EVENT: The Fall Festival

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Re: EVENT: The Fall Festival

#61 Post by hedgeknight »

Casper White, having watched several contests, and heard enough stomach-churning tales to do him for a season, makes his way through the tent city. He asks about the tent of one, Foxy O'Hare...and upon finding it, he strides up to the pitched structure, noting the pennants flying from the poles, and asks the guard on duty, "Is Ms. O'Hare available for company? I had...well, I'm told she has some questions for me."
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Re: EVENT: The Fall Festival

#62 Post by Stirling »

Tocen greets Casper the cleric of Gwanwen.

He points further to a jousting field and a plated warrior spurring a warhorse into the gallops and targets a row of scarecrow dummies for her lance plays. The fat green goblin and the red robed effigies are dealt with aplomb. It seems though she favours hitting one particular scarecrow, dressed in fake Baudhic mail and sporting a large square cut beard. Quite a handsome scarecrow, albeit it's smiling head is skewered by a javelin or two.

"It must be something in the wine or the water that makes her so pent up furious!" he says and then as Foxy O'Hare canters over he helps her dismount and takes her shield and lance.

"Thirsty work, killing fiends and infidels!" she says, taking a wine bottle and glugging some down. Introduced to the waiting cleric she waves a hand for him to be seated inside her tent and sends the Sgt-at Arms off to get some "more wine or water, whichever our guest prefers." She snaps off the buckles of her breastplate and the four lame skirt, cursing as she does so, "Getting fat, and lazy sitting atop horses and other things. Will have to get the smithy to fashion a fifth plate to stretch over this fillies rump. At least Galavan my warhorse gets a good workout every day."

With a deep sigh she wipes her sweating brow and sits on the cushions, leaving the chair for her guest. "My greetings to you Casper. You are quite a sage if I recall correctly, able to identify some of the recovered relics from the towers and mills. The swords, crossbows, orbs and the like. I fear that we might have need of your knowledge for Gaul passes through some perilous times and not all are prepared. How are your studies in the halls of Idmi?"
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Re: EVENT: The Fall Festival

#63 Post by Karaunios »

Anforthas goes to where the Fall Festival is taking place, to watch the contests, in which he can't take part in, since he's no cleric, and look for more volunteer to join him in the search of the wolfwere.

Anyone who repairs on his presence will see a swarthy middle-aged warrior, wearing a scale-mail, shield and a longsword hanging on his left side. He goes asking around to the warrior types if they're interested in going on an expedition in order to find an slay a foul wolfwere who's said to be responsible of killing a dozen knights. He'll introduce himself as Lord Bremen's squire.

Maybe he'll stumble upon Tocen and Casper in his search.
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Re: EVENT: The Fall Festival

#64 Post by hedgeknight »

Stirling wrote:"My greetings to you Casper. You are quite a sage if I recall correctly, able to identify some of the recovered relics from the towers and mills. The swords, crossbows, orbs and the like. I fear that we might have need of your knowledge for Gaul passes through some perilous times and not all are prepared. How are your studies in the halls of Idmi?"

Casper bows his head slightly. "Greetings to you as well, lady O'Hare. The good dwarves of the Blackhelm tribe have been quite gracious during my stay. After my research into their own relics, they allowed me to establish a small shrine to Gwanwen there; I am humbled to say there have been a few of the longbeards come for blessings and such...mostly in secret of course, but nonetheless."

He smiles and looks around the tent, and then finally sits down. "Word reached me that you have inquired about me. How can I help you?"
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Re: EVENT: The Fall Festival

#65 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

"I am glad that you are able to secure the favour of the Blackhelm's, my own experience with them was less than gracious. They prosper in the silver mines once more I understand and grow stronger. It might be Gaul has need to call upon such for other forces also stir to reclaim lost heritages." She nods to Tocen who leaves the tent after serving them drinks.

"You mentioned before 'There are three items of power taken from that siege that must be accounted for'. I understand that this 'wolf-were', which slew Bremens' knights seeks the Orb of Endless Suffering. The Duke refused it to stay in the city and I believe a quest was undertook to place it in secure quarantine. There is little news of this expedition?" she asks before going further, "The Soul-Tomes, of the Dreadlord and Thanul. They have yet to be destroyed. There lingering presence is a magnet for the infernal forces of chaos to muster. They corrupt the natural environment around them and I suspect the natures of those who carry them."

