Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

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Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#1 Post by Marullus »

Session 1, Turn 1.
All PCs have the Fresh condition and no others.

Party: Durganor, Clough, Tancred, Haar, Ganna, [Grimm]

Early Autumn, Southern Edge of the Black Forest

Prince Farquad's forces made their mark in the summer campaign - the Sorcerer's Tower was sieged and taken, the Crossroads and remote villages chose to swear allegiance rather than face decimation. The Dwarf Halls prepare for winter siege and war. Outcasts of the conflicts, this unlikely band of allies found themselves united by their campfire and stewpot in the forest's eaves, moving every few days to avoid coming under scruitiny.

Last night, just before dawn, that routine was broken by the beaten and bedraggled prisoners who stumbled weeping into your campsite to fall at your feet. They escaped, emaciated and starving, covered in sores and wounds from mistreatment, to tell you their tale. No more than a mile distant along the Old Canyon Road, Farquad's men have established an outpost and shrine. It hides the truth - their brutal overpowering of the canyon's goblins, their enslavement to mine the rich copper ore, and their desicration of the ancient Pool. They hold other prisoners secretly within the palisade as well, victims of other conquests, waiting transfer to their ultimate fates. Whether moved by their mistreatment, eager to avenge a grudge on the human soldiers, desire to stop oppression, fear for your safety so close to such a threat, or curiosity of the other prisoners and shrine locations, you pack your camp and investigate...

You've travelled the forest's edge to where the Old Canyon Road bends westward. The forest lies a few hundred yards distant, sprawling its dark and forboding limbs on the far side of the canyon from which the road derives its name. A deep canyon, hundreds of feet deep with sheer cliff walls and an uncrossable gap at the top, the glimmer of a small river rushing below.
Canyon.jpg (2.25 MiB) Viewed 6309 times
The Old Canyon Road runs along the south side of the canyon, a place you've passed by without ever suspecting goblins thrived below your feet. It is changed now - a spiked wooden palisade has been raised around a cluster of buildings on the cliff's edge.
Palisade.jpg (63.08 KiB) Viewed 6309 times
A raised platform makes a kind of guardhouse at the corner, allowing protection for three Rooks -- human soldiers with Farquad's Black Tower insignia -- who keep a lackluster watch upon the road. The peaked roof of a placid shrine is visible above the protective palisade, inviting to human travellers on this desolate stretch of road.

From the goblin's tale, you know that the palisade protects a pilgrim shrine on the roadside, which justifies the soldier's presence. They tell you the shrine defiles the true place of power in the caverns below. The trail down the canyon wall leads to an spacious upper alcove in the cliffside where the humans have made their barracks and they guard the only remaining entrances to the goblin caves, which are now otherwise blockaded and turned into squalid prisons. The goblins are mistreated and forced to mine the copper ore veins in the canyon walls, filling ore buckets that are winched up and down to fulfill the human's greed...

Step 1: State your goal for this session. It should be achievable within the expected setting, before we return to town.
For example, Durganor background presents a clear goal of "I will regain my confidence in battle." Mechanically, he needs to face a fight and succeed at one Fighter test (which is enough to raise his Fighter skill back to 2, and narratively "regain his confidence.") Clough wants to aim for "coins and cleavage" - knowing the humans are smelting copper here, he might pick "I'll leave with my arms full of coins for my trouble."

Step 2: Roleplay. In this game, you engage in freeform roleplay until something happens.
  • Discuss options IC if you wish to debate your course (keep your OOC in spoilers and be IC as much as possible).
  • Stating an IC action is committing to that action. Once you do so, I'll either narrate success or present you a skill and obstacle number for you to do a roll. (If it's not an instinct, everyone else has an opportunity to participate and help.)
  • Remember to play to your beliefs (which give rewards at the end of each session), invoke your instincts whenever appropriate, and try to achieve the goal you made.
  • I expect we'll do rule discussion as we go - you guys are all learning. Put questions and thoughts in spoiler tags and I'll respond the same way. It is easy for red text to drown us in this game, so being thoughtful and aware of it will help.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#2 Post by Stirling »


Comments regarding the goblin escapees and investigating the palisade.

"Curses. Ain't one of us supposed to be on guard? Lucky for us it's only a few trembling gribble-kin and not a posse of Rookies. And lucky for you goblins that my dagger is busy peeling spuds not your scalps. Guess I'll have to peel the last of the sack while you warm yourselves by the fire."

