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#1 Post by Keehnelf »

All PCs go here.
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Rider of Rohan
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Re: Characters

#2 Post by Keehnelf »

Template - use for posting your characters

Real name:

Fighting: 3
Coordination: 3
Force: 3
Reason: 3
Focus: 3
Appeal: 3
Endurance: 3

Health: 9

Experience points: 0



Contacts: names and notes


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Rider of Rohan
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Re: Characters

#3 Post by Keehnelf »

Please make dummy characters in the dice roller attached to campaign 224 for tracking rolls!
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Re: Characters

#4 Post by Mister-Kent »

Name/Identity: Heatseeker
Age: 22
Real name: Marco Rey

Fighting: 4
Coordination: 4
Force: 2
Reason: 3
Focus: 5
Appeal: 5
Endurance: 2

Health: 11

Experience points: 0

1. Melee Combat
2. Investigation

1. Danger Sense 0 (2d6+Focus 5)
2. Empathy 0 (2d6+Focus 5 to sense, +Appeal 5 to engage)
3. Heightened Agility 0 (2d6+Coordination 4)

Contacts: names and notes
1. Liam Harker, aka Lackluster Lad - Marco's childhood best friend who developed powers of invisibility. If Marco is indie rock gone commercial pop, Liam is straight punk rock. He's pretty much Marco's polar opposite, doing his good deeds in anonymity. In action, he wears a utili-kilt for gear and keeps a bandana over the bottom of his face.
2. Madison "Maddy" Pressley - Attended NYU with Marco until Marco dropped out. They both majored in Communications, and she agreed to be a "manager" or sorts, finding him public appearances and photo-shoot gigs. Unbeknownst to Marco, she may secretly work for some unknown group.

Marco is 5'11 with a lean athletic build. He has hazel eyes and thick, dark brown, upswept hair. In civilian clothes he loves stylish layers in complementary colors. His Heatseeker uniform is a form-fitting black jumpsuit with a Mandarin collar and boot-cut pant legs. The sleeves, collar, and chest detail have red-orange piping and accents.

He is optimistic, generous and caring, but overly concerned with appearances and what others think of him. If he performs an act of kindness in public, it always makes him wonder if he's not as nice a person as thinks he is. Despite this lingering self-doubt, he is driven to succeed and achieve his goal--namely being the most famous and beloved superhero in all of NYC.

Also answers to Seek, Heater, or HS. Has a ne'er-do-well half-brother and flighty but well-meaning sister out there…somewhere. Loves spaghetti, anchovies, and eating croutons like potato chips. Hates bullies and performance art.
Last edited by Mister-Kent on Tue Dec 09, 2014 8:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Characters

#5 Post by keal »

Name/Identity: Threshold
Age: 20
Real name: Kevin Dwyer

Fighting: 3
Coordination: 4
Force: 3
Reason: 4
Focus: 4
Appeal: 4
Endurance: 4

Health: 11

Experience points: 0

1. Subterfuge
2. Ranged Combat (Throwing)

1. Portal Hopping 1
2. Psi-Knives 1

Contacts: names and notes
1. Mr. Dale Copenhaver - Kevin's case-worker while he was a ward of the state (who doubles as a guardian ad litem for one of NYC's many departments of Family and Youth Services). Copenhaver was always hard on Kevin, but has unknowingly played fatherly role throughout Kevin's developmental years. He would, in fact, get in trouble just in order to be sent back to Copenhaver's office. Copenhaver is balding, slightly paunchy, with a handlebar mustache and an ever-present aroma of black coffee seemingly baked into his very skin from his daily (multiple) cups.
2. Professor Tiberius - A sage and practitioner of many ancient and magical/mystical arts, Professor Tiberius has been helping Kevin with his psi-abilities, especially with his practice of meditation and breathing exercises. The professor is also an adviser to many other superheroes around the city who come in search of answers to strange questions that seem to crop up from time to time. This affords Kevin the opportunity to at least *see* some of the more well-known costumed-and-powerful superheroes if not have the actual chance to speak with them for long.

