Chapel of Baudh

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Chapel of Baudh

#1 Post by Marullus »

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The Chapel of Baudh

This thread is intended for adventurers to roleplay when they visit with the followers of Baudh. Players may ONLY post to this thread while the character they are speaking as is in town (obviously). Occasionally, NPCs may share information in this thread as well if they happen to be privy to something of interest and think it worth sharing.

The first temple to the Gods build in the town of Gaul, this structure is one of the largest in the town but still humble by the standards of southern cities. Made of imported stone and with benches of polished southern yarwood, its tall ceilings and tapestries invoke the feeling of civilization, as if the southern kingdoms were not far away at all.

The Bishop of the Archduchy is Keelan the White, an elderly man with papery, dry skin but stern, willful eyes. He is served by Acolyte Gvene and Acolyte Zyneste who tend to those who enter.

Wares for sale:
25gp - Flask of Holy Water
50 gp - Potion of Healing (5 sips for 1 hp each, or drink in full for 1d6+2)

  • 50 gp - For this modest fee, they will pray over any warrior's weapons to offer a blessing. (+1 to hit, lasts two days)
  • 100 gp - For this minimum donation, the church will inter a deceased body in the cathedral's vault. Bodies thus properly interred are protected against becoming undead. (This also starts memorial tribute.)
  • No cost - The church will accept the donation of any Imbued Magic Item and place it on display in the cathedral's vault. (This is a method of Personal Tribute - an item can be placed in one's own honor or the honor of another. If the honoree is alive, it will award an amount of XP determined by the DM. If the honoree is dead, it awards to the giver and the honoree's next PC as a memorial.)
  • 50gp - Detect Magic: For this modest fee, a clergyman will Detect Magic on a group of items for a Lawful individual, identifying which are imbued and which are created.
  • Food and Housing: Clerics and sworn devotees are provided space within the clerical cells; spare rooms with simple comforts for prayer and meditation. (Free private room) They may also share in communal meals of simple fare with other priests. (Normal meals; roleplay with each other)
The Cathedral Vault
Faithful townsfolk are permitted to visit the vault for inspiration, looking upon the tombs and sealed cases which memorialize the people buried and items displayed there.
Clive's Compass
A brass compass with a crack in the glass and which no longer points north. Inside its lid is a faint engraving:
To Clive, Love, M.
Clive, a farmhand of the Farrow Farm, gave his life trying to rescue the two kidnapped children taken by goblins in May 2021. His last measure of devotion imbues this compass, a prized possession, which can help find the way to friends who are lost and in need.
- donated by Dabney the adventurer

The Lamond Family Shield
- A horseman's shield with the Lamond Family crest enameled upon it showing an eagle ascending.
This shield, used in battle by a knight of the Lamond family who's deeds helped elevate his family into the ranks of lesser nobility, was rescued from a lost crypt in the Yoldessi plains. This family, living in the northlands roughly 3,000 years ago, served the God Baudh in that age, and thus is remembered today with honor.
- donated by Fingers McGraw, Stancell Green the Marked One, Bandy Sandybanks, Hengeist the Cleric of Baudh, and Allmond of this chapel.

The Shield of Collen Clelland
- A horseman's shield with the Clelland Family crest enameled upon it showing a stone tower.
This shield, used in battle by the greatest Knight of the Clelland family who's deeds helped found the White Tower of Baudhon and secure the southern plains from giants, was rescued from a lost crypt in the Yoldessi plains. This family, living in the northlands roughly 3,000 years ago, served the God Baudh in that age, and thus is remembered today with honor.
- donated by Hengeist the Cleric of Baudh.

The Dagger of Clarette Clelland
Slender-bladed dagger with a ruby pommel-stone
This dagger belonged to Clarette of house Clelland, who was daughter to Kelyr the Steward to the King. She was beloved of the court and famously resisted the magic of an an Advisor who wished to sway the court with his enchantments. This family, living in the northlands roughly 3,000 years ago, served the God Baudh in that age, and thus is remembered today with honor.
- donated by Allmond of this chapel.

