On the island: About the Ship & Cove

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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#281 Post by onlyme »

Manoah asks,

Well, what do we have to do to get there? and Where is dear Aramis? Please tell me he is safe.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
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ASC: (Day 10/11): a sorrowful debrief; on through the night.

#282 Post by Argennian »

~ Once particulars of and regrets for how Manoah's beloved uncle and mentor died are made known to him, a solemn, dejected looking Ziller moves away to give him space. It's a terrible blow he's just delivered on the young fellow, who already lost a father and of late his own fellow comrades in arms. Hard pill to swallow, let alone come to terms with. Even now details of what happened that terrible night on the coastal trail are being sought, and ones known sorted.

The veteran halfling commander and de facto leader of the Hands of Balance takes a deep breath as he wipes away tears and grinds his teeth at longtime companion pain and nemesis grief. It's obvious he's walked the path of first hand notification and subsequent commiseration more times than most. Soldiers die. Soldiers also live. He takes a seat, and after a moment of quiet consideration, reaches for Billing's eastern spirits. Welling tears break their eyeball restraints to finally fall unabated like mini waterfalls down his weary, burned and bloodied visage.

Emm is first to end the sorrowful silence by engaging their newly-met ranger friend...
tkrexx wrote:You are the one the Great Owl spoke of, Emm's black eyes drill into Manoah, The Lost One, on the sandbar islet, who evaded the Karagonians. Of the hardships you must have endured, only a Druid or a Ranger might stand away so healthy. I do not wear that sort of armor, Ranger, nor wield these sorts of weapons. We are natural allies, by nature and, in this instance, by politics, and your skillset fills the gaps in my own. You are most welcome.

Mention of the party's recently-slain, druid-befriended giant owl ally would likely go right over the head of the overwhelmed ranger, but he discovers this was how Ziller and the others found out about his and the others arrival at the Sprice Tridents, and in turn launched the rescue mission that saved his and at least most of the others' lives...

The druidess cites some of their class differences but believes the two of them share a bond. She complements Manoah's skillset and offers they're not just kindred spirits in their collective love for nature but certainly commoners in feeling the effects of the politics of persecution.

Alethan wrote:Bog eyes the newcomer in a different light, upon hearing of his trials thus far.

"Didn't get a chance to get to know your uncle, but you only need to know one thing about great people - how they died. He died saving us, and for a greater cause."
Gentleman Billy and Ziller both offer affirmations to the big fighter's supplemental validation. The embattled hafling lord pours another stiff drink whilst the elder master thief nods gratefully Bogdan's way and moves to take a seat next to the grieving young ranger.

"My name's Billy. I served with your uncle during the last years of the Great War. He was one of the bravest and most dutiful, selfless men I've ever known. I considered him a very dear and trusted friend. As the good commander already stated, we remain indebted to him for his service and sacrifice. I would honor him by doing whatever I can to help you, Manoah. You need only ask..."

The old master thief and retired soldier offers his plea after the heartfelt eulogy. Although highly intelligent and capable of prolific verbosity if so desired, he speaks plainly and from the heart, choosing not to tangle or attach lengthy, oft-times befuddling descriptors to beget the point.

Whether capable of assimilating the entirety of it all in that very moment, Manoah realizes his uncle had more than just acquaintances from the war in these fellow soldiers. They were not only brothers in arms but very close friends and trusted comrades. The amount of grief and obvious pain he and Ziller exhibit prove they both loved and revered him...

Ziller offers a drink to Manoah and anyone else that needs or wants one. "We recovered your uncle's body from the battlefield. I'll take you to see him later. His remaining belongings will go to you as his only living kin. That was his wish..."

Manoah acknowledges the halfling commander's words with a nod but says nothing. Going back to a previous point in the debrief concerning their collective status and his long lost cousin, the young Scout replies with more queries...
onlyme wrote:Manoah asks,

Well, what do we have to do to get there? And where is dear Aramis? Please tell me he is safe.

"Aye, he's safe, and still with us. At present, I believe he's down in the hold assisting Najania and Ziffiris with identifying things?" he guesses, with a look towards Billy. The old master thief and retired soldier nods in the affirmative.

"Far as what needs to happen to get us back headed west, that depends on how repairs are going with the ship. She sustained heavy damage during the voyage here, when we were attacked by a rather large giant squid of all random possibilities. Still need an update from Captain Billings there, but unless something's changed, we should be departing within the week?" Again the halfling looks to the human for confirmation. Billy nods but this time it's one meant to convey more or less, accompanied by an irregular grimace. Ziller's face screws up with concern and the two share a series of looks and facial gestures that seem to speak volumes without a single word uttered. The old friends, soldiers and lifelong accomplices end the strange exchange with nods of regretful understanding.

The embattled halfling commander takes a deep breath and closes his eyes one last time before standing to depart. "I now have the unfortunate task of going below to inform Manoah's fellow shipwreck survivor, Jareth, that his master was also killed. I must also see to Hollis. He's the young fellow we brought back with them. He lost his father and uncle during their voyage. Afterward, I'll be busy with Shanny, Jorelle and the general. There's much to debrief on and report. What happened on the rescue mission, what happened here while we were gone, where we are with all of it..."