Kevin is a hair shy of 6'0'' and is incredibly thin, but much of that stems from general malnourishment from his youth and lack of understanding of good eating habits as a young man. His eyes are a pale green (which is a stark contrast to the somewhat dark circles beneath his eyes). He claims that it is because he doesn't sleep well. His hair is light brown and shaggy, looking as though it is only trimmed and/or combed as an afterthought. His civilian clothes aren't anything specific, but he does enjoy layers - and something with a hood is always appreciated. His crime-fighting outfit is similar, in many ways, to his everyday clothing, but the cut of the material is a little looser, giving him a 'flowing' look as he maneuvers about. Nothing, like the cuff of a sleeve or pants leg, is so widely cut as to give an enemy the opportunity to grab, and the hooded cowl he wears that gives the upper portion of his face a shaded/hazy look due to the widow's peak stitched into its lining that is also attached to a band he wears around his forehead to keep it in place. Overall, he appreciates how cool it all looks when the wind blows against him and the material billows a bit.

Kevin will answer to shortened forms of his given name, like "Kev," for instance, or "Kay," quite readily. He also responds - in something of a military-like fashion - to just hearing his last name called out. In some of the foster homes he's been in over the years, his last name was the only thing the caregiver ever really knew or used. In terms of his heroic name, he will also respond to "Thresh" if it's called out. He takes in tremendous amounts of junk food and never gains an ounce of weight. He calls out and mutters in his sleep a lot, and people have said that it's sometimes in what sounds to be another language. When his psi-knives hit, especially when sparring with his teammates, he has been told that there is an intense "freezing" feeling - like being thrown into icy water - that quickly fades. He cannot offer an explanation as to why.

He has an intense fear of James "Jimmy" Vespa - A bully from Kevin's past, even though there is no way he could actually still be around.... They were forced to share a room together in Ms. Maloney's house - a woman who took in children from the state in order to collect checks and benefit financially. Jimmy was (is?) a classic 'guido' whose last name (meaning, loosely, "wasp") fit him to a tee. He delighted in tormenting the other children, boys specifically, with his size and might - until he cornered Kevin one day and was Sent Away via a portal that Kevin opened behind him... and then shoved him through... and closed it. Kevin still thinks he can hear Jimmy's taunts from time to time, or see him out of the corner of his eye, but when he turns or goes in search of the sounds or voices, no one is there.
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Kanye Westeros
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Re: Characters

#6 Post by Kanye Westeros »

Name/Identity: SENTINEL
Age: 28
Real name: Sgt. Major William Patrick MacGregor USMC (Classified)

Health: 10 (seems low for the type of character this is?)
XP: 0

Fighting: 3
Coordination: 3
Force: 7
Reason: 2
Focus: 2
Appeal: 1
Endurance: 6

1. Military Tactics and combat training (soldier)
2. Secretly a nerd (plays video games, reads a lot)

1. Super Strength 0
(2d6+Force 7)
- can lift and throw almost a ton pretty far.
2. Invulnerability 0
(2d6+Endurance 6)
- can withstand most military munitions and explosives.
3. Flight 0
(2d6+Coordination 3)
- flies about as fast as a commercial jet on average. eg. 6 hours to get from NYC to LA.

Limitations and Weaknesses
- Sentinel is extremely tough but still needs to breathe, so he cannot operate in hostile environs (space, underwater) without a breath mask or something.
- Sentinel gets tired and burned out much like any other person, and needs to spend time absorbing solar energy, resting, and eating to regain his strength.
- Sentinel absorbs Solar Energy regularly. Without it, he gets sick and his powers start weakening within a day, and he will continue becoming weaker each day until he can spend time in the sun again and recharge. This won't kill him or cause any permanent damage, but after a span of time he will be functionally powerless until he can recharge.

