Prologue: On The Ship…

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Re: Prologue: On The Ship…

#21 Post by OGRE MAGE »

As the ship sways on the less than calm surface of the sea, the adventurers continue to get acquainted. The unlikely pairing of the mysterious dwarf and the growling half-orc woman proceed to make small talk about the strange captain and the ships actual destination, neither of them seem certain where they are currently headed.

They notice one fair featured sailor at the rail, shading his eyes with his flattened hand and staring up into the sky above the blue horizon. As the afternoon light starts to change, the man suddenly straightens up, as if he may have spotted what he was looking for. He shouts up to the captain in the crows nest.

"Tiny squall developing on the starboard horizon cap'n, sir!"

Finnigan and Elitir look to where the sailor is pointing, but neither can spot what he is shouting about. They do both notice that a group of people have started amassing at the end of the ship, next to a large contingency of gnomes.

The group of gnomes continues to speak in hushed tones, pointing at their papers and staring blankly out to sea. A few of them have noticed the new group assembling near them, and they aren't shy about making that fact known.

Sprig becomes a bit uncomfortable by the stares of his not so friendly kinfolk nearby, but the little thief takes solace in the fact that he might be making some new friends for his troubles. He tells the folks around him what he's found and there is much interest from the old wizard. Pumfrey the halfling introduces himself, happy to find some like minded adventurous types. Zefarrel suggests an agreement be made with those present to learn more about this fabled lost wizard.

During the discussion, a newcomer arrives on the scene, barely able to pull his toothpick-like physique up the few steps to the forecastle. He looks to be of elven heritage, as far as you can tell, but he seems young, and incredibly weak in stature. He holds onto the handrail tightly so the stiff breeze doesn't blow him overboard.

One of the secretive gnomes eventually walks over to the assembling group and starts tapping his foot impatiently on the wooden deck as he speaks in a high, hushed tone.

"If you lot think you're gonna catch the captains favor, you can just forget about that nonsense right now! If he finds anything out here, WE will be ones going ashore, not you!"

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Re: Prologue: On The Ship…

#22 Post by hyperborea »

Grossphil the Feeble

The strong salty scent of the sea prompts Grossphil to wrinkle his nose in disgust. He's holding his prized "cloth of protection" to try and block as much of the harsh air as possible, but it's only so effective. He silently curses his mother for sending him here.

He's already noted that he's been at sea for much longer than intended, but it didn't appear the captain was willing to speak with any of the passengers. Frowning, Grossphil peered around at the other various passengers, trying to count them all (not sure if the # of gnomes was ever said and I would like to count them if possible). His eyebrow raises when he sees a half-elf, Halfling and gnome talking in hushed tones, and his interest is certainly peaked when he hears one of the rambling gnomes talking about gaining the captain's favor.

"I'm probably going to get Aquagenic Urticaria if I go talk to them."

But curiosity wins out over his fear of diseases, causing him to hobble over to the assembling group to introduce himself in common.

"Greetings all," He speaks through the cloth, "you sure are an interesting group of travelers."
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Re: Prologue: On The Ship…

#23 Post by scottjen »

Zefarrel mentally counts how many gnomes in the unfriendly group and looks to see if they wearing armor and/or armed.
She briefly considers the newcomer elf before thinking - way too frail.
Zafarrel draws her new friends away from the unfriendly gnome & speaks quietly. I can raise myself high into the air to get a look if I am tethered below. Or I can levitate up to make "climbing" to the crows nest a snap & have a word with the captain about us going ashore.
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Re: Prologue: On The Ship…

#24 Post by Rex »


Elitir perks up as the group of gnomes and the other group seem to be moving towards some sort of conflict. Her military training kicks in and she begins to evaluate both sides for strengths and weakness'. "I think we need to get involved in the happenings over there or your half elf friend and those with him are going to get themselves into something they can't dig themselves out of." Having spoken she rises and starts for the other group. "Hail friends, I am Elitir. You seem in need of some assistance with these very friendly gnomes" she says with a chuckle.
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Re: Prologue: On The Ship…

#25 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Sprig stares blankly at the rival gnome, genuinely confused, then smile and says. "I assure you we... my brand new acquaintances and I, aren't looking to 'win the captain over.' What for? Anyway, he's way up there in the nest. How do ye suppose we'd go about it if we had a mind? We're no rivals of yours." As he talks he holds the pilfered page behind his back out of the feisty gnome's view. He crosses his fingers as he says this last part, in full view of his new friends. "Now, let's agree to be friends, shall we? Or at least to reach a friendly agreement to stay out of each other's business."
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Re: Prologue: On The Ship…