Ziller shares another of those looks with Billy before looking around the table. His tired, bloodshot gaze comes to rest on the latest member of the confederate Island Hands. "Manoah, you are among friends and family here. Please, make yourself comfortable as you can. If there is anything you have need of, Billy will see to it. He'll help you get cleaned up and find a place to get settled in. When I'm all caught up, I'll come see you..."

~ The mighty moon Mosara approaches her midnight roost when Ziller departs the stern castle to make his rounds. Realizing a totality of formal acquaintance all around has not yet been accomplished, Billy introduces Manoah to Lauranna and Ulrich.

The High-elf and dwarf had been silent and in serious consideration of everything they'd just heard, the magic-user/thief also still thinking about certain tangos on their collective adversary list and what spells she'll need to have on hand when they meet again whilst the cleric remains concerned about the condition of the just-arrived wounded he attended to in the infirmary and for Lord Jovak's cousin Jorelle. The just-returned dwarf captain, who'd succeeded in getting Manoah and the others out of Karagonia in the nick of time, had admittedly failed in his mission and oath to keep them alive and safe at all costs. What should have been a joyous, uplifting reunion had been a sobering, emotionally-strained sitrep. The somewhat-sidelined, sightless general had taken his officer's report portentously and was visibly uneasy with certain details. Ulrich had been dismissed to attend the meeting in the stern castle long before talk of what they found in the back of a hidden cave on that island and what their recently-deceased, old native ally had in his possession could be discussed...

With the entirety of acquaintances finally realized, the subsequent small talk eventually concludes. Defense Condition Two is again officially set and the party are left to return to their respective bunks, hammocks and cots to try to get some sleep. Needless to say, there's way too much on collective minds to make that objective a slam dunk and the remainder of the long night stalks by glacially. For some more painfully than others.
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ASC: (Day 11): morning regroup; a loaded breakfast

#283 Post by Argennian »

~ Dawn is the next encounter to befall the ship and cove. A welcome concurrence indeed. Mighty Hazara erupts from the watery eastern horizon with routine matchless measure to bathe the entire island chain and surrounding hemisphere in a dazzling cacophony of brilliant gold, deep purple and lush reddish hues as she sallies forth up towards a sky of gathering clouds. To the west a dark, ominous horizon and what could be a major storm brewing. If one arises and pushes east, it could pound the islands and further complicate already problematic matters...

When there's finally enough light to see by properly, and all visual, olfactory and magical radars remain silent on the detection front, scouts are deployed to investigate the area. The entire perimeter of the hidden cove is closely scrutinized from outside the spell bubble surrounding the ship, especially within the northern treeline where they heard the familiar growling. No physical calling card of the so-far unknown evil is found within the thick, restrictive flora, nor any sign of tracks not belonging to Island Hands or native wildlife upon nearby game trails and paths. But evidence that something went down emerges with the discovery that the magical security countermeasures deployed about the area outside the spell bubble, more specifically the ones on the northern side of the cove, have been disabled. They had to have either been dispelled or perhaps negated by someone or something. Ziller has them retrieved for inspection and replaced with live working ones. Whilst doing so, the team also deploy a few more goodies that might just help...

With their immediate perimeter and the surrounding area now checked and declared clear, scouts are dispatched out further north and south. Word from the northern trail reconnoiter has the pirate ship that arrived yesterday and dropped anchor in a cove further north of them still present. The sea raiders have finished gathering provisions and set a careful watch on the island and surrounding waters, and appear to be waiting for someone or something. Perhaps their mates on the southern side of the island to finish whatever it is they're doing and return?

The southerly scouting returns with word from Cutler. He and Caelvanna have set up an ambush blind off the southern trail and continue to maintain their lookout vigil and readiness to go papa gulf tango whiskey should the party's favorite missing Karagonian lieutenant and mage come bumbling along. They've also been watching the longboat of pirates that arrived yesterday, who've set up camp at a small cove further east than the trail to the cliff cave and one it appears they've been to before. So far, they've dug up some stuff that was buried nearby and appear to be going through it all. When they began poking around the area, they discovered the abandoned Karagonian Navy longboat and got spooked. But they also found the hacked up giant monitor the ship's cook ultimately dispatched and the metal-armored remains of the slept sergeant he fed it, so they assumed the Karagonian soldiers that arrived in said longboat had been slain and eaten by the hungry overgrown reptile before it succumbed to its many wounds. Of note is two of the sea dogs' landing party have donned packs and taken to the trail headed to the east side of the island. The others remaining have hidden their dingy in the water weeds and remain on guard about their camp.

Once all scouts have returned and situation reports submitted, normal repair duties are resumed and breakfast is called down on the beach. The party gathers with Gentleman Billy around the fire pit under the protective cover of fire support teams on station aboard the Seahawk and at the beach HQ. The island's avian and insect populations have also awakened in their respective chirping, singing, buzzing and clicking manners and begin going about their normal daily business. A strange comfort of sorts. The sea air is noticeably cooler today, however, and barometric pressure lower, indicators of an impending storm. A not so amicable consideration.

Smashing immediate weather concerns, however are the heady aromas of the morning meal. Freshly made crab cakes, crab omelets and a spicy crustacean hash accompany the thick wild island boar bacon, pork chops and hot oatmeal with berries & nuts. To everyone's pleasure, there's also once again eggs, fresh butter and milk, as well as fruit juice to go with Shanny's revitalizing tea. Rip & Thomas even provide a few decanters of hot coffee, the strange, dark-brewed refreshment that Zimba acquired last time he visited his homeland in the southern kingdoms. It tastes bitter for the first couple sips, unless you add sweet cane or honey, but gets far smoother afterward either way. It seems to help folks wake up and give them a boost of energy, and it's main ingredient, called Caffenium, exhibits an almost addictive appeal.

