(CLOSED) Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

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Re: Campaign Asides

#41 Post by Sol »

[Zirus - Lizardfolk Aspiring Cleric 0] (MP: 0.5/2) (HP 10/10) (AC: 19)
Actions: Wonders, Wanders

The scene shifts inexplicably, and Zirus is disoriented at first. Still, the wet air feels fantastic and the Lizard Man enjoys the reprieve where he is as he gets his thoughts together. The landscape is somewhat alien, and he has no idea what the beeping is, yet places such as this are quite hospitable to his kind.

Zirus begins to realize that he must be experiencing some sort of hallucination, a vision, since he cannot otherwise explain why the former world of the Neanderthals has left him so quickly. He searches his belongings, expecting that perhaps his backpack has returned, and why wouldn't it, since this is a whole new dream.
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Re: Campaign Asides

#42 Post by Antman9 »

The Test Continues

Zirus fumbles around trying to orient himself with the sudden change in reality. Checking his belongings he finds they are there and feel intact and real, as real as life itself. The cooling rain refreshes him and he readies himself for the next test.

The continuous beeping becomes suddenly erratic and then ceases, “beep beep, beep beep……beeeeep, beeeeeeep, beeeepbeeepbeepbeepbeep, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.” A loud “Clunk-Clunk!” comes from the opening of the temple followed by a bright flash of light and a strange whirring sound.

Silence ensues for several moments followed by a long hissing sound. Footsteps echo from within the temple and a voice screams in a muffled tone. “et e oooo. Iii rrrr ooo uing iss? Op! op!” Zirus recognizes the voice as distinctly Human, but the words seem muffled and incoherent. The Human cries are followed by a voice Zirus is familiar with, a language true and dear to his heart, that of Lizerdmen, “Light the beacon and prepare the fires.


2:01 am
June 27th, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 5:37/8:30
Temp: 77.0°F
Visibility: 10.0 Miles
Wind: 9.2 mph from the SSE
Cloud: Thunderstorm
Humidity: 61%
Moon Rise/Set: 5:38 am/8:30 pm
Moonlight: 3%
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Re: Campaign Asides

#43 Post by Sol »

[Zirus - Lizardfolk Aspiring Cleric 0] (MP: 0.5/2) (HP 10/10) (AC: 19)
Actions: Rises to the challenge

Zirus realizes that he is being tested. And probably cannot die. But... the first test. The encounter with the Neanderthals... they attacked him, and that test ended. Being killed by them there, in the vision... was that failure? Now he is being tested again. Another human. In the structure. The sounds are a clue, but what do they mean? And a Lizard Man, too. At the human's mercy? In need of help? It told him to light the beacon. Simple. But he will need to be on his guard as well.

Cautiously, Zirus makes his way toward the voice. He has his mirror ready for this will be his best chance to light the beacon quickly. As for the strange human, well, Zirus will have to judge that situation as it comes.
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Re: Campaign Asides

#44 Post by Antman9 »

The Test Continues

Zirus moves carefully up the steps to the temple entrance, mirror in hand and confident of his task ahead. The arching entryway opens into a small 10’ x 12’ room the walls of which are covered in bas reliefs depicting armies of Lizardmen attacking, mauling, chewing, and otherwise defeating smaller armies of men.

On the far side, opposite of the entryway, is a second archway of similar appearance. Ten feet further in is a wall of stone blocks, similar to those on the outside, and from either side, between the doorway and the wall, shines a bluish-white light partially illuminating the 10’ x 12’ entry room where Zirus now stands.

The muffled Human voice and the voices of the Lizardmen are much louder now. “Prepare the sacrifice quickly my friendsss. We do not want to anger the Godessss Ssshekinester. Ssshe will be here ssssoon. Sssswiftly now.” A grating of stone sounds and the muffled voice of the Human begins to scream, followed by the hurried sound of padded footsteps.

