On the island: About the Ship & Cove

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ATSC: Morning of Day 7 on the isle...

#101 Post by Argennian »

tkrexx wrote:
"I am surprised that you would not wish to use the dagger, Emm. All of your companions have dark-sight but you. Perhaps you would like to carry my light coin when next you all go out and about then?"
The Druid nods. I have my lantern, and I now hold my own Airflame. It does not last long, but it may not need to. Still, I will not refuse the offer of your light coin. It's light is the brightest I've seen, sure to keep all sorts of undesirables away. Perhaps I can fashion a holder of sorts, from a piece of scrap wood from the Seahawk.
"Do as you will and see fit, Emm," Gentleman Billy responds. "The pouch that the coin resides in is thick and will hide the magical light when it is closed with the coin inside..."
tkrexx wrote:... When Lauranna makes her way to her bedchamber, such as it is, the Priestess continues. Gentleman Billy, might I offer Shanny the blessings of curing poison on those who she says suffer its ill effects? There is little reason not to heal those I can, and they fell in my defense, at least in part, so I do feel I owe them something. If and when the old blind Woman leads her to those in need (Or, in fact, even if she does NOT), Emm will address her directly. You knew when that storm would hit us at sea. You seem more in tune with weather patterns than I. Could you tell me what manner of weather we can expect over the next week... Or two?
Billy nods his understanding to Emm and details that Shanny and Jennynia have already seen to those that were previously poisoned. Even though there is no further need for the other crew members at present, he does suggest that it would not be a bad idea if she keep just such a spell memorized, especially when she and the others are exploring away from the ship and cove.
When the young druid asks about speaking to the blind old witch woman about the upcoming weather, the retired master thief details that she is unavailable due to preparing for the special seance where she will be able to speak with the dead. He commits to relaying the message and trying to find out for her when he can.

Emm confronts Lauranna when she returns to her nearby bunk after casting her lengthy spell, and with her new familiar! The druidess is ecstatic for what the High elf mage was able to accomplish and details that she can use her druid powers to help her train and communicate with her newly found animal companion. After some brief conversation, everyone eventually settles in to get what few hours of rest remain available.


~ The remainder of the evening progresses uneventfully on the island and it well after dawn when the call for the morning meal goes out.


OOC: alright then, folks. We'll go ahead and consider that everyone in the party wakes up and joins Gentleman Billy around the fire for tea and/or breakfast to discuss the day's desired activities! Spell casters please update your rosters, if so desired.

POP: I made some edits to the last action post to be able to accommodate the last few posts for Emm & Lauranna prior to the start of the new day.

TOD: @ 8:00am of Day 7 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 19 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 25/25 ; Emm 10/10 , Lauranna 9/9 , Ulrich 16/16 ; Griffo 24/24 ; Thalion 12/12
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – none/spear ; Caelvanna – none /bow (arrows fired: 0) ; Emm – none /spear/SC ; Lauranna - none /short sword ; Ulrich – none /mace & shieldSC ; Griffo – none/short bow/longsword (arrows fired: 0) ; Thalion – longbow/longsword (arrows fired: 0) (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location Getting up to return to the campfire on the beach: Bogdan , Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna , Ulrich ; Griffo , Thalion
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#102 Post by Alethan »

Bog wakes and stretches before making his way to breakfast. He brings some equipment with him to his morning meal and, between bites and discussions, works to make sure all of his gear is sorted properly and in good, oiled condition to ward off the rust.

After the meal, he strips off armour and equipment, walks out into the water of the bay, and marvels at his ability to move through it with ease and speed, as if he was walking on a wide, clear, well-worn path in a field.

Once he has tested out his ring and become comfortable in NOT being hindered, Bog returns to the campfire to find out what the plans are for the day. He feels refreshed and ready to move out to explore the rest of the island and see what wonders it holds.

OOC: The OOC/Questions thread is locked. Should there be a new one? Or was it locked for a reason?