A cleaned up but still tired-looking Ziller disembarks the Seahawk and joins Billy and the others down on the beach. He takes a seat around the fire pit and a cup of coffee when proffered. He looks about the party as he slowly sips the foreign libation, his bloodshot eyes resting to meet Manoah's for a few segments, before clearing his throat and undertaking the morning report.

"Good morning, friends. I hope everyone got at least some sleep?" he queries, looking around the fire pit again. "Tis been a long, busy night and although I have yet to get any rack time meself, I am still most relieved to be back. The good general and Captain Jorelle have seen fit to provide us a new supply of fresh food and water via their prayers, and I for one am grateful for the boon. Please enjoy it and eat your fill...

"Speaking of our recently-returned captain, I've been fully debriefed on what happened during their voyage to the Sprice Tridents and their becoming shipwrecked upon one of the smaller isles east of here. It seems not long after arriving, they came upon, or perhaps I should say rescued, an old native named Cahbal. He was a member of the indigenous barbarian tribes that have occupied these islands for as long as anyone can remember. He'd apparently been hiding out there, exiled from his tribe for speaking out against his shaman and elders' ongoing contact with certain outsider influences. Before he was forced to leave, however, he snuck into his tribe's holy cave and took possession of a very unique and powerful artifact. This was something his people had been sworn to protect down through their generations, and keep secret from outsiders at all costs, along with many things left behind by the original inhabitants of these islands in the ancient times...

"From what Jorelle says, Cahbal feared it would end up in the hands of the pirate confederacy or the Karagonian Navy. It seems the pirates, who've been operating out of a hidden base at the easternmost of the three largest islands of this chain, had figured out a way to establish peaceful contact with the natives where no others had been able, and since then, had been methodically working to try and deceive and ultimately subjugate the tribal populaces into giving up the secrets of these isles they were supposed to keep hidden and protect. Seems we've also learned the pirates and the Karagonian military have made and enjoyed an alliance of sorts, which explains a lot and substantiates suspicions many of us have long held after the war...

"Anyway, this Khoryloh gem, or ancient holy stone as Jorelle describes it, is no small trinket, in size nor substance. It is said to have been crafted in ancient times, even before the race of man came to walk the Aerth. It's true history is one of mystery and whispered legend, and it's presence here and now seems unlikely and raises suspicions. Jorelle claims it a long lost gift of the gods, bestowed upon his ancient kin who ruled these lands in olden times, and that it's enchanted with incredible, magical energy and powers. The general and I are nonetheless intrigued, but obviously also concerned. We want to believe and better understand these incredulous claims but cannot help but be skeptical and feel trepidation. Shanny and Najania have had a look at it and both say Jorelle may be right. It seems to fit the stories and lore of the earliest texts, and although I believe and trust them both, I very much wish Lathalamas was still here among us, and could tell us what we need to know. Shanny communed with her ancient ancestors and says it could be a great tool and weapon against our enemies, but that it could also spell our doom..."

Ziller pauses to check everyone's visage and reaction to what he's saying, his narrowing eyes finally coming to rest on the young ranger. "Manoah, it seems you know something of which I speak. As I understand it, Jorelle claims that you and the others... merged with it, and that it bestowed something upon you...

"Is this true? If so, or if not, could you tell me what happened and exactly what you remember about it?"


OOC: okay gang, really wanted to get something up & posted, so decided to break up the rest of what I've been working to try and complete and thought this a good place to do so, storyline-wise. We can hopefully do some role-playing here as I map out what Ziller wants to offer the party, in addition to other intel & ongoing identifications.

Onlyme ~ I know I'm pretty much dumping the spotlight on your PC to reply here, as Manoah's the only active, still-living character in the party to know about the Khoryloh gem and have "merged" with it. Obviously you know a lot more about it above game than Manoah knows in game to be able to detail, so hoping we can kind of do some role-play here to get us over that hump. I'll shoot you a pm to go over some of the stuff that happened back in our Group 2 forum, and if you have any questions or need any clarification, you can post there or just shoot me a pm.

Rexx: as far as the baby Giant Owl, I figured she'd be roosting back down in the hold after being on watch all night.

SL: And in regards to Lil Pickles, we can say he's resting in a special crate that Ulrich and Billy put together, hidden out from the rest of the crew in the captain's cabin.

TOD: 8:00am Day 11 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: almost 21 days)

If you have any questions, or need additional clarification, please let me know!

HPs/Status: Bog 34/34 ; Emm 13/13 , Lauranna 16/16 , Manoah 27/27 , Ulrich 22/22
WIH (primary/secondary):
Bog – Karagonian masterwork spears & longsword, axes of hurling & dagger
Emm – spear & shield / SC
Lauranna - magical DDDs or S.C. / short sword & throwing knives (& Wily) (daggers thrown: 0)
ManoahArgie the longsword or short bow / dagger (fine arrows fired: 16 of 20)
Ulrich – mace & shield / li'l pickles
(S.C. = spell component/spell to cast, * indicates loaded and ready to fire at beginning of round)

Spells cast:
Emm: none (speak with animals last night)
Lauranna: none
Ulrich: none (CLX x2 last night)

At the beach HQ around the fire pit : Bogdan , Emm , Lauranna (& Wily) , Manoah , Ulrich
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#284 Post by onlyme »

Manaoh stands from his seat, hoping to look more knowledgeable, even if he doesnt sound it.