While Zirus contemplates his next action a brilliant green light flares to life outside the temple illuminating the forest for miles around. Zirus is suddenly bathed in its emerald brilliance, and before he can react the murals in bas relief, on the walls of the entry chamber, come to life. Human men, women, and children scream in agony at the hands and teeth of the Lizardmen. In the light Zirus can now see some of the Lizardmen have four arms, while all have rows of razor sharp teeth, webbed fins on forearms and backs, long meaty tails, wear bronze armor, and wield long tridents. The Lizardmen in the relief relentlessly attack the Humans as the scene plays on without end.
L_Men.jpg (105.54 KiB) Viewed 925 times

2:01 am
June 27th, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 5:37/8:30
Temp: 77.0°F
Visibility: 10.0 Miles
Wind: 9.2 mph from the SSE
Cloud: Thunderstorm
Humidity: 61%
Moon Rise/Set: 5:38 am/8:30 pm
Moonlight: 3%
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Re: Campaign Asides

#45 Post by Sol »

[Zirus - Lizardfolk Aspiring Cleric 0] (MP: 0.5/2) (HP 10/10) (AC: 19)
Actions: Considers History

Zirus considers the images that have come to life on the walls of the temple and he recognizes the scene from history. Actually, he recalls that there have been several events such as this. The directive of their goddess, to devour, has always been met with vigor by his people. It is the way. The greater devours the lesser. Aside from the obvious benefit of physical nourishment, there is also the advantage of bringing new resources to the Lizard Folk. Things they do not make for themselves. Metal implements. New dwellings. Coin and jewelry. And it is a way to gain territory. Devour to live. Devour or else stagnate and die. This has always been their spiritual way. The humans always fight back, but advancing on the spiritual path often involves sacrifice. The way is not opened to those who will not work for it.

Zirus shakes his head at the sounds of the women and children screaming. The scene shows many who are not warriors falling. He is paralyzed at first at the contradictory ideas of what brings life to the Lizard Folk, what sates them, what provides for the evolution of their civilization. There, the four-armed nobles, giants, lead the way for the people, taking them higher, aggressively claiming what they need to survive.

But... it's not the only way. Zirus finds himself more and more disturbed by the imagery, at the fact that innocents, humans, are being ground under and used, that the Lizard Tribe is growing, progressing, at the expense of this other. As the excitement for the hunt wells in him, so then does a fecund nausea, for he cannot accept what is happening here, and he is disgusted at the part of himself that still believes the lie, the part of him that wants to go to his brothers and devour in order to become.
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Re: Campaign Asides

#46 Post by Antman9 »

The Test Continues

As Zee contemplates and tries to come to terms with the nefarious scenes being played out in bas relief on the walls before him, a shadow catches his eye from the outside. Turning he sees a Human figure walking casually up the outer steps. Her beauty is profound and her gate seductive. She caries several snakes which she pets and strokes cooing to them as she glides across the stones. Many small and large green snakes follow her along the stone floor. Zirus does not recognize this woman.
Goddess.jpg (183.47 KiB) Viewed 919 times
Before Zirus can act she is upon him, then passing him. Her appearance says she does not acknowledge or possibly chooses not to acknowledge his existence. She simply walks past him, through the doorway, and to the right. She is out of sight before Zirus can react.

A calamitous chanting in Draconic echoes from beyond the inner doorway repeating, “Godessss Ssshekinester,” over and over again. The sound is defening, as if a multitude of voices are crying out in unison.


2:01 am
June 27th, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 5:37/8:30
Temp: 77.0°F
Visibility: 10.0 Miles
Wind: 9.2 mph from the SSE
Cloud: Thunderstorm
Humidity: 61%
Moon Rise/Set: 5:38 am/8:30 pm
Moonlight: 3%
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Re: Campaign Asides

#47 Post by Sol »

[Zirus - Lizardfolk Aspiring Cleric 0] (MP: 0.5/2) (HP 10/10) (AC: 19)
Actions: Smashes Holy Item

This... human girl... it takes a moment for Zirus to realize that this is somehow his goddess, taunting him, tempting him, with the human form. As his mouth begins to water at her presence, he is simultaneously filled with dread, that by not pouncing upon her human form and tearing the flesh from it that he is denying her.

He fights it, and in his hesitation, she is gone. The test is over. He has failed his goddess by not acting immediately, by not honoring the hunger, the drive to devour.