The Sword of the Marked One
A well-worn longsword hangs on a wall-mounted stand.
This sword was used by the Markd One, otherwise known as Stancell Green, performing great deeds in ridding the Northlands of the skeletons, ghosts, spectres, and other undead as he lead quests at the behest of Baudh's Church. It is imbued with exceptional power against undead foes.
- Donated by The Marked One, Stancel Green.
Foxy's Betrothal Archway.
It is a fine piece of stone work and craftsmanship which may be found at the end of the 'Lovers Lane' in a snug tree covered grotto behind the Baudhic Cathedral. The keystone of the archway displays the relic of Foxy's very gauntlet still grasping in melted fingers the charred lance with which she valiantly charged the dragon Scatha to defend the honour and maidenhoods of the maidens of Gaul. Under the archways the young suitors should lay down a gauntlet of their own and in return the maidens take a lock of their hair as a sign of their betrothal for marriage.

Associated NPCs:

Florin, Acolyte of Baudh
Rates: -/-/full share
Level 3 Cleric
chainmail, heavy flail
Rowine, Baudhic woman-at-arms- Available
Rates: -/-/full share
Level 1 Fighter
Chainmail with Baudhic surcoat. Longbow, Long sword
Stoic-faced and with matching raven-colored hair to her brother, Crowegar.
Crowegar, Baudhic man-at-arms - Available
(+1 bonus to recruit if you already recruited Rowine.)
Rates: -/-/full share
Level 1 Fighter
Chainmail with Baudhic surcoat. Longbow, Long sword
Stoic-faced and with matching raven-colored hair to his sister, Rowine.
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#2 Post by onlyme »

Markd enters and follows the customary prayers. He quietly seeks out anyone willing to talk.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#3 Post by Marullus »

Acolyte Zyneste approaches, recoiling involuntarily when she gets close and looks upon Markd. She steps forward slowly, uncertain. "You seek alms?"
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#4 Post by onlyme »

Markd lowers his head dejected that even here he disgusts.
I come to offer my services, sister. I can round up a crew for about anything if the gold is worth the risk.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
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Mark'd - charismatic human fighter (Lab Lord- The North Marches) LL

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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#5 Post by Marullus »

There is a rapping on the floor as Keelan the White approaches. His tone is clipped. "Ahhh.... the Marked One. I received word of your coming. Your name precedes you in your faith to Baudh." He ladles water with his cupped hand and dribbles it slowly over Markd's head. He then sets the basin down in front of Markd. Acolyte Zyneste steps back, watching from a distance.

"There is a service to be done indeed, a message of Baudh which may well cost your life. This is a small price, perhaps, for you, but most are not so willing. Gaze into the waters." He points down to the waters where an image begins to form.
Within the bowl, you see a wide white-marble tower atop a hill, looking northward upon a wide east-west river.
A six-pointed sun, fashioned of gold, mounted upon a mouldering wall of ancient mortared stone.
"You recognize this as the sign of Baudh. He is an ancient God, and known in many tongues. The gods reveal little of this land, but this much we know. We need some to seek the artifact which you have been shown and return it for the church, for the surety of Gaul itself will depend upon it." He points northeast, then places his finger to his lips. "Taken no one but those who can be trusted in the Laws of Baudh."
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#6 Post by onlyme »

Markd bows and nods,
Thank you. I shall do the best I can and no less. Do you happen to have a parishioner roll handy, that I might use for more efficient recruiting?
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
Halfpint - female halfling badgirl wannabe (Lab Lord- The North Marches) LL
Mark'd - charismatic human fighter (Lab Lord- The North Marches) LL

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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#7 Post by Marullus »

"It takes... A certain temperament," Keelan says wanly. "I am sure you can find those willing and strong. Use caution, however. The faith you will face drifted before the end. It did not remain as pure as our own. Do not expect to find them as wholly righteous and defend your companions from temptation."
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#8 Post by Keehnelf »

Irving Rosemont enters the chapel hesitantly, pulling out a well-worn wooden holy symbol and massaging it with one thumb before making all the appropriate prostrations, genuflections and incantations to announce his presence to the priests and their god.