Any updated information on the party XP from recent events, contents of the chest and crates we recovered, etc. would be good to have...
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#103 Post by Argennian »

Alethan wrote:OOC: The OOC/Questions thread is locked. Should there be a new one? Or was it locked for a reason?
OOC: There is a new OOC/Questions? thread that I just got up. Just obviously not before you posted.
Alethan wrote:Any updated information on the party XP from recent events, contents of the chest and crates we recovered, etc. would be good to have...
Understood and agreed. As I stated in my OOC post last week, I had planned on doing so this weekend and had put Sunday aside to get everything caught up. Then the earthquake happened and I got called into work. I'll get that stuff posted as soon as I'm able.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#104 Post by tkrexx »

Surprised at herself for sleeping so late, Emm is even more surprised to find young Sam spent the night elsewhere. She shakes the jealousy from her head and gears up. Coming above deck, she spies Bog strolling thru the surf. She watches a moment before she realizes he is putting his ring to the test. She smiles and disembarks, then finds a comfortable place on the beach for morning prayers. After she also moves to the fire area and gathers with her companions to plan for the day.

Spells updated. Would Emm notice any scrap oak aboard the ship or discarded?
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#105 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna wakes, finding herself surprisingly rested. 'was it her new familiar' she wonders. As she makes her way to the beach and breakfast, she cannot help but feel she is somehow ready to acquire additional skills.

"Good morning all." Lauranna says as she settles in for some food. "Do we have anything pressing today?" she asks.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#106 Post by Alethan »

After thinking about it for a moment, Bog replies, "I wouldn't mind getting some training in..."
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ATSC, Day 7: morning meal & debrief with Billy...

#107 Post by Argennian »

~ The morning of Day 7 arrives in the same fashion as the previous ones. Hazara's golden rays break majestically over the island and past the high cliffs that loom just east above the ship and cove. A cool northwesterly breeze flows lazily through the thick floral canopy as the island's daytime wildlife begin to stir in earnest and undertake their usual routine. A loose halo of sea fog remains stubbornly entrenched about the island just past the series of large coral reefs, although likely be decimated and dispersed by the brilliant, warming sun as she races towards her midday perch at high noon.

The party begins to stir and collect themselves as well. Regardless of their post-sleep routines with waking up, they all eventually make it off the Seahawk and back to the large fire pit at the beach HQ. Gentleman Billy sits there by himself, sipping some of Shanny's revitalizing tea. He looks tired and moves slowly. There is no sign of the blind witch or her young, able-bodied assistant. Cutler, Rip and Thomas are all busy preparing the morning meal and serving it as folks arrive. Captain Billings and most of his officers continue to droll over the dozens of charts, logs, records of daily progress and just about anything else that could be considered relevant to the ship repair situation in the open-walled command tent nearby, just as they've been doing from day one.

~ Once everyone's had a chance to eat breakfast, check and clean their gear, pray and meditate to change or regain spells, experiment with new items or even just stretch out a bit and digest, they all eventually return to join Gentleman Billy around the fire. Contemplations of the day precede questions regarding what activities are on the agenda, or potentially could be. More than a few party members declare their desire for more training and to be as ready as possible when the time for action arrives. Others say nothing, perhaps unsure or maybe hoping to get some directions or options from the elderly master thief.

Billy listens astutely, eventually finishing up his latest cup of tea before addressing the party. "I hope you all slept well, friends. I am happy to report that things remain on schedule regarding the repairs to the ship. As to what's on the day's agenda? That depends, and has not yet been determined. Forgive me if I ramble here, as I have a bit to pass on before we should confirm anything...

"I attended the night shift. It was a long evening, but certainly not one devoid of some planned events and unexpected eventualities! Thankfully, there were more boons to our research and investigative efforts. Mostly, anyways. We now have more information than before and further clarifications on at least some things...

"As you know, Master Najania and a few others of the crew have remained very busy scrutinizing and trying to identify all of the items we've found to date. They are sleeping now but were able to relay these findings to me earlier. Although Najania still hasn't been able to get into that one particular chest that had multiple protection spells woven upon it, he reports he is now down to dispelling the last layer of them. That was the chest found wrapped in the magical preservation cloth in the crate, over by those other crates at the base of the cliffs north of here. That is also where Bogdan, Caelvanna and Ulrich killed that giant boa and discovered a small crevice leading inside the cliff face...