Zirus feels empty, alone. There is a great distance, for the first time, between him and his goddess. Carefully, deliberately, he takes the mirror from around his neck. He gazes into the reflection, and he hates what he sees. In a moment of determination, he raises the mirror above his head, a scream of rage and frustration and defiance leaves his maw, and he slams the glass down upon the temple floor where it shatters into a million pieces.
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Re: Campaign Asides

#48 Post by Antman9 »

The Journey Complete

A pitch black Darkness falls across Zirus’ vision. He wakes moments later shivering on a cold stone floor in Madam Acenith’s little room with the blue and red candles flickering peacefully. Madam Acenith helps Zirus to his feet and says, “You have seen your past and you have seen your future, these visions will guide you on your journey. Come again when you have seen the world and I will reveal your destiny. Know that you have seen it already but do not yet comprehend its meaning.” She hands Zirus a necklace made of delicate green metallic links fastened to a small pendant. The pendant is a flattened orb shape with a green and yellow flecked parietal eye encased in a domed glass lens. As Zirus takes the gift and looks upon the eye, it moves about, scanning the room wide-eyed then narrows and searches Zirus’ face. “She will guide and watch over you. Heed her visage or suffer her wrath. Go now.” She guides Zirus to the outer room where Tobias is waiting.

The Amulet of Shekinester will grant you +15 to all checks against Human weakness as long as it is worn. Madam Acenith warned of other affects but did not specify exactly what they were.

[Tobias – Grimalkin] (HD: 2) (AC: 15)
Tobias smiles and greets Zirus, “I was worried for you my friend. Madam Acenith has told me you were on a journey of fate. Did it serve you well?


2:02 am
June 27th, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 5:37/8:30
Temp: 77.0°F
Visibility: 10.0 Miles
Wind: 9.2 mph from the SSE
Cloud: Thunderstorm
Humidity: 61%
Moon Rise/Set: 5:38 am/8:30 pm
Moonlight: 3%
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Re: Campaign Asides

#49 Post by Sol »

[Zirus - Lizardfolk Aspiring Cleric 0] (MP: 0.5/2) (HP 10/10) (AC: 19)
Actions: Departs UnderCity

Still reeling from the experience, Zirus takes the token from the witch and nods absently. He still clutches it in his hand as they leave the domicile. This effort was supposed to heal him, yet he continues to feel confused and sick.

As Tobias asks about the experience, Zirus simply says, "Come, Little Brother. It is time to return."
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Re: Campaign Asides

#50 Post by Antman9 »

Well, that was interesting...You never quite get what you came for when you go to see a witch do you? :lol:

You can go ahead and join the others at Bartholomew’s Item Emporium in The Haunting of Griffon Manor thread.
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Re: Campaign Asides

#51 Post by Sol »

Antman9 wrote:Well, that was interesting...You never quite get what you came for when you go to see a witch do you? :lol:

You can go ahead and join the others at Bartholomew’s Item Emporium in The Haunting of Griffon Manor thread.
I loved it. Thanks for the awesome aside, Antman!
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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#52 Post by Antman9 »

Summary: Tafari Goes on Safari
Location: 2nd Floor

Tafari jerks his “New Species” journal from its pouch and speedily pads his way after the fluttering Pixie. Once outside the 1st floor guest room, he catches sight of the Pixie and the armor-clad Human ascending the stairs to the second floor. Giving chase, the Human bursts through a doorway on the 2nd floor leaving the Pixie outside.

The pixie turns and waits with a nervous look on her face. Seeing Tafari following swiftly with an eager look on his face she says, “Oh my! What are you?