Contacts: names and notes
1. The Husks
Deformed and insane secondary test subjects from PROJECT NIGHT SKY. (see below: Synthetics Testing)
They were given a flawed and dangerous synthetic version of the alien hormone that gives Sentinel his powers.
Each of the nine Husks have one or two powers similar to Sentinel's, a few have even developed unique traits, but they are all monstrously deformed, insane, and very violent.
Wendigo (Michelle Delacroix) - Increased speed and strength. Her hands have grown much larger than normal, with fingers stretching over a foot long and tipped with razor sharp claws. Leader of the Husks, rumored to be a cannibal.
Cauldron (Alonzo Hall) - Biokinesis and energy manipulation. Grotesquely Swollen, the lumbering Alonzo can secrete an extremely caustic acid, and uses said acid as both a weapon and a means of consuming matter to keep himself going.
Hunter (Julius D'antonio) - Increased Speed and sharpened senses, Though he can move incredibly fast, Julius is also unable to fully disengage his speed, forcing him to live his entire life surrounded by people moving and talking far too slow, his powers also cause him to age prematurely, though he's in his twenties, he looks like a man twice his age.
Freyya (Abigail Wallach) - Invulnerability. Though she lacks anything like flight or great strength, Abbie is a functionally unkillable, sociopath. She complements her indestructability with a wide array of conventional weaponry.
Pixie (Daria Strohmann) - Flight and Energy Manipulation. This glowing-eyed and pink skinned woman can alter or redirect small amounts of the electromagnetic spectrum. generating heat, or light, or messing with electronics.
Tank (Victor Hasek) - Super Strength and Invulnerability. Victor's muscle and bone tissue began growing and twisting uncontrollably after his injections of SynChrome. Now he's a hulking mass of rage and muscle nearly 12 feet tall and almost 8 wide.
Snare (Otis Balambao) - Super Strength and speed. Otis' mutations manifested in his extremely long and prehensile tongues, all three of them. He uses them to his advantage in many situations.
Oracle (Bryce Lowe) - Extremely sharp senses. Creepy, bordering on seeming telepathy, Bryce can hear a pin drop from a mile away, literally. He can read the serial numbers off of a plane flying over head, and he can feel the vibrations of every car, pedestrian, train, and bus for miles around. This also leads to constant sensory overload and migraines, which is why he tends to keep a hood up and his senses blocked unless he needs them.
Hammer (Alan Westerberg) - Super Strength and regeneration. Alan began to overdevelop along similar lines to Victor, but rather than develop excess muscle mass everywhere, Alan lost the use of one arm, but had the other bulk up into a devastating weapon. Though he has strength, he never developed as much of a resistance to damage, and as such every fight he gets into tears him up - broken bones, torn muscle, severed flesh - but he heals almost as fast as he's injured.

2. Grace Choi - Agent of Vanguard and retired Colonel USMC
This is Will's "handler" and immediate superior from his military days, Vanguard offered her a position as a team liason because of her extensive experience with parahumans and black operations. She and Will go way back, and have a deep respect for each other.

Description: Character Background
"Sometimes completing the mission isn't as clean or tidy as you hope. But I always complete the mission. Make of that what you will."
In 2013 an object made planetfall above Chelyabinsk Russia. Official reports state it was simply a meteor which broke up on entry into our atmosphere, official reports are wrong, the Object (NIGHTSKY S-00001) was a lone alien craft, intercepted and transported (Intel Flag: DEEP BLACK) to [REDACTED] research installation in [CLASSIFIED], where it was then transferred to the United States (CONUS).

Of the craft's crew, the sole surviving passenger inside (see report: NIGHTSKY XT-00013) was of a type we had never encountered before, It breathed an atmosphere of Argon and Krypton, but shared some surprising genetic similarities with us. It was kept and interrogated for nearly a decade before it died.