Foxy opens a map, showing a portion of the explored territory west of Gaul. "I journeyed west here, scouting beyond the city of Zhint and came unto an abyss, necrotic decay radiated from it as ripple of a stone in a pool. The rot and death grows as more fiends emerge seeking these relics as an arcane focus. The red robed mages of Monoc are in league with diabolical elements to tap into the power and knowledge these relics retain. The Duke of Gaul sits enthroned in ignorance as world events unfurl before us. The spirits of Thanul and Zhint rise from their crypts seeking what belongs to them. My question Casper is not how you can help me but how can I help you?"
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Re: EVENT: The Fall Festival

#66 Post by hedgeknight »

Casper sighs and rubs his face with his hands. He sighs again and says, "Not just the three items of power, but also the sword Gaahk Harzuul > it's bearer, unless it has changed hands, is a person named Baxtaw. Do we know of his whereabouts?

"Plus, there are weapons and such which may help us in our quest. Have you heard of a man named Corbin? And one simply called Silent?"

He watches Foxy's reaction closely as he names these people. And then he continues.
"I still have one of the tomes...and even though I do not approve of destroying books, regardless of their intent, it could fall into the wrong hands and it is highly chaotic. These items draw chaos to them. I fear...this wolf creature...may in truth be some type of infernal creature drawn to the Orb. Those who carry it are in grave danger."
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Re: EVENT: The Fall Festival

#67 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

"The latter two seem to spend much of their time in the taverns of Gaul. Adventurers living in retirement, I have tried to reach out to them before but got nothing but silence. As for the mage elf, he is present at this Festival. He seems to second for Bremen, Lord and Commander of this tower of pilgrimage and licentiousness. I believe he has influence both here and in Gaul for the Duke assists him in building a new tower of arcane pursuance over the former demon portals. It is a significant trust in one who is tainted by infernal influences. I have proved of stronger will and character, surviving dragon fire, the demons desires and the defamation of my character." Foxy dons her helm and ever the one for the theatrical, draws her scimitar which she ignites, gingery orange flame skipping in dancing tongues along the blade. (of course she also neglects to mention that she was totally befuddled by the dragon Scatha, being reduced to a babbling dunce and has thrice been brought back from near death by valiant comrades)

"I fear too I may be a creature of chaos, most women are. Still Casper, priest of Gwanwen, we have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this. Dangers greater than the wolf are already here. You should destroy the book before it destroys you."
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Re: EVENT: The Fall Festival

#68 Post by hedgeknight »

"Then help me destroy it. I fear casting it in a pyre or torching it with your flaming blade will not suffice. Know of a volcano nearby?" Casper smiles and stands up and then a thought crosses his mind.
"Or perhaps a ritual spell will destroy it...hmmm."
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Re: EVENT: The Fall Festival

#69 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

"I cast no spells, only shadows. You are right. These tongues may not consume to ashes the scripted taint of evil. I have heard of the great forge fires that are rooted in The Pinnacle but have not seen them for myself. But your own soul may be tainted by it's infernal influence. How do you deal with that? Spill blood in propitiational sacrifice? Will Gwanwen remove any curse? While you have the book you are being hunted as Baxtaw may be also unbeknown. My own travails cause me to seek westwards though I am halted in my plans. But the Abyss there has spawned evil and this Wolfwere spoke to me of 'a Greater One'. Gaul sleeps will evil awakes, we should focus energy on understanding the times we are in. Accompany me when the festival closes to Willem the Sage, maybe his wisdom will speak what actions we can do."
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Re: EVENT: The Fall Festival

#70 Post by hedgeknight »

"I will gladly accompany you to the sage. As for Gwanwen, I am not worried about the taint of the tome. If need comes, I will shed my own blood to rid my soul of its scourge. As we say, 'Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin.'"
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Re: EVENT: The Fall Festival

#71 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

"Thank you Casper. I think that may be a wise choice for us. If I have more thoughts or questions on the subject I presume you stay in the tavern? And discretion above all, I trust few in this place." She looks in the corner of the tent and to the pile of empty red wine bottles. "It seems my cistern has run dry. Gwanwen doesn't turn water into wine by any chance? No matter, the jousts begin tomorrow and I should remain clear headed. After the Festival then."
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Re: EVENT: The Fall Festival

#72 Post by Spearmint »

Idriss Giftbearer

The Templar mage visits the Fall Festival paying the subscription for armed escorts to and from Gaul. He enjoys the festivities, a welcome break from dungeoneering and spell research. (Conducting in a bunker under the Infirmary since a previous spell mishap blitzed the library).

Well his fingers itching for new things ( or burning actually from a few test Fireballs in the countryside). He watches the dire escapology of young halfling Fairfax "hmm ... he reminds me of ME! ..." he thinks quizzically. The stories titillate (as do the bawdy barstaff).

He finds the tent of Foxy familiar from the tribute field though this time she has another acting as squire. Tocen is approached and he asks to see Ms O'Hare, "I come bearing a welcome gift."

Shown inside (I presume), he will partake of red wine also if any remains and share more of the Demon Hole story with her. He offers over her favoured shortbow.

"I was glad to be of service. Perhaps if needed I can call on you to return a favour."