#26 Post by scottjen »

Zefarrel looks around at the amazingly diverse group of adventurers that she has become part of. She says a few odd words & makes some hand signals to her new friends. ("Do you understand me" in Neutral Good)
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Re: Prologue: On The Ship…

#27 Post by Rex »


Elitir replies "Yes" in Neutral Good.
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Re: Prologue: On The Ship…

#28 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Mac starts to talk books to Zepharel. "My dear, I would love to discuss literature with you. In fact, I have a book brewing in here right now." He gently taps his head and then winks. "It appears to be writing itself, actually. It is the tale of a handful of unlikely companions thrown together on a boat ride to nowhere. The working title is: A three hour tour."

He's interrupted by the call of the sailor and the gnomish rumble in the making. "Oh! Conflict! This should do nicely. Should we lay down bets? I don't rightly know the protocol for gnome fights."

Mac startles a bit as the obviously ill creature greets everyone. "Good lord, man. Are you quite well?"
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Re: Prologue: On The Ship…

#29 Post by scottjen »

Zefarrel, a little surprised, greats the half-orc warmly "Well met my friend."

To our party only: I have no intention of letting the gnomish rogues scare us away from going ashore. What think you all?
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Re: Prologue: On The Ship…

#30 Post by Alethan »

Finnigan hops off his barrel and follows the half orc, muttering, "Gnomes are always smelly... so smelly."

He doesn't say anything when they arrive on the scene, though; he just stands there glaring at the gnomes, wrinkling his nose.
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Re: Prologue: On The Ship…

#31 Post by Lunna »

Pumfrey is bemused by the gnomish mafia, wondering why they're so keen to get ashore.

"What's the rush old chap? There's surely room for us all to enjoy dry land", he bravely asks from behind the dwarf and half-orc.
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Re: Prologue: On The Ship…

#32 Post by hyperborea »

Grossphil the Feeble

Grossphil realizes the other wizard is speaking to him, so he attempts to look as impressive as possible (doing his best to not reveal that holding up his own spell book is causing him difficulties) and he says "Yes I'm quite fine. I'll feel a lot better though once we're off this boat and back on dry land. You never know how many of these passengers are carrying life-threatening diseases." He peers suspiciously at the dwarf as he approaches but doesn't say anything specifically to him.

Deciding that being part of this oddly diverse party would be the most advantageous thing for him to do, Grossphil whispers (so the band of gnomes cannot hear him) to both Mac and Zefarrel "I heard you wished to levitate up to where the captain is to talk with him. I must admit I'm curious how you intend to levitate, you don't look like us wizards, but nevertheless it isn't a bad idea. We're more likely to figure some things out that way than getting into a spat with these gnomes."
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Re: Prologue: On The Ship…

#33 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sprig jumps to his feet after being accosted by the grumpy gnome. He says his peace to little avail. The gnome responds with even less tact this time.

"You better just steer clear of us completely, if you know what's good for you. We aren't out looking for trouble, but we wont back down from it, either. Like I said, We will be doing the captains bidding if it comes to that, not you. If you are just simple travelers, then we should have no problems. But you don't look like travelers at all. You look like adventurers! If you think you are going to out adventure us, just because you got some longshanks with you, then we are going to have a serious problem, see?"

Elitir the half-orc warrior woman smiles at the possible conflict on the forecastle, winking at her new dwarven companion and nodding her head in that direction. They leave their area with the commoners and join up with the eclectic group. Finnigan crinkles up his nose and comments on the unpleasant odor of gnomes as he follows along to glare at them. Once they arrive on the scene, the solo gnome gets the hint and turns tail back to his group. Pumfrey taunts the gnome a bit as he leaves from the safety of the larger folks company.

Watching as the 3 newest members of the group arrive, Zefarrel welcomes them in a way that is not familiar to everyone assembled. Oddly enough, Elitir is the only one who responds. The group also sees the frail looking elf arrive, speaking to them through a thin cloth. He seems far to weak to be able to handle the rigors of their trade, but there he is, trying to look as normal as possible. Zefarrel lets the group in on something she might be able to do to help, telling them that she has the ability to levitate up for a better view if necessary. The frail wizard agrees that this would be a good idea. Mac continues talking about books and writing, hinting to a new tale he is working on about being shipwrecked out at sea of all things. He confronts the weakling elf about his state of health.

