Rules and House Rules--Read This First (ANNOUNCEMENT)

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Rules and House Rules--Read This First (ANNOUNCEMENT)

#1 Post by learjet22 »

Okay, so in this thread, I will be posting any house rules which may affect the game. You don't need to know my rulings on illusions if there are no Illusionists. (Don't make an Illusionist just to find out how I rule illusions.) Also, I'll say the major rules:

EDIT: Use Unseen Servant to create your character if you can. Use 4d6, drop the lowest to generate scores. Arrange them in the order of your pleasing. Thanks to NJWilliam for pointing this out, as I forgot to put this previously.

I will be using, for the most part, 1E. There are some things which I will be implementing from other editions such as character classes. I am keeping class and racial limits, as well as benefits.

One major thing I will be changing is Non-Weapon Proficiencies. You don't have to exchange Weapon Proficiencies for Non-Weapon Proficiencies to get them, but unless you study under someone advanced in your desired skill, you won't be able to obtain skill unless you attempt to do something not in your skillset a lot, therein getting 9 experience points. I give skill points at first level for your character to spend on various skills (you get bonus points for high intelligence). Every skill ranges from 0-level to 9th level. At 0-level, it requires 9 "Experience Points" to get to 1st level. You get experience points for rolling well or really badly (we learn from our mistakes) on particular skill percent rolls. I'm sorry this all sounds so confusing. It'll become a lot clearer through playing.

I also award experience differently. It wastes too much time to calculate how much experience every monster is worth, and I don't give experience for treasure. Experience will be given periodically (because we don't have distinct sessions) based on role-playing, content, and how well everyone did. It's more of a spontaneous deal with me. Speaking of spontaneity, I award random XP bonuses if you do something genius. These are typically small, and they scale with level.

EDIT FOR THE BILLIONTH TIME: Magic Users/Illusionists are allowed to use their Weapon Proficiency slots barring 1st level for more magical things. Perhaps you want to augment your familiar. You could make a minor magic item. Discuss this with me at a later date.

Okay, now that you've survived my rambling. Go make your character.
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Re: Rules and House Rules--Read This First

#2 Post by Rotten »

If making a thief, do you use the 1e method of standard percentage assigned per thief level or the 2e method of the player gets to allocate a certain amount of percentage points per his desire?
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Re: Rules and House Rules--Read This First

#3 Post by learjet22 »

Stay constant to the amount of percentage gained each level in 1e, but allocate it however you want. If you want an 80% Hear Noise right off the bat, who am I to say no? Plus this prevents Thieves from becoming cookie cutters. (P.S. You can arrange your stats however you want, so if you're playing a thief because of your rolls, don't.)
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Re: Rules and House Rules--Read This First

#4 Post by Rotten »

Ok about adding percentage when gaining a level, buy how much should I start with per skill and what can I allocate at first level?

I prefer to be find/remove traps & open locks geared.
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Re: Rules and House Rules--Read This First

#5 Post by learjet22 »

I feel that I shouldn't give extra for first level, although 195% total is just mean, so you're allowed to divide 200% between the 8 skills however you want. Yes, you can Read Languages if you want at 1st level. And every level, you can have 30% to divvy however you like. Sound good? (I know the Bard gets 15% on their thief skills, so it seems you should have double.)
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Re: Rules and House Rules--Read This First

#6 Post by Rotten »

Ok. Then add racial and dex bonus I hope. Heheh
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Re: Rules and House Rules--Read This First

#7 Post by learjet22 »

As always. :D Just remember, you can add as many bonuses as are legal, but I can screw you over twice as fast. :twisted: But I probably won't. You'll have a chance.
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Re: Rules and House Rules--Read This First (ANNOUNCEMENT)

#8 Post by learjet22 »

Regarding the Oriental Adventures you guys keep telling me about. Should you desire to play one of those classes, there would be some modifications made to it. You will not receive ki powers. I apologize if that was a pivotal part of your playing one of those classes, but ki powers aren't fair unless everyone has them. Also, your character is not going to be oriental. I'm sorry if that comes across as racist, but the flavor of my campaign is too different from that to support oriental characters. That being said, you might be able to retain some of the powers of those classes. You could just be a thief who was trained differently. I just think that the Oriental Adventure classes are much more powerful than the core classes, and for balance reasons, I'm not allowing them in straight up. I will say this, however, I simply adored the idea of the Ninja class, and I would totally go for that straight up because of the daunting requirements and the role playing possibilities. I could see the Ninja being a subclass of the Monk. Actually, I tried inventing a Ninja class one time, unaware of this book. If you would be interested in that, we could work that out.
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