[Compled] Expedition - Bromric/Demon - 30 April, 1 VC

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Re: Expedition - Unpronouncable/Release a Demon - 30 April,

#421 Post by Keehnelf »

I was planning to be reasonably open on the statue-grab given that I'd be eliminating your chance to grab other loot at present. It looks like the options need more consideration among the party so we'll move forward Monday morning with the selected path.
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Re: Expedition - Unpronouncable/Release a Demon - 30 April,

#422 Post by Zhym »

Could you lay out exactly what our options are? I'm assuming they're basically (1) return to town, nowish, safely, with as much of the loot we've seen on the way in (i.e., a statue chunk, piles o' gold, etc.) as we can carry on the way out, but knowing—what, nothing? Anything at all?—about the mystery voice; or (2) stay here and advance to May 20. Are those basically the options?

And if resolving this tonight/this weekend isn't a problem with your schedule, I'd appreciate if we could do so ASAP. I'm going to be getting very busy again on Monday and may not be able to chime in for a few days if we wait that long.

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Re: Expedition - Unpronouncable/Release a Demon - 30 April,

#423 Post by Zhym »

Also, if those are the options, I'm coming around to (1). It actually is more in keeping with what Melvin would go for given the chance.
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Re: Expedition - Unpronouncable/Release a Demon - 30 April,

#424 Post by Marullus »

I am fine with (and would prefer, I think) the return to town as long as it includes an understanding of the McGuffin which prevents us reaching the voice now. If being returned here for the continuation isn't an option then I would like us to know as much as possible about the challenges we face that way. I understand the DM dilemma, fully support getting all players into play ASAP, and am happy to resolve this way as long as we know why we stopped (IC, I don't see several of us giving up on a known trapped voice without a McGuffin).

Advancing two weeks in the dungeon seems to need a bigger McGuffin, imho. Are we exploring? Finding full larders of food? Learning dwarven history from the Old God?
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Re: Expedition - Unpronouncable/Release a Demon - 30 April,

#425 Post by Zhym »

Okay, it's annoying nitpicker time, for which I apologize in advance. You keep using the word "McGuffin." I do not think that words means what you think it means. :D It's a term made up by Alfred Hitchcock, IIRC, to refer to a thing that everyone wants. It drives the plot because everyone wants it, but what it is doesn't matter. The Maltese Falcon and Marcellus Wallace's briefcase are two classic McGuffins.

I apologize again for being no fun at all. Now, back to the game.
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Re: Expedition - Unpronouncable/Release a Demon - 30 April,

#426 Post by Marullus »

Yes, I was using it more generically as "plot device." I humbly accept the correction. ;)
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Re: Expedition - Unpronouncable/Release a Demon - 30 April,

#427 Post by Keehnelf »

I have no problem providing the overview of what sort of thing you're dealing with, for option A--that was actually my intent.

There seems to be a consensus at least between the two of you that way--I'll post an update later tonight.
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Re: Expedition - Unpronouncable/Release a Demon - 30 April,

#428 Post by Starbeard »

A sounds good to me. I think Seadu would be on the fence about staying to investigate, but with his recent resurrection he wants to be careful to impress his new deity, and I'd lean on him staying in this case. However, personally I thinking getting other people in the game is more important, and it's pretty easy to a) pretend that Seadu wasn't resurrected until after the encounter was resolved one way or the other, or b) say 'who cares?' and ignore the inconsistency for the sake of getting back to the game.

Seadu Erana sits cross-legged and serenely ponders the nature of the MacGuffin. "If a plot device becomes relevant only as a reason for continuing to perpetuate the plot device, does it become a MacGuffin? As an exegetical exercise, could one argue that all encounters in a dungeon are MacGuffins? The Dungeon Master tells us that we enter the depths to discover encounters, knowing not and caring not what they will be, but knowing that they are the impetus of our existence in this world. Indeed, is the dungeon itself a MacGuffin?" His face glows softly.
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Re: Expedition - Unpronouncable/Release a Demon - 30 April,

#429 Post by Zhym »

Melvin gives Seadu a queer look. "Does the MacGuffin have anything to do with 'The bones of the Ashen King's child?' I couldn't help but notice that you haven't told us why that phrase is important."
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Re: Expedition - Unpronouncable/Release a Demon - 30 April,

#430 Post by Keehnelf »

May 19, 1 VC - 4:00pm

Bromric and those who can't return to sleep investigate the chute a bit further and discover that it will likely lead them back to the surface, but it is a perilous and tight climb that would prevent them from carrying the coffer of elf-gold and from recovering their animals and potentially a portion of the gold statue on the upper levels.

