Outbreak Level 1: Orientation (Survivor's Log)

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Outbreak Level 1: Orientation (Survivor's Log)

#1 Post by Antman9 »

Our world has seen it's fair share of strife. From the Late Heavy Bombardment of materials from failed planets and large asteroids at Earth's birth, to heavy volcanic activity and concurrent ice ages, to the the more recent Black Plague, Ebola, HIV & AIDS, our bloody Human-induced world wars, and human on human atrocities. Why should 2019 be any different?

The year is now well under way, nearly half over in fact, and our news feeds are overflowing with hate, natural disasters, political turmoil, and government corruption. Industries are vying for more and more wealth, our citizens are being programmed, urged, driven in some ways, in ever increasing ways, to consume more and more every day. Is this what "Normal" looks like? Will our hubris ever catch up to our glutenous ways, our selfish desires, our assuming right to all that we see before us? Will we get our just desserts?

Only time will tell, I fear. What of Human genomics, the ever evolving virus, and the virulent and highly adaptable bacteria? Given that the number of bacteria on our planet is estimated to be Five Million Trillion Trillion - that's a five with 30 Zeroes after it, far more bacteria on earth than there are stars in the universe, and that nearly 320,000 different viruses infect mammals, that we know of, is it any wonder we haven't succumbed to some horrible demise yet?

This Chapter, Outbreak Level 1: Orientation, begins your journey into the Black Heart, into The Heart of Darkness as it were, of one possible scenario for which we might curse ourselves, in a roundabout way perhaps. Use this thread to ponder your part, your actions or reactions, to what might possibly come, given the knowledge you possess today. Your In-Game Character that is.
Last edited by Antman9 on Tue Jun 11, 2019 10:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Outbreak Level 1: Orientation

#2 Post by wolfpack »

I don't know about you guys but this spraying gene altering chemicals thing doesn't sit well with me. i am on my way out to get a full face gas mask and a level 3 ballistic helmet.
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Re: Outbreak Level 1: Orientation

#3 Post by Antman9 »

I agree. I mean regularly spraying for mosquitoes is one thing, but this seems a bit too extreme. It's not like people are dying every day from cockroach bites. Are they nasty and dirty, sure. I've done my fair share of spraying for bugs. Hell, I spray my house at least twice a year. Do they really expect to eliminate bugs, and even if they could, what affect would that have on the rest of the environment, or worse, what would take their place. This seems like something else...corporate greed, some secret experiment at the tax payer's expense, who knows. I think I'll follow your lead and stock up on canned and dry goods, and bottled water. Time for a Costco run!
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Re: Outbreak Level 1: Orientation

#4 Post by wolfpack »

box of a dozen MRE's is $55 at our local mil surp i always have 2 cases on hand.

I also keep lots of bags of dried beans, rice, packages of tuna and spam. they last forever and are much lighter than cans if you need to pack them for carry.
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Re: Outbreak Level 1: Orientation

#5 Post by OGRE MAGE »

A gas mask, eh? Now that’s a damn good idea. I gotta get me one of those too. A modern day necklace of adaptation.

As long as this mutant bug spray dont interfere with our game night........I say kill em all.....let crom sort em out.
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Re: Outbreak Level 1: Orientation

#6 Post by Antman9 »

Costco trip was a success. I ended up getting mostly dried goods, just like you suggested Todd. Good call. Much easier to tote around and no need for a can opener, although there are plenty of other ways to open a can I guess ;) Bottled water is cheap AF there too. How did your gas mask/helmet search go?
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Re: Outbreak Level 1: Orientation

#7 Post by Rex »

Gas mask is a good idea, as is a good respirator with several different types of cartridges. I already have that covered, extra food and fuel is always good though. I am looking forward to playing as well, we've been trying to wipe out mosquitoes for a long time with not much success.
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Re: Outbreak Level 1: Orientation

#8 Post by wolfpack »

Got both as well as an extra case of MRE's. I hate mosquitoes as much as anyone and we have to keep the population under control, but if you wipe them out completely you are going to screw up the ecosystem. Other animals live off them as a food source.
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Re: Outbreak Level 1: Orientation

#9 Post by Rex »

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Re: Outbreak Level 1: Orientation

#10 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Hey. Has anyone been past that landfill lately? It looks serious. I had to drive past yesterday and they stopped me and checked my car. A real military checkpoint. In our county.

I've got a couple of extra gas masks, I'll bring them by when we get together.

I've actually had success with mosquitoes using a two fold approach. A trap for egg-laying ones, and one for host-seekers.

From biogents usa.
This seems to work in my yard. Cut the population down a lot. Best part is the bag you pull out that has thousands of the little bastards wriggling about.
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Re: Outbreak Level 1: Orientation

#11 Post by wolfpack »

I have avoided the area, I can tell you what is being released in the news is a bunch of bullshit.

They would not be so heavily armed and arresting people for being in their own home and shipping them off to concentration errrr "emergency" camps if it was no big deal.

I for one am packing up stuff to quickly load up and getting ready to bug out (guns, ammo, water, food, etc).

No way in hell will they ship me to a FEMA camp so it's either bug out or stand my ground and shoot it out. Not the hill to die on yet so bug out it will be.
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Re: Outbreak Level 1: Orientation

#12 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Ok, that is pretty weird. Evacuations, especially by force, does NOT sound good.

I aint gonna push the panic button yet, but what the hell is going on out there?

Whatever happens, lets try to stick together and keep each other informed as best we can about this thing.

I gotta buddy who lives out that way, maybe I better give him a call to see what he knows.
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Re: Outbreak Level 1: Orientation

#13 Post by wolfpack »

Article says it's national Guard not regular army. Guy I work with's son is in the NG. I'll sit with him t lunch today see if he knows anything.
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Re: Outbreak Level 1: Orientation (Survivor's Log)

#14 Post by wolfpack »

Went to walmart after work to buy ALL of the bug repellent, got about 10 bottles and some mosquito netting place was a madhouse.

I am seriously thinking about bugging the fuck out to the boonies.
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Re: Outbreak Level 1: Orientation (Survivor's Log)

#15 Post by Scott308 »

If they declare a state of emergency, I'm screwed. I'll be on mandatory stand-by, so if they need me they can cal me in. If I'm already at work, they can keep me. At that point, any plans I make will be pretty much worthless.

And why do they have to target spiders? Spiders eat literally tons of insects each year. They aren't gathering in groups or causing widespread health problems. Plus, they make awesome pets! My spiders cause way fewer problems than people's dogs or cats.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you.

https://www.extra-life.org/participant/Scott Peterson
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