Game Setting & Background

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Game Setting & Background

#1 Post by Starbeard »



Imagen 659 GUE*, the Kingdom of Quendor was relatively small, encompassing seven-and-a-half provinces on the western shore of the Great Sea, an agrarian land whose major products were rope and mosquito netting. It was the thirty-first year of the reign of Zilbo III, part of a dynasty dating back more than six centuries to Entharion the Wise, the first King of Quendor. However, that dynasty was about to end with the ascension of Duncanthrax to the throne of Quendor on the final day of 659.”

“Little is known about what became of Zilbo after 659. Some say he was killed during a palace revolt, or simply died from too much reveling while celebrating the upcoming New Year. There is evidence that he was exiled to a villa where he invented the card game Double Fanucci.”

“Likewise, historians disagree about Duncanthrax’s life prior to 659. A petition signed by palace guards in 657, asking for an increase in the mosquito netting allotment, bears a signature that looks suspiciously like ‘Duncanthrax.’ Some historians insist that Duncanthrax was general of the Royal Militia. One legend even suggests that Duncanthrax was a demon who assumed human form. Another legend describes him as a former rope salesman.”

“Whatever his origins, Duncanthrax quickly developed a reputation for cruelty, bloodthirstiness and aggressiveness, thus earning himself the nickname ‘The Bellicose King.’ He raised a tremendous army and began a systematic conquest of the neighboring kingdoms. Within three years, Duncanthrax ruled an empire that controlled virtually all the land between the Great Sea and the Kovalli Desert.”

*Adding “GUE” after a year did not become common practice until the latter part of the eighth century.



Imagen 665, the forces of Duncanthrax vanquished the Antharian Armada at the famous battle of Fort Griffspotter. The island-nation of Antharia was, at the time, the world's premier sea power, and this victory gave Duncanthrax undisputed control of the Great Sea and put the superb ship-building facilities of Antharia at his disposal. (The conquest of Antharia also gave Duncanthrax possession of Antharia’s famed granola mines. Unfortunately, no one in Quendor liked granola.)”

“Within months, Quendor’s navy was returning from voyages with tales of a magical land on the distant eastern shore of the Great Sea. Duncanthrax was incensed that this vast land existed outside his dominion, and spent many nights storming the halls of his castle bellowing at his servants and advisors. Then, one day, he had a sudden inspiration: assemble a huge fleet, cross the Great Sea and conquer the lands on the eastern shore. Not only would he extend his empire, but he'd finally have a market for all that useless granola.”

“As Duncanthrax’s invasion swept across the new lands, he made a startling discovery: huge caverns and tunnels, populated by gnomes, trolls and other magical races, all of whom loved granola. Even as Duncanthrax conquered this region, his imagination was inspired by this natural underground formation. If these caverns and tunnels were possible in nature, so might they be formed by humans Duncanthrax realized that by burrowing into the ground he could increase the size of his empire fivefold or even tenfold!”

“The Frobozz Magic Construction Company (the forerunner of the modern industrial giant FrobozzCo International) was formed to undertake this project in 668. For the remaining 20 years of Duncanthrax’s reign, cavern-building continued at a breakneck pace. The natural caverns in the eastern lands were expanded tremendously, and new caverns and passages were dug in the western lands, chiefly in the vicinity of Duncanthrax’s castle, Egreth. By the time of his death in 688, Duncanthrax ruled virtually all territory in the known world, above and below ground.”

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Rider of Rohan
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Re: Game Setting & Background

#2 Post by Starbeard »

Young Underground Professionals Wanted

The bustling port of Antharia! Scores of young would-be adventurers are crowding the docks, ready to sign their lives away to the Frobozz Magic Construction Company. The Company's galleys are headed for the Eastlands across the Great Sea, loaded with mercenaries, workers, wizards and raw granola. Their goal is twofold: 1) to turn a hefty profit, and 2) to bring the Great Empire's rule to the Eastland's wondrous, magical tunnels—all in the name of Duncanthrax the Bellicose!

Sea spray and burning coal fill the air as your party ascends the gangway onto the H.B.M.S. Doubledeal, a merchant marine vessel headed for one of the many unexplored areas off the continent. The Ship's Captain, Sir Harlidoone Sprunkle, looks every bit the part as he gathers the crew around him and unfurls a crude map. "This is our destination," he says before spitting sidelong into a spitoon. "Don't ask me what the writing means. I imagine it's Troll, or somesuch."

Everyone stares at the map, wondering what adventures lie in wait underground…


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