"Anyway, we went over and retrieved the rest of those crates, as well as a few goodies that were buried in the sand. Those crates held a total of twelve urns. Within these appears to be the ashes and remains of humans, demi-humans and humanoids. Strangely enough, that large urn we recovered with the eastern sailor, after those mermen sunk his ship and attacked the Seahawk, it is also very similar in age and style but is much more intricate in its construction. It too had protection spells woven upon it, very old as well but of a different nature than the ones placed on the small chest. Perhaps there are also ashes of someone within it as well? My guess is that with Najania on the case, we'll know soon enough...

"What we do know, however, is that those urns and the ashes within are ancient in nature, and from a time before the known coming of man! What that potentially means, if true, comes into conflict with the known history of each of our races. Could Najania have it wrong? It's possible. There's also that extremely-unique cylindrical artifact, the one he suspects is part of some kind of assembly, and made from a metal-like material that no one here has ever seen. That and the other rare items you found within the coastal cave. Everything about them was strange, even the textiles and simple pottery. It didn't seem to add up or make sense. That was, until Shanny conducted her ritual...

"As I detailed yesterday, we recovered those remains in the crab den with the intention of Shanny using her tribal magics to speak with the dead. She initiated the secret seance, and called upon her ancient ancestors to get us answers from the dead. And they were able to get plenty...

"It turns out our partially consumed body was once a southern man named Rominar. He formerly served the Karagonian Navy as a sailor that went by the name Neerim. Before that he was himself a pirate from the southern continents. He was recruited by the Kings Eyes during the last days of the Great War and became an operative. He knew and was known to the leaders of the pirate confederacy that inhabit a secret base on the easternmost of the three large islands of the chain northeast of here. He had various duties and relations to maintain with those pirates, officially for the crown he seemed to believe. But it's what happened when this southerner accidentally came upon and inadvertently rescued a banished witchdoctor of the barbarian tribes indigenous to these islands...

"This old native medicine man was crazy but revealed an incredible secret about his people and the very islands themselves. He told Rominar that in the old times, back when the other races were still very young, the height of the seas and oceans was much lower. More land existed then, and in fact this very chain of islands was said to have once been a single great island back then. The old native showed Rominar a secret burial cave on one of the other small islands east of here. At the back of the cave there was a passage hidden behind a large rock in the back of the cave that lead down inside the island! It went down far, well below the surface of the seawater, and connected to other caverns and tunnels below. He claimed that some of these passages were not natural and had been constructed! Eventually, he claims to have stumbled on some kind of storage vault that had long been abandoned. He said he found scrolls and maps preserved within, that showed large sections of what appeared to be... a underground kingdom below the islands and surface of the sea! The crazy islander claimed his tribes served the ones that lived within this great kingdom in the old times. They were a race of incredible beings, much larger and stronger than the islanders were. They possessed incredible powers and special abilities, and magics that his peoples both feared and held in awe. The barbarians referred to them as the Varra-ardia-awasa or some such name...

"Anyways, poor Rominar claimed that he had a map that showed these islands as they were before, but in great detail. He claims to have deduced the meaning of a symbol shown on some of it's southern high peaks, what he believed was now this chain of southern islands, that showed where there were secret, hidden ways to this underground kingdom. He claims there is a door to this place within this very island here!

"Before he disappeared, that old witchdoctor warned Rominar that each and every tribe of these islands was sworn to protect these places and keep them secret and safe from all outsiders, for fear that the Varra-ardia-awasa would return and smite them from existence! Since our dead informant claims the main cave entrance on the other side of the island is guarded and protected by powerful magics, he was searching for a way in over here. Said he discovered a large chamber deep within the watery cave, full of old relics and artifacts. He was able to haul some of the loot out during his first visit but when he returned and went back inside again to get more, he was set upon by some kind of... small undead creature leading a horde of giant rats, which sounded familiar... He was attacked and nearly killed but was able to make his escape. He said he used a special magic device to cause the cave-in and trap them inside. When he made his way back out, he was preparing to depart with the loot and rendezvous with his ship but was surprised in his rowboat by a giant crab. That's all he remembered...

"An interesting tale, don't you think?"
the old thief opines with wide eyes and a sarcastic smile.


OOC: okay gang, I know there's still a few other things to discuss IC & OOC but wanted to make sure everyone was agreed to start training. We can do some role-playing here if you wish or you can declare your actions for the day and we can proceed with a summary if that's your choice. I'm still working on finalizing the readjusted XP/Training pms and hoping to have that done by midweek. Apols offered again for the long stall, good people, I know it's been bad of late. At least I should be seeing some relief with the work thing very soon and am looking forward to having more time to commit here.