Meanwhile, they attempt to interrogate the voice from a distance and ascertain that the speaker (named Jerdan, or something that sounds like that, and who can communicate in common, but not well) and three companions are trapped in a collapsed chamber, probably below the level at which the party now sits. Bromric identifies a narrow crack in the stone from which the voice emanates, and thinks that with the proper tools he can probably widen it far enough to approach. The speaker says that he and his companions are explorers from a settlement deep under the mountain, and were traveling in some older tunnels in the base of the dwarfhold when the mountain shook and the chamber collapsed. They are only lightly injured and have provisions to last them several weeks, but are nervous about future structural problems with the mountain's bowels. They seem eager to make an agreement with the party to secure their rescue, and they insist that they can guarantee a ransom from their queen if they are returned safely to their home.

The party sees no way to succeed at this task under the present circumstances, but agree to see what they can do before they finish their night's rest and begin the journey back to Vaul.

On the levels above, the group finds more and more active goblinoids and larger and more powerful groups of undead roaming the halls when they return, narrowly avoiding a pair of ogres in the company of a half-dozen hobgoblins, and four ghastly wights trawling the halls looking for live flesh. They are forced into hiding several times, waiting out groups that would overwhelm them easily, and it takes several days before they are able to ascend to the upper levels.

They find their animals anxious and filthy but alive, and on their way out of the hold the party stops to remove a sizable chunk of gold from the statue in the main hall, breaking it up into pieces so it can be more easily carried.

Once out of the mountain, the party finds the surrounding wilderness completely devastated by the fires and much more difficult to navigate than before, though it is easier to take their bearings and keep their way. The Goblin Forest has been completely burned out at ground level, and the ancient trees have collapsed or fallen if they have not been entirely burned. Travel thus becomes a matter of endless zigzags between the fallen remains of trees and lost time extricating the hooves of pack animals from the muck made of ash and mud. Nervous days pass as the party dreads the arrival of some enemy from the mountain or beyond, but eventually they make it clear of the forest, headed straight south toward the mountains, and then veer southwest as they get into clear territory once again.

At long last, the beleaguered group makes it back to the walls of Vaul as late afternoon is turning into evening, and they are met there with a warm but welcome from the town watch, and of course the tavern-patrons who are gathered around the fire swapping tales and are eager to hear of the fate of the mountain.
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Re: Expedition - Unpronouncable/Release a Demon - 30 April,

#431 Post by Keehnelf »

Tried to post that last night but found it this morning unsent! Will do logistics and formal lock of this thread later today/tonight.
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Re: Expedition - Unpronouncable/Release a Demon - 30 April,

#432 Post by Marullus »

Did Jerdan understand dwarvish? Any indication of their race?
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Re: Expedition - Unpronouncable/Release a Demon - 30 April,

#433 Post by Keehnelf »

Needs an could understand dwarven about as well as common. He provided a name for his people but it's not one you recognize, nor its tongue of origin...it sounded like "thringrinir".
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Re: Expedition - Unpronouncable/Release a Demon - 30 April,

#434 Post by Starbeard »

Zhym wrote:Melvin gives Seadu a queer look. "Does the MacGuffin have anything to do with 'The bones of the Ashen King's child?' I couldn't help but notice that you haven't told us why that phrase is important."
'Most certainly! I haven't a clue what is so special about the Ma—er, Fangir's son. Old Falles never bothered mentioning it. In fact, I'm not sure whether Falles even intended for me to publicize the matter. Well, no more harm can be done now: the dwarven god is adamant that the only way to remove the hanging curse of undeath on the dwarven stronghold, and restore balance to Vaul, is to take 'the bones of the Ashen King's Child' and inter them in the stronghold's tomb. I think there is more to it, but I feel it would be wisest for me to meet with Martin before spreading wild rumour. In short, there may be specific items looted from the ruin which must be returned as well.'