He complains, was it his guard duty? Complacency costs. Still the story they tell us intriguing if not disturbing, (the Prince's men being so close not the press ganged miners). While he adds to the stewpot he hopes one of the others might get them talking and venture a rudimentary map of the place could drawn. Surely the goblins have a familiarity with the canyon?

The next morning at break of camp. "I'll wager the shrine will already be dedicated and devotive offerings taken for 'good harvests' and 'safe travel'. I feel a vocational call to help the pious stay humble and liberate a few of those trinkets of faith ... as well as any poor unfortunates that might be needing help of course." The rogue states a goal to take the offerings from the places of worship.

He will assist any scouting of the palisade, particularly focusing on entrances, exits and watch tower blind spots.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#3 Post by Marullus »

Stirling wrote: While he adds to the stewpot he hopes one of the others might get them talking and venture a rudimentary map of the place could drawn. Surely the goblins have a familiarity with the canyon?
Grousing aloud is a good way to share ideas without actually taking an action. ;)

If someone chooses to take an action to convince the goblins, it would be a Manipulator or Persuader test based on your roleplay. That would be your first turn and advance the Grind, but it could result in a map or other help.

Maps have concrete mechanics in this game. Making maps of areas you've been allows you to traverse them in the future with less risks/obstacles.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#4 Post by Rex »


Listening to Clough blabber away, "I think it was your watch Clough. I think maybe we should sneak in and see what is up with this shrine. If this shrine desecrates the caverns below maybe we can return the favor and desecrate the shrine?"
Ganna declare a goal of desecrating the shrine.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#5 Post by Enoch »

Cú Aislin

The slender man rises from his bed roll and fixes his gaze on the thief, his gaze unreadable behind his antlered mask.

"I'm surprised to hear you express such regard for the caves of these creatures. Tell me, Clough, what Gods do you follow? The Old Gods, who ruled these lands since Man first crawled mewling from the dark? Or these bastard upstarts that the Prince and his men bow down to?" His tone is inquisitive; the question seems sincere

He begins to calmly roll his bed roll, breaking his gaze at last and looking at everyone in the party as the camp stirs.

"Either way, 'tis a terrible and portentous thing to do as you suggest. 'Ware meddling in the affairs of the Gods. Even these Young Gods have power.

"I suggest we scout out this shrine, yes...but let us decide what to do with it when we know more of it."

He turns his head toward the goblin. "Tell me, whom is the shrine dedicated? What do you know of it?
Who worships there?"

Cú's Goal is I will to find the "true place of power" and meditate on the will of the Old Gods. Mechanically, I want to pray there and invoke the Shrine Events table. I have Sacrifice prepared.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#6 Post by rossik »


The dwarf is sitting with the group, and yet, he seems unrelated to them. He is not rude, but absent.
But not to the goblin. His eyes are fixed at the creature, as he handle his hand axe trivially. His mind seems to battle long forgotten battles, and he wakes up with the sting of a little cut on his thumb, made by his own axe.

The corner of his eyes twitch, and he instinctively sucks his thumb. As he looks to the goblin, he spits his own blood into the creature feet, each eye sharing both anger and fear, making a strange and deformed face.

What can you say us about the shrine, creature? Is it dear to you? How many and how well prepared are you kin and allies? -say the dwarf, in the goblin language
Durganor goal is to kill this goblin, but not in front of the others. He will try to lure him to go with them
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#7 Post by BillTheGalacticHero »


"I dinnae speak the goblin-tongue, so I cannae help ye. But whilst ye question yer guest, perhaps one or more of the rest a' us should reconnoiter the approaches, see if we can find a weak spot in, and more importantly, out. A proper sword would be may be more useful here than my lance, but I had no chance to grab one from my father's armoury - had to leave home in a hurry."
So two goals: Reconnoiter the area (Scout test(s)), and acquire a suitable hand-weapon.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#8 Post by Enoch »

I should note that I also do not speak Goblin; I'm speaking in the common tongue and hoping he understands me.

The druid sighs, the horns on his mask lowering as he shakes his head. "I do not speak their tongue either. I hope perhaps he speaks ours."

As he speaks, he rubs a short strip of what looks like dried skin or jerky between thumb and forefinger before tucking it back in his belt-pouch. "I could ask the gods tonight to grant me the speech of birds, but I suspect the others aren't patient enough to wait on the will of the gods.

"But I saw a flight of wrens yesterday, Tancred. I watched the patterns they wove as they flew. The gods have great and terrible plans for you."

He looks around, his gaze moving from the forest, to the palisade, and lingering on the impressive maw of the canyon. He kneels, running his hands through the thick, rough grass and pressing his palms to the earth.