"Aye, that stone has powers for sure. Two things I will never forget, my friends. The first, which is what you seem to be asking about, affected me physically. We, well, Jorelle had us join hands, Liston and me along with him. After a while, and a few words in a language I know not, I was fast asleep, dreaming of home and my childhood. and then of the recent struggles. When I awoke, I had the strangest feeling. We touched the gem itself, and heat and light flooded us. I dont remember all that happened, but when I finally came to, I, well, I felt I had changed. And not just because I felt like I'd slept for years.

You see, things I couldnt do, or do well, like shooting arrows with my bow, or swinging my uncle's sword, I could do with ease. It was as if I remembered my tutors' training and tips from my dream, and could perform them as if I had those skills for years. I also felt, well, stronger somehow. Not that I could throw boulders per se, but I felt my health was stronger, like I could survive a sword fight with a master, and be able to walk away from it.

The second thing almost affected me, you could say. Jorelle and the others seemed to fall into the same sleep like dream, while Liston and I were guarding. We got caught up in a massive skirmish which killed the islander and laid us all to the point of death. However, those in the trance, could not be awakened. I tried several things but to no avail. It lasted but maybe an hour or two at most. But during that battle, it felt like years.

I know that those things do not make much sense in our world, but I know what happened, friends. And I would be willing to sit through it again, if it meant more memories and abilities.

Hopefully, I didnt forget anything...
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#285 Post by Alethan »


Bog listens intently to Manaoh's story.

"Ahh, that sounds like a stone I'd like to get me hands on," he growls under his breath. "How did you lot find the stone? And where is it now?"
Dragon foot. Bamboo pole. Little mouse. Tiny boy.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#286 Post by onlyme »

Manoah answers,

The old islander dug it out from below his hut and gave it to me for safe keeping. He was being attacked by other locals looking for it.

As to where it is, it is safely here with us.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#287 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna sits quietly and partakes of breakfast, enjoying various dishes of crustacean and eggs. As the conversation evolves, she listens intently.

"Aye, it sounds like that stone cannot fall into the wrong hands. What other properties it has could be devastating. But the results you experienced Manoah, are definitely intriguing. At least it is in our possession and safe for now."

She continues to nibble as the fireside chat continues.

"So, all that aside, today's plan include taking down some of our unwanted visitors?"
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#288 Post by Alethan »


Bog sputters a drink of water from between his tusked teeth when Manoah says they have the stone with them.

"With you?? We should... we should examine it, see what it does for the rest of us! We need all of the help we can get fighting these pirates and soldiers. Especially that bastard in the robes with the stick..."
Dragon foot. Bamboo pole. Little mouse. Tiny boy.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#289 Post by tkrexx »

As dawn approaches, Emm rises and pulls her cloak about her to ward off the chill. She feels unusually stiff, but ascends topside of the Seahawk to watch the magnificent sunrise. She approaches the young of the Great Owl and gently pets her as they enjoy the colorful spectacle in silence. She finally gathers her spear and moves to the gangplank to perform morning prayer, but is vexed by pains in her knees and lower back. A storm is coming, I feel it in me bones, her Master would tell her on days such as this. She never had any idea whatsoever what he meant; how could he know unless he called upon his own Blessings? You won't know until you're older, he would reply. It became a private joke to her. Today, however, her Master's wisdom is painfully evident as her limbs cry out and stiffness crawls up her back with every step. This combined with the chill in the air and the... Smell of impending rain, she curses herself for a fool once again, recalling the Blessing she has asked for, before realizing the Father of the Forest has his own plans, and pitiful few are privy to them.

The young Druid strolls onto the beach enjoying the feel of sand on her feet as she has so many morns before, and sits cross-legged to mete out her prayers. When finished she again wraps her cloak around herself and mosies to the fire, where the smell of breakfast beckons. Seeing young Sam in the presence of her Gnome Nanny, she kneels to give the child a great hug. Join me for a meal? She asks, smiling brightly. Bacon, eggs and oatmeal with fruit, what could be more enticing! Shanny's tea does wonders for her aches, soothing and refreshing. She eats with her adopted child, and listens as a great story unfolds.
it could be a great tool and weapon against our enemies, but that it could also spell our doom.
Good and evil, both equal and balanced, Emm speaks softly, to herself more than anyone, as if something had been revealed. You say this native, Cahbal, was slain? Pity, I would have liked to speak with him. So much of his people and their ways could have been gleaned. Perhaps something of this ... She glances quickly to Sam, and chooses her words carefully thereafter, ... Sacrifice they hold, could have been learned. Or even a manner in which a wedge could be pressed between the natives and the Karagonians. I too, would like to inspect this Holy Stone, if it were possible.
So, all that aside, today's plan include taking down some of our unwanted visitors?
Give me one more day, my Friend, the Priestess begs, There are wounded to tend to now, and there is a storm on the horizon, I ... She pauses momentarily, as if in reflection, I feel it in my bones. This storm will bring power, such power that few could stand against us. There is also the matter of this new magical armor that we have acquired. It may not be altered to fit one of my size so quickly, and the Aerth and Sky both know, I will need its extra protection.