Analysis of its anatomy and bodily functions yielded an interesting silvery hormone researchers dubbed "StellaChrome" (NIGHTSKY XTC-40) the source of which was a small gland, which pumped like a secondary heart, and pushed this substance throughout the alien's bodily tissues.

preliminary testing on dish cloned human tissues yielded exciting results, this hormone bound itself into the cellular structures and further reacted to "Solar and UV Energies" (see Test Log: KEYHOLE 2024-02-01) tightening the quantum bonds of that tissue sample, in essence making it very nearly indestructible by any means readily available. This process was dubbed the 'Photonucleic Effect'*.

Testing - Success:
It was hypothesized that the generating organ the "Star Heart" as it was called, was required to regulate the StellaChrome in the host's systems. A volunteer was accepted, and with only minor complications the Star Heart was implanted into Subject 0.
Subject 0 has experienced very few drawbacks, and a whole host of amazing benefits.
Every cell in his body has increased in strength and durability*, he is now practically indestructible by most standards (which has placed limitations on further internal studies).

*The Photonucleic Effect forges unbreakable bonds between cells, and his skin and muscles only 'toughen up' in proportion to the force being applied to it, as such his skin still feels normal to the touch when he's using human-level strength, or resisting light amounts of pressure.

Newly discovered secondary effects of the Star Heart:
- A unique gravitational lensing effect which has allowed the subject limited levitation, and after several weeks' practice, full unaided flight.
- Neural activity in the subject's brain and motor neurons are increasing at an exponential rate, hinting at eventual speed and reaction times far beyond human norms. More testing required.

Medical File (Addendum):
Will's augmentations have made many tertiary changes throughout his body.
- The StellaChrome in his cells absorbs and channels solar energy through his tissues, his body temperature is almost 20 degreess higher than human norms, giving him the minor side advantage of killing off most pathogens and viruses entering his body before they can affect him.
- The Star Heart, as well as his abilities, increase the strain on his metabolism so he has an increased diet (5,000-8,000 cal/day with supplements as needed)
- Needs several hours in direct sunlight for bodily cells and the Star Heart to recharge.

His vastly increased strength has made adjusting to everyday life exceedingly difficult, he has accidentally destroyed equipment, buildings, vehicles, and injured several personnel, but as he continues practice and physical therapy for fine control of his movements, accidents have become exceedingly rare.

Great at fighting, Will is well versed in Special Warfare, Weapons, and Tactics Training: combat, vehicles, languages, explosives, computer/electronic warfare, basic intel gathering.

Unfortunately he is not a people person. Psych evaluators have noted that he can be gruff and intimidating-"kinod of an asshole" as one of his former teammates have put it, Average wits and intellect, split second reaction times.

Will has been one of the US military's secret weapons for several years before the Diamond Circle and the creation of Vanguard, being forced to operate in the open is a tough change, as is leaving targets alive. but he's adjusting to semi-public life, more or less.
SUPPLEMENTAL CASEFILE #10939872345 Synthetics Testing:
With the only extant Star Heart implanted into Subject 0, the next stage of testing moved on to a synthesized StellaChrome derivative known as SynChrome.
Human trials of the synthesized hormone were approved 11/10/2029, whereby a small group of military volunteers were dosed with SynChrome, the results were as impressive as they were horrifying.
Each subject's body was enhanced to a greater or lesser degree like Subject 0, but these enhancements came with a host of secondary mutations, mental aberrations were also a significant drawback. The subjects became unstable, and unfortunately most were able to escape before they could be neutralized. They remain at large.
Later powers I would want to get, with experience/practice/as the game goes on:
Super Speed/Reflexes (Can run approx 80mph, reaction time is milliseconds)
Super Stamina/Endurance
Enhanced Senses (Only enough to operate at superhuman speeds, no bullet dodging but time seems to slow down)

Hey yo, I'm really happy for you, and I'mma let you finish, but...WINTER IS COMING.
Aziza Faster-than-Death - The Balance Shifts
Lvl 2 Halfling Druid
HP: 19/19
Armor 1/1
XP 2/9
Animal Forms: Wolf, Bear, Badger, Elk, Eagle, Hawk, Salmon, Rat, Beaver, Cricket, Spider
Sentinel - Vanguard: Comic Book Campaign
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