POP: made some adjustments to a couple of the treasure thread entries to indicate items that were found with the crates or further identified; there are still other adjustments to be made once further identifications occur and I will notate that here or in the Game Announcements & Status thread

TOD: @ 8:30am of Day 7 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 19 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 25/25 ; Emm 10/10 , Lauranna 9/9 , Ulrich 16/16 ; Griffo 24/24 ; Thalion 12/12
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – none/spear ; Caelvanna – none /bow (arrows fired: 0) ; Emm – none /spear/SC ; Lauranna - none /short sword ; Ulrich – none /mace & shieldSC ; Griffo – none/short bow/longsword (arrows fired: 0) ; Thalion – longbow/longsword (arrows fired: 0) (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location Around the campfire on the beach: Bogdan , Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna , Ulrich ; Griffo , Thalion
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#108 Post by dmw71 »

Caelvanna, whom had been growing increasingly gloomy of late, perks up at the tale of the underground kingdom. While she is committed to performing the necessary training to increase her skills, locating the door to this underground kingdom, which is allegedly on this island, is clearly a high priority of hers. She doesn't speak out while in the presence of the group at large, but does plan to seek out Gentleman Billy to conduct a private discussion with him for additional details about this supposed underground kingdom, should any extra details exist.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#109 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna listens to the briefing with interest. Especially to the part of the dead body's information.

"Yes, a very interesting tale. It sounds oddly familiar. It sounds to me that we should return to that scary bitch before we leave here. But, I for one, would feel much better with a few more spells and skills under my belt before we do. And maybe some more support." The elf maiden pauses a while before continuing, even surprised at herself for daring to think about confronting her most recent fear.

"How much time do we have before the ship is repaired? Are we planning on departing immediately when repairs are complete?"

OOC: Since we are not in total control of the timeline here, I think it begs the question.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#110 Post by tkrexx »

Emm listens with extreme interest, excited to know more about the origins of the islands that for now the crew call home. She is fascinated with old Shanny's talent of speaking with the dead! Something Druids are painfully unable to perform, as tho the dead have less to offer than the living. The idea of intelligent, organized life in prehistory does not surprise her; it has been speculated in Druid and Ranger fables for ages. Proof, however, would be of some significance even outside the Nature circle, and might require a Druid for documentation of such. At least, the Elders might believe so, were the opportunity to present itself. This thought leaves Emm at a crossroads of sorts. If she were to simply report these findings, she may well be thought of as lacking for not following up and garnering all knowledge within her abilities. Yet if she does investigate further, she may find herself and her companions frightfully outgunned by a far superior, unknown enemy.

The Priestess takes particular notice of one item she is certain all others present do also: He was set upon by some kind of small undead creature leading a horde or giant rats.

Vampire, she speaks lowly, hardly thinking before. She allows her eyes to travel from Gentleman Billy around the gathering. Vampires have kinship with wolves, bats, and rats. I failed to make the connection yesterday. I thought it something less, and it may yet be.
Yes, a very interesting tale. It sounds oddly familiar. It sounds to me that we should return to that scary bitch before we leave here. But, I for one, would feel much better with a few more spells and skills under my belt before we do.
I must agree, and you all must expect this from me. It is the one thing on this isle that absolutely opposes everything natural, yet we lack the power and skills to deal with it. Bogdan spoke of training; I myself feel somehow... Unfulfilled, as if I am capable of more than I currently am. That is NOT to say, however, that training will allow me to vanquish that Demon-child. No, I feel that stepping into its lair is akin to treading into the spider's web. I do believe that if we become open to more blessings, we are better equipped to defend ourselves, should such a meeting take place.
The main cave entrance on the other side of the island is guarded and protected by powerful magics.
Could this place be the cave of the fire-breather? If so utmost care must be taken to enter there. There is much to ponder here. Gentleman Billy, might I ask that your shipbuilders be on the sly for a section of oak, white, black or pin, that is too small to be of dire consequence, but large enough to... Her eyes wander a moment. ...Make a dent.
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ATSC, Day 7: party resumes their training with crew...