I wonder if it would be possible to rend the bond between Pirate and Karagonian? If the locals have parleyed with the buccaneers, they too, might break ranks. "Divide and Conquer," I've heard said. Some of the Pirates would need to die, of course, an unfortunate necessity, but with the proper coercion I believe the natives will end backing us. Especially if we have their Holy Stone. That "Bastard with the Stick" I have sworn to slay. I refuse to leave this isle while he lives. He killed the Great Owl, my Friend and our benefactor. His like will not live to spawn. Before anything, I would offer what healing services I am able to our newly arrived wounded.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#290 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich says his morning prayers with Lord Jovak before heading to breakfast.

At breakfast, Ulrich happily enjoys some coffee, along with oatmeal. He puts some crab meat and bacon in his pouch for Pickles.

After hearing the tale of this magical stone, Ulrich remains stoic, although intrigued.
How do we know you're not a donkey-brained man?
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ASC (Day 11): discussions commence & an idea proffered

#291 Post by Argennian »

onlyme wrote:Manaoh stands from his seat, hoping to look more knowledgeable, even if he doesn't sound it.

"Aye, that stone has powers for sure. Two things I will never forget, my friends. The first, which is what you seem to be asking about, affected me physically. We, well, Jorelle had us join hands, Liston and me along with him. After a while, and a few words in a language I know not, I was fast asleep, dreaming of home and my childhood. and then of the recent struggles. When I awoke, I had the strangest feeling. We touched the gem itself, and heat and light flooded us. I don't remember all that happened, but when I finally came to, I, well, I felt I had changed. And not just because I felt like I'd slept for years.

You see, things I couldn't do, or do well, like shooting arrows with my bow, or swinging my uncle's sword, I could do with ease. It was as if I remembered my tutors' training and tips from my dream, and could perform them as if I had those skills for years. I also felt, well, stronger somehow. Not that I could throw boulders per se, but I felt my health was stronger, like I could survive a sword fight with a master, and be able to walk away from it.

The second thing almost affected me, you could say. Jorelle and the others seemed to fall into the same sleep like dream, while Liston and I were guarding. We got caught up in a massive skirmish which killed the islander and laid us all to the point of death. However, those in the trance, could not be awakened. I tried several things but to no avail. It lasted but maybe an hour or two at most. But during that battle, it felt like years.

I know that those things do not make much sense in our world, but I know what happened, friends. And I would be willing to sit through it again, if it meant more memories and abilities.
~ Both Gentleman Billy and Ziller listen intently, sharing looks with each other and the others as Manoah describes the strange yet incredible experience and supposed transformation he underwent. The embattled halfling commander's visage is skeptical but soon cannot hide the surging counter of hope being generated at the young ranger's report. Tis quite a yarn he's spun alright, and one most would likely dismiss as folly. Whether or not those gathered truly believe what they're hearing or not, it's obvious Manoah does...

Bogdan is the first member of the Island Hands to speak, proffering that he too would like to see this incredible gem before shooting a query to the their newest party member on how they found it and where it's current location be. Manoah replies by explaining the old native had hidden it under his hut on that island where they shipwrecked. He'd done so to hide it from his shaman and warriors of his tribe he knew were looking for and would eventually find him. For some reason, even after said warriors had been slain and their bloodthirsty shaman driven off, he entrusted them with it.

The young Scout shrugs as he also elucidates that yes, they have the ancient magical gem with them, last seen in Jorelle's possession. Bog coughs at the last bit, spitting his drink between tusked teeth before stating they should indeed have a proper look at the thing and see what it could do for the rest of them. The big fighter makes plain his feeling that they're likely going to need any and every boon they can muster for their upcoming clashes with those who would do them harm...

Lauranna listens to the morning debrief with great intensity whilst she finishes her crustacean & egg breakfast. Wily is standing up in his large belt pouch with much the same concentration, his fury little head looking about and sniffing in everyone's direction as he waits attentively for any scraps that may come his way, intentionally or otherwise. The young magic-user/thief nods affirmatively to Bogdan's point of order, and considering the big picture, promptly adds her own papa oscar papa concerning the importance of them keeping this Khoryloh gem secure and out of the hands of their collective enemies. The High-elf student and user of magics also recognizes Commander Ziller and General Jovak's obvious concerns in having such a purportedly powerful magical item in their midst and reinforces their need to keep it secret and keep it safe at all costs...

Emm tries to shrug off the stiffness she feels from the changing weather. She remembers her former master and his unique way of getting lessons and proverbs across. She's listening to Manoah and the others speak but cannot take her eyes and focus off young Sam, as Jennynia and the lady Tamara lead her away from the fire pit and back to the ship. The little girl's joint caretakers had been given the nod by Billy to do so, well before Ziller started talking details and queried the young ranger about what he'd experienced. Emm can appreciate their desire to keep the girl isolated from the business end of it. After all, these are certainly things an innocent child so young need not know nor try ponder.

The young girl looks back and waves to the druidess as she makes it aboard the Seahawk. Gentleman Billy's alien-looking canine, Sheba, is already there, faithfully awaiting her return. Emm smiles in thanks as she embraces the understanding and relief that the child is in good, protective hands and paws at absolutely all times when she cannot be there. Everyone knows danger's lurking and waiting in various forms about the ship and cove even now. Some of it perhaps unaware of their presence so far, some knowing and likely itching to have a go when it can be attempted...