As they slowly make their way back to Vaul, Seadu confers with Bromric about the possibility of starting a public building or monument to the dwarven god. 'As a show of solidarity to Falles, I gave myself the task of rekindling recognition of his name throughout Vaul—the dwarves, at least, should be strengthening his memory. A monument would be a good place to begin, but a public establishment of a unique sort would be even better. Perhaps we could put our heads together on this.'
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Re: Expedition - Unpronouncable/Release a Demon - 30 April,

#435 Post by Zhym »

Starbeard wrote:'[T]he dwarven god is adamant that the only way to remove the hanging curse of undeath on the dwarven stronghold, and restore balance to Vaul, is to take 'the bones of the Ashen King's Child' and inter them in the stronghold's tomb."
So far so good. Sounds it could be Ulf's next quest. It's similar to something Ulf talked to Orrin about doing with a chipped emerald looted from the tomb.
Starbeard wrote:'In short, there may be specific items looted from the ruin which must be returned as well.'
...oh. Well, that may dampen enthusiasm for the project. ;)
Starbeard wrote:As they slowly make their way back to Vaul, Seadu confers with Bromric about the possibility of starting a public building or monument to the dwarven god. 'As a show of solidarity to Falles, I gave myself the task of rekindling recognition of his name throughout Vaul—the dwarves, at least, should be strengthening his memory. A monument would be a good place to begin, but a public establishment of a unique sort would be even better. Perhaps we could put our heads together on this.'
This also ties in with one of Ulf's projects. He's been wanting to build a Dwarvenheim (dwarf home) in Vaul. That could easily be combined with Seadu's plan.
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Re: Expedition - Unpronouncable/Release a Demon - 30 April,

#436 Post by Marullus »

Bromric nods solemnly to Seadu. "Aye. A place for this returned God and all wisdom of the Ancients that he can share would be more than fitting. I intend to have a hall, a place my brethren can come and return to this land. I would hear all your God would share, and we can see his place within it. I did not know Fangir, but I feel his anguish. To see the end of dwarfdom's place in this land before you..." he sighs, deeper feelings being admitted now than you've seen before. "There is much we can restore."

He is in positively vibrant spirits on the way back to town, chatting about the quest before them, in freeing those poor souls from their entrapment. "A good cave-in... that's one of my favorite challenges. The Wardigger Clan, that's me, by the way..." he pauses and straightens up, speaking formally in High Dwarvish. "Gorak-Okri-Elgraz-Endrinkuli or 'Builders and Destroyers of Fortified Edifices in Times of War,' more accurately translated," he continues, "well, we're made for this sort of thing. Great builders, my forefathers, artificers of magnificent fortifications. In the dwarven battles of the Iron Hills, why, we've become much more practical. I desire to build again, though. It is not enough to simply assault. Dwarves are not made to tear down, alone."
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Re: Expedition - Unpronouncable/Release a Demon - 30 April,

#437 Post by Keehnelf »

Final accounting:

Monster kills/defeats: 1,050xp
Event/quest completion: 1,150xp
Gold recovery: 2,600xp
Item recovery: 11,750xp

Subtotal: 16,550xp

Divided by 6: Bromric, Melvin, Seadu, Martin, Abi, Mokatah

Equals:2,750xp each before prerequisite bonus.

Treasure recovered in gold value: 2,600gp in raw gold, easily usable in place of coin, one coffer of elf gold, six interlinked elf-rings. Coffer contents worth an additional 2,500gp if liquidated at Assessor's or at merchant caravan.

Vault treasure acquired and distributed per conversation above.
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Re: Expedition - Unpronouncable/Release a Demon - 30 April,

#438 Post by Zhym »

Constance had 558 gp that Melvin would have obtained when he looted her corpse. He will split that with anyone who doesn't have religious objections to taking things the dead can no longer use. If Bromric, as a follower of Falles, doesn't have the same compunctions about looting the dead that Seadu now has, that would be a five-way split.

Also, didn't we grab a bunch of coin off the ogre (I think it was an ogre) on the way in? Whatever it was that had grabbed a whole bunch of gold that we relieved it of? And was Bromric able to grab any basilisk parts?

Can we assume someone managed a Detect Magic on everything on the way back? Assuming so and assuming nothing in the coffer is magical (so we liquidate and share it), that's 961.6 gp for everyone but Seadu (which includes 111.6 each of Constance's money) and an even 850 for Seadu. Plus, possibly, anything we managed to stuff in our pockets from the ogre.

Not a bad haul. :)
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Re: Expedition - Unpronouncable/Release a Demon - 30 April,

#439 Post by Keehnelf »

I was going by rough weight distributions, so the 2,600 does include gold looted from monsters but not the stuff from Constance.
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Re: Expedition - Unpronouncable/Release a Demon - 30 April,

#440 Post by Keehnelf »

And yes, basilisk parts were recovered per the thread: eyes, one horn, two fangs.

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