d20+1] = 20+1 = 21[1d4+1] = 2+1 = 3
Goldie attack, silver dagger+1 [1d20+1] = 11+1 = 12[1d4+1] = 4+1 = 5
Old Plighty melee heavy cutlass [1d20] = 11 [1d6+1] = 4+1 = 5
Old Plighty melee heavy cutlass [1d20] = 5 [1d6+1] = 6+1 = 7

Goldie skewers one with his dagger but just misses the next, Op flails a heavy cutlass, shaking the pecking beasts off but missing them.

Carrion crows attack Szmodics [1d20] = 14 [1d20] = 11[1d2] = 1[1d2] = 2
Carrion crows attack on Goldie [1d20] = 9 [1d20] = 6 [1d2] = 2 [1d2] = 1
Carrion crows attack on OP [1d20] = 12 [1d20] = 9 [1d2] = 1 [1d2] = 2 .
Carrion crows attack on Alderhay [1d20] = 6 [1d2] = 1

The swarm intent on divebombing the midnight intruders all swoop again,"'caw, caw'" they squawk but each miss their intended victim.

okay, Al and Szmo, give me your next actions. Include the damage for the sleep spell gas if it succeeds to hit the mainmast, (it won't explode on a bird!).
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#317 Post by Stirling »


seems to fire higher and wider than he anticipated, the swarm of wings and beaks affecting his aim. If a cloud of sleep gas erupts it should cater for a number of the critters. Light crossbow short range [1d20+1] = 7+1 = 8 sleep [4d4] = 13.

"I think we have announced our presence anyway, no point in being stealthy anymore." Shouldering his light crossbow he will unsheathe his axe ready to chop and hack any of the birds that come again.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#318 Post by shaidar »

Alderhay continues to slash angrily at the birds:

Short Sword: to-hit [1d20+4] = 2+4 = 6, dmg [1d6+4] = 4+4 = 8

Off-hand dagger:

dagger: to-hit [1d20+2] = 14+2 = 16, dmg [1d4] = 3
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#319 Post by Spearmint »

The fearsome flock dive again, swinging around the boat and through the rigging for another chance to razor bill the intruders. The quartet flail away and Szmodics lets loose with his crossbow bolt. As expected with the 'point and fire' attempt it does go higher and wider but aiming at the stationary mast instead of the birds means you do thud the bolt into the wood and a cloud of white coloured smoke erupts from the attached canister. Several of the birds are affected as they pass through the cloud and unconscious they slam into the deck.

On the gusty night though the cloud doesn't linger and so after a couple of rounds it dissipates into the night sky. But that is enough time to make for the stern cabins and announce yourselves to the others currently barricading themselves in from unknown assailants.

Old Plighty hobbles by, clutching a wounded eye, Goldie is also severely wounded from numerous scrapes, perhaps more afraid now of a tongue or whiplashing from Zoggrot than from a bog-eyed toad. Alderhay and Szmodicsstep forth from the gloom also.

okay guys,I will conclude here, you can post again in the actual Guineaman forum.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#320 Post by Spearmint »

Nicholls Freeport, North Islands, Andross.

The party characters use the last few days of furlough to spend ill gotten gains and enhance their skills or personal equipments ready for the next unknown challenges.

Siggard returns to Sparky the dwarven smith. He collects his pistol which is now calibrated to fire smaller silver shot, smelted from the ingot taken from Pachucapatl's forge. It is now effective vs were-types and other creatures afflicted by an inversion to the precious metal. Alderhay also has a silver ingot though this hasn't been intoned with clerical blessing to invoke powers against such aberrations. There is though time to pay for such a service if you wished. Certainly the gunsmith can sell you a normal pistol for book price. (60gp). Tissot the gnome artisan crafts a key for the clockwork cat which appears meowing at the door of the Owl & Pussycat one lunchtime as the mage sips with other wizards. "Meow. Please pay the gnome before you board, " it says, cocking it's head then licking a paw. The faint tick-tick of springs and cogs churning inside.

Investigating the golem spear you remember the strange glass panels lining the deck of the Iberian ship. Renewable solar energy somehow being utilised to render fresh charges to empower the weapon. They are collected and sent to your berth for Van de Poel to use.

Mages express interest in your unique casting of 'Hagsmist', and you gain information that the mistress of a certain rogue sorcerer may be kept as a captive by the 'Solaris Majere' on Eleuthera.

The hellhound dog-collar is appraised and valued between 800-1,200gp. Some of the crew impatiently wait for a share of the dividends. Make them an offer or sell it.