Manoah's talk of poor Cahbal, their now dead native island ally, snaps the druid's full attentions back to the conversation at hand. She contributes a statement regarding cosmic balance under her breath before speaking up to comment on the grander implications concerning the loss of Manoah & Jorelle's native friend, and all the invaluable intel they could have gleaned from his knowledge of the tribes, their customs and practices and of the islands themselves.

Ziller nods in response, as if thinking the same things. "I agree, Emm. I've instructed Shanny to reach out to her ancestors, that they may open a line of communication with the our dead friend from beyond the veil. He did share quite a bit with Jorelle whilst still alive, some of quite shocking actually. I'd like to be sure what he told him was the whole truth. Unfortunately, we've been keeping Shanny so busy and at it nonstop since we've landed here that she nearly collapsed from the strain. I have her being looked after and taking the day to rest and catch up on sleep. She'll need it. We require her services again this evening..."

At this point of the conversation, Lauranna proffers a query of her own...
Nuke66 wrote:... "So, all that aside, today's plan include taking down some of our unwanted visitors?"

Emm had already been thinking of this as well, and beats Ziller to the punch...
tkrexx wrote:... Give me one more day, my Friend, the Priestess begs, There are wounded to tend to now, and there is a storm on the horizon, I ... She pauses momentarily, as if in reflection, I feel it in my bones. This storm will bring power, such power that few could stand against us. There is also the matter of this new magical armor that we have acquired. It may not be altered to fit one of my size so quickly, and the Aerth and Sky both know, I will need its extra protection.

I wonder if it would be possible to rend the bond between Pirate and Karagonian? If the locals have parleyed with the buccaneers, they too, might break ranks. "Divide and Conquer," I've heard said. Some of the Pirates would need to die, of course, an unfortunate necessity, but with the proper coercion I believe the natives will end backing us. Especially if we have their Holy Stone. That "Bastard with the Stick" I have sworn to slay. I refuse to leave this isle while he lives. He killed the Great Owl, my Friend and our benefactor. His like will not live to spawn. Before anything, I would offer what healing services I am able to our newly arrived wounded.

Ziller launches a reply when the druidess pauses to take a breath. "Although action may very well be forced upon us, I had other hopes regarding what we may try and accomplish this day," he details with a look to Billy and Manoah. "But yes, that reminds me of the encounter you had with the Karagonian soldiers and this missing Lieutenant and mage. Billy told me all about it... your ambush, saving the last of the Giant Owl's young, finding that thing that hatched from the egg and, of course, Sorel's sacrifice. He was a damn good man and loyal friend. He will be missed," the halfling trails off, tears starting to well up in his eyes again. "Anyways, amongst other surprising revelations, it seems Jorelle was able to use the power of this ancient gem to identify the items you returned with yesterday from that mission."

Ziller looks his longtime friend's way and nods. Billy pipes up to offer the goods. "Yes, indeed. First off, you returned from the ambush with armor, weapons and equipment from the slain Karagonian soldiers and their cleric, as well as some interesting loot from the cave....

"Amongst what the priest had on him, there was a suit of masterwork chain armor, albeit damaged in the fight but repairable, and a few magical goodies, namely his shield, the mace, his two rings and an amulet. The medium metal shield is enchanted to the 1st level of power. The masterwork footman's mace as well. The two rings are a Ring of Swimming and a Ring of Spell Turning! And finally the necklace... an Amulet of Life Protection...

"You know, they say that amulet protects you from demonic possession and so forth, and if you're wearing it when you die, your soul supposedly enters the it, to remain safe and sound, and retrievable, for a time. An interesting concept. If true, there should be the soul of one recently-adjudicated Karagonian Navy priest inside of it?"
the old master thief trails off with a look over to Ziller. The halfling smiles and nods affirmatively. Billy winks and smiles back before taking a deep breath and continuing.

"In addition to the hatchling lizard-turtle Ulrich brought back and the lone remaining giant owlet that Emm is looking out for, there were also the four Karagonian military-issue distress crystals, a small crate and two large sacks of coin, jewels and jewelry that was pillaged from the dead man's cave up on the bluff. The coin, jewels and jewelry are extremely unique from what Najania says, and were crafted in the old if not ancient times. Inside the crate, more relics and trinkets similar to what you found in the watery cave. On closer inspection, however, we found something hidden within a clay decanter... a small, invisible scroll case! Jorelle sensed it was magically trapped, which Ziffiris and Aramis confirmed. They're working on it now, along with the other stuff..."

Billy stops talking and looks over to Ziller, who nods his appreciation and stands up to again address the assembled Island Hands. "We'll get all that stuff sorted like before, friends, and you can split it up amongst yourselves then as you see fit. There are also items you and Jorelle returned with, Manoah. Those will be returned to you once scrutinized and identified as well. And finally, your new armor will also be ready for you, Emm..."

After an acknowledging smile to the druidess, Ziller clears his throat and stands up straighter. All signs of mirth vanish from his weathered visage as he looks around to everyone present. His eyes take on a serious, calculating edge as he begins to speak. "I am interested in hearing what each of you think of Manoah's story. What he claims to have experienced when he merged with the magical gem is incredible, to be sure. He's been checked out since and seems fine. All auguries cast have come back positive. I believe him, and want to believe Jorelle's claims that it's safe for he and others to do so again...

