Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

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Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#1 Post by Marullus »

Followers of Beith leading an expedition into the Northern Woods.

Clint Brockhammer
Grizzly Woman
Huckleberry the Bear (NPC)
Halla (NPC)
Daystar the Mule (NPC)
Mrs. Dash the hound (NPC)
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Re: Expedition: Winnie to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#2 Post by Bluehorse »


IS getting Daystar ready and looks up to see Winnie coming up the lane with her troop of recruits and shakes her head. Her human sister would never cease to amaze her. She straightens to greet them, patting the lightly burdened mule as she does. "Hello everyone.
Winnie, It seems you have been busy."
She eyes the bear curiously and even more so the woman leading it, wondering if she is a druid. She turns to Winnie and whispers quietly. "Where ever did you find them all? What did you promise? They know we are just exploring, right?"

To the others. "If there is anything anyone is carrying that is weighing them down, please feel free to give it to Daystar here.
She can carry more for now. I expect our packs will get lighter between now and the forest anyway. I don't suppose any of you have skills for foraging or hunting to help stretch our supplies in the coming days? You ladies look sharp."
She says indicating the two bowmen. Then she looks to the Grizzly Woman. "And you and your friend look like you know where to find food with little problem as well. Pardon my asking, but are you perhaps a druid? Ranger? You are among friends regardless. Both are highly regarded by our order." She then looks at Clint and gives Winnie a questioning look. Finally, she turns to him. "Despite appearances, you are most welcome as well. Men make up the other half of the balance that is our world and the laws of Beidth. Thank you for coming along. We could use someone like you who is willing to defend should the time come. Bright Blessings upon you all."
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Re: Expedition: Winnie to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#3 Post by Zhym »

Clint Brockhammer nods at Bianca as she talks. Boy, does she use a lot of words! After a long moment, he realizes she's stopped talking. Oh! That means he's supposed to talk now, doesn't it?

"Happy to help, ma'am," he manages with a smile.
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Re: Expedition: Winnie to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#4 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Marullus: I believe Bianca is going to lead this expedition. Mrs Dash, the dog will be joining us, too.

Winnie smiles and shrugs at Bianca's questions. They all just want a bit of adventure, I guess. She makes introductions for each person, relating a small, interesting fact that she has learned about each: Halla and Bera, who want to find a grumpbear; The Grizzly Woman, who crushed the spine of a hell hound; Willow, who just returned from an expedition that slayed two dragons; Bianca, the elf who will lead the expedition; And Clint, who she met in the tavern and boldly (and literally) stepped forward when she mentioned she wanted to head to the wilderness. Winnie fades to the background to allow Bianca to fill everyone in on the plan.

For the sake of ease and the story, everyone should already know our prohibitions at this point. And I was thinking about the sound and wonder if it was Kumsar, the invisible tiger with butterfly wings.
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#5 Post by Marullus »

You travel safely to Beith's Watch on August 3rd, staying overnight at the Meeting House and setting out on August 4th north towards the forest. Workmen are busy building the new tavern as you leave - you know you'll have more to enjoy on your return.

Bearing and plan?
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#6 Post by Bluehorse »


Happy to be on their way out of the meeting house but taking the time to offer any blessings she can to followers of Beidth. The elf adjusts her gears and then does the same once more for Daystar as the others gather. She wasn't sure how, but she had been put in charge. She looked to the eager young man and motioned him over. "Care to stays up front with me and the mule? I'd like to have Halla and Bera towards the rear in case we flush any game."

To Winnie "Would you mind walking with the Grizzly Woman and her companion? I'm interested if the bear has anything to say."

Once all arrangments are made she will strike northeast by eastward into the forest.
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#7 Post by Zhym »

"Sure, I can walk in front!" says Clint.

FWIW, Clint is a mediocre meat shield. His AC is okay but not great and his HP roll was as bad as you can get without getting a re-roll. He's strong, but fragile. So be gentle with him, ladies. :)
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#8 Post by Alethan »

Unsure where to step in line, Willow ends up walking in front of Halla and Bera.

OOC: Every time I see their names together, I think of Hanna Barbera (Tom and Jerry, Yogi Bear, etc.)
Dragon foot. Bamboo pole. Little mouse. Tiny boy.
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#9 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Not Halle Bera? (Jungle Fever, X-men, James bond (Die another day))

Winnie talks with Willow and the Grizzly Woman as they walk, asking about their past lives.
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#10 Post by Marullus »

Beginning of Expedition Checks:
  • I'm assuming 3/4 movement rate. Is anyone carrying over 60lbs?
  • Or, is everyone carrying LESS than 40? (Normal chainmail and shield are 40lbs alone, so that eliminates Brock, at least. Unless he puts his pack and shield on the mule... There's a lot of leather armor on this trip, and a mule for your packs, so it is possible the others can be under 40 if you all check yourselves.)
  • Did anyone spend a week(s) with good meals to get a savings throw bonus? Please record it in a post now.
  • All spellcasters please record daily spell lists in your private forum on a thread for this expedition.