In a show of support he wagers a few gold on Ablesworth trouncing all in the Priest Pommelling undercard to the main jousting event. One for Eruanna!

After the Festival he returns to Gaul and gives his time to service in the Infirmary and the upcoming wizard guild.
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Re: EVENT: The Fall Festival

#73 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

Joyfully reunited with her bow she dropped during the zombie encounter in the meat room. She will take a few practise shots and restring it. "Shame I couldn't have used it to do better in the archery. I got close to my bulls eye. I made him whince for sure," she says of deliberately shooting at Dirk's feet."Do they still sing of the Flame of the North? I have more inscribed arrows should I need to send a message." Her only disappointment with the bow is that she has yet to will it to fire actual flaming arrows. "I bent the scimitar to my will and I will bend or break you also!" she says, stroking carved woodwork.

"A favour in return. Sure, anything in mind or just whenever you need me?" She takes an arrow from her quiver and passes it over to the mage, "Light this one and fire it in the sky. I will see it from far off and come to your rescue, wherever, whenever." (Idriss may doubt the arrow carries any such enchantment, despite Foxy's good intentions).
Maybe he'll stumble upon Tocen and Casper in his search.
Outside the tent she spies Anforthas lurking about (listening in?)

"Squire, tell your lordling that Miss Fochelle will arrive shortly and if you spy Dirk or can drag him out of the gutter or brothel, tell him to joust me on the field. I will sport with him before my return to Gaul.

Later Foxy goes to the White Tower (see dining hall thread).

After the Festival Foxy returns to Gaul.
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Re: EVENT: The Fall Festival

#74 Post by hedgeknight »

Baldorar wrote:Anforthas goes to where the Fall Festival is taking place, to watch the contests, in which he can't take part in, since he's no cleric, and look for more volunteer to join him in the search of the wolfwere.
Anyone who repairs on his presence will see a swarthy middle-aged warrior, wearing a scale-mail, shield and a longsword hanging on his left side. He goes asking around to the warrior types if they're interested in going on an expedition in order to find an slay a foul wolfwere who's said to be responsible of killing a dozen knights. He'll introduce himself as Lord Bremen's squire.
Maybe he'll stumble upon Tocen and Casper in his search.

After leaving Foxy's tent, Casper notes a warrior wandering through the festival field. The man appears to be searching for someone. Casper can't help but overhear his introduction and about his upcoming expedition.
Catching up with him, Casper walks alongside and says, "Good sir, a moment if I may. I overheard you talking about an expedition to slay a wolfwere and I am quite interested in accompanying you. I am Casper White, servant of Gwanwen. Pray tell, when are you planning to embark on this quest?"

This is a pretty good description of Casper...although he currently is not offering blood sacrifice to Gwanwen, but...all in due time. ;)
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Re: EVENT: The Fall Festival

#75 Post by Marullus »

Since two more expeditions returned and were technically able to participate here, I'm going to leave this open and *bump* it. Take a final chance to roleplay with each other here freely. People who just returned from expeditions and those who recently departed are all here together, so feel free to enjoy that before I shut the thread down. :)
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Re: EVENT: The Fall Festival

#76 Post by onlyme »

Markd walks around, disgusted, at what the fool Bremen has done with the place. He makes sure not to find himself alone where some of the evil henchmen can jump him.

He tied to carry on conversations with the more adventurous folks, looking for interest in helping to repopulate the newly investigated city.
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Re: EVENT: The Fall Festival

#77 Post by Spearmint »


Meets with the Baudh warrior Mark'd. He is surprised to see him at the festival with it being held in his nemesis quarters.

He asks about his recent adventures and considers an invitation to join a group returning to explore the Keep.
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Re: EVENT: The Fall Festival

#78 Post by onlyme »

Markd answers best he can, cynical of someone actually wanting conversation with him for productive purposes.

We finally made it into the town, and it certainly looks promising. However, we found we need more magic from our side to counter the embedded evil stuff still intact. If you are willing, we could certainly use a good man. He goes into details about the gargoyles and reclaimed keep.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
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Re: EVENT: The Fall Festival

#79 Post by onlyme »

Markd is seen riding off Owen through some of the oddest patches of land near the tower. He continues the training necessary should Owen ever be put to the test of a true warhorse. Occasionally, on firmer roads he will dismount for a friendly race back to the village.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
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Re: EVENT: The Fall Festival

#80 Post by Bluehorse »


She had been awake since predawn. Her own prayers, chants, and meditations done, she walked out to the festival grounds just as the first orange rays of light touched the graying sky. She would watch as the festival began to take shape and quietly watched the parade and listened to the speakers. She was unsure what she would see here today, but hearing there would be a storytelling competition, she found herself interested and sought out information on where to sign up. While she was at it she looked for somewhere that she could have the sacks of spoils she still had, thinking perhaps someone would appraise it for a percentage or something.

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