NPC Cast

Tragic Tales
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Tragic Tales
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NPC Cast

#1 Post by Tragic Tales »

A list of non player characters of note.
Last edited by Tragic Tales on Fri May 29, 2020 7:51 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Tragic Tales
Woe is Me

DM of Treasure Hunt
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Tragic Tales
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Viledel the Sea King

#2 Post by Tragic Tales »


The Archipelago contains hundreds of islands, some enormous, some too small to see on the map.

The area, which was sparsely inhabited in times past, was settled about a hundred years ago by colonists from far to the south. They were led by a great seaman named Viledel. Viledel, never the subtlest of men, made as his base one of the westernmost of the Islands, in the area most thickly prowled by pirates and corsairs, and began his campaign of smashing piracy wherever he found it. His followers set up settlements and quickly spread further and further west, into the larger islands closer to civilized nations.

Viledel, who was known as the Sea King throughout his life, died 60 years ago when a pirate raid crushed his island defenses and overran his home. Since then, the archipelago has had no central government, but has broken into a hundred petty island nations. Most islands and cities get along quite well, knowing the advantages to be gained through peaceful trade.

Piracy has increased in the last 60 years. concentrated in the westernmost of the chain’s islands, but pirates no longer rule the seas. They prey upon the merchants like parasites instead of sharks. However, the further west you sail, the greater the risk is of running into pirate ships, and some particularly bold buccaneers sail deep into civilized eastern areas for the rich pickings there.
Last edited by Tragic Tales on Fri May 29, 2020 11:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
Tragic Tales
Woe is Me

DM of Treasure Hunt
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Tragic Tales
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Hafkris ~ Half Orc Slaver

#3 Post by Tragic Tales »


Hafkris, a brutal and cruel man, was responsible for the walking cargo aboard the Black Wave. His "tender care" inspired fear, hate and a deep desire for revenge. The ship and crew are known for their acts of piracy along the Sword Coast. They are infamously known for shipping slaves. Any ship at sea that ran afoul the Black Wave knew their fate would be that of a slave.

The Black Wave has recently been caught at sea in a severe storm. While the fate of the crew is not known for certain, it is suspected they were washed over board while attempting to sail their way out of the storm's fury. A large number of the slaves were most likely drowned and more were slain when the ship wrecked upon the shore of an unknown island. The surviving slaves hope Hafkris has drowned with the others...
Tragic Tales
Woe is Me

DM of Treasure Hunt

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