"But as one responsible for everyone's welfare, I must always be cautious and remain vigilant to any potential threat: real, perceived or otherwise. I want no one exposed to danger nor taking undo risk unless absolutely necessary. Making informed decisions is always preferable to guesswork. Not knowing what the risks of this gem-merging could be is what gives me pause...

"But there are things we do know for sure. Time is not on our side and inaction may be the greatest risk of all. The pirates, the Karagonian Navy, the native barbarian tribes, certain denizens of this mysterious place... all pressure us and threaten our hopes for escape. As Emm points out, it fares better for us if we can deal with each threat one at a time and keep them isolated from one another. But either way, we must be as prepared as we can to deal with the possibility it won't go that way...

"So other than identifying the remaining unknown items, there are two things to accomplish first and foremost: finish repairing the ship, so we can escape these islands and complete our voyage west... and for folks to complete their ongoing training. I need everyone as healthy and martially ready as they can be if we have to fight our way out of here. A storm appears headed our way from the west, which could complicate matters, so if each of you are willing, I'd like you to consider undertaking what Manoah did... a merging with the Khoryloh gem.

"Neither I nor anyone else will force this choice upon you, friends, it must be made voluntarily. If the gem's magic works as Jorelle says, it should allow one to take advantage of all the things they've seen, done and learned to date and have the gift of that experience bestowed upon them. Other than magical tomes, such as what Emm's master left for her, this is something that only the investment of time, money and training can traditionally accomplish.

"From what Billy says, most of you are at least a week away from finishing your current training. This would entail my and other members of the crews' time to complete. At present, especially with a storm approaching, it seems we do not have the luxury of that allotment. If your merging with the ancient gem could accomplish your training, it would free up those of us acting as trainers to assist with the ship and maintain cove and perimeter security. With those boons and, as they say, a little kiss from Lady Luck, we could lessen the amount of time needed to complete repairs and be more ready to meet any danger or peril that makes to befall us before we can set sail..."

Ziller looks around again to each member of the party. It's obvious what he's pitching and he makes no attempt to hide the hope that it can be made so. "I say again, friends, the decision to merge with the Khoryloh gem must be your own. What say you?"


OOC: ok gang, finally Bravo India Bravo again. Basically looking for a yea or nay response from each PC here. Once received, we can fast forward to completing training* and let you guys decide how you're going to split up your loot.

I went back to the Party Encounters: Kills, Treasure, XP thread and updated the magical items identified above here: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=509#p224295

As I've been laid up, I went back and reread the entire action sequence from the beginning. It was a good read and recap for me as DM. I do see there are still updates that need to occur XP-wise, as things get identified and such, so when I get that finished, everyone will know exactly where they're at with experience points and how much they have banked towards the next level. Once completed there, I'll post that update in Game Announcements thread and send out individual pms to confirm new weapon proficiencies, thac0 & saving throw updates, new spells, etc.

* POP: if for any reason, your character does not want to merge with the magical gem, you'd be relegated to trying to complete your training regiment normally. If no encounters befall the ship & cove in that time, it likely won't be an issue. If things do go down, however, it could postpone the process depending.

TOD: 8:15am Day 11 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: almost 21 days)

If you have any questions, or need additional clarification, please let me know!

HPs/Status: Bog 34/34 ; Emm 13/13 , Lauranna 16/16 , Manoah 27/27 , Ulrich 22/22
WIH (primary/secondary):
Bog – Karagonian masterwork spears & longsword, axes of hurling & dagger
Emm – spear & shield / SC
Lauranna - magical DDDs or S.C. / short sword & throwing knives (& Wily) (daggers thrown: 0)
ManoahArgie the longsword or short bow / dagger (fine arrows fired: 16 of 20)
Ulrich – mace & shield / li'l pickles
(S.C. = spell component/spell to cast, * indicates loaded and ready to fire at beginning of round)

Spells cast:
Emm: none
Lauranna: none
Ulrich: none

At the beach HQ around the fire pit : Bogdan , Emm , Lauranna (& Wily) , Manoah , Ulrich
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#292 Post by Alethan »


Bog steps forward pretty much as soon as Ziller mentions the gem. When he has finished speaking, Bog says, "I'll use the gem."

He stands expectantly, waiting for the others...

OOC: Bog could use the Shield +1 if nobody else wants it.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#293 Post by tkrexx »

Emm watches the Half-Orc and sees no hesitation in his call. I stand with Bogdan. I still fear whatever unknown force reminded us of it's presence, and I feel we will need whatever power we can muster to deal with it, when the time comes.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#294 Post by Nuke66 »

OOC: I just wanna understand the mechanics. Is it better to train up, then get the boost? Or will it make no difference.

Not sure about the ring of spell turning, but it sounds interesting.
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ASC: OOC for Nuke & party

#295 Post by Argennian »

Nuke66 wrote:OOC: I just wanna understand the mechanics. Is it better to train up, then get the boost? Or will it make no difference. ....
OOC: above game, without revealing specific functionality mechanics of the Khoryloh gem, it's being purported to allow your PC to level up through a merging with it, granted of course your character has enough XP acquired/banked to do so.