From the crows nest, the captain begins screaming out orders so excitedly to his crew that you cant even make them out. The big ship starts to turn sharply to the starboard side, listing heavily in the water and causing everyone aboard to shift their footing and grab onto something solid. Once the vessel planes off again, 4 of the crewmen head for the only lifeboat on deck and start getting it ready to be put away. Off in the distance, there is a dark spot of clouds in the otherwise completely clear sky to the west. The elves spot it first, but eventually it is close enough for everyone to see. The storm must be tiny since the clouds only cover a very small portion of the sky. The ship races towards the dark clouds as fast is it can manage, blowing back hair and causing eyes to water from the stiff breeze.

The sickly looking "cloth talker" stares out over the horizon where the water meets the sky. He isn't certain, but he thinks he spots a tiny hump of bare land sticking up slightly from the surface of the sea. The group of gnomes starts packing up their papers and readying their gear as quickly as they can. One of them can be overheard shouting to the others. "This is it! It has to be!!! The captain knows about the rumors right? About the shoals? I hope he isn't planning on sailing in too close!"

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Re: Prologue: On The Ship…

#34 Post by Rex »


"Looks like they we are going to try to let the gnomes off on that small island. We best be ready to go as well just in case." She says as she makes sure of all her gear and starts to work her way towards the lifeboat. "Gods forbid, but the way this thing is handling we better be ready to swim for it as well."
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Re: Prologue: On The Ship…

#35 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Sprig holds up his hands at the nasty gnome's outburst. "So... we can be friends then? You don't have to decide now," he says as the fellow retreats back to his group. Turning to his new friends he says "I've got a bad feeling about this." He immediately starts looking for another life-boat, then remembers there isn't one. Looking up at the nearly raving captain, then back at the gnomes talking about 'shoals,' then back to the captain he adds "I'd start looking for something that floats, quick. Unless you can levitate at will, of course." He winks at the cleric, then begins briskly searching for a crate or anything else that might be buoyant enough to bear his weight in the water...
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Re: Prologue: On The Ship…

#36 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"Such wonderful color and pace! A rival gang, an unknown destination, now a reckless sprint towards possible calamity? Exquisite!" Mac starts to write some notes on the situation, then sees Sprig racing around for buoyant materials. "Ah. Right. Action. Adventures require action."

Mac looks about for things that float. "Gnomes float, right?" He says, mainly to himself. He makes a note of lengths of rope nearby.
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Re: Prologue: On The Ship…

#37 Post by Alethan »

Concerned about having to float in the near future, Finnigan looks around for any barrels or loose planks of wood that might aid in such matters...
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Re: Prologue: On The Ship…

#38 Post by scottjen »

Zefarrel levitates up the guide ropes (keeping a hand around one so stays with it until she is next to the crow's nest. She will keep a respectful distance from the captain. Greetings Captain, I hope I have not startled you. Congratulations on finding the Lost Island! I wish to arrange shore passage for myself and my companions on the boat your men are preparing. By the way, you do know about the shoals, yes?
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Re: Prologue: On The Ship…

#39 Post by Lunna »

Pumfrey heads for the lifeboat. He's small and hopes he should be able to squeeze on if necessary.

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Re: Prologue: On The Ship…

#40 Post by hyperborea »

Grossphil the Feeble

Grossphil starts shaking from both nerves and the powerful wind almost strong enough to blow him overboard and cause him to float like a feather. He's fairly certain the captain is mad and planning to drive the ship right into the shoals in his mad lust for the object of his search. He watched Zefarrel levitate up to the captain and hopes it will be enough to prevent a certain crash.

He also sees Pumfrey, the odd Halfling he'd briefly met, and realizes he's going for the life boat where the captain's men are. Grossphil worries they won't be able to board the life boat, but the halfling's decision prompts him to action too.

"Save a spot for me on that boat kind sirs!" He says through his trusty cloth as he follows behind the Halfling towards the life boat before muttering so only Pumfrey can hear him "If this ship goes down and I'm not on that boat, I'll drown for sure. I know I don't look like much in the strength department, but I have magic that might keep us all alive. If the ship goes down, can I count on you to make sure I don't make like a captain and go down with the ship?"
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