"There is power here, I can feel it. It is yours to claim.

"We should sacrifice the goblin, to please the gods of earth and stone."

He looks up hopefully at his companions.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#9 Post by Marullus »

Declared Goals:
Ganna - Desecrate the human cleric's the shrine.
Cú Aislin - Find the "true place of power" and meditate on the will of the Old Gods.
Durganor - Kill this goblin, but not in front of the others.
Tancred - I must have a proper sword.
Clough - I'll leave with my arms full of coins for my trouble.
Haar - Discover what tasty morsels are left behind in the caverns below.
Grimm - Absent

I'm assuming from Clough's actions that he accepts the goal proposed. Stirling can still modify, if desired.

Durganor recast his goal of regaining his confidence to specifically take revenge on a goblin, mechanically it meets the same effect but is MUCH more flavorful!

Tancred proposed two goals, which is not okay. The first goal is "Reconnoiter the area (Scout test(s))." That goal would not be approved - your goal can't be to do a test. There has to be an objective with a reasonable reason why. Why is scouting the area around this shrine of critical importance to Tancred? That said, the second goal, "acquire a suitable hand-weapon," is reasonable and directly rooted in his IC reasoning and narrative. It also is something I will use to drive story. To that end, I'm modifying it to draw from his IC statements - his goal is for a "proper sword," not just any hand-weapon.

OOC: Now that we have an outcast warrior who should be a ruler and believes "might is not always right," and we have a druid advisor with a goal to help him reach his fate, I'm going to lean more heavily into Arthur/Merlin tropes as part of our "where legends come from" theme. :)
As they finish begging and telling of their sorry condition, the goblins are grateful just to be allowed near the fire. The whimpering pair of goblins recoil as Durganor spits his blood at them; they are accostomed to such treatment from dwarves and try to be inoffensive. The raspy breathing of the first goblin rattles in his chest. He will not last until the morning, and indeed, expires by the fire side before you break camp. The other goblin doesn't leave his side until his last breath passes. Afterwards, he tells you his name is Guhnk; he is more hale, and looks capable of surviving a bit longer.

"What can you say us about the shrine, creature? Is it dear to you? How many and how well prepared are you kin and allies?" snears the dwarf with a richtus of anger and fear.

"The shrine is of humans," the goblin stammers. "We hates it. It brings more humans and we wish them gone. It defiles the Pool, hidden in the caverns below. The pool is ancient, power for the goblin shamans for many generations. Only the worthy go there, sacred. Kublex, the shaman, was tossed from the cliff by the humans. None who sought the pool since have returned." He looks down at his emaciated form, sores and scars from malnutrition, starvation, and abuse. "We are slaves, slaves. The humans beat us. Only give scraps of food if we mine their copper. Toss our bodies to the ditch. We escaped - just us two. Now just me. I won't go back - not to the humans, not near the humans. I must flee." He looks down on the dead companion next to him, a look of true sadness and remorse.

Test #1: Convince the goblin to lead you as a guide to the sacred Pool in the caves when you intend to murder him in the darkness. Manipulator Skill, opposed by a roll from the goblin. Durgenor rolls, everyone else defines their help (Recommended help is with Manipulator or Pursuader skills.).
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#10 Post by BillTheGalacticHero »

[To the goblin, trying to emulate the voice my estranged father would use to command his lowest servants] Tell us how you escaped, little one, it may lean us towards mercy.

[Aside, quietly to my companions] I say let him go, with a sound warning to not stop running until two dawns have passed. If we kill him, are we no better than those inside yon palisade?
Last edited by Marullus on Tue Feb 04, 2020 11:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#11 Post by shroomofinsanity »

Once he got his head out of his herb bag, Haar hears talk of an underground pool cut off from the outside world, and of none returning.

We need to find this pool, who knows what rare and delicious fish may be within...I mean trying to save face when he realizes the dire tone adopted by his traveling companions We should see what kind of damage the man shrine has done to a place of true power, yeah that! Haar, convinced that he covered his bases, addresses the goblin directly:

Oh yes, little goblin man, we will be more than happy to help out. We would love to liberate your home from the invading paleskins. They have the worst taste in cuisine. Haar laughs at the joke that only makes sense to him. But you see, we must simply reach this pool of yours, for how can we possibly know how to reconsecrate such a place if we don't know what kind of damage has been done? We have a religious one right here you see, and he must follow the recipe...rituals to the letter, tell him sweet Durgo, how we must reach the depths where the untouched, unspoiled cornucopia of new exciting ingredients...ahem...sorry about that, just a slip mind you. I mean to say the untouched, unspoiled cornucopia of ancient power and potential that is the right and proper way in this land. Certainly nothing pertaining to further desecration of harvesting, that would be vile and uncouth. Haar appears satisfied with himself and and begins to ready his things for the trip ahead, muttering something about Just right under his breath.
I have also chosen a goal, and I can't wait to see what fresh or not so fresh ingredients dwell in and around a sacred pool, and await our druid friend to chide me about it endlessly
Oh and uh, Mr. bone face man, after one sacrifices someone to the Gods, whether old or new...what happens to carcass after? I am rather about using every part of the...meat Haar makes sure that his hammer is freshly polished and ready to do its magic.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#12 Post by Rex »


"Little one, perhaps we can help each other? I can look over your wounds and see if I can help you to feel a bit better and my friend here has some good strong stew for you so you will be able to heal up nice and strong and in exchange perhaps you could lead us back to the shrine and show us around a bit, then you can run away. This way everyone benifits and maybe we can do something about the nasty men there."
Subterfuge is always the best approach. Healing 4
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#13 Post by Enoch »

Cú Aislin
If the intent is simply to convince the goblin to guide us to the pool (or as close to it as he is willing/able to go), I'm happy to help. I will use Lore Master with the intent of convincing him I'm knowledgable in the matter of such a pool of spiritual significance.

I had considered using a Wise, which would have allowed me to provide the same +1D but insulated me from the consequences of failure. However, my wise is Omen-wise, and the rules specifically say they can't be used to introduce facts. Without an omen already established by the GM or by player actions, I would be reaching to say "I saw an omen about the pool".
As Ganna speaks with the goblin, Cú confers with the others. He stands near Haar, his lanky frame looming somewhat over his diminutive companion. For a moment he does not speak; when he does, it is with a tone of doubt.

"The Gods will not mind if you take fish or game from the pool, so long as you are careful to maintain the balance. Nothing must be hunted to oblivion, and we must not despoil the lands, as the Prince's men have done here. Such actions anger the gods, and they withdraw from us. Great is their wrath!" He is clearly sincere in his passion, but his boyish voice perhaps fails to convey the terror and awe of the wrath of gods.

"As for the sacrifices, what care the gods for what is done with the carcass? It is the ceremony and intent that matters. Eat the goblin, if you like. Perhaps I will take his eye. It would be useful to invoke the wrath of Morrigan." He shrugs and turns toward the dwarf.

Cú walks up to Durganor and the goblin and stands awkwardly by them for several moments before clearing his throat. "Durganor? Could you tell him that I am a shaman of my people? I know of the powers of the deep places, of stone and pool, and if he'll guide us there we can restore it for his people.

"It's a shame we may have to sacrifice him in order to do so, but the gods can be cruel. Ah...don't tell him that part."
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#14 Post by rossik »


The dwarf listen to his comrades, taking a deep breath. Clenching his fists, he gets closer to the goblin, projecting a wide shadow over the creature

"The bone face is a shaman of his people. He can restore your shrine back to you, creature, but you have to guide us through danger, spears and swords. Whats your choice? To die here, or trying to be useful to your gods?"
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#15 Post by Marullus »

[1d6] = 2[1d6] = 3[1d6] = 3
[1d6] = 2[1d6] = 3[1d6] = 3[1d6] = 4

I am vetoing the help from Tancred; I want to set a higher bar for non-traditional help here at the start. I am okay with Ganna helping by healing the goblin and Cu Aislin helping with Loremaster by convincing the goblin he has the knowledge of a worthy shaman.

Goblin Manipulator [1d6] = 6[1d6] = 1[1d6] = 3[1d6] = 2

It is a TIE!
Breaking Ties
If a versus test is tied, there are many ways to break it:
Use gear that grants +1s to your result
Use a trait to break a tie in your opponent’s favor
Spend a fate point if you rolled sixes
Spend a fate point for Deeper Understanding if you
have an applicable wise
Spend a persona point to activate the Of Course!
aspect of an applicable wise
Make a tiebreaker roll
You can use Foolhardy or Jaded to let him win (and you get 2 Checks) or you can spend your Fate or Persona points with your Goblin-Wise to win ( I will let others explain that). Or you roll again to break the tie, this time Will + Fresh 3+1=4D), no help dice.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#16 Post by rossik »

"Its not like you have much of a choice, creature. You will die anyway, but you can die good or die horribly" continue a very nervous dwarf. He suspects the goblin can read his eyes, and sense his fear of the creature

Yeah, i tried my luck again, and AGAIN i failed. [1d6] = 1[1d6] = 2[1d6] = 1[1d6] = 3
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#17 Post by shroomofinsanity »

Curses that I can't speak the language of these cave dwellers, I would sweeten the pot mighty much. Hmm...maybe I can prep a meal from our rations to warm his belly and up his courage. Haar wonders out loud to his compatriots. He starts digging in his bags for ingredients to come up with something quick and effective.