What you know so far
  • Strange events and creatures about the town of Hommlet.
  • Netheril has lost contact with a fellow Wizard in the Hommlet of Gillian.
  • Trees suddenly sprung up on the Seamyst Prairie following a loud horn sound on June 29th.
  • The prairie seems to be filled with giant insects and other enlarged creatures.
  • Giant Rock Spiders and other strange rock-like creatures encountered in the vicinity of Gillian.
  • Brother Smith (Druid of sorts), in the Village of Hommlet, may be the cause of the strange events on the Seamyst Prarie.
  • Gaea, Deathless God, mother of the earth and everything therein, may be awakening and threatening the destroy life as everyone knows it.
  • Netheril is searching for the Immortals.
  • Adventurers have begun to disappear in strange events.
  • Strange giant men, possible Moon Men, are appearing and kidnapping people.
  • Strange horned demonic beasts have been spotted dispersing dark clouds of black smoky mist that warps the very fiber of living creatures, turning them into slobbering ghoulish terrors.
  • Winged, reptilian-like creatures have been spotted flying over the Seamyst Plains.
Rate of Travel: ~1 mi/hr (Gnarled Forest)

The Party:
  • Kel Axelrod – Half Giant (HP: 10/10) (AC: 12)
  • Rakjak – Gnoll (HP: 10/10 (AC: 11)
  • Lyaera Arabana – Dark Elf (HP: 10/10) (AC: 12)
  • Zirus – Lizard Man (HP: 10/10) (AC: 19)
  • Caiden Cross – Human (HP: 10/10) (AC: 13)
  • Tahari Baako – Nemed, Honey Badger (HP: 10/10) (AC: 14)
  • Bartholomew Bumblewoodtooth Grumblefoot III – Gnome Extraordinaire, Retired Adventurer (HP: 40/40) (AC: ??)
  • Esilia Willow – Pixie (HP: 18/18) (AC: 11/15 fly)
  • Gavin Moorehouse – Human (HP: 127/127) (AC: 17)
  • Tobias – Grimalkin (HP: 26/26) (AC: 10)
The Bad Guys
  • n/a

10:00 pm
July 9th, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 6:41/8:24
Temp: 79.0 °F
Visibility: 10.0 Miles
Wind: 5.8 mph ESE
Condition: Partly Cloudy
Humidity: 84%
Moon Rise/Set: 5:39 pm/5:30 am
Moonlight: Waxing Gibbous, 89% visible

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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#53 Post by Antman9 »

Ēventus Interruptiō!: Echoes from Below
Location: 2nd Floor Landing
Calendar: 10:01 pm - July 9th, 9001

A voice echoes up the stairwell from the 1st floor, "Sir. Sir! You mustn't run amok. Master Netheril will not allow it. Sir!"
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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#54 Post by stephberg »

[Tafari - Nemed, Honey Badger lvl 0] (hp: 10/10) (AC: 14)
Actions: Whoa!
Sketching feverishly in his Journal. Tafari, barely hears the pixie's words. He looks up and catches her eyes.
"Oh, um, I...I am a Tafari, er...um... A Nemed, eh, honey badger from the isle of Éire. oh dear, please do forgive my manors, I've read books, but words do not do your kind justice."
Tafari straightens himself out and presents the proper greeting in her native tongue.
"I am Tafari Baako, pleased to meet your acquaintance."
Losing his battle with the desire to document the experience he pulls his journal back up and begins writing again. Looking up to say "Please excuse me, I must jot down a few more things, this really is...just.... He sighs, seemingly excited, makes his best attempt at a pleasant expression, and starts writing.
Mumbling as he writes "Beautiful...memorizing, a voice as pure and rich as fresh honey."
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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#55 Post by Antman9 »

Esilia Willow

Esilia’s cheeks turn bright red as Tafari begins to speak in her native tongue, and with heaping honey-laden complements no less. “I…Uh…You, Oh dear! What are you saying? That…” At a loss for words Esilia turns to her previous task at hand. “You shouldn’t linger here. Gavin will be out soon, and he, well, he isn’t very happy. He loves the townspeople dearly and, well, they are in danger. We need Netheril’s help soon, or…I fear…Something bad may happen.” Esilia looks at Tafari with pleading eyes that begin to water. “Are you…Are you a warrior? We need strong warriors. I need strong warriors. For I too love the townsfolk. They are so dear to me, so innocent, so unaware of their plight. It would simply break my heart if something awful were to happen to them.” Her eyes transform from fearful to defiant as she puffs out her chest, “There are evil things out there, dark things, nasty things. They will kill and devour those poor innocent people. Will you help them, will you help me?” Her eyes turn from hate to pleading as tears begin to roll down her translucent sparkling cheeks.
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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#56 Post by stephberg »

[Tafari - Nemed, Honey Badger lvl 0] (hp: 10/10) (AC: 14)
Actions: Um....