#111 Post by Argennian »

~ The old retired master thief drops the high-powered intel bomb on the party. It blows up all right, completely vaporizing the previously impenetrable walls of an unknowing ignorance and exposing a questionable claim of potential evidence that almost supersedes believability...

Caelvanna quietly considers the entire debrief, her hardened visage showing no signs of emotion one way or another. Her inner thoughts and imaginations, however, streak through the morning island air like a volley of a hundred arrows! She looks around to the others gathered, meeting Griffo and Thalion's gazes in the process. The also short bow-specialized halfling archer merely harrumphs and shakes his head in disbelief, as if he either ain't buying it or can't afford it. The Wood elf fighter/thief's visage is one of both shock and confusion, as a small fawn caught in the bright beam of a bullseye lantern's light. When the Wild elf fighter again meets Gentleman Billy's eyes, he seems to recognize the look and offers her a nod of understanding.

Lauranna hears what the dead man encountered in the coastal cave, especially the part about what lies beyond the cave-in. It still chills her High elf blood to think back to that episode and just how close she came to... meeting the small undead creature. She fights off the shiver to state that she'd rather not go back and face that thing without some heavier firepower and additional reinforcements. Billy nods matter-of-factually to indicate that that would be the desired best case scenario regardless. The young magic-user/thief then asks the old master thief how long it will be before the ship is ready to sail and when it is, what's the plan.
Billy reiterates that if everything remains on schedule and nothing of the delaying nature occurs, the proposed completion date of one week's time minimum has not changed. Regarding when they're going to sail once repairs are completed, Billy offers that it will depend on whether or not Ziller and the now days-gone rescue mission returns or not.

Emm tries her best to wrap her mind around what she and the others have just been told. She considers the possibilities and contemplates whatever angles she can think of at the moment. They are many indeed, and surely more than can be assimilated all at once. She mumbles something about vampires as she thinks back to what the whimpering creature beyond the cave-in might actually be, detailing that particular form of undead as being reputed to have the power to control certain animals. Rats being one of them, of course.
The druidess then nods her head in agreement when Lauranna speaks about confronting the small, childlike undead again. She makes no qualms about her desire to see it destroyed, if and when she can. Although she is impressed and perhaps even emboldened by the High elf's bravery in that particular matter, she states that she agrees with Bog, and that they should begin training again at once. Next time they come across the island's demon-child, she wants to have advanced her current powers and capabilities, and be as ready as absolutely possible!
Billy meets her gaze when she queries him about a specific piece of wood, and reassures her that they will locate something that should fit her needs. If nothing that's been gathered on the beach from the island will work, they can search the ship for it.

The old, retired master thief considers Bogdan and Ulrich one last time to see if they have anything to offer before responding to the entire party once again. "Alright then, friends. Back to more training it is. We'll work more on not just your specialized skill sets but also continue to practice the basics as well. Cove and ship security will need to remain at a heightened level, especially knowing what we know now...

"Unless there are any further questions for me, let's get started with our day then, friends! I will confer with the other elders and see what additional tools and resources we can dig up that might be useful in the coming days. Bog, Caelvanna, Griffo and Thalion... you're with Zimba and the other warriors here. Ulrich... you'll be back with Lord Jovak for the most part, and will train with Zimba and the other warriors to hone your martial skills when not studying or praying. Lauranna... seek out Ziffiris about your Ars Magica needs and then come see me afterward. Emm... you look through the wood pile over yonder and see if you can find something that will work for you. Tamara and Sheba will continue to keep an eye on young Sam whilst you train, so do not worry about her, okay? You can go ahead and search out which kind animal companion you would like to obtain here as well, if'n you still wish to do so. Come and see me afterward, but if I'm busy or predisposed, go ahead and continue to study your master's old tome until I contact you...

"Alright then, friends. We'll have a light lunch just after midday and then get started on dinner around an hour before dusk. We'll go over any further intel then. Any questions or requests?"


OOC: ok fellers, you can go ahead and respond IC here or simply detail anything that you'd like to do or accomplish for the day other than your normal training regiment. We'll continue to move things forward by the day until something occurs, either random or timeline.

Rexx: that previously-declared avian identification reconnoiter of the cove and this side of the island reveals the following: various small songbirds & cliff swallows, a species of kestrel, two kinds of seagulls (one small, one large) and a large specie of pelican. There's also a specie of small owl at night, in addition to the Giant Owl and it's young.

