Rhapsody in Blood

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Rhapsody in Blood

#1 Post by learjet22 »

I think we're all set to start adventuring. If we aren't, well, we'll figure out what we're missing as we go.
It's wedding day for the Princess, and you're all cordially invited. Actually, everyone in the town is. The King relishes publicizing these things. Whether you're going to snatch a few gold from the local snobs, or were invited from afar but actually sent as a punishment, you're all present at her wedding.

You’re in the town square, which isn’t exactly in the middle of the town. In fact, the Town Square marks the border of Zeolonu. The King is giving a speech in celebration of his daughter’s wedding. She’s obviously put upon by this, and rolls her eyes. You see crystal clear that the marriage isn't of her choosing. The King indicates a very finely dressed man who throws a handful of silver into the crowd as he makes his way over to kiss her. He has an irritating smile on his face, but not for long! An arrow goes whizzing through the air at lightning speeds, and it purges him straight in the heart! It came from atop a building! The crowd dazed, only a few of you see a figure jump down and rush into the woods. They've put too much distance between you and them before you can attempt to attack them immediately with ranged weapons. There is hope of pursuing them in the woods if you act quickly enough. What do you do?

Currently, you all haven't met, as you're each in different sections of the crowd. But each of you have motivation to catch this criminal, whether it's because you seek justice, or so that the King would owe you favor and wealth. One thing's for sure: You're going to have to act fast.
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Re: Rhapsody in Blood

#2 Post by Modric »


Reilik, a Priest of Budhi God of Light and Prophecy, had travelled to the royal wedding from his temple in the provinces. Seeing the death of the Prince from the crowd, Reilik believes he was destined to be here and bring the murderer to justice. Armed with his mace, Reilik starts after the suspect...
Last edited by Modric on Sat Mar 09, 2013 8:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rhapsody in Blood

#3 Post by learjet22 »

[Sorry for the unclearness, it wasn't the king who was shot, it was the almost-prince.]
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Re: Rhapsody in Blood

#4 Post by NJWilliam »

Ruarc snaps himself out of his bored daydream from watching the town's version of a wedding. A chase! He would make the best of this "emissary's" task to civilization. He sprints in the direction the killer ran, long fast strides making full use of his running and endurance.
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Re: Rhapsody in Blood

#5 Post by learjet22 »

[Make a Running roll. Endurance won't apply here because it's a short sprint.]
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Re: Rhapsody in Blood

#6 Post by Rotten »


Scotty had come to the wedding for opportunity, to make gold in anyway that presents itself. He dressed in disguise, impersonating a man of the highest class his meager coin purse could afford to look like. Perhaps someone would mistake him for a lesser nobleman and he could strike up a relationship that would lead him into someone's home and closer to his/her valuables. Or perhaps he could sneak in while others were at the party an not guarding his house. Or he might pick a fat purse during the ceremony.

*Whoosh, the arrow flew by. Opportunity!

Scotty caught a glimpse of the shooter up high. A hero's welcome would await him if he captured this assassin. But, not until he attempts to pick a pocket in all this commotion.

Scotty runs in the direction of the assassin, purposely bumping into the wealthiest looking man in his path, attempting to pick his pocket, while apologizing profusely, and then giving a real chase to the assassin. He will dart around the building where the assailant was last seen, attempting to locate him.

Tumbling [1d100] = 75

Pick Pockets [1d100] = 6
Last edited by Rotten on Sun Mar 10, 2013 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rhapsody in Blood

#7 Post by tkrexx »

Blast! D'arqo almost had his mark made, his light fingers mere inches from the fat pouch dangling from the even fatter merchant cheering the festive speech of the King. Then somebody had to go and get themselves impaled, and the crowd goes wild. Bodies running, shoving, heaving in every direction, his mark gone and he can make no other in this chaotic sea of panicked, round-eared Humans. Best, he thinks, to remove himself from this mess, lest he get crushed by these huge, two-legged cattle, or he himself is somehow put to blame for the entire affair.