I am willing to use some of my rations in a cooking test if need be if this all goes twisty in the wrong direction.

Looking up at the young green priest:I appreciate your blessings, both for tasting the wonders of the Old Place, and us prepping this fresh, already tenderized meat into some trail treats down the road. I think we will get along rather well, better than I thought possible mister.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#18 Post by Marullus »

Okay, Durganor chose to roll a tiebreaker test. (We'll still explain traits, checks, and wises in the OOC thread.)

Goblin Manipulator Retest [1d6] = 2[1d6] = 4[1d6] = 5[1d6] = 4
That's 0 successes for Durganor and 3 successes for the goblin on the retest.

Adjudication: Success with a Condition.

Tancred and Grimm didn't participate and Clough is insulated by his Instinct, so they all don't take a condition and remain Fresh. Clough didn't post to justify his help, so he doesn't get an advancement on his skill at this time (his die still counted as assumed help).

The others all lose their Fresh condition and make the adjustments below on their sheets.
  • Durgenor: take Afraid condition. Mark 1 failed test for advancement for his Manipulator skill. Afraid (Ob 3 Will): Can't help or use Beginner's Luck
  • Cu Aislin: take Hungry/Thirsty condition. Mark 1 failed test for advancement for his Loremaster skill. Hungry and Thirsty: -1 to disposition to any conflict
  • Haar Flaxfarben: take Hungry/Thirsty condition. Mark 1 failed test for advancement for his Manipulator skill. Hungry and Thirsty: -1 to disposition to any conflict
  • Ganna: take Hungry/Thirsty condition. Mark 1 failed test for advancement for her Healer skill. Hungry and Thirsty: -1 to disposition to any conflict

Rules note: Failed tests are good! To advance your skill, you need to pass a number of tests equal to the current rating and fail a number of tests equal to the rating -1. So, you are consoled by knowing that this failure is crucial to you advancing along your way...
The goblin is comforted by the campfire's warmth and grateful for Ganna's ministration to his wounds. He considers carefully, looking at Cu Aislin's shamanistic appearance and listening to Durgenor's words, carefully watching the expressions of the others as they all speak around him. A goblin is no stranger to duplicitous treachery, but with a final long look at his dead companion and the seven of you around him, he agrees. "I am useful, useful. I wish to not die here," he responds to Durganor's question, then looks at the faint glow of the before-dawn light. "No humans, though, I won't go near humans. We must sneak now. Before they change guards."

Reliant on the goblin as a guide, the group begrudgingly acquiesces and packs up camp, having to skip their normally-robust cooked breakfast. Hungry/Thirsty condition for the helpers, you may drink your waterskins or eat rations from your packs as free actions if you wish to alleviate it. Durganor watches the goblin as they go, realizing the goblin is also in turn always watching him. The sly smile on the small creature's lips, he's sure he saw it, triggers his past memories, painful trauma from his past goblin encounters at the gates of the Dwarfhome. Deep inside, the memories leave the dwarf shaken. Afraid condition for Durganor.

Session 1, Turn 2. (Three tests until the Grind.)

Durganor, Clough, Tancred, Haar, Ganna, Cú Aislin, [Grimm]

Early Autumn, Overlooking the Palisade

You stand along the road in the pre-dawn, looking at the sleepy, disinterested guards in the platform/tower at the corner of the palisade. "The Shrine is past the humans, in the gate, only humans pass safely," points out Guhnk, his tone making clear he is merely passing along information with no intention of going that way. "To reach the Pool, we must go down the canyon to its bottom. Upstream to where it emerges from its mouth. Into the limestone caverns within, and by secret trails to the great pool. The pool lies beneath the shrine. We can climb, climb down the canyon, over here without humans knowing. Now, before they wake and begin the goblin mine shifts." He points as he talks, whispering.

Decide your next move - to the shrine first or to the pool first? Does anyone stay behind? (If so, they're not in the scene but still affected by the same Grind.)
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#19 Post by BillTheGalacticHero »


I'm not ready to face the guards right now, I think we should try the hidden way in.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Righteous Go Free

#20 Post by Rex »


"I don't think we were discussing facing any guards, sneaking in is our best bet for sure."

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