TOD: @ 8:35am of Day 7 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 19 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 25/25 ; Emm 10/10 , Lauranna 9/9 , Ulrich 16/16 ; Griffo 24/24 ; Thalion 12/12
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – none/spear ; Caelvanna – none /bow (arrows fired: 0) ; Emm – none /spear/SC ; Lauranna - none /short sword ; Ulrich – none /mace & shieldSC ; Griffo – none/short bow/longsword (arrows fired: 0) ; Thalion – longbow/longsword (arrows fired: 0) (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location On the beach, prepping for day's training: Bogdan , Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna , Ulrich ; Griffo , Thalion
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#112 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna finishes up breakfast then chases down Ziffiris. "Master, we need to develop a plan for another spellbook as my first one is full."
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#113 Post by dmw71 »

Caelvanna, still highly interested in seeking out this underground kingdom, is determined to complete her necessary training as quickly as possible. As soon as her light lunch is completed, she seeks out Zimba to see about getting her training started forthwith.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#114 Post by tkrexx »

Emm nods in accordance with Gentleman Billy's instructions, trusting his judgement in this as in all matters on this voyage. She will begin rooting about in the scraps of wood until she happens on a stout chunk of oak that can be worked into a usable Shillelagh, as she intends to upgrade her weapon skills. She will be on the alert for a small seagull of sorts, fast and energetic, to act as watch and scout across land and sea. If at night she hears a screech owl's call, she will bound from place to its location, knowing full well the superior night vision of the creatures.
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ATSC, Day 7: Day 1 of new level training completed...

#115 Post by Argennian »

~ With further training agreed to and a heightened state of ship and cove security established, the party puts in a long, grueling day of work and rotating watch shifts...

Higher level weapons training and new martial exercises commence for Bogdan, Caelvanna, Griffo and Thalion. Melee and missile specialties are also addressed. Everyone gets one-on-one practice time with Zimba and their respective specialist trainers of the remaining crew. The southerner sergeant and weapons-master pushes each of the young friends hard, intent to get them as ready as he can, as quickly as he can, for whatever it is that they will be going up against.

Lauranna presses forward with her magic-user studies, more than ready to learn new spells, and to be able to carry them on her person when off in the field. Ziffiris is only eager enough to comply, and is able to produce another traveling spell book for the High elf upon her request. It has a few new spells in it that she doesn't have currently, but there is also plenty of room for more to be added. The benevolent elderly mage and former Karagonian nobleman shows her more spells of the first level of power to choose from, as well as some of the second level of power, and even offers up some special, unique ones that he's collected along the way*.

Emm dives back into her former master's coveted ancient tome when not searching for an avian animal companion** and undertaking more martial training and exercises, at Zimba's insistent request. Her growing knowledge of Aerth Mother's nature powers and the additional spells she can memorize are her focus but she must also learn to take care of herself without them, too. Regardless, she's approaching the last chapters in the magical book, and knows that once finished, she'll need to locate a more experienced druid to train and study under.

Ulrich continues his meditations and prayers and his further studies and training with general Jovak. The dwarf high priest/fighter lord remains blinded, beardless and horribly scarred from his battle with the demon, but continues to rediscover and gain back more and more of his once-unshakable faith and supreme clerical capabilities with every passing day. The more it returns to him, the more of a benefit and boon it becomes for the both of them. The young priest of Moradin is eager to master another level of divine power and be ready to tackle whatever is needed of him.

The two party thieves get time together with Gentlemen Billy when not training in their other class skill sets. The old master thief might claim to be retired but his two young pupils would likely disagree without hesitation. He shows them all sorts of neat guild tricks and subtle tactics, and monitors their progressions closely. He also plans to conduct further specialized training for the High & Sylvan elves during the night hours, both on the ship and about the cove.

~ The lengthy first day of their new training regiment comes to an end, thankfully uneventful of further developments in the drama department. Each member of the party gathers about the large fire pit for the evening meal. A tired looking Shanny is helped off the ship and out to the beach by Tamber, to join the party for dinner. Ziffiris and the elderly half-elf Jarrel also show up for some grub. Accompanying Gentleman Billy next, for what must be his first time off of the ship to everyone's knowledge, is Aramis. The young, last true crown prince of King Karagonia the First's bloodline still alive does not seem eager to be there and avoids make eye contact with anyone as he is pretty much led to a seat in the sand right next to the old master thief.