Tafari looks up from his journal "Oh no dear, I am no warrior, I was not born in to that life. I am a scholar here to study Language, culture, and life itself. There is such a diversity of life here, I cannot wait to see it all. Oh but the group I'm being placed with may be able to help, there's a gnoll that I don't think I all quite together, a human that may be some kind of ranger, a lizard man that seems to see with more than just his eyes, a dark elf that's a bit jumpy, and a half giant that has a biiig ax! Let's go speak with them, I'm sure they'll help." Tafari turns his body, but cannot pull his eyes from the fragile face of the pixie.
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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#57 Post by Antman9 »

NPC Post: Babak – Gargoyle – Gunther Wilmhest’s little helper

Babak runs up the steps after Tafari, his short little legs working it all the way but never seeming to tire. Reaching the 2nd floor landing and seeing Esilia conversing with Tafari, his stony little cheeks turns brick red. "Oh, hi Esilia! Is this fellow bothering you? I will ask him to leave if you like?"

Babak turns to Tafari and whispers, "You shouldn't wander around in Netheril's tower unattended. He does not like people snooping about. There are dangers even in here. Many ghosts, many secrets." Babak frowns, looking into the shadows nearby, and mutters to himself, "Tenebrae! Spiritus mala vagentur!" Mild shivers shake Babak's shoulders. He turns back to his guests with a smile.

Tenebrae! Spiritus mala vagentur!: Shadows! Evil wandering spirits!
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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#58 Post by Antman9 »

NPC Post: Esilia Willow – Pixie

With a wry smile Esilia pats Babak on the head, "I think we will be fine Babak. You are very devoted to Netheril and his tower. That is admir... admiri...It is very brave of you." Turning to Tafari she says, "You look very strong to me. Are you certain there isn't a warrior in there somewhere? Esilia giggles a little and flies around Tafari to get a better look at him. "Very brave I should think. You have made it this far haven't you brave sir? That is no small feat." She puffs out her little chest and says, "I too have learned to be a mighty warrior. I must, you see. There are innocent peasants out there that need our help." She looks strong and proud, but every so often a flicker of fear shows through. "You should go back to the guest room. Gunther and Gavin will be coming out soon." Esilia moves in close to Tafari and whispers, "We wil be joining you in the morning, and you will be joining us." With another series of giggles Esilia flies several circles around Tafari and then peeks through a crack in the nearby door where Gunther and Gavin's voices, on the other side of which, can be heard mumbling to each other.
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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#59 Post by Antman9 »

NPC Post: Gunther Wilmhest – Human – Netheril’s right hand man

Gunther exits the infirmary to discover Esilia conversing with Babak and two of the newcomers. "Oh, uh... Well, The Kobolds will live. Gavin is praying over them while the healers do their work. Zirus, you and Tafari go..." Gunther trails off as two more adventurers, Lyaera and Rakjak, arrive on the 2nd floor landing.

"Well, it would appear as though my loyal adventurers are eager to make haste. Do not let it be said that Gunther is anything but accommodating. Let us return to the Guest Room and I will give you your marching orders.” Gavin points down the stairwell and turns to Esilia, “You may want to don your battle armor Princess Esilia. Gavin has asked that you accompany him and these eager adventurers.

Turning back to the adventurers, “I will join you shortly. I must gather your stipend from Netheril.” With that Gunther ascends the stairs to the upper floors.
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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#60 Post by stephberg »

[Tafari - Nemed, Honey Badger lvl 0] (hp: 10/10) (AC: 14)
Actions: But wait...
Tafari watches as Esilia ascends out of site and makes a few more notes in his journal. He tucks it away in his bag, throwing the flap down with too much force. Obviously annoyed, he looks at Babak with disdain as he stomps down the stairs like a spoiled brat that was denied a piece of pie.
"Aren't you supposed to be finding the package my parents sent?"
Tafari continued down the stairs disappearing in to the guest room.
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