So it's basically a choice of leveling up via the gem (in a much abbreviated/shortened amount of time) versus spending the remaining time (@ a week or so) to complete training & leveling normally.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#296 Post by onlyme »

Manoah would agree to use the gem again

(assuming he has the xp... havent looked :) )
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#297 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich takes in all of this info with his usual stoicism. When it comes to using the mysterious gem, he says, "It would be best to know more about this device before using it. And in any event, there is no substitute for hard work and dedication when it comes to training. However, we do not appear to have the luxury of time. And so, risky though the proposition might be, I too shall use this gem if it will help our quest." Ulrich looks over at Lord Jovak, hoping for the old cleric's approval.

OOC: Ulrich claims the mace, assuming no one objects. I think he's the only party member proficient in its use.
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ASC (Day 11): the party agrees to the merging; makes ready

#298 Post by Argennian »

~ Ziller gauges everyone's response and level of hesitation whilst receiving their answer, noting that Lauranna still seems hesitant to want to commit. He nods the High elf magic-user/thief's way and shares a few quick gestures with Billy before readdressing the party.

"Very well then, friends. Finish your breakfast and take care of any last minute needs you may have with Billy and report to the armory in one hour's time. We'll be set up to do the merging there.

"For what it's worth, there have been no spell casters to have completed a merging to date, so Jorelle is admittedly unsure of how this will affect any previously memorized and prayed for spells.

"Emm, Lauranna, Ulrich... in the event this merging may cause you to lose spells you've already committed, you might choose to expend some now, just in case... such as any cure light wounds spells for those in the infirmary or any speak with animals spells to give instructions and reassurances to the giant owlet and other animals for your absence during the training process? Just a thought...

"Exactly what happens and how long the process takes is uncertain. It could be part of or an entire day, or even more. It could be shorter for some and longer for others. I suggest leaving your armor off and gear behind so you're more comfortable, but if you'd prefer to bring it with you anyway, then by all means do so. General Jovak and I will be standing guard and looking out whilst you are merged.

"I think that about covers it, friends. So unless you have any further questions of me, I'll see you in the armory in one hour's time."


OOC: okay guys, I have the "gem-merging" post pretty much completed, so thought to install a break here for the expenditure of any spells prior to and chance to note anything in particular prior to the gem merging event. And to see if Nuke is on board with it too! :)

POP: it took me a lot longer to go back through all the encounters and get proper XP assigned (here & in Group 2 for onlyme! :oops: ) than originally anticipated but it's finally completed & good to go now. I have everyone's XP to date totaled and am going through encounters & Battle Sheets to confirm who's got what and will be posting that stuff shortly in the Game Announcements & Status thread!

TOD: 8:16am Day 11 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: almost 21 days)

If you have any questions, or need additional clarification, please let me know!

HPs/Status: Bog 34/34 ; Emm 13/13 , Lauranna 16/16 , Manoah 27/27 , Ulrich 22/22
WIH (primary/secondary):
Bog – Karagonian masterwork spears & longsword, axes of hurling & dagger
Emm – spear & shield / SC
Lauranna - magical DDDs or S.C. / short sword & throwing knives (& Wily) (daggers thrown: 0)
ManoahArgie the longsword or short bow / dagger (fine arrows fired: 16 of 20)
Ulrich – mace & shield / li'l pickles
(S.C. = spell component/spell to cast, * indicates loaded and ready to fire at beginning of round)

Spells cast:
Emm: none
Lauranna: none
Ulrich: none

At the beach HQ around the fire pit : Bogdan , Emm , Lauranna (& Wily) , Manoah , Ulrich
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#299 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna explains herself. "I am curious to observe the process before I choose whether or not to undergo the 'merging' or whatever it is." The maiden flashes a quick gesture to Ziller before continuing. "Though, I feel that I am the cusp of a significant boost in my"....she hesitates, finding the right word...."Capabilities"

"As long as my spell use is not immediately required, I am not really concerned about it." Lauranna adds.

OOC: I think Emm should take the ring. She has the fewest HP and worst AC. But good saves! Soon to be better.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#300 Post by tkrexx »

Emm nods and fills a wooden bowl with crab meat and eggs. Silently she trots off to where the newly-arrived wounded are housed. She will bestow both her Cure Light Wounds, trusting her own wisdom as to who needs the most, or split them, as is the case. She will, however, use oak leaves as opposed to Mistletoe. She knows this will weaken the effects of her Blessings, and knows also the wounded will be just as happy for it. Her mistletoe supply is running low, and she must conserve it in the event of another battle. After speaking only briefly to the injured, the Druid again darts away (As anyone so clumsy can "dart," more like a quick waddle), this time to collect young Sam from whatever focus-driven distraction her Gnomish Nanny has temporarily entranced her with. Come! We will talk to the Baby Owl! Her smile is excited and warm as she ushers her charge to the Seahawk.

Speak With Animals,

See how she watches us! Emm, going for the gasp, peers at Sam. I will speak with her now. To the owl: This is my young, she is Sam. She is not of my body, but she has no one else, so she is mine. As are you now. You are my young and I will care for you and protect you as I do Sam. I may be unable to see you both for a time, perhaps until tomorrow, but I will leave instructions with these others of your needs. They will feed you. She looks to the Human girl. Perhaps Sam will also keep you company. She gazes again at the Owl Girl. How are you called? Did your Mother give you a name?

EDIT: At some point Emm will give the young owl her bowl of food...
Last edited by tkrexx on Fri Mar 10, 2017 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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