The 'severed hand' is kept in the parrot cage and studied. Left alone it swings on the perch or makes rude finger signs to nosey viewers. Toyed with, it plays Poker or Blackjack badly and rolls dice. It seems to understand common commands. Make a [5d6-intel modifier] vs intelligence to pass first week of training it. As before, successful passes lower skill checks until automatic passes.

Zoggrot is disappointed to find no 'Iberian National Bank' at the Freeport. He cannot make certain deposits. He does however get the 'floating' cloak fixed from the dagger slash and it is adjusted to fit his size, bulked out with the bone mail vest. It is warm and functional but retains no enhanced properties. He pursues enquires regarding pistol upgrades. You make a 'rogue contact' with Grinning Ogre bartender Vladric. Goldie blings himself a bit more with some extra gold neckwear and a pistol. Zoggrot also gets some 'bling', the opal green square ring taken in Cockburn Harbour passed over for your possession.

Rexlin experiments with the snuff. The tiny grains of powder make him go berserk and run around as though sprinting or on fire. Everything happens much faster, the effects mirroring a potion of speed but without the ageing penalty. A visit to Ruby of Lock, Stock & Barrel is made. She smiles, still missing a front tooth. The fighter sees a possibility of putting a smile back on Ruby's face but Alderhay evaluates the runic implant first. With mage help it is identified as having properties to charm or command, adding to any bartering or negotiation skill.

Fishy gets a new tattoo. It wards him from the chilling touch of undead. Both 'workout' on the gym frame, pumping iron, cannonballs and hauling anchors. succeed on skill check vs str to improve stat. Pass at 5d6 vs str to improve skill check next time.

Szmodics collects his and Pocc's resin retardant studded leather from Raleigh at Flint St Forge. Rumours begin circulating that a break-in at the lumber yard left a couple of people dead and the safe raided. More importantly some design papers went missing. In a further event, a local architect and known forger was found dead in his study. "Blue John. Stealing eggs and blueprints." is the major theory. Passing a read languages skill test, you find your scroll contains spells of Summon Monsters and Fly. It is not certain if this is fly (in the sky) or fly (buzzing insect). You still await any blessing coming your way from Africanus, it could be a long and fruitless wait. You are able to secure a brace of pistol sized hand-held crossbows and side holsters. The leather belt is fashioned using the hippogriff horse shoes for luck and contains loose sticky-web soaked strips to hold the crossbow bolts.

Old Plighty buys more wacky-backy, more 'moonshine' rum and a new cutlass. Geoff invests in a longbow, a good old fashioned Breton specialist weapon.

Iggway spends devotional time recuperating from the necrotic touch and studies her case of potions and syringes. Mr Perryman helps identify the unorthodox injections. On a positive note, your vivarium of snakes and anti-venom research notes enable you to succeed in creating a potion of Anti-Venom each week from the milked snakes. Add one to your inventory. (Subject to passing 3d6 wisdom skill check each vial full). Roger & Gaston become more familiar with the orphidian styled cleric and Pocc is able to pass them on to you as an animal companion going forward.

Pocc receives his new armour and continues to spend copious hours over his owl lecturn studying lycanthropy lore. You have the algae sprouts and Obliviax portions to experiment with.

Rene signs on. He is not given a private berth but a hammock and told to, "Sling your hook." Your dagger skills are quickly put to use, dicing and slicing and peeling vegetables for the dinners as assistant to the cook. Also you are apprenticed to ships carpenter Maggot, a jovial drum loving dwarf. You begin crafting several collapsible hide framed canoes.

Fenis starts where he began, buying armour and weapons. Stories of the Guineaman have already earned him the 'Fenis the Fenix' nickname for his continual rising from near death experiences.+1 notoriety.

Ferrol has no specific aim except leaving town. Certain cuckolded husbands would add to the earnestness of his desire. He aides the mages and rogues in their studies. Szmodics gifts you the etheral whip of the wight for having suffered from it's lashing.

Alderhay is not able to recover the lost memories of the day prior to the Guineaman exploration. But you are reminded by the lecturers of the Arcanium to keep to your studies and report your progress. They furnish you with a couple of extra spells to aid. Scribe Shield and Charm Person into your spell book.

Stubble takes pride in his assorted gun pieces. He goes to work alongside Dogger, the dwarf gunnery master to figure improvements to the ship armoury. again skill checks are a decreasing challenge through study. Roll 5d6-intell modifier for first experimental success. His morningstar, almost as tall as he his, is carried around on his back. He finds the mages avoid his presence due to the dispelling aura it radiates.

phew! Anything missed in update please say. Post any next actions please.
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