You rise at the meetinghouse and break your fast on warm and tasty mushroom soup and bread. Vassar Clement bids you fairwell and a safe return. The dawn is muted and the group sets out under thickly overcast skies. The night air is cool (53F). By mid-morning, a steady drizzle has begun which doesn't look likely to ease up for the rest of the day, though the summer warmth makes it a bit more balmy (66F) by noontime, or what passes as warmth here in the Northlands.

You head northeast over the plains, covering the eight miles to the nearest edge of the dark and forboding forest that fills the northern horizon, the only break from the everpresent trees being the solitary mountain peak that looms beyond it to the north, but with the cloudy morning that is naught but mist. You are grateful to reach the tree boughs without incident and to have the canopy providing decent cover from the constant misty drizzle that you've been in all morning.

Chatting amongst yourselves, glad for the relief from the rain, you are barely a quarter-mile into the woods and don't notice the baboons until eleven of them drop shrieking from the trees onto you. Intent on blood, it is blur of gray fur, yellow teeth, and red butts as they drive at your party trying to make the most of their surprise. They're a hunting party and relying on their superior numbers, their muscular simian arms striking outward with tree-branch clubs.

They gang up on Hucklberry, sensing the large bear as the greatest threat. Only one of them manages to strike her hide, though (-2). The surprise attack otherwise falls worst on Halla (Crit, -8) and Berra (-4), who wrestle with their furred foes. Willow also is struck in the pandemonium (-5), while their blows are to no avail against Bianca's armor and Clint is able to bring up his shield just in time to deflect the club of another beast.


Date: 03 August 2021, 12:23pm
Distance: ~8 miles
Effects: None
Injuries: Halla (severe wound), Berra (moderate wound), Willow (moderate wound), Huckleberry (minor wound)

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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#11 Post by Zhym »

Clint is at 69 lbs, per my calculations. Chain mail, shield, long sword, long bow, arrows, backpack, bedroll, wineskin, 7 days of trail rations, 8 gp. Have I mentioned how giving strength bonuses to encumbrance helps heavily-armored fighters keep from slowing the party down? ;)

"Away, beasts!" commands Clint. He unsheathes his sword "Sword" and slashes at the baboons.

Longsword (THAC0 19): [1d20+2] = 3+2 = 5 [1d8+2] = 4+2 = 6
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#12 Post by Alethan »

OOC: Spell list updated. What is the encumbrance for the green dragon skin armour? Willow wears that and has a shield. Also, I don't think she had a week to rest between adventures? She came into town and then basically headed back out again, so no bonuses for her.

Willow casts Hold Person/Mammal on the group of baboons nearest her...

Hold Person vs. baboons [1d4] = 3
Dragon foot. Bamboo pole. Little mouse. Tiny boy.
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#13 Post by Marullus »

The green dragonscale counts as leather armor (15lbs). You returned on the 24 July and departed on 03 August, so you can claim a seven-day stay if you pay for good meals and lodging somewhere.

We'll assume Clint puts his backpack on the mule, which drops him under 60. ;)
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#14 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Winnie stifles a scream and tries to stay out of harms way, commanding Mrs. Dash to defend her. She blows a handful of dried rose petals into the air while reciting an incantation.

Cast Sleep on the baboons.

Dang. I had intended for her to be invisible as we walked and forgot bout that. :(
She had over a weeks worth of good meals. My initial post returning to town was edited to reflect it was 9 days in town, not 7. Additional sliver deducted.
Winnie is at 36#

Initiative [1d6] = 2 Bluehorse, you'll be wanting to reroll that initiative, I believe.
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#15 Post by Alethan »

Marullus wrote:The green dragonscale counts as leather armor (15lbs). You returned on the 24 July and departed on 03 August, so you can claim a seven-day stay if you pay for good meals and lodging somewhere.

We'll assume Clint puts his backpack on the mule, which drops him under 60. ;)
Ah, sorry, I missed the dates so didn't think it was possible. Then Willow had good meals and lodging.
Dragon foot. Bamboo pole. Little mouse. Tiny boy.
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#16 Post by Zhym »

BTW, can new PCs pay for good meals and lodging before the expedition?
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#17 Post by Marullus »

Zhym wrote:BTW, can new PCs pay for good meals and lodging before the expedition?
If you wish to spend starting coin, yes.
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#18 Post by Zhym »

Okay. Clint will have eaten well for two weeks at a cost of 7 gp.
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Re: Expedition: Bianca to the North Woods - 03 Aug 2021

#19 Post by Bluehorse »


The elf goes wide-eyed as the Baboons descend upon them. She whirls around in the direction she felt the telltale *clunk* against her mail shirt and sees a baboon. Without thinking, she draws her sword and swings for the attacking creature but is apparently still rattled from the surprise attack.

Initiative [1d6] = 6

Willow Will Longsword +1 (Thac0 17) To Hit [1d20+1] = 3+1 = 4 Damage [1d8+1] = 5+1 = 6

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