Skill Descriptions

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C. Steven Ross
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Skill Descriptions

#1 Post by C. Steven Ross »

Why building your characters, refer to this handy guide to get a feel for what skills your character will start off having some expertise in.

Alchemist - create potions, tinctures, acids, salves, or other eldritch preparations.
Arcanist - cast magician spells.
Armorer - forge and repair armor and weapons.
Carpenter - make useful items out of wood; like chairs, doors, ladders, buildings, pulleys, and boats.
Cartographer - create and interpret maps. Accurate maps allow you to bypass hazards and obstacles you've previously overcome.
Commander - organize, supply, and command a force of soldiers for battle.
Cook - preserve food for storage, or turn a bit of rations into a meal for the whole party.
Criminal - pick locks, smuggle goods, counterfeit documents, and escape bonds.
Dungeoneer - traverse difficult and dangerous terrain underground, and set and disable dungeon traps.
Fighter - slay men, beasts, and monsters.
Haggler - negotiate over prices at the market when in Town.
Healer - treat wounds and disease, and make soothing poultices.
Hunter - lure, stalk, trap, and slay beasts for food.
Laborer - perform heavy manual labor, haul away if items, or carry extra gear.
Lore Master - plumb the secrets of the natural world to understand the workings of magic spells and artifacts, and recall forgotten lore.
Manipulator - intimidate, defuse, bluff, or trick someone.
Mentor - teach someone a new skill or spell.
Orator - make speeches to sway crowds.
Pathfinder - make and mark paths through the wilderness.
Peasant - do farm work, dig ditches, mend fences and broken wagon wheels, and complain.
Persuader - persuade your friends to act on your behalf and make them think it's in their own best interest.
Rider - ride and care for horses and other exotic mounts.
Ritualist - cast magic prayers, officiate at weddings, and preside over funerals.
Sailor - navigate coasts and waterways.
Scavenger - find useful bits and materials, and forage for sustenance.
Scholar - read, write, research, and recall local knowledge.
Scout - spot and track monsters, sneak behind enemies, and find hidden things.
Steward - all aspects of managing estates and organizations, from local guild to globe-spanning empire.
Stonemason - cut stone and make walls, bridges, arches, and buildings.
Survivalist - make shelters, find water, build fires, read the weather, and jury-rig tools.
Theologian - master doctrine and secrets of the Nine Divines.
Weaver - manufacture fabric, clothes, sheets, and tapestries.

There are also a few things that function almost exactly like skills, but are only slightly different.

Health - recover from exhaustion and injury, do a physical activity not described by a skill.
Will - recover from angry, afraid, and sick, do a mental activity not described by a skill.
Nature - use your inner spirit to forge ahead, do something your people are naturally gifted at.
Circles - find people, make yourself well-known, and make friends.
Resources - buy things and use money to leverage things in your favor.
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