House Rules

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House Rules

#1 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The biggest house rule will be the d6 ability checks. I am trying this in another game on here and so far it's working great.

Instead of rolling a d20 for atribute checks, I will put a difficulty level on the action you choose to attempt and success will be determined by rolling your attribute (STR,DEX) or lower on that number of d6's as follows:

Easy 2d6
Normal 3d6
Hard 4d6
Very Hard 5d6
Nearly Impossible 6d6

(example....your fighter wants to climb up a giant crabs leg and crawl across his back in order to chop at his eyestalks in order to blind it. I would decide how difficult the action is, in this case I would say it is Very Hard. So, the fighter would need to roll a DEX check at 4d6 and get his DEX or lower to succeed in climbing the leg. In order to hang on to the live crab he may have to make a STR check in the same fashion and so on.)

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Re: House Rules

#2 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Nat 20's and Nat 1's

When you roll a Natural 20, I will allow one of two possible outcomes. You can choose to do max damage with the weapon used, or I will use the damage rolled with the 20, and roll for a "special" outcome. This could be anything from a fumble that disrupts the next attack to something much worse. (think decapitation)

When a Natural 1 is rolled, there will be no choice involved. I will roll for a possible negative effect. The result could be something fairly innocuous, or could be something much worse. For example, damaging your weapon or injuring yourself or your comrades.
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Re: House Rules

#3 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Die Rolls

You will make all of your own characters rolls and link them to your posts. DMs rolls will not be posted. I play mostly on a tablet or my phone so, trying to post every roll is a nightmare to do. The storyline will reflect what happens from "behind the screen" so I don't like spending a bunch of extra time organizing and posting all the rolls. In fact, when I'm at home, sometimes I actually roll real dice. It's hard to link those rolls. :)

I hope that's not a deal breaker for anyone.
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Re: House Rules

#4 Post by OGRE MAGE »


I like to keep the main game thread free of clutter that isn't game related. I don't mind if you post "out of character" if you have to, but please don't use it as a chat room. That is what the OOC thread is for. Thanks.

I would also like everyone to post their characters dialogue in blue, (dialogue button in full editor) and any OOC comments or questions in red. (ooc button) Anything else can be in normal type.
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Re: House Rules

#5 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Combat Initiative

I usually use a d10 roll to determine the individual initiative order each round. However, in certain situations I will use a smaller die to simulate close combat in small areas, fighting multiple opponents, etc. If you want to roll your own initiative that is fine with me. Just include a d10 roll with your attack rolls and I will adjust it as necessary.

Please post your attack rolls and damage rolls along with you actions during combat.

Sample macro:
Attack with Longsword [1d20+1] Damage [1d8+1]

There is no need to include "vs. large" damage in your macros because I don't think there is any large sized enemies in this entire series.

When I post the rounds actions, I usually try to stick to the initiative order as it happens. However, sometimes it is easier to adjust the order in which things are occurring so it makes more sense while reading it. I'm only telling you this to prevent any possible confusion in the future.
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Re: House Rules

#6 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Experience Points

I will reward the usual XP's for the things you vanquish and for any treasure that you collect.

There will also be a substantial XP award for surviving each of the sections of the adventure.

I may also reward players for outstanding roleplaying or other such things like coming up with an interesting or unique idea etc. I may also penalize your character for continuous bad or disruptive play but, there will be several warnings before anyone gets that type of treatment.

You will all need to advance in levels in order to complete the next missions but I thought it might be nice to reward the players that put in the extra effort to make the game better for all of us.

If you have any questions about bonus XP, don't be afraid to ask them.
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Re: House Rules

#7 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Death and Dying

I'm starting to rethink the -10 = death equation that I use in my games.

I think that it is a bit unrealistic to use that same standard for every character. Therefore, I want to propose a new system to determine how long you last after being injured to the point of unconsciousness.

The new standard for death will be when you are brought to -3hp. You will get a -1 to that number for every 2 points of Constitution above 8. (average)

You are still knocked unconscious at 0. If you have injuries that will cause you to continue bleeding, you lose 1 hp per round until you can be properly stabilized. If you are knocked unconscious but have no compounding circumstances, you won't continue to lose hp. If you bleed out or are injured to below your limit, you die.
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