Once inside, he spends a good half-hour in prayer before the altar, and then seeks out conversation with a religious authority of some sort.
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#9 Post by Marullus »

Keelan the White finishes and retires to the back chambers. Markd sees a handsome man in resplendent shining armor enter and begin supplications.

Acolyte Zyneste approaches Irving, "How can I be of service?"
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#10 Post by onlyme »

Markd will watch the newcomer to confirm he is sincere in his actions. He will walk over, attempting to keep his head down.
Greetings fellow follower. It is good to see the town building a faithful base yet again.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
Halfpint - female halfling badgirl wannabe (Lab Lord- The North Marches) LL
Mark'd - charismatic human fighter (Lab Lord- The North Marches) LL

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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#11 Post by Keehnelf »

Irving looks up at the priests as they approach. "Ah! Dear brothers, I have come from the lands to the south in search of adventure and in the hope of discovering what unknown wrongs may be righted, what unrest put, what dangers may be quelled in the name of the light and the good. My father told me many times that 'That would be the day' when I become a knight, and ever since he said those words, a fire has burned in my heart to pursue the noblest of professions. I know that the servants of Baudh, the just and all-seeing god venerated by my family...and myself, of course...can lead a pious soul on the path to that most righteous calling, and I seek your wisdom to set my feet aright."

There is something familiar about the formulations used by the young warrior, and the oddly inflected and ritualistic way he delivers them, almost as if he were recalling a passage from a text or reciting a poem from memory.
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#12 Post by Marullus »

Acolyte Zyneste smiles warmly at Irving, the charming and well-spoken warrior, placing her hand on his shoulder. "Many pursue the trials of knighthood, warrior, and I wish you luck on your quest. The ArchDuke must surely look for those most worthy and willing on Midsummer's Eve. The high holy day festival is a little over a month away... not much time to distinguish oneself, but..." She trails off and smiles.
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#13 Post by Keehnelf »

Irving looks slightly abashed. "Err, right. Midsummer! You know, I travel so much I lose track of the days somehow, and...the weather." He steadily reddens. "Well, do you have any ideas of what needs doing that can help me--distinguish oneself?"
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#14 Post by Marullus »

Acolyte Zyneste answers, "Well, the ArchDuke has placed a bounty for information on, or successful resolution of, the goblin problem with the caravans. Such a deed would certainly grant you recognition and audience."
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#15 Post by Keehnelf »

Irving nods confidently as the acolyte speaks. "Yes, this sounds like exactly the kind of thing my mentor Nana used to tell me about from the histories. I pledge my sword and my shield to end the scourge of the goblins upon these lands!" He cries aloud, before departing the chapel quickly in search of allies.
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#16 Post by onlyme »

Markd attempts to stop him (assuming he does

I have some information regarding those. We just returned from a scavenger mission. It looks like they overwhelmed the latest caravan near a creek a couple days ride out, and pillaged the items. We found one stash in a nearby cave. They most likely have others stored away as well.

I uh could show you where, and a few others at the tavern could as well. But, first, I need glorious assistance in tracking down something even more valuable to our great cause.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#17 Post by Keehnelf »

Irving pulls up short. "What's that? Is it a shield forged in the breath of a dragon? A holy relic that will drive away the goblins with the mere sight of it? A blade tempered by the gods that can slice through thirty necks in a single blow?" His eyes are flashing with excitement.
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#18 Post by onlyme »

Markd shakes his head.
No, it is a simple artifact. But one, the church needs back here. I am not one to question why.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
Halfpint - female halfling badgirl wannabe (Lab Lord- The North Marches) LL
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#19 Post by Keehnelf »

Irving visibly deflates, and is quiet for a long time before speaking again. "Well, I suppose a quest is a quest, and a holy relic is a holy relic."
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#20 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Captain Bremer
The Captain pushedthrough the door into the temple, glad to be out of the rain again. He walked purposefully to light a candle at the side of the temple before taking a seat roughly one third of the way back from the altar; the preferred place in any temple. He kept an eye open for the people Kellstrom had mentioned. He would pay his tithe when he was sure if would pay off.
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