Billy looks calm enough but appears somewhat anticipative or perhaps nervous of the young prince's overall if not outwardly sullen condition. He glances over to Shanny curiously. The blind old witch nods back at him knowingly, as if proffering an affirmation of sorts. The old master thief clears his throat and addresses those gathered after lighting up his pipe and taking a few pre-dinner puffs. "Good evening then, friends! I trust that your new training is going well? If you have any requests in that regard, or need anything specific in addition, please let me know, at your convenience, and I will do my best to make it so...

"I wanted to inform you that Shanny will be conducting another special seance later tonight. This time we're hoping to garner more specific information about commander Ziller and the status of the rescue mission. All we know for sure at present is that he's still alive. Anything we may learn above and beyond that, as well as any further news, developments or information from Najania regarding the items that were found previously, I will be sure to inform you on the morrow at breakfast either way. I am also hopeful that the giant owl will return again and that mistress Emm can use her druidic powers to communicate and perhaps engage it for further information or possible future reconnoiters...

"At any rate, watch rotations have been confirmed for the night shift, so try and get as much sleep and rest as you are able, friends. To answer a previous query with an update: Shanny believes that a change in the weather is on the horizon sometime in the next couple of days, perhaps another of the late summer storms like the one we already encountered while still upon the high seas. That should not hamper progress to the repairs on the Seahawk too much. Regardless, it will hopefully not serve to complicate the good commander's current mission and status.

So then, are there any questions that any of you might have of me, friends? Any special requests? If there is anything at all that I can do to help you, or perhaps clarify any outstanding queries, I would be more than happy to do so..."


* ~ PM sent to Nuke for Lauranna!

** ~ PM sent to Rexx for Emm!

OOC: ok then, folks! Go ahead and respond here when can, even if there's nothing new to add, and we'll move things forward overnight to morning of Day 8 on the island. Your latest HP rolls from the OOC thread (for reaching your next level(s) in EXP but not yet fully trained) have been added below. If you haven't yet received your training pm, it should be forthcoming by this weekend.

POP: Please confirm HPs below as current and correct and notate your character & battle sheets when can if you haven't already. Casters: please post with any updates for changes to your spell rosters! We'll keep track of training days below; TOD updated.

Total Days of Training to new level(s): 1 day

TOD: @ 5:00pm of Day 7 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 19 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 34/34 ; Caelvanna 32/32 ; Emm 13/13 , Lauranna 16/16 , Ulrich 22/22 ; Griffo 24/24* ; Thalion 12/12* (* still need to roll HP!)
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – none/spear ; Caelvanna – none /bow (arrows fired: 0) ; Emm – none /spear/SC ; Lauranna - none /short sword ; Ulrich – none /mace & shieldSC ; Griffo – none/short bow/longsword (arrows fired: 0) ; Thalion – longbow/longsword (arrows fired: 0) (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location On the beach, end of day's training: Bogdan , Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna , Ulrich ; Griffo , Thalion
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#116 Post by dmw71 »

Caelvanna will dutifully continue her training in earnest.
Hit points and other information confirmed to be accurate.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#118 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich will do the same.

OOC: HP and spells updated.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#119 Post by Alethan »

Bogdan continues his training.

OOC: I know I've already adjusted HP, so I'll check over his character sheet and make sure THAC0 and saves and such are accurate, as well.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#120 Post by tkrexx »

Emm comes to the fire stiff and sore from intense physical training, especially the ill-fitted oak cudgel she located. Shaping WILL be required, but proper use of any new weapon is challenging none the less. She wonders quietly about her young ward, Sam, but when the Karagonian Prince joins the group, she stares unabashed. She hadn't expected to see him out and about at all. Shaking her head, she finishes her meal in silence and returns to the beach next to the Seahawk and uses the remaining daylight to work her chunk of wood, watching the seagulls weave tangled trails in the sky. After darkness falls, she will open her Master's tome and study in an intellectual manner, wondering, like Gentleman Billy, if the Great Owl will make a showing this night. Shanny's words, tho, stick at the front of her mind:

A Change in weather is coming.

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