The Elf finally battles his way out of the throng, and almost misses the sight of someone speeding into the forest carrying a bow. Could it be? No... Then a fistful of others give chase, brandishing maces, swords and bows of their own. Could it really be? Maybe... A share of reward would certainly put the purse of a merchant to pale, especially if he simply follows and claims a part of it. He gives himself a slight shrug. He may as well, nothing more for him here this day. Off he bolts after those who would give chase.
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Re: Rhapsody in Blood

#8 Post by NJWilliam »

Ruarc - running (tertiary barbarian skill): [1d20] = 12
OOC: he does have a base 15" movement as a barbarian!
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Re: Rhapsody in Blood

#9 Post by learjet22 »

Typically, skill checks are done with percents, and I have running written down as one of your skills with a percent chance of success next to it. Sorry if it was made unclear. Skill Checks are percent rolls. Because of the confusion, I'll just give this one to you as a freebie.
Scotty's Pick Pockets:
While the fall isn't as graceful as you would've liked, you're able to successfully dig your hand through this moron's pocket. Meanwhile, he probably views you in a good light now because of your manners. That sucker. Anyways, for the actual belongings:
-A handkerchief (he looked like he was crying his eyes out at the glorious sight of the Princess getting married)
-4 silver, 5 copper
-A small kit of make up. Obviously this guy made an effort to look good at this gathering. You think you might be able to use this for disguise.
Ruarc's Running Roll:
You burst ahead, leaving any other individuals who caught sight of the assassin in the dust, and it pays off! You're able to catch a glimpse of a narrow foot being lifted into the thick branches of the trees. Obviously, the enemy is hiding themself in the trees, but the question is: Can you find them?
The Rest of the Party:
You three, as well, rush into the forest, following the tracks of that swift man. The three of you enter this dense coppice, and you see a very large, strong looking human man, although he only looks to be in his early twenties. You see his eyes darting around amongst the thick branches, but you're incapable of spotting the enemy.

Suddenly...Ftangg. Two arrows shoot from behind you, but they both plunk to the ground as if to send a warning. You see the branches from whence the arrows were shot wiggle, as if this stealthy villain was jumping to another branch. But oh! What's that you see. It would appear your nemesis dropped something. But you get the feeling such an evasive person as this would not go back for their belongings while they're in plain sight. Assassin or not--they're outnumbered. What do you do?
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Re: Rhapsody in Blood

#10 Post by Rotten »

Scotty sensed the familiar shape and feel of coins (amongst the other items) from that man's pocket, and though unable to count them at the moment, feels his day a success. The only thing that might ruin the moment would be an arrow in his gut.

That fool dropped something, perhaps an identifier that will allow us to catch up with him later, he thinks in a flash. He does a diving roll towards the nearest tree to put a barrier between him and the assassin. Safety first...

Tumbling [1d100] = 11

Perhaps that large man got a good look at him.

If safe, he will peep around the tree to attempt to observe the assassin.
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Re: Rhapsody in Blood

#11 Post by learjet22 »

The large man didn't notice you, and you aren't able to see the assassin behind a tree. The way that guy was looking at the treetops, you think they're concealed in the branches. Being a sly fellow yourself, you wonder if this assassin might've fled. Their job was to kill the soon to be Prince, and it might not be in their interests to pick a fight with a random group of four people. Did you take the items the assassin dropped? Or someone dropped. You don't know who dropped them.
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Re: Rhapsody in Blood

#12 Post by Rotten »

Regarding the dropped items:

Scotty was primarily concerned with not getting shot, but intended to grab those items and the 2 arrows once determining safety.

He listens for movement in the trees: Hear Noise (10%) = [1d100] = 60

Once he feels it is safe, he will quickly move towards the items to grab them.

Next, he will pick up the two arrows, examining them closely for any clues. His father was a fletcher and he has some skill in it as well, perhaps this knowledge will tell him more about the make of these arrows and perhaps even the maker, such as a signature style. He will also attempt to determine the quailty (price) of the arrow. Knowing whether a peasant could afford this arrow or not will narrow down the identity of the culprit. Of course a rich man could use a cheap arrow to throw people off his trail, but a poor man could usually not afford an exquisite arrow to do the same.

Fletching - [1d100] = 38

Appraisal - [1d100] = 75

Scotty will tuck the 2 arrows into his quiver after gleaning as much knowledge as he can from them. That is, if no one objects.
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Re: Rhapsody in Blood

#13 Post by Modric »


Will pick up the item the assassin dropped and then find cover.
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Re: Rhapsody in Blood

#14 Post by tkrexx »

D'arqo dives for cover. When he decided to give chase he was not counting on being a target, and the giant Human is something he'd rather not encounter under the circumstances. Another of the chasers runs for trinkets dropped from the trees, but might these not be diversions, so the culprit has extra moments to make good his getaway? The trees and branches may hinder a shot from a sling, which was his only intention of engaging the quarry. He snaps his slender sword from it's sheath and eyes the branches, hoping whoever is up there has no desire to consider him more of a threat than the others present.
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Re: Rhapsody in Blood

#15 Post by learjet22 »

You listen very closely, but you just aren't able to discern any noises. Maybe it's because they're gone, but maybe they still lurk above you. And unfortunately for Scotty, he didn't make either of his rolls. The arrows seem perfectly normal. It doesn't seem that there's poison on the arrow, but you think there could've been poison on the arrow that killed the not-Prince.
Upon further inspection, there seems to be a couple things dropped by the assassin. You find there are two bone vials, closed by cork which are wrapped in a note. (You think the vials are made of bone to be more durable. Obviously this assassin took precaution.)
You stay still and unharmed. There aren't any signs of the assassin coming back, and your superior elven hearing doesn't suggest that they're returning.
All of you fearfully hide from this assassin, but they don't return. That big guy doesn't continue looking for the assassin, and you all think it might be best to comfort the king and his daughter for their loss. You have a couple of leads what with the things the assassin left behind, and you're afraid to pursue this person. Not to mention, you all haven't even talked to each other yet because of the tension of the moment. There's a mutual feeling that if you're going to be dealing with an assassin--it would be better to do it alone.
(By the way, what do our two casters have memorized, just in case something happens.)
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Re: Rhapsody in Blood

#16 Post by Rotten »

Scotty will question the large man as to what he saw.

He will then offer to read the note, suggesting that it would be wise to do before opening the vials.

Reading (1) - [1d100] = 42

ooc- not sure if I needed a skill roll for reading, but there it is.

He will climb the tree where the assassin was believed to be, to investigate for any clues, torn clothing, anything inadvertantly left behind in the tree limbs.

Climb Walls (25%) = [1d100] = 77

He will continue to attempt to climb the tree...

After questioning the large man and perhaps reading the note and checking the tree, he will return to the town square to comfort the King and Princess.
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Re: Rhapsody in Blood

#17 Post by learjet22 »

OOC: I can't speak for the big man, because that's NJWilliam's character, so he can tell you what he saw. (I also think it says earlier in the thread what he was able to catch sight of.)
(No, you don't need to roll for reading, haha, it's more how proficient at it you are.)
The note:
It is true that the princess has been arranged to marry. Your reconnaissance assisted us by tipping us off in that fashion. Because of this newfound information, I have a second job for you. Kill her fiance. It would place the North in a position of power to have a future King and Queen for their realm. We cannot allow the North to rise in power in fears of them overpowering our future organization. The South’s sake is irrelevant. We need the North to be in a position of weakness for at least a bit longer, in order to secure our own position.
After the fiance is dead, meet me at our rendezvous point we previously discussed. There, we may discuss further plans. Use the tools I gave you wisely, and good luck. I have my own endeavors to tend to, so this will be all for now.
PS-Expect more supplies and tools when you reach Teritu. I may throw a surprise in there as well.
Stay Sinister,
Your Sister Camilla
You weren't really able to find anything in the tree, as this assassin is pretty nimble. You are, however, able to see how they maneuvered so swiftly through the branches. You think you could do something similar.
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Re: Rhapsody in Blood

#18 Post by NJWilliam »

Ruarc climbs the tree nearest the foot he saw, and looks for signs of where the assassin headed from there.

Ruarc Climb trees and cliffs (85%): [1d100] = 48

Not sure if a roll is needed for tracking, just in case: Ruarc - general percentile roll: [1d100] = 32
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Re: Rhapsody in Blood

#19 Post by learjet22 »

Ruarc isn't able to spot the assassin. That's a really tough tracking roll to make, as they're quiet, nimble, and likely hiding in the shadows and darkness cast by the trees. He has an inkling that this assassin probably fled at the sight of a gigantic, hulking man as well as a group of three more people.
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Re: Rhapsody in Blood

#20 Post by Modric »


Observing the vials, checks the notes.

Reilik heads back to the party with the vials to see if he can be of any assistance to the prince and guests.

(Spells prayed for: Cure Light